H3C S5500-EI Series Switches Command Manual-Release 2102(V1.01)

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34-RRPP Commands
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Chapter 1  RRPP Configuration Commands

1.1  RRPP Configuration Commands

1.1.1  control-vlan


control-vlan vlan-id


RRPP domain view


vlan-id: Control VLAN ID, in the range 2 to 4093.


Use the control-vlan command to specify a control VLAN for an RRPP domain.

Note that:

l           The control VLAN must be a new one.

l           You can configure a control VLAN for the primary ring. However, the control VLAN of a subring is assigned automatically by the system and its VLAN ID is the control VLAN ID of the primary ring plus 1. So, you should select two consecutive new VLANs. Otherwise, the configuration fails.

l           Each RRPP domain has its own control VLAN which is deleted while you delete the RRPP domain. You cannot use the undo vlan all command to delete a control VLAN.

l           You cannot specify a control VLAN as a remotely mirrored VLAN.

Related commands: rrpp domain.


# Configure the control VLAN of RRPP domain 1 as VLAN 100.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 100

1.1.2  display rrpp brief


display rrpp brief


Any view




Use the display rrpp brief command to display the brief information of RRPP configuration.


# Display the brief information of RRPP configuration.

<Sysname> display rrpp brief

Flags for Node Mode :

M –- Master , T -- Transit , E -- Edge , A -- Assistant-Edge


RRPP Protocol Status: Enable

Number of RRPP Domains: 2


Domain ID     : 1

Control VLAN  : Major 5    Sub 6

Hello Timer   : 1  sec  Fail Timer : 3  sec

 Ring   Ring    Node   Primary/Common          Secondary/Edge      Enable

 ID     Level   Mode   Port                    Port                Status


 1      1       M         GigabitEthernet1/0/1    GigabitEthernet1/0/2    Yes


Domain ID     : 2

Control VLAN  : Major 10    Sub 11

Hello Timer   : 1  sec  Fail Timer : 3  sec

 Ring   Ring    Node    Primary/Common        Secondary/Edge        Enable

 ID     Level   Mode    Port                  Port                  Status


1      0       M         GigabitEthernet1/0/3    GigabitEthernet1/0/4    Yes

Table 1-1 Description on the fields of the display rrpp brief command



Flags for Node Mode

RRPP node mode: M represents master node, T represents transit node, E represents edge node and A represents assistant edge node

RRPP Protocol Status

RRPP protocol status: Enable (globally enabled)/Disable (globally disabled)

Number of RRPP Domains

Number of RRPP domains configured

Domain ID

RRPP domain ID

Control VLAN

Control VLANs of an RRPP domain: Major and Sub

Hello Timer

Hello Timer value configured in seconds

Fail Timer

Fail Timer value configured in seconds

Ring ID

RRPP ring ID

Ring Level

RRPP ring level, with 0 representing primary ring and 1 representing subring

Node Mode

Node mode

Primary/Common Port

Primary port when the node mode is master node or transit node; common port when the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node; “-“ appears when the port is not configured on the ring or the board to which  the port belongs does not start.

Secondary/Edge Port

Secondary port when the node mode is master node or transit node; edge port when the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node; “-“ appears when the port is not configured on the ring or the board to which the port belongs does not start.

Enable Status

RRPP ring status: Yes indicates enabled and No indicates disabled.


1.1.3  display rrpp statistics


display rrpp statistics domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ]


Any view


domain-id: RRPP domain ID, in the range 1 to 8.

ring-id: RRPP ring ID, in the range 1 to 64.


Use the display rrpp statistics command to display RRPP message statistics.

Note that:

l           If you have specified an RRPP ring ID in the command, RRPP message statistics of the specified RRPP ring in the specified RRPP domain on the current device appears. Otherwise, RRPP message statistics of all RRPP rings in the specified RRPP domain appears.

l           If some port belongs to more than one ring, its packets are taken statistics based on the rings. You will view the statistics of the port under the current ring. 

l           When a ring transits from inactive status into active status, its packets will be taken statistics again.

Related commands: reset rrpp statistics.


