11-Network Management and Monitoring Command Reference

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05-RMON commands
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RMON commands

display rmon alarm

Use display rmon alarm to display information about RMON alarm entries.


display rmon alarm [ entry-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






entry-number: Specifies an alarm entry by its index in the range of 1 to 65535. If you do not specify an entry, the command displays all RMON alarm entries.


# Display information about all RMON alarm entries.

<Sysname> display rmon alarm

AlarmEntry 1 owned by user1 is VALID.

  Sample type                    : absolute

  Sampled variable               :<etherStatsOctets.1>

  Sampling interval (in seconds) : 10

  Rising threshold               : 50(associated with event 1)

  Falling threshold              : 5(associated with event 2)

  Alarm sent upon entry startup  : risingOrFallingAlarm

  Latest value                   : 0

Table 1 Command output



AlarmEntry entry-number owned by owner is status.

Alarm entry owner and status:

·     entry-number—Alarm entry index.

·     owner—Entry owner.

·     status—Entry status:

¡     VALID—The entry is valid.

¡     UNDERCREATION—The entry is invalid.

The status field is not configurable at the CLI. All alarm entries created from the CLI are valid by default.

The display rmon alarm command can display invalid entries, but the display current-configuration and display this commands do not display their settings.

Sample type

Sample type:

·     absolute.

·     delta.

Sampled variable

Monitored variable.

Sampling interval

Interval (in seconds) at which data is sampled.

Rising threshold

Alarm rising threshold.

associated with event

Event index associated with the alarm..

Falling threshold

Alarm falling threshold.

Alarm sent upon entry startup

Alarm that can be generated at the first sampling:

·     risingAlarm.

·     fallingAlarm.

·     risingOrFallingAlarm.

The default is risingOrFallingAlarm.

Latest value

Most recent sampled value.


Related commands

rmon alarm

display rmon event

Use display rmon event to display information about RMON event entries.


display rmon event [ entry-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






entry-number: Specifies an event entry by its index in the range of 1 to 65535. If you do not specify an entry, the command displays all event entries.

Usage guidelines

An event entry includes the following information:

·     Event index.

·     Event owner.

·     Event description.

·     Action triggered by the event (such as logging the event or sending an SNMP notification).

·     Last time when the event occurred (seconds that elapsed since the system startup).


# Display information about all RMON event entries.

<Sysname> display rmon event

EventEntry 1 owned by user1 is VALID.

  Description: N/A

  Community: Security

  Take the action log-trap when triggered, last triggered at 0days 00h:02m:27s uptime.

Table 2 Command output



EventEntry entry-number owned by owner is status.

Event entry owner and status:

·     entry-number—Event entry index.

·     owner—Entry owner.

·     status—Entry status:

¡     VALID—The entry is valid.

¡     UNDERCREATION—The entry is invalid.

The status field is not configurable at the CLI. All alarm entries created from the CLI are valid by default.

The display rmon event command can display invalid entries, but the display current-configuration and display this commands do not display their settings.


Event description.


SNMP community name for the RMON event.

Take the action action when triggered

Actions that the system takes when the event is triggered:

·     none—Takes no action.

·     log—Logs the event.

·     trap—Sends an SNMP notification.

·     log-trap—Logs the event and sends an SNMP notification.

last triggered at

time uptime

Last time when the event occurred, which is represented as the amount of time that elapsed since the system startup.


Related commands

rmon event

display rmon eventlog

Use display rmon eventlog to display information about event log entries.


display rmon eventlog [ entry-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






entry-number: Specifies an event entry by its index in the range of 1 to 65535. If you do not specify an entry, the command displays log entries for all event entries.

Usage guidelines

If the log action is specified for an event, the system adds a record in the event log table each time the event occurs. Each record contains the log entry index, time when the event was logged (the amount of time that elapsed since system startup), and event description.

The system can maintain a maximum of 10 records for an event. The most recent record replaces the oldest record if the number of records reaches 10.


# Display the RMON log for event entry 99.

<Sysname> display rmon eventlog 99

EventEntry 99 owned by ww is VALID.

  LogEntry 99.1 created at 50days 08h:54m:44s uptime.

  Description: The defined in alarmEntry 77,

     uprise 16760000 with alarm value 16776314. Alarm sample type is absolute.

  LogEntry 99.2 created at 50days 09h:11m:13s uptime.

  Description: The defined in alarmEntry 77,

     less than(or =) 20000000 with alarm value 16951648. Alarm sample type is absolute.

  LogEntry 99.3 created at 50days 09h:18m:43s uptime.

  Description: The alarm formula defined in prialarmEntry 777,

     less than(or =) 15000000 with alarm value 14026493. Alarm sample type is absolute.

  LogEntry 99.4 created at 50days 09h:23m:28s uptime.

  Description: The alarm formula defined in prialarmEntry 777,

     uprise 17000000 with alarm value 17077846. Alarm sample type is absolute.

This example shows that the event log table has four records for event 99:

·     Two records were created when event 99 was triggered by alarm entry 77.

·     Two records were created when event 99 was triggered by private alarm entry 777.

Table 3 Command output



EventEntry entry-number owned by owner is status.

Event log entry owner and status:

·     entry-number—Event log entry index, which is the same as the event entry index for which this log entry is generated.

·     owner—Entry owner.

·     status—Entry status:

¡     VALID—The entry is valid (default value).

¡     UNDERCREATION—The entry is invalid.

The status field is not configurable at the CLI. All event log entries are valid by default.

The display rmon eventlog command can display invalid entries, but the display current-configuration and display this commands do not display their settings.

LogEntry entry-number created at created-time uptime.

Time when an event record was created:

·     entry-number—Event record index, represented as logEventIndex.logIndex, where logEventIndex and logIndex are MIB objects. A record index uniquely identifies a record among all records for the event.

·     created-time—Time when the event entry was created.


Record description.


Related commands

rmon event

display rmon history

Use display rmon history to display RMON history control entries and history samples of Ethernet statistics for Ethernet interfaces.


display rmon history [ interface-type interface-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If you do not specify an interface, the command displays history samples for all interfaces that have an RMON history control entry.

Usage guidelines

RMON uses the etherHistoryTable object to store the history samples of Ethernet statistics for Ethernet interfaces.

To collect history samples for an Ethernet interface, you must first create a history control entry on the interface.

To configure the number of history samples that can be displayed and the history sampling interval, use the rmon history command.


# Display the RMON history control entry and history samples for FortyGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display rmon history fortygige 1/0/1

HistoryControlEntry 6 owned by user1 is VALID.

  Sampled interface     : FortyGigE1/0/1<ifIndex.117>

  Sampling interval     : 8(sec) with 3 buckets max

  Sampling record 1 :

    dropevents        : 0         , octets               : 5869

    packets           : 54        , broadcast packets    : 9

    multicast packets : 23        , CRC alignment errors : 0

    undersize packets : 0         , oversize packets     : 0

    fragments         : 0         , jabbers              : 0

    collisions        : 0         , utilization          : 0

Table 4 Command output



HistoryControlEntry entry-number owned by owner is status.

Status and owner of the history control entry:

·     entry-number—History control entry index.

·     owner—Entry owner.

·     status—Entry status:

¡     VALID—The entry is valid.

¡     UNDERCREATION—The entry is invalid.

The status field is not configurable at the CLI. All history control entries created from the CLI are valid by default.

The display rmon history command can display invalid entries, but the display current-configuration and display this commands do not display their settings.

Sampled Interface

Sampled interface.

Sampling interval

Sampling interval in seconds.

buckets max

Maximum number of samples that can be saved for the history control entry.

If the expected bucket size specified with the rmon history command exceeds the available history table size, RMON sets the bucket size as closely to the expected bucket size as possible.

If the bucket has been full, RMON overwrites the oldest sample with the new sample.

Sampling record

History sample index.


Total number of events in which packets were dropped during the sampling interval.


This statistic is the number of times that a drop condition occurred. It is not necessarily the total number of dropped packets.


Total number of octets received during the sampling interval.


Total number of packets (including bad packets) received during the sampling interval.

broadcast packets

Number of broadcast packets received during the sampling interval.

multicast packets

Number of multicast packets received during the sampling interval.

CRC alignment errors

Number of packets received with CRC alignment errors during the sampling interval.

undersize packets

Number of undersize packets received during the sampling interval.

