H3C S3600 Command Manual-Release 1602(V1.02)

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28-Mirroring Command
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Mirroring Commands

display mirror


display mirror


Any view




Use the display mirror command to display the port mirroring configurations.

Related commands: mirroring-port, monitor-port.


This command is available only on the S3600-SI series Ethernet switches.



# Display the port mirroring settings on your S3600-SI series Ethernet switch.

<Sysname> display mirror




   Ethernet1/0/2              both

Table 1-1 Description on the fields of the display mirror command




Destination port in port mirroring


Source port in port mirroring


The direction of the mirrored packets, which can be one of the following:

l      both: means packets received on and sent from the source port are mirrored.

l      inbound: means packets received on the source port are mirrored.

l      outbound means packets sent from the source port are mirrored.


display mirroring-group


display mirroring-group { group-id | all | local | remote-destination | remote-source }


Any view


group-id: Specifies the mirroring group of which the configurations are to be displayed. The argument takes a value in the range of 1 to 20.

all: Specifies to display the parameter settings of all mirroring groups.

local: Specifies to display the parameter settings of local port mirroring groups.

remote-destination: Specifies to display the parameter settings of the destination groups for remote mirroring.

remote-source: Specifies to display the parameter settings of the source groups for remote mirroring.


Use the display mirroring-group command to display port mirroring configurations.

Related commands: mirroring-group mirroring-port, mirroring-group monitor-port.


This command is available only on the S3600-EI series Ethernet switches.



# Display the configurations of a local mirroring group on your S3600-EI series Ethernet switch.

<Sysname> display mirroring-group 1

mirroring-group 1:

    type: local

    status: active

    mirroring port:

        Ethernet1/0/1  both

    monitor port: Ethernet1/0/4

# Display the configurations of a remote source mirroring group on your S3600-EI series Ethernet switch.

<Sysname> display mirroring-group 2

mirroring-group 2:

    type: remote-source

    status: active

    mirroring port:

        Ethernet1/0/1  inbound

    reflector port: Ethernet1/0/2

    remote-probe vlan: 10

# Display the configurations of a remote destination mirroring group on your S3600-EI series Ethernet switch.

<Sysname> display mirroring-group 3

mirroring-group 3:

    type: remote-destination

    status: active

    monitor port: Ethernet1/0/3

    remote-probe vlan: 20

Table 1-2 Description on the fields of the display mirroring-group command




Port mirroring group number.


Port mirroring group type, which can be local, remote-source, or remote-destination.


Status of the port mirroring group, which can be active or inactive.

mirroring port

Source port in port mirroring. This field is available only for local mirroring groups or remote source mirroring groups.


The direction of the mirrored packets, which can be one of the following:

l      both: means packets received on and sent from the mirroring port are mirrored.

l      Inbound: means packets received on the mirroring port are mirrored.

l      outbound: means packets sent from the mirroring port are mirrored.

monitor port

Destination port. This field is available only for local mirroring groups and remote destination mirroring groups.

reflector port

Reflector port. This field is available only for remote source mirroring groups.

remote-probe vlan

Remote probe VLAN. This field is available only for remote source/destination mirroring groups.




mirroring-group group-id { local | remote-destination | remote-source }

undo mirroring-group { group-id | all | local | remote-destination | remote-source }


System view


group-id: Number of a port mirroring group, in the range 1 to 20.

all: Specifies to remove all mirroring groups.

local: Specifies the mirroring group as a local port mirroring group.

remote-destination: Specifies the mirroring group as the destination mirroring group for remote port mirroring.

remote-source: Specifies the mirroring group as the source mirroring group for remote port mirroring.


Use the mirroring-group command to create a port mirroring group.

Use the undo mirroring-group command to remove a port mirroring group.

The mirroring group you created can take effect only after you configure other parameters for it.

Note that, an S3600-EI series Ethernet switch supports configuring only one destination port in local port mirroring or one reflector port in remote port mirroring. That is, on an S3600-EI switch, there can be only one effective local mirroring group or one effective remote source mirroring group. The two mirroring groups cannot coexist.

Related commands: display mirroring-group.


This command is available only on S3600-EI series Ethernet switches.



