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2024 GITEX Exhibition Procurement Information Announcement

1. 采购项目信息

Procurement project information

1) 项目名称:2024国际GITEX展台搭建及Tech Summit技术峰会供应商采购项目

Project name: 2024 international GITEX booth construction and vendor procurement project of Tech Summit Technology Summit.

2) 品目:活动展览

Item: Exhibition

3) 采 购 方:(新华三技术有限公司)

Purchaser: ( H3C Technology Co., Ltd.)

4) 公告时间:2024年7月19日 -- 7月24日

Announcement time: July 19th-July 24th, 2024.

5) 执行地点:DWTC(迪拜世界贸易中心)

Place of execution: DWTC (Dubai World Trade Center)

6) 项目内容:展台搭建及技术峰会策划及执行

Project content: booth construction and technical summit planning and implementation.

2. 供应商资质要求

Supplier qualification requirements

1) 接受我司收货或接受服务后60天内付款的标准付款条件

Standard payment terms for payment within 60 days after receiving goods or services from our company.

2) 注册资金:500万或以上

Registered capital: 5 million or more

3) 具有近5年GITEX展会搭建及峰会项目执行经验,且当地有自有工厂资源

Having nearly 5 years of experience in exhibition setup and summit project execution at GITEX, along with local factory resources.

4) 配置新华三专属服务团队,确保项目交付质量和及时响应

Configure exclusive service team of H3C to ensure the quality of project delivery and timely response.

3. 意向提交

Intention submission

1) 有意愿参与该项目的单位请于2024年7月24日18:00之前提交意愿至我司邮箱xia_li@h3c.com,邮件标题格式为“GITEX展台搭建及Tech Summit技术峰会供应商采购项目—xxx公司”,有意向的单位请随信附上公司业务介绍,相关案例及营业执照副本。

Units willing to participate in this project should submit their wishes to our mailbox in xia_li@h3c.com before 18:00 on July 24, 2024. The email title format is "GITEX booth construction and supplier procurement project of Tech Summit-—xxx company". Interested units should attach the company's business introduction, relevant cases and copies of business licenses to the letter.

2) 如需了解更多项目需求信息,请您联系:邮箱stella_liu@h3c.com,电话18601368570。

For more information about the project requirements, please contact: stella_liu@h3c.com, Tel: 18601368570.


The information in this announcement and the intention of the purchaser to submit a letter of intent will not be legally binding on both parties to sign a contract or establish any cooperative relationship in other ways.