Undersize packets are shorter than 64 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).

oversize packets

Number of oversize packets received during the sampling interval.

Oversize packets are longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).


Number of undersize packets with CRC errors received during the sampling interval.


Number of oversize packets with CRC errors received during the sampling interval.


Number of colliding packets received during the sampling interval.


Bandwidth utilization (in hundreds of a percent) during the sampling period.


Related commands

rmon history

display rmon prialarm

Use display rmon prialarm to display information about RMON private alarm entries.


display rmon prialarm [ entry-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






entry-number: Specifies an alarm entry index in the range of 1 to 65535. If you do not specify an entry, the command displays all private alarm entries.


# Display information about all RMON private alarm entries.

<Sysname> display rmon prialarm

PrialarmEntry 1 owned by user1 is VALID.

  Sample type                   : absolute

  Variable formula              : (.*100/.

  Description                    : ifUtilization.FortyGigE1/0/1

  Sampling interval (in seconds) : 10

  Rising threshold               : 80(associated with event 1)

  Falling threshold              : 5(associated with event 2)

  Alarm sent upon entry startup  : risingOrFallingAlarm

  Entry lifetime                 : forever

  Latest value                   : 85

Table 5 Command output



PrialarmEntry entry-number owned by owner is status.

Alarm entry owner and status:

·     entry-number—Alarm entry index.

·     owner—Entry owner.

·     status—Entry status:

¡     VALID—The entry is valid.

¡     UNDERCREATION—The entry is invalid.

The status field is not configurable at the CLI. All alarm entries created from the CLI are valid by default.

The display rmon prialarm command can display invalid entries, but the display current-configuration and display this commands do not display their settings.

Sample type

Sample type:

·     absolute.

·     delta.

Variable formula

Variable formula.


Description of the alarm.

Sampling interval

Interval (in seconds) at which data is sampled.

Rising threshold

Alarm rising threshold.

Falling threshold

Alarm falling threshold.

associated with event

Event index associated with the alarm..

Alarm sent upon entry startup

Alarm that can be generated at the first sampling:

·     risingAlarm.

·     fallingAlarm.

·     risingOrFallingAlarm.

The default is risingOrFallingAlarm.

Entry lifetime

Lifetime of the entry.

·     If the lifetime is set to forever, the entry never expires.

·     If the lifetime is set to an amount of time, the entry is removed when the timer expires.

Latest value

Most recent sampled value.


Related commands

rmon prialarm

display rmon statistics

Use display rmon statistics to display RMON statistics.


display rmon statistics [ interface-type interface-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If you do not specify an interface, the command displays RMON statistics for all interfaces.

Usage guidelines

This command displays the cumulative interface statistics for the period from the time the statistics entry was created to the time the command was executed. The statistics are cleared when the device reboots.


# Display RMON statistics for FortyGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> display rmon statistics fortygige 1/0/1

EtherStatsEntry 1 owned by user1 is VALID.

  Interface : FortyGigE1/0/1<ifIndex.3>

  etherStatsOctets         : 43393306  , etherStatsPkts          : 619825

  etherStatsBroadcastPkts  : 503581    , etherStatsMulticastPkts : 44013

  etherStatsUndersizePkts  : 0         , etherStatsOversizePkts  : 0

  etherStatsFragments      : 0         , etherStatsJabbers       : 0

  etherStatsCRCAlignErrors : 0         , etherStatsCollisions    : 0

  etherStatsDropEvents (insufficient resources): 0

  Incoming packets by size:

  64     : 0         ,  65-127  : 0         ,  128-255  : 0

  256-511: 0         ,  512-1023: 0         ,  1024-1518: 0

Table 6 Command output



EtherStatsEntry entry-number owned by owner is status.

Statistics entry owner and status:

·     entry-number—Statistics entry index.

·     owner—Entry owner.

·     status—Entry status:

¡     VALID—The entry is valid.

¡     UNDERCREATION—The entry is invalid.

The status field is not configurable at the CLI. All alarm entries created from the CLI are valid by default.

The display rmon statistics command can display invalid entries, but the display current-configuration and display this commands do not display their settings.


Interface on which statistics are gathered.


Total number of octets received on the interface.