# Create a port mirroring group on the local switch.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 local

mirroring-group mirroring-port


mirroring-group group-id mirroring-port mirroring-port-list { both | inbound | outbound }

undo mirroring-group group-id mirroring-port mirroring-port-list


System view, Ethernet port view


group-id: Number of a port mirroring group, in the range 1 to 20.

mirroring-port mirroring-port-list: Specifies a list of source ports. mirroring-port-list is available in system view only, and there is no such argument in Ethernet port view. mirroring-port-list is provided in the format of mirroring-port-list = { interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type interface-number ] }&<1-8>, where interface-type is the port type, and interface-number is the port number, and &<1-8> means that you can specify up to 8 ports or port lists.

both: Specifies to mirror the packets received on and sent from the source mirroring port.

inbound: Specifies to mirror the packets received on the source mirroring port.

outbound: Specifies to mirror the packets sent from the source  mirroring port.


Use the mirroring-group mirroring-port command to configure the source ports for a local mirroring group or a remote source mirroring group.

Use the undo mirroring-group mirroring-port command to remove the source ports of a local mirroring group or a remote source mirroring group.

Note that:

l          You cannot configure a member port of an existing mirroring group or a fabric port as a source port for port mirroring.

l          Before configuring a mirroring source port, make sure that the corresponding mirroring group has already been created.

l          A copy of each packet passing through a source port will be sent to the corresponding destination port.

Related commands: display mirroring-group.


This command is only available for S3600-EI series Ethernet switches.



# Configure Ethernet 1/0/1 as the source port of local mirroring group 1, and mirror all packets received on this port.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 local

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port Ethernet 1/0/1 inbound

mirroring-group monitor-port


mirroring-group group-id monitor-port monitor-port

undo mirroring-group group-id monitor-port monitor-port


System view, Ethernet port view


group-id: Number of a port mirroring group, in the range 1 to 20.

monitor-port monitor-port: Specifies the destination port for port mirroring. monitor-port is available in system view only, and there is no such argument in Ethernet port view.


Use the mirroring-group monitor-port command to configure the destination port for a local mirroring group or a remote destination mirroring group.

Use the undo mirroring-group monitor-port to remove the destination port of a local mirroring group or a remote destination mirroring group.

Note that:

l          You cannot configure a member port of an existing mirroring group, a member port of an aggregation group, a fabric port or a port enabled with LACP or STP as the destination port.

l          Before configuring a destination port for a local mirroring group, make sure that the corresponding mirroring group has already been created.

l          It is recommended that you use a destination port for port mirroring purpose only. Do not use a destination port to transmit other service packets.

Related commands: display mirroring-group.


This command is only available for S3600-EI series Ethernet switches.



# Configure Ethernet 1/0/4 as the destination port of local mirroring group 1.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 local

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 monitor-port Ethernet 1/0/4

mirroring-group reflector-port


mirroring-group group-id reflector-port reflector-port

undo mirroring-group group-id reflector-port reflector-port


System view, Ethernet port view


group-id: Number of a port mirroring group, in the range 1 to 20.

reflector-port reflector-port: Specifies the reflector port. reflector-port is available in system view only, and there is no such argument in Ethernet port view.


Use the mirroring-group reflector-port command to specify the reflector port for a remote source mirroring group.

Use the undo mirroring-group reflector-port command to remove the reflector port of a remote source mirroring group.

Note the following when you configure the reflector port:

l          The reflector port cannot be a member port of an existing mirroring group, a fabric port, a member port of an aggregation group, or a port enabled with LACP or STP. It must be an access port and cannot be configured with functions like VLAN-VPN, port loopback detection, packet filtering, QoS, port security, and so on.

l          When a port is configured as a reflector port, the switch configures its link state as up, duplex mode as full, and port rate as the maximum rate supported on the port. You cannot modify the duplex mode, port rate, and MDI attribute of a reflector port.

l          It is recommended that you use a reflector port for port mirroring purpose only.


This command is only available for S3600-EI series Ethernet switches.



# Configure Ethernet 1/0/2 as the reflector port of remote source mirroring group 1.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 remote-source

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 reflector-port Ethernet 1/0/2

mirroring-group remote-probe vlan


mirroring-group group-id remote-probe vlan remote-probe-vlan-id

undo mirroring-group group-id remote-probe vlan remote-probe-vlan-id


System view


group-id: Number of a port mirroring group, in the range 1 to 20.

remote-probe vlan remote-probe-vlan-id: Specifies the remote-probe VLAN for the mirroring group.


