H3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches command Manual-Release 21XX Series(V1.06)

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01-CLI Commands
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CLI Configuration Commands

command-privilege level


command-privilege level level view view command

undo command-privilege view view command


System view


level level: Command level to be set, in the range of 0 to 3.

view view: CLI view. It can be any CLI view that the Ethernet switch supports. The S3100 series support only the CLI views listed in Table 1-1:

Table 1-1 Available CLI views for the view argument

CLI view



Advanced ACL view


Basic ACL view


Layer 2 ACL view, which is supported by only the S3100-EI series


Aux 1/0/0 port view, that is, console port view


Cluster view


100M Ethernet port view


FTP client view


GigabitEthernet port view


QinQ view, which is supported by only the S3100-EI series


HWPing test group view




ISP domain view


Loopback interface view


Local user view


Management VLAN view


MST region view


Monitor link group view, which is supported by only the S3100-EI series


NULL interface view


Public key editing view


Public key view


PoE profile view, which is supported by only the S3100-TP-PWR-EI series


QoS profile view, which is supported by only the S3100-EI series


RADIUS scheme view


User view


Smart link group view, which is supported by only the S3100-EI series


System view


User interface view


VLAN view


VLAN interface view


command: Command for which the level is to be set.


Use the command-privilege level command to set the level of a specified command in a specified view.

Use the undo command-privilege view command to restore the default.

Commands fall into four levels: visit (level 0), monitor (level 1), system (level 2), and manage (level 3). The administrator can change the level of a command as required. For example, the administrator can change a command from a higher level to a lower level so that the lower level users can use the command.

The default levels of commands are described in the following table:

Table 1-2 Default levels of commands





Visit level

Commands used to diagnose network, such as ping, tracert, and telnet commands.


Monitor level

Commands used to maintain the system and diagnose service fault, such as debugging, terminal and reset commands.


System level

All configuration commands except for those at the manage level.


Manage level

Commands associated with the basic operation modules and support modules of the system, such as file system, FTP/TFTP/XMODEM downloading, user management, and level setting commands.


Note that:

l          You are recommended to use the default command level or modify the command level under the guidance of professional staff; otherwise, the change of command level may bring inconvenience to your maintenance and operation, or even potential security problem.

l          When you change the level of a command with multiple keywords or arguments, you should input the keywords or arguments one by one in the order they appear in the command syntax. Otherwise, your configuration will not take effect. The values of the arguments should be within the specified ranges.

l          When you configure the undo command-privilege view command, the value of the command argument can be an abbreviated form of the specified command, that is, you only need to enter the keywords at the beginning of the command. For example, after the undo command-privilege view system ftp command is executed, all commands starting with the keyword ftp (such as ftp server acl, ftp server enable, and ftp timeout) will be restored to the default level; if you have modified the command level of commands ftp server enable and ftp timeout, and you want to restore only the ftp server enable command to its default level, you should use the undo command-privilege view system ftp server command.

l          If you modify the command level of a command in a specified view from the default command level to a lower level, remember to modify the command levels of the quit command and the corresponding command that is used to enter this view. For example, the default command level of commands interface and system-view is 2 (system level); if you want to make the interface command available to the users with the user privilege level of 1, you need to execute the following three commands: command-privilege level 1 view shell system-view, command-privilege level 1 view system interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1, and command-privilege level 1 view system quit, so that the login users with the user privilege level of 1 can enter system view, execute the interface gigabitethernet command, and then return to user view.


# Set the level of the tftp get command in user view (shell) to 0, and configure the keywords or arguments one by one in the order they appear in the tftp get command syntax.

[Sysname] command-privilege level 0 view shell tftp

[Sysname] command-privilege level 0 view shell tftp

[Sysname] command-privilege level 0 view shell tftp get

[Sysname] command-privilege level 0 view shell tftp get bootrom.btm

# Restore the default level of the tftp get command. To restore the default levels of the commands starting with the tftp keyword, you only need to specify the tftp keyword.

[Sysname] undo command-privilege view shell tftp

display history-command


display history-command


Any view




Use the display history-command command to display the history commands of the current user, so that the user can check the configurations performed formerly.

History commands are those commands that were successfully executed recently and saved in the history command buffer. You can set the size of the buffer by the history-command max-size command. When the history command buffer is full for that user, the earlier commands will be overwritten by the new ones.