# Display RRPP message statistics of ring 1 in RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> display rrpp statistics domain 1 ring 1

Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Active Status : Yes

Primary port  : GigabitEthernet1/0/1

 Packet             Link        Common      Complete    Packet

 Direct Health      Down        Flush FDB   Flush FDB   Total


 Send   16424       0           0           1           16425

 Rcv    0           0           0           0           0

Secondary port: GigabitEthernet1/0/2

 Packet             Link        Common      Complete    Packet

 Direct Health      Down        Flush FDB   Flush FDB   Total


 Send   0           0           0           0           0

 Rcv    16378       0           0           1           16379

# Display RRPP message statistics of RRPP domain 2.

<Sysname> display rrpp statistics domain 2

Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Active Status : Yes

Primary port  : GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 Packet             Link        Common      Complete    Packet

 Direct Health      Down        Flush FDB   Flush FDB   Total


 Send   16924       0           0           1           16925

 Rcv    0           0           0           0           0

Secondary port: GigabitEthernet1/0/4

 Packet             Link        Common      Complete    Packet

 Direct Health      Down        Flush FDB   Flush FDB   Total


 Send   0           0           0           0           0

 Rcv    16878       0           0           1           16879


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Active Status : No

Common port   : GigabitEthernet1/0/3

 Packet             Link        Common      Complete    Packet

 Direct Health      Down        Flush FDB   Flush FDB   Total


 Send   0           0           0           0           0

 Rcv    0           0           0           0           0

Edge port     : GigabitEthernet1/0/5

 Packet             Link        Common      Complete    Packet

 Direct Health      Down        Flush FDB   Flush FDB   Total


 Send   0           0           0           0           0

 Rcv    0           0           0           0           0

Table 1-2 Description on the fields of the display rrpp statistics command



Ring ID

RRPP ring ID

Ring Level

RRPP ring level: 0 for primary ring and 1 for subring

Node Mode

Node mode: master node, transit node, edge node and assistant edge node

Active Status

RRPP ring activation status: Yes indicates active and No indicates inactive (An RRPP is active only if the RRPP ring is enabled and the RRPP protocol is globally enabled)

Primary Port

The primary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node. “-“ appears when the port is not configured on the ring, and in this case, no corresponding statistics appears.

Secondary Port

The secondary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node. “-” appears when the port is not configured on the ring, and in this case, no corresponding statistics appears.

Common Port

The common port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node. “-” appears when the port is not configured on the ring, and in this case, no corresponding statistics appears.

Edge Port

The edge port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node. “-” appears when the port is not configured on the ring, and in this case, no corresponding statistics appears.

Packet Direct

Packet transmission direction on the port: Send or Rcv


Health packet statistics received/sent on the port


Link-Down packet statistics received/sent on the port

Common Flush FDB

Common-Flush-FDB packet statistics received/sent on the port

Complete  Flush FDB

Complete-Flush-FDB packet statistics received/sent on the port

Packet Total

Total number of packets received/sent on the port. Here only Health, Link-Down, Common-Flush-FDB and Complete-Flush-FDB packets of RRPP are taken statistics.


1.1.4  display rrpp verbose


display rrpp verbose domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ]


Any view


domain-id: RRPP domain ID, in the range 1 to 8.

ring-id: RRPP ring ID, in the range 1 to 64.


Use the display rrpp verbose command to display detailed information about RRPP configuraiton.

If you have specified an RRPP ring ID in the command, the detailed information of the specified ring in the specified RRPP domain appears. Otherwise, the detailed information of all the rings in the specified RRPP domain appears.


# Display the detailed information of ring 1 in RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> display rrpp verbose domain 1 ring 1

Domain ID     : 1

Control VLAN  : Major 5    Sub 6

Hello Timer   : 1  sec  Fail Timer : 3  sec


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : GigabitEthernet1/0/1    Port status: UP

Secondary port: GigabitEthernet1/0/2    Port status: BLOCKED

# Display the detailed information of all the rings in RRPP domain 2.

<Sysname> display rrpp verbose domain 2

Domain ID     : 2

Control VLAN  : Major 10    Sub 11

Hello Timer   : 1  sec  Fail Timer : 3  sec


Ring ID       : 1

Ring Level    : 0

Node Mode     : Master

Ring State    : Complete

Enable Status : Yes    Active Status: Yes

Primary port  : GigabitEthernet1/0/4    Port status: UP

Secondary port: GigabitEthernet1/0/5    Port status: BLOCKED


Ring ID       : 2

Ring Level    : 1

Node Mode     : Edge

Ring State    : -

Enable Status : No    Active Status: No

Common port   : GigabitEthernet1/0/4    Port status: -

Edge port     : GigabitEthernet1/0/3    Port status: -

Table 1-3 Description on the fields of the display rrpp verbose command



Domain ID

RRPP domain ID

Control VLAN

Control VLANs of the RRPP domain, including major control VLAN and sub control VLAN