Total number of packets received on the interface.


Total number of broadcast packets received on the interface.


Total number of multicast packets received on the interface.


Total number of undersize packets received on the interface.


Total number of oversize packets received on the interface.


Total number of undersize packets received with CRC errors on the interface.


Total number of oversize packets received with CRC errors on the interface.


Total number of packets received with CRC errors on the interface.


Total number of colliding packets received on the interface.


Total number of events in which packets were dropped.


This statistic is the number of times that a drop condition occurred. It is not necessarily the total number of dropped packets.

Incoming packets by size:

Incoming-packet statistics by packet length:

·     64—Number of packets with a length equal to 64 bytes.

·     65-127—Number of 65- to 127-byte packets.

·     128-255—Number of 128- to 255-byte packets.

·     256-511—Number of 256- to 511-byte packets.

·     512-1023—Number of 512- to 1023-byte packets.

·     1024-1518—Number of 1024- to 1518-byte packets.


Related commands

rmon statistics

rmon alarm

Use rmon alarm to create an RMON alarm entry.

Use undo rmon alarm to remove an RMON alarm entry.


rmon alarm entry-number alarm-variable sampling-interval { absolute | delta } [ startup-alarm { falling | rising | rising-falling } ] rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2 [ owner text ]

undo rmon alarm entry-number


No RMON alarm entries exist.


System view

Predefined user roles




entry-number: Specifies an alarm entry index in the range of 1 to 65535.

alarm-variable: Specifies an alarm variable, a string of 1 to 255 characters. You can only specify variables that can be parsed as an ASN.1 INTEGER value (INTEGER, INTEGER32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, Gauge, or TimeTicks) for the alarm-variable argument. The alarm variables must use one of the formats in Table 7.

Table 7 Alarm variable formats



Dotted OID format:


Object name.instance








sampling-interval: Sets the sampling interval in the range of 5 to 65535 seconds.

absolute: Specifies absolute sampling. RMON compares the value of the variable with the rising and falling thresholds.

delta: Specifies delta sampling. RMON subtracts the value of the variable at the previous sample from the current sampled value, and then compares the difference with the rising and falling thresholds.

startup-alarm: Specifies alarms that can be generated at the first sampling when a rising or falling threshold is reached or exceeded. By default, a rising-falling alarm is generated.

rising: Generates a rising alarm.

falling: Generates a falling alarm.

rising-falling: Generates a rising or falling alarm.

rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1: Sets the rising threshold. The threshold-value1 argument represents the rising threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The event-entry1 argument represents the index of the event that is triggered when the rising threshold is crossed. The value range for the event-entry1 argument is 0 to 65535. If 0 is specified, the alarm does not trigger any event.

falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2: Sets the falling threshold. The threshold-value2 argument represents the falling threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The event-entry2 argument represents the index of the event that is triggered when the falling threshold is crossed. The value range for the event-entry2 argument is 0 to 65535. If 0 is specified, the alarm does not trigger any event.

owner text: Specifies the entry owner, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can create a maximum of 60 RMON alarm entries.

Each alarm entry must have a unique alarm variable, sampling interval, sample type, rising threshold, or falling threshold. You cannot create an alarm entry if all these parameters for the entry are the same as an existing entry.

To trigger the event associated with an alarm condition, you must create the event with the rmon event command.

RMON samples the monitored alarm variable at the specified sampling interval, compares the sampled value with the predefined thresholds, and performs one of the following operations:

·     Triggers the event associated with the rising alarm if the sampled value is equal to or greater than the rising threshold.

·     Triggers the event associated with the falling alarm if the sampled value is equal to or less than the falling threshold.


# Create an alarm entry to perform absolute sampling on the number of octets received on FortyGigE 1/0/1 (object instance at 10-seconds intervals. If the sampled value reaches or exceeds 5000, log the rising alarm event. If the sampled value is equal to or less than 5, take no actions.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rmon event 1 log

[Sysname] rmon event 2 none

[Sysname] interface fortygige 1/0/1

[Sysname-FortyGigE1/0/1] rmon statistics 1

[Sysname-FortyGigE1/0/1] quit

[Sysname] rmon alarm 1 10 absolute rising-threshold 5000 1 falling-threshold 5 2 owner user1

In this example, you can replace with etherStatsOctets.1, where 1 is the statistics entry index for the interface. If you execute the rmon statistics 5 command, you can use etherStatsOctets.5 to replace

Related commands

display rmon alarm

rmon event

rmon event

Use rmon event to create an RMON event entry.