Use the mirroring-group remote-probe vlan command to specify the remote-probe VLAN for a remote source/destination mirroring group.

Use the undo mirroring-group remote-probe vlan command to remove the configuration of remote-probe VLAN for a remote source/destination mirroring group.

Note that, before configuring a VLAN as the remote-probe VLAN for a remote source/destination mirroring group, you need to use the remote-probe vlan enable command to configure the VLAN as a remote-probe VLAN first.

Related commands: display mirroring-group, remote-probe vlan enable.


This command is only available for S3600-EI series Ethernet switches.



# Configure VLAN 100 as the remote-probe VLAN of remote source mirroring group 1.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] vlan 100

[Sysname-vlan100] remote-probe vlan enable

[Sysname-vlan100] quit

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 remote-source

[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 remote-probe vlan 100



mirroring-port { both | inbound | outbound }

undo mirroring-port


Ethernet port view


both: Specifies to mirror all packets received on and sent from the port.

inbound: Specifies to mirror the packets received on the port.

outbound: Specifies to mirror the packets sent from the port.


Use the mirroring-port command to configure the source port in Ethernet port view.

Use the undo mirroring-port command to remove the configuration of the source port in Ethernet port view.

Note that:

l          You cannot configure a member port of an existing mirroring group or a fabric port as a source port for port mirroring.

l          A copy of each packet passing through a source port will be sent to the corresponding destination port.

Related commands: display mirroring-group, display mirror.


l          When you configure mirroring source port on an Ethernet port of an S3600-EI series Ethernet switch, if mirroring group 1 does not exist, the switch will automatically create local mirroring group 1 and add the source port to the group; if mirroring group 1 already exists, but is not a local mirroring group, your configuration of the source port will fail.

l          When you configure mirroring source port on an Ethernet port of an S3600-SI series Ethernet switch, you can configure multiple source ports by executing the mirroring-port command on different ports.



# In Ethernet port view, configure Ethernet 1/0/1 as the source port, and mirror all packets received on and sent from this port.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/0/1

[Sysname-Ethernet1/0/1] mirroring-port both




undo monitor-port


Ethernet port view




Use the monitor-port command to configure the destination port in Ethernet port view.

Use the undo monitor-port command to remove the configuration of the destination port in Ethernet port view.

Note that:

l          You cannot configure a member port of an aggregation group, a fabric port, a member port of an aggregation group, or a port enabled with LACP and STP as the mirroring destination port.

l          It is recommended that you use a destination port for port mirroring purpose only. Do not use a destination port to transmit other service packets.

Related commands: display mirroring-group, display mirror.


l          When you configure mirroring destination port on an Ethernet port of an S3600-EI series Ethernet switch, if mirroring group 1 does not exist, the switch will automatically create local mirroring group 1 and add the destination port to the group; if mirroring group 1 already exists, but is not a local mirroring group, your configuration of the destination port will fail.

l          When you configure mirroring destination port on an Ethernet port of an S3600-SI series Ethernet switch, if you execute the monitor-port command on different ports, the last configuration takes effect.



# Configure Ethernet 1/0/4 as a destination port in Ethernet port view.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/0/4

[Sysname-Ethernet1/0/4] monitor-port

remote-probe vlan enable


remote-probe vlan enable

undo remote-probe vlan enable


VLAN view




Use the remote-probe vlan enable command to configure the current VLAN as the remote-probe VLAN.

Use the undo remote-probe vlan enable command to restore the remote-probe VLAN to a normal VLAN.

Note that:

l          You cannot configure a default VLAN, a management VLAN, or a dynamic VLAN as the remote-probe VLAN.

l          A remote-probe VLAN cannot be removed directly. To do that, you need to run the undo remote-probe vlan enable command in VLAN view first.

Related commands: mirroring-group remote-probe vlan.


This command is only available for S3600-EI series Ethernet switches.



# Configure VLAN 5 as the remote-probe VLAN.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] vlan 5

[Sysname-vlan5] remote-probe vlan enable


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