Hello Timer

Hello Timer value configured in seconds

Fail Timer

Fail Timer value configured in seconds

Ring ID

RRPP ring ID

Ring Level

RRPP ring level, with 0 representing primary ring and 1 representing subring

Node Mode

Node mode: master node, transit node, edge node and assistant edge node

Ring State

RRPP ring state. This field makes a sense only when the node mode field is master node. “Complete” appears when the ring is  in health state; “Failed” appears when the ring is in disconnect sate; and “–” appears in all the other cases.

Enable Status

RRPP ring enable status: Yes indicates enabled and No indicates disabled

Active Status

RRPP ring activation status: Yes indicates active and No indicates inactive

The current ring is active only when the RRPP protocol and the RRPP ring are enabled simultaneously. Through this field, you can get to know the enable status of the RRPP protocol.

Primary Port

The primary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node. “-“ appears when the port is not configured on the ring or the board to which  the port belongs does not start.

Secondary Port

The secondary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node. “-“ appears when the port is not configured on the ring or the board to which  the port belongs does not start.

Common Port

The common port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node. “-“ appears when the port is not configured on the ring or the board to which the port belongs does not start.

Edge Port

The edge port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node. “-“ appears when the port is not configured on the ring or the board to which  the port belongs does not start.

Port status

Port status includes down, up and blocked; “-“ appears in one of the following cases:

l      the ring is inactive

l      the port is not configured on the ring

l      the board to which the port belongs does not start


1.1.5  reset rrpp statistics


reset rrpp statistics domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ]


User view


domain-id: RRPP domain ID, in the range 1 to 8.

ring-id: RRPP ring ID, in the range 1 to 64.


Use the reset rrpp statistics command to clear RRPP message statistics.

If you have specified an RRPP ring ID in the command, RRPP message statistics of the specified RRPP ring in the specified RRPP domain on the current device is cleared. Otherwise, RRPP message statistics of all RRPP rings in the specified RRPP domain is cleared.

Related commands: display rrpp statistics.


# Clear the RRPP message statistics of ring 10 in RRPP domain 10.

<Sysname> reset rrpp statistics domain 1 ring 10

1.1.6  ring


ring ring-id node-mode { { master | transit } [ primary-port interface-type interface-number ] [ secondary-port interface-type interface-number ] level level-value | { edge | assistant-edge } [ common-port interface-type interface-number ] [ edge-port interface-type interface-number ] }

undo ring ring-id


RRPP domain view


ring-id: RRPP ring ID, in the range 1 to 64.

master: Specifies the device as the master node of the RRPP ring.

transit: Specifies the device as the transit node of the RRPP ring.

primary-port: Specifies the port as a primary port.

secondary-port: Specifies the port as a secondary port.

interface-type interface-number: Port type and port number.

level-value: RRPP ring level, with 0 representing primary ring and 1 representing subring.

edge: Specifies the device as the edge node of the RRPP ring.

assistant-edge: Specifies the device as the assistant edge node of the RRPP ring.

common-port: Specifies the port as a common port.

edge-port: Specifies the port as an edge port.


Use the ring command to configure the node mode of the device and the role of the port accessing the RRPP ring.

Use the undo ring command to remove the configuration.

The ports accessing the RRPP ring must conform to the following conditions:

l           Trunk port;

l           Layer 2 GE port;

l           Except for aggregation port and loopback port;

l           Port with STP, QinQ, 802.1x, MAC address authentication, voice VLAN disabled;

Note that:

l           RRPP ports cannot be configured if the RRPP ring is enabled.

l           You must first configure control the VLAN before configuring the RRPP ring.

l           You must first configure the primary ring and then the subring when configuring an RRPP domain. A Ring ID cannot be applied to more than one RRPP ring in the same RRPP domain.

l           If a device resides on multiple RRPP rings in an RRPP domain, only one primary ring exists within these rings. The device plays a role of either edge node or assistant edge node on other subrings.

l           Modifying the node mode, port mode and ring level of an RRPP ring is prohibited after configuration. If needed, you must first delete the existing configuration.

l           The common port must be on the primary ring in the domain when you configure the edge node and the assistant edge node.

l           You must configure the primary ring and then subrings when you configure the edge node and the assistant edge node.

l           Moreover, you must remove all subring configurations before deleting the primary ring configuration of the edge node and the assistant edge node. However, the enabled RRPP ring cannot be deleted.

l           The secondary port of the master node must not be configured as a multi-domain intersection common port.

l           The two RRPP ports on the same RRPP ring must not be both configured as multi-domain intersection common ports.

l           A port on a subring node must not be configured as a multi-domain intersection common port.

Related  command: control-vlan and ring enable.


# Specify the device as the master node of primary ring 10 in RRPP domain 1, GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the secondary port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 10 node-mode master primary-port gigabitethernet1/0/1 secondary-port gigabitethernet 1/0/2 level 0

# Specify the device as the transit node of primary ring 10 in RRPP domain 1, GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the secondary port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 10 node-mode transit primary-port gigabitethernet 1/0/1 secondary-port gigabitethernet 1/0/2 level 0

# Specify the device as the master node of subring 20 in RRPP domain 1, GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the secondary port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 20 node-mode master primary-port gigabitethernet 1/0/1 secondary-port gigabitethernet 1/0/2 level 1

# Specify the device as the transit node of primary ring 20 in RRPP domain 1, GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the secondary port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 20 node-mode transit primary-port gigabitethernet 1/0/1 secondary-port gigabitethernet 1/0/2 level 1

# Specify the device as the edge node of primary ring 20 in RRPP domain 1, GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the common port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the edge port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 20 node-mode edge common-port gigabitethernet 1/0/1 edge-port gigabitethernet 1/0/2

# Specify the device as the assistant edge node of primary ring 20 in RRPP domain 1, GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the common port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the edge port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 20 node-mode assistant-edge common-port gigabitethernet 1/0/1 edge-port gigabitethernet 1/0/2

1.1.7  ring enable


ring ring-id enable

undo ring ring-id enable


RRPP domain view


ring-id: RRPP ring ID, in the range 1 to 64.


Use the ring enable command to enable the RRPP ring.

Use the undo ring enable command to disable the RRPP ring.

By default, the RRPP ring is disabled.

Note that:

l           To enable subrings, you must first enable the primary ring before enabling subrings.

l           You must first disable all the subrings in the RRPP domain and then disable the primary ring.

l           To activate the RRPP domain, RRPP protocol and the RRPP ring must be enabled simultaneously.

l           Do not enable or disable the RRPP ring on which the multi-domain intersection common port resides with RRPP globally enabled.

Related commands: rrpp enable.


# Enable RRPP ring 10 in RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 10 enable

1.1.8  rrpp domain


rrpp domain domain-id

undo rrpp domain domain-id


System view


domain-id: RRPP domain ID, in the range 1 to 8.


Use the rrpp domain command to create an RRPP domain and enter its view.

Use the undo rrpp domain command to remove an RRPP domain.

Note that:

l           When you delete an RRPP domain, the control VLAN of it will be deleted at the same time.

l           When you delete an RRPP domain, you must ensure it has no RRPP ring.

l           The data VLAN in one domain must be isolated from the data VLAN in another.

Related commands: control-vlan, ring, ring enable, rrpp enable, timer.


# Create RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

Info: Create a new domain.


1.1.9  rrpp enable


rrpp enable

undo rrpp enable


System view




Use the rrpp enable command to enable RRPP protocol.

Use the undo rrpp enable command to disable RRPP protocol.

By default, RRPP protocol is disabled.

To activate the RRPP domain, RRPP protocol and the RRPP ring must be enabled simultaneously.

Related commands: ring enable.


# Enable RRPP protocol

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp enable

1.1.10  timer


timer hello-timer hello-value fail-timer fail-value

undo timer


RRPP domain view


hello-value: Hello timer value, in the range 1 to 10 seconds.

fail-value: Fail timer value, in the range 3 to 30 seconds.


Use the timer command to specify the value of the timers of the RRPP domain.

Use the undo timer command to restore it to the default value.

By default, the Hello timer value is 1 second and the Fail timer value is 3 seconds.

Note that the Fail timer value must be greater than or equal to three times of the Hello timer value.


# Set the Hello timer value to 2 seconds and the Fail timer value to 7 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] timer hello-timer 2 fail-timer 7


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