Use undo rmon event to remove an RMON event entry.


rmon event entry-number [ description string ] { log | log-trap security-string | none | trap security-string } [ owner text ]

undo rmon event entry-number


No RMON event entries exist.


System view

Predefined user roles




entry-number: Specifies an event entry index in the range of 1 to 65535.

description string: Configures an event description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.

log: Logs the event .

log-trap: Logs the event and sends an SNMP notification.

security-string: Specifies the SNMP community name carried in the SNMP notifications. The security-string argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters and is determined by the SNMP configuration. This argument is supported but does not take effect in the current software version.

none: Performs no action.

trap: Sends an SNMP notification.

owner text: Specifies the entry owner, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.




The SNMP community name setting for the security-string argument does not take effect even though you can configure it with the command. Instead, the system uses the settings you configure with SNMP when it sends RMON SNMP notifications. For more information about SNMP notifications, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.


Usage guidelines

You can create a maximum of 60 event entries.

You can associate an event entry with a standard or private alarm entry to specify the action to take when an alarm condition occurs. Depending on your configuration, the system logs the event, sends an SNMP notification, does both, or does neither.

You can associate an event with multiple alarm entries.


# Create an RMON log event entry. Specify its index as 10 and the entry owner as user1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rmon event 10 log owner user1

Related commands

display rmon event

rmon alarm

rmon prialarm

rmon history

Use rmon history to create an RMON history control entry.

Use undo rmon history to remove an RMON history control entry.


rmon history entry-number buckets number interval interval [ owner text ]

undo rmon history entry-number


No RMON history control entries exist.


Ethernet interface view

Predefined user roles




entry-number: Specifies a history control entry index in the range of 1 to 65535.

buckets number: Specifies the expected maximum number of samples to be retained for the entry, in the range of 1 to 65535. RMON can retain a maximum of 50 samples for each history control entry. If the expected bucket size exceeds the available history table size, RMON sets the bucket size as closely to the expected bucket size as is possible. However, the granted bucket size will not exceed 50. For example, the bucket size for a history control entry will be 30 if the expected bucket size is set to 55, but the available bucket size is only 30.

interval interval: Specifies the sampling interval in the range of 5 to 3600 seconds.

owner text: Specifies the entry owner, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.

Usage guidelines

The system supports a maximum of 100 history control entries.

If an Ethernet interface has a history control entry, RMON periodically samples packet statistics on the interface and stores the samples to the history table. When the bucket size for the history control entry is reached, RMON overwrites the oldest sample with the most recent sample.

You can create multiple RMON history control entries for an Ethernet interface.


# Create RMON history control entry 1 for FortyGigE 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface fortygige 1/0/1

[Sysname-FortyGigE1/0/1] rmon history 1 buckets 10 interval 5 owner user1

Related commands

display rmon history

rmon prialarm

Use rmon prialarm to create an RMON private alarm entry.

Use undo rmon prialarm to remove an RMON private alarm entry.


rmon prialarm entry-number prialarm-formula prialarm-des sampling-interval { absolute | delta } [ startup-alarm { falling | rising | rising-falling } ] rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2 entrytype { forever | cycle cycle-period } [ owner text ]

undo rmon prialarm entry-number


No RMON private alarm entries exist.


System view

Predefined user roles




entry-number: Specifies a private alarm entry index in the range of 1 to 65535.

prialarm-formula: Configures a private alarm variable formula, a string of 1 to 255 characters. The variables in the formula must be represented in OID format that starts with a dot (.), for example, (.*8. You can configure a formula to perform the basic math operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on these variables. To get a correct calculation result, make sure the following conditions are met:

·     The values of the variables in the formula are positive integers.

