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H3C交换机 典型配置举例-6W100


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1  DLDP典型配置举例

1.1  简介


1.2  自动关闭单向链路典型配置举例

1.2.1  适用产品和版本

表1 配置适用的产品与软件版本关系




Release 1120系列,Release 1130系列,Release 1200系列


Release 1808


Release 1115,Release 1118


Release 2220


1.2.2  组网需求

图1所示,Device A和Device B各自的端口之间分别通过一对光纤进行连接。


·     DLDP能够检测到光纤交叉连接和一条光纤未连接或断路这两种类型的单向链路故障;

·     当DLDP检测到单向链路故障后,DLDP会自动关闭故障端口;

·     当网络管理员排除故障后,故障端口能够自动恢复。

图1 DLDP检测并自动关闭单向链路典型配置组网图


1.2.3  配置注意事项

·     为确保DLDP能够正常工作,需要将两端端口的双工模式都配置为全双工模式,速率都配置为相同的强制速率。

·     由于DLDP缺省情况下工作在普通模式,此时系统只能识别光纤交叉连接这一种类型的单向链路。为了使系统可以识别光纤交叉连接和一条光纤未连接或断路这两种类型的单向链路,需要配置DLDP的工作模式为加强模式。

1.2.4  配置步骤

(1)     配置Device A

# 全局开启DLDP功能。

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] dldp enable

# 在端口GigabitEthernet1/0/49和GigabitEthernet1/0/50上配置双工模式为全双工、端口速率为1000Mbps,并开启DLDP功能。

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/49

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] duplex full

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] speed 1000

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] dldp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] quit

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/50

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] duplex full

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] speed 1000

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] dldp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] quit

# 配置DLDP的工作模式为加强模式。

[DeviceA] dldp work-mode enhance

# 配置发现单向链路后端口的关闭模式为自动模式。

[DeviceA] dldp unidirectional-shutdown auto

(2)     配置Device B

Device B上的配置与Device A上的配置完全一致,此处不再赘述。

1.2.5  验证配置

配置完成后,通过使用display dldp命令可以查看端口上的DLDP配置信息。例如:

# 查看Device A所有开启了DLDP的端口上的DLDP配置信息。

[DeviceA] display dldp

 DLDP global status : enable

 DLDP interval : 5s

 DLDP work-mode : enhance

 DLDP authentication-mode : none

 DLDP unidirectional-shutdown : auto

 DLDP delaydown-timer : 1s

 The number of enabled ports is 2.


Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49

 DLDP port state : advertisement

 DLDP link state : up

 The neighbor number of the port is 1.

         Neighbor mac address : 0023-8956-3600

         Neighbor port index : 59

         Neighbor state : two way

         Neighbor aged time : 11


Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/50

 DLDP port state : advertisement

 DLDP link state : up

 The neighbor number of the port is 1.

         Neighbor mac address : 0023-8956-3600

         Neighbor port index : 60

         Neighbor state : two way

         Neighbor aged time : 12


# 在Device A上打开系统信息监视功能,并分别打开Log和Trap信息的显示功能。

[DeviceA] quit

<DeviceA> terminal monitor

Info: Current terminal monitor is on.

<DeviceA> terminal logging

Info: Current terminal logging is on.

<DeviceA> terminal trapping

Info: Current terminal trapping is on.

以Device A和Device B的两对光纤被错误地进行了交叉连接为例,则网络管理员会在Device A上看到如下Log和Trap信息:


#Jan 18 17:36:18:798 2013 DeviceA DLDP/1/TrapOfUnidirectional: -Slot=1; Trap<hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalPort> : DLDP detects a unidirectional link in port 17825792.


%Jan 18 17:36:18:799 2013 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/49 link status is DOWN.

