11-High Availability Command Reference

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04-RRPP commands
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RRPP commands


Use control-vlan to configure the primary control VLAN for an RRPP domain.

Use undo control-vlan to restore the default.


control-vlan vlan-id

undo control-vlan


No control VLANs exist in an RRPP domain.


RRPP domain view

Predefined user roles




vlan-id: Specifies the ID of the primary control VLAN. The value range for this argument is 2 to 4093.

Usage guidelines

When you configure control VLANs for an RRPP domain, you only need to configure the primary control VLAN. The system automatically configures the secondary control VLAN. It uses the primary control VLAN ID plus 1 as the secondary control VLAN ID. For the control VLAN configuration to succeed, make sure the IDs of the two control VLANs are consecutive and have not been assigned yet.

To ensure correct forwarding of RRPPDUs, follow these guidelines:

·     Do not configure the default VLAN of a port accessing an RRPP ring as the control VLAN.

·     Do not enable QinQ or VLAN mapping on the control VLANs.

After you configure RRPP rings for an RRPP domain, you cannot delete or modify the primary control VLAN of the domain. To do so, use the undo control-vlan command.


# Configure VLAN 100 as the primary control VLAN of RRPP domain 1 (assume that VLAN 100 and VLAN 101 have not been created yet).

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 100

display rrpp brief

Use display rrpp brief to display brief RRPP information.


display rrpp brief


Any view

Predefined user roles






# Display brief RRPP information.

<Sysname> display rrpp brief

 Flags for node mode: M –- Master, T -- Transit, E -- Edge, A -- Assistant-edge


 RRPP protocol status: Enabled


 Domain ID     : 1

 Control VLAN  : Primary 5, Secondary 6

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 0 to 2, 4

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

  Ring  Ring   Node  Primary/Common            Secondary/Edge            Enable

  ID    level  mode  port                      port                      status


  1     1      M     XGE1/0/1                  XGE1/0/2                  Yes


 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 10, Secondary 11

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 0 to 2, 4

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds

  Ring  Ring   Node  Primