13-High Availability Configuration Guide

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09-Process placement configuration
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Configuring process placement

About process placement


A process contains a set of codes and provides specific functionality. For example, an AAA process provides AAA functions.

Each process runs in a protected memory space to prevent problems with one process from impacting the entire system.


The term "node" in this document refers to CPUs that run the Comware system and require process backup. For example, if a device has multiple MPUs, each MPU has a node.

Process redundancy

The system backs up each active process running on one node to all the other nodes. When an active process fails, one of its standby processes promptly takes over without impacting any other service.

Process redundancy provides the following benefits:

·     Improves service availability.

·     Enables the system to quickly regain reliability after device status changes in such conditions as insertion and removal of cards and leave of an IRF member device.

Process placement

(In standalone mode.) The execution of process placement policies varies by the location of active processes.

·     An active process running only on the active MPU does not support placement optimization. If you configure a process placement policy for the process, the system displays a configuration failure message. When such an active process fails, the system automatically restarts the process. The standby processes are used for active/standby switchover and ISSU.

·     Some active processes can run on either the active or standby MPU. When such an active process fails, the system uses a placement policy to select a new active process among standby processes.

(In IRF mode.) The execution of process placement policies varies by the location of active processes.

·     An active process running only on the global active MPU does not support placement optimization. If you configure a process placement policy for the process, the system displays a configuration failure message. When such an active process fails, the system automatically restarts the process. The standby processes are used for active/standby switchover and ISSU.

·     Some active processes can run on either the global active or standby MPU. When such an active process fails, the system uses a placement policy to select a new active process among standby processes.

Default process placement policy

The system provides a default process placement policy that takes effect for all processes. By default, the default process placement policy defines the following rules:

·     (In standalone mode.) The active process runs on the CPU of the active MPU, and the standby processes run on the CPU of the standby MPU.

·     (In IRF mode.) The active process runs on the CPU of the global active MPU, and the standby processes run on the CPU of the global standby MPU.

·     A process runs at the location where it ran the last time and does not move to any other location during startup or operation.

·     The addition of a new node does not impact current active processes. A new active process selects one node with sufficient CPU and memory resources. (You can use the display cpu-usage and display memory commands to view CPU and memory usage information.)

You can modify the default placement policy in the view you enter by using the placement program default command. You can also configure a placement policy for a specific process in the view you enter by using the placement program program-name [ instance instance-name ] command. A placement policy for a process takes precedence over the default process placement policy.

Process placement affinities

You can configure the following settings for a process placement policy to optimize process placement:

·     affinity location-set—Location affinity, the preference for the process to run on a specific node.

·     affinity location-type—Location type affinity, the preference for the process to run on a particular type of node. For more information about node types, see "Configuring a location type affinity."

·     affinity program—Process affinity, the preference for the process to run on the same node as a particular process.

·     affinity self—Self affinity, the preference for one instance of the process to run on the same node as any other instance of the process.

Affinities include positive affinities (attract) and negative affinities (repulse), all represented by integers in the range of 1 to 100000.

·     The higher the attract value, the stronger the preference.

·     The higher the repulse value, the weaker the preference.

Process placement optimization

After you apply new placement policies, the system makes placement decisions based on the new policies, node resources, and topology status. If the new location for an active process is different from the current node, the system changes the state of the process to standby, and uses the standby process on the preferred location as the new active process.

Restrictions and guidelines: process placement configuration

·     Configuring process placement on a device with only one MPU does not change the location of processes. All processes run on the CPU of the MPU.

·     Configuring process placement on a device with multiple MPUs places specific active processes to specific CPUs. In case of multiple CPUs, the system performs process redundancy. The number of standby processes and their CPU locations vary by function module. The system by default automatically determines the location for each active process, and process placement optimization is not required. If optimization is required, contact H3C Support to avoid service interruption.

·     Process placement applies only to MPUs.

·     For an instance of a process, the priorities of the settings in placement policy view of an instance, placement policy view of a process, and the default placement policy view are in descending order. For a process, the settings in placement policy view of the process take precedence over the settings in the default placement policy view.

·     To view the current location of an active process and its predicted new location after optimization, use the display placement reoptimize command.

Process placement tasks at a glance

To configure process placement, perform the following tasks:

1.     Configuring process placement policy

Choose the following tasks as needed:

¡     Configuring a location affinity

¡     Configuring a location type affinity

¡     Configuring a process affinity

¡     Configuring a self affinity

2.     Optimizing process placement

Configuring process placement policy

Configuring a location affinity

1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter placement process view.

¡     Enter default placement process view.

placement program default

¡     Enter specified placement process view.

placement program { program-name [ instance instance-name ]

Settings in default placement process view take effect for all processes. Settings in placement process view take effect only for the specified process.

3.     Set the location affinity.

In standalone mode:

affinity location-set { slot slot-number }&<1-5> { attract strength | default | none | repulse strength }

In IRF mode:

affinity location-set { chassis chassis-number slot slot-number }&<1-5> { attract strength | default | none | repulse strength }

By default, no location affinity is set.

Configuring a location type affinity

About this task

The following location types are available:

·     current—Current location of the active process, which can be displayed with the display placement program command.

·     paired—Locations of standby processes.

·     (In standalone mode.) primary—Active MPU.

·     (In IRF mode.) primary—Global active MPU.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter placement process view.

¡     Enter default placement process view.

placement program default

¡     Enter specified placement process view.

placement program { program-name [ instance instance-name ]

Settings in default placement process view take effect for all processes. Settings in placement process view take effect only for the specified process.

3.     Set the location type affinity.

affinity location-type { current | paired | primary } { attract strength | repulse strength | default | none }

By default, no location type affinity is set.

Configuring a process affinity

1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter placement process view.

¡     Enter default placement process view.

placement program default

¡     Enter specified placement process view.

placement program { program-name [ instance instance-name ]

Settings in default placement process view take effect for all processes. Settings in placement process view take effect only for the specified process.

3.     Configure the affinity for the process to run on the same location as another process.

affinity program program-name { attract strength | default | none | repulse strength }

By default, no process affinity is set.

Configuring a self affinity

About this task

A self affinity determines the preference for one instance of a process to run on the same node as any other instance of the process. The self affinity setting does not take effect for a process that has only one instance.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Enter placement process view.

¡     Enter default placement process view.

placement program default

¡     Enter specified placement process view.

placement program { program-name [ instance instance-name ]

Settings in default placement process view take effect for all processes. Settings in placement process view take effect only for the specified process.

3.     Configure a self affinity.

affinity self { attract strength | repulse strength | default | none }

By default, no self affinity is set.

Optimizing process placement

Restrictions and guidelines

To keep the system stable, do not perform any tasks that require process restart when you optimize process placement.


1.     Enter system view.


2.     Optimize process placement.

placement reoptimize

Display and maintenance commands for process placement

Execute display commands in any view.




Display service group information.

display ha service-group { program-name [ instance instance-name ] | all }

Display the running processes on a specific location.

In standalone mode:

display placement location { all | slot slot-number }

In IRF mode:

display placement location { all | chassis chassis-number slot slot-number }

Display process placement policy information.

display placement policy program { program-name | all | default }

Display the location of a process.

display placement program { program-name | all }

Display the predicted location of a process after process placement optimization.

display placement reoptimize program { program-name [ instance instance-name ] | all }


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