%Jan 18 17:36:18:799 2013 DeviceA DLDP/3/DLDP_UNIDIRECTION_AUTO: -Slot=1; DLDP detects a unidirectional link on port GigabitEthernet1/0/49. The transceiver has malfunction in the Tx direction or cross-connected links exist between the local device and its neighbor. The shutdown mode is AUTO. DLDP shuts down the port.

#Jan 18 17:36:20:189 2013 DeviceA DLDP/1/TrapOfUnidirectional: -Slot=1; Trap<hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalPort> : DLDP detects a unidirectional link in port 17825793.


%Jan 18 17:36:20:189 2013 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/50 link status is DOWN.

%Jan 18 17:36:20:190 2013 DeviceA DLDP/3/DLDP_UNIDIRECTION_AUTO: -Slot=1; DLDP detects a unidirectional link on port GigabitEthernet1/0/50. The transceiver has malfunction in the Tx direction or cross-connected links exist between the local device and its neighbor. The shutdown mode is AUTO. DLDP shuts down the port.


%Jan 15 16:54:56:040 2013 DeviceA DLDP/3/DLDP_UNIDIRECTION_AUTO_ENHANCE: -Slot=1; In enhanced DLDP mode, port GigabitEthernet1/0/49 cannot detect its aged-out neighbor. The transceiver has malfunction in the Tx direction or cross-connected links exist between the local device and its neighbor. The shutdown mode is AUTO. DLDP shuts down the port.




%Jan 18 17:47:33:869 2013 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/49 link status is UP.

%Jan 18 17:47:35:894 2013 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/50 link status is UP.


1.2.6  配置文件


S5500-SI系列交换机不支持port link-mode bridge命令。


·     Device A


 dldp enable

 dldp work-mode enhance


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49

 port link-mode bridge

 speed 1000

 duplex full

 dldp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/50

 port link-mode bridge

 speed 1000

 duplex full

 dldp enable


·     Device B

Device B上的配置文件与Device A完全一致,此处不再赘述。

1.3  手动关闭单向链路典型配置举例

1.3.1  适用产品和版本

表2 配置适用的产品与软件版本关系




Release 1120系列,Release 1130系列,Release 1200系列


Release 1808


Release 1115,Release 1118


Release 2220


1.3.2  组网需求

图2所示,Device A和Device B各自的端口之间分别通过一对光纤进行连接。


·     DLDP能够检测到光纤交叉连接和一条光纤未连接或断路这两种类型的单向链路故障;

·     当DLDP检测到单向链路后,DLDP会提示网络管理员手工关闭故障端口;

·     当网络管理员排除故障后,需要重新将故障端口打开。

图2 DLDP检测并通知用户手动关闭单向链路典型配置组网图


1.3.3  配置注意事项

·     为确保DLDP能够正常工作,需要将两端端口的双工模式都配置为全双工模式,速率都配置为相同的强制速率。

·     由于DLDP缺省情况下工作在普通模式,此时系统只能识别光纤交叉连接这一种类型的单向链路。为了使系统可以识别光纤交叉连接和一条光纤未连接或断路这两种类型的单向链路,需要配置DLDP的工作模式为加强模式。

1.3.4  配置步骤

(1)     配置Device A

# 全局开启DLDP功能。

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] dldp enable

# 在端口GigabitEthernet1/0/49和GigabitEthernet1/0/50上配置双工模式为全双工、端口速率为1000Mbps,并开启DLDP功能。

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/49

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] duplex full

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] speed 1000

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] dldp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] quit

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/50

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] duplex full

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] speed 1000

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] dldp enable

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] quit

# 配置DLDP的工作模式为加强模式。

[DeviceA] dldp work-mode enhance

# 配置发现单向链路后端口的关闭模式为手动模式。

[DeviceA] dldp unidirectional-shutdown manual

(2)     配置Device B

Device B上的配置与Device A上的配置完全一致,此处不再赘述。

1.3.5  验证配置

配置完成后,通过使用display dldp命令可以查看端口上的DLDP配置信息。例如:

# 查看Device A所有开启了DLDP的端口上的DLDP配置信息。

[DeviceA] display dldp

 DLDP global status : enable

 DLDP interval : 5s

 DLDP work-mode : enhance

 DLDP authentication-mode : none

 DLDP unidirectional-shutdown : manual

 DLDP delaydown-timer : 1s

 The number of enabled ports is 2.


Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49

 DLDP port state : advertisement

 DLDP link state : up

 The neighbor number of the port is 1.

         Neighbor mac address : 0023-8956-3600

         Neighbor port index : 59

         Neighbor state : two way

         Neighbor aged time : 11


Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/50

 DLDP port state : advertisement

 DLDP link state : up

 The neighbor number of the port is 1.

         Neighbor mac address : 0023-8956-3600

         Neighbor port index : 60

         Neighbor state : two way

         Neighbor aged time : 12


# 在Device A上打开系统信息监视功能,并分别打开Log和Trap信息的显示功能。

[DeviceA] quit

<DeviceA> terminal monitor

Info: Current terminal monitor is on.

<DeviceA> terminal logging

Info: Current terminal logging is on.

<DeviceA> terminal trapping

Info: Current terminal trapping is on.

以连接Device A和Device B的两对光纤被错误地进行了交叉连接为例,则网络管理员会在Device A上看到如下Log和Trap信息:


#Jan 18 18:10:38:481 2013 DeviceA DLDP/1/TrapOfUnidirectional: -Slot=1; Trap<hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalPort> : DLDP detects a unidirectional link in port 17825792.


%Jan 18 18:10:38:481 2013 DeviceA DLDP/3/DLDP_UNIDIRECTION_MANUAL: -Slot=1; DLDP detects a unidirectional link on port GigabitEthernet1/0/49. The transceiver has malfunction in the Tx direction or cross-connected links exist between the local device and its neighbor. The shutdown mode is MANUAL. The port needs to be shut down by the user.

#Jan 18 18:10:38:618 2013 DeviceA DLDP/1/TrapOfUnidirectional: -Slot=1; Trap<hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalPort> : DLDP detects a unidirectional link in port 17825793.


%Jan 18 18:10:38:618 2013 DeviceA DLDP/3/DLDP_UNIDIRECTION_MANUAL: -Slot=1; DLDP detects a unidirectional link on port GigabitEthernet1/0/50. The transceiver has malfunction in the Tx direction or cross-connected links exist between the local device and its neighbor. The shutdown mode is MANUAL. The port needs to be shut down by the user.



# 在Device A上分别关闭端口GigabitEthernet1/0/49和GigabitEthernet1/0/50,并看到如下Log信息:

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/49

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] shutdown

%Jan 18 18:16:12:044 2010 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/49 link status is DOWN.

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] quit

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/50

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] shutdown

%Jan 18 18:18:03:583 2010 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/50 link status is DOWN.


然后,网络管理员将连接Device A和Device B的两对光纤重新进行了正确连接。检查无误后,网络管理员将已排除故障的端口重新打开:

# 在Device A上分别打开端口GigabitEthernet1/0/50和GigabitEthernet1/0/49,并看到如下Log信息:

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] undo shutdown


%Jan 18 18:22:11:698 2010 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/50 link status is UP.

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] quit

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/49

[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/49] undo shutdown


%Jan 18 18:22:46:065 2010 DeviceA IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN: GigabitEthernet1/0/49 link status is UP.


1.3.6  配置文件


S5500-SI系列交换机不支持port link-mode bridge命令。


·     Device A


 dldp enable

 dldp work-mode enhance

 dldp unidirectional-shutdown manual


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49

 port link-mode bridge

 speed 1000

 duplex full

 dldp enable


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/50

 port link-mode bridge

 speed 1000

 duplex full

 dldp enable


·     Device B

Device B上的配置文件与Device A完全一致,此处不再赘述。


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