·     The result of each calculating step is in the value range for long integers.

prialarm-des: Configures an entry description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.

sampling-interval: Sets the sampling interval in the range of 10 to 65535 seconds.

absolute: Specifies absolute sampling. RMON compares the value of the variable with the rising and falling thresholds.

delta: Specifies delta sampling. RMON subtracts the value of the variable at the previous sample from the current sampled value, and then compares the difference with the rising and falling thresholds.

startup-alarm: Specifies alarms that can be generated at the first sampling when a rising or falling threshold is reached or exceeded. By default, a rising-falling alarm is generated.

rising: Generates a rising alarm.

falling: Generates a falling alarm.

rising-falling: Generates a rising or falling alarm.

rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1: Sets the rising threshold. The threshold-value1 argument represents the rising threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The event-entry1 argument represents the index of the event that is triggered when the rising threshold is crossed. The value range for the event-entry1 argument is 0 to 65535. If 0 is specified, the alarm does not trigger any event.

falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2: Sets the falling threshold. The threshold-value2 argument represents the falling threshold in the range of –2147483648 to 2147483647. The event-entry2 argument represents the index of the event that is triggered when the falling threshold is crossed. The value range for the event-entry2 argument is 0 to 65535. If 0 is specified, the alarm does not trigger any event.

forever: Configures the entry as a permanent entry. RMON retains a permanent private alarm entry until it is manually deleted.

cycle cycle-period: Sets the lifetime of the entry, in the range of 0 to 4294967 seconds. RMON deletes the entry when its lifetime expires.

owner text: Specifies the entry owner, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can create a maximum of 50 private alarm entries.

Each alarm entry must have a unique alarm variable, sampling interval, sample type, rising threshold, or falling threshold. You cannot create an alarm entry if all these parameters for the entry are the same as an existing entry.

To trigger the event associated with an alarm condition, you must create the event with the rmon event command.

The RMON agent samples variables and takes an alarm action based on a private alarm entry as follows:

1.     Periodically samples the variables specified in the private alarm formula.

2.     Processes the sampled values with the formula.

3.     Compares the calculation result with the predefined thresholds, and then takes one of the following actions:

¡     Triggers the event associated with the rising alarm event if the result is equal to or greater than the rising threshold.

¡     Triggers the event associated with the falling alarm event if the result is equal to or less than the falling threshold.


# Add a permanent private alarm entry to monitor the ratio of incoming broadcasts to the total number of incoming packets on FortyGigE 1/0/1. Log the rising alarm event when the ratio exceeds 80%, and take no actions when the ratio drops to 5%. The formula is (*100/., where is the OID of the object instance etherStatsBroadcastPkts.1, and is the OID of the object instance etherStatsPkts.1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rmon event 1 log

[Sysname] rmon event 2 none

[Sysname] interface fortygige 1/0/1

[Sysname-FortyGigE1/0/1] rmon statistics 1

[Sysname-FortyGigE1/0/1] quit

[Sysname] rmon prialarm 1 (.*100/. BroadcastPktsRatioOfFGE1/0/1 10 absolute rising-threshold 80 1 falling-threshold 5 2 entrytype forever owner user1

The last number in the OID forms of variables must be the same as the statistics entry index for the interface. For example, if you execute the rmon statistics 5 command, you must replace and with and, respectively.

Related commands

display rmon prialarm

rmon event

rmon statistics

Use rmon statistics to create an RMON statistics entry.

Use undo rmon statistics to remove an RMON statistics entry.


rmon statistics entry-number [ owner text ]

undo rmon statistics entry-number


No RMON statistics entries exist.


Ethernet interface view

Predefined user roles




entry-number: Specifies a statistics entry index in the range of 1 to 65535.

owner text: Specifies the entry owner, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.

Usage guidelines

Each RMON statistics entry provides a set of cumulative traffic statistics collected up to the present time for an interface. Statistics include number of collisions, CRC alignment errors, number of undersize or oversize packets, number of broadcasts, number of multicasts, number of bytes received, and number of packets received. The statistics are cleared at a reboot.

To display the RMON statistics table, use the display rmon statistics command.

You can create only one RMON statistics entry for an Ethernet interface.


# Create an RMON statistics entry for FortyGigE 1/0/1. The index is 20 and the owner is user1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface fortygige 1/0/1

[Sysname-FortyGigE1/0/1] rmon statistics 20 owner user1

Related commands

display rmon statistics

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