By default, the CLI can save 10 history commands for each user.

Related commands: history-command max-size in login module.


# Display the history commands of the current user.

<Sysname> display history-command



  display history-command



super [ level ]


User view


level: User level, in the range of 0 to 3.


Use the super command to switch from the current user level to a specified level.

Executing this command without the level argument will switch the current user level to level 3 by default.

Note that:

l          Users logged into the switch fall into four user levels, which correspond to the four command levels respectively. Users at a specific level can only use the commands at the same level or lower levels.

l          You can switch between user levels after logging into a switch successfully. The high-to-low user level switching is unlimited. However, the low-to-high user level switching requires the corresponding authentication. The authentication mode can be set through the super authentication-mode command.

l          For security purpose, the password entered is not displayed when you switch to another user level. You will remain at the original user level if you have tried three times but failed to enter the correct authentication information.

Related commands: super authentication-mode, super password.


# Switch from the current user level to user level 3, using super password authentication.

<Sysname> super 3


User privilege level is 3, and only those commands can be used

whose level is equal or less than this.

Privilege note: 0-VISIT, 1-MONITOR, 2-SYSTEM, 3-MANAGE

# Switch from the current user level to level 3, using HWTACACS authentication.

<Sysname> super 3

 Username: user@system


User privilege level is 3, and only those commands can be used

whose level is equal or less than this.

Privilege note: 0-VISIT, 1-MONITOR, 2-SYSTEM, 3-MANAGE

super authentication-mode


super authentication-mode { super-password | scheme }*

undo super authentication-mode


User interface view


super-password: Adopts super password authentication for low-to-high user level switching.

scheme: Adopts Huawei terminal access controller access control system (HWTACACS) authentication for low-to-high user level switching.


Use the super authentication-mode command to specify the authentication mode used for low-to-high user level switching.

Use the undo super authentication-mode command to restore the default.

By default, super password authentication is adopted for low-to-high user level switching.

Note that the two authentication modes, super password authentication and HWTACACS authentication, are available at the same time to provide authentication redundancy. When both the two authentication modes are specified, the order to perform the two types of authentication is determined by the order in which they are specified, as described below.

l          If the super authentication-mode super-password scheme command is executed to specify the authentication mode for user level switching, the super password authentication is preferred and the HWTACACS authentication mode is the backup.

l          If the super authentication-mode scheme super-password command is executed to specify the authentication mode for low-to-high user level switching, the HWTACACS authentication is preferred and the super password authentication mode is the backup.

l          When both the super password authentication and the HWTACACS authentication are specified, the device adopts the preferred authentication mode first. If the preferred authentication mode cannot be implemented (for example, the super password is not configured or the HWTACACS authentication server is unreachable), the backup authentication mode is adopted.


# Specify HWTACACS authentication as the preferred authentication mode when a VTY 0 user switches from the current level to a higher level, with the super password authentication as the backup authentication mode.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] user-interface vty 0

[Sysname-ui-vty0] super authentication-mode scheme super-password

super password


super password [ level level ] { cipher | simple } password

undo super password [ level level ]


System view


level level: User level, in the range of 1 to 3. It is 3 by default.

cipher: Stores the password in the configuration file in ciphered text.

simple: Stores the password in the configuration file in plain text.

password: Password to be set. If the simple keyword is used, you must provide a plain-text password, that is, a string of 1 to 16 characters. If the cipher keyword is used, you can provide a password in either of the two ways:

l          Input a plain-text password, that is, a string of 1 to 16 characters, which will be automatically converted into a 24-character cipher-text password.

l          Directly input a cipher-text password, that is, a string of 1 to 24 characters, which must correspond to a plain-text password. For example, The cipher-text password “_(TT8F]Y\5SQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!” corresponds to the plain-text password 1234567.


Use the super password command to set a switching password for a specified user level, which will be used when users switch from a lower user level to the specified user level.

Use the undo super password command to restore the default configuration.

By default, no such password is set.

Note that, no matter whether a plain-text or cipher-text password is set, users must enter the plain-text password during authentication.


# Set the switching password for level 3 to 0123456789 in plain text.

<Sysname> system-view

System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.

[Sysname] super password level 3 simple 0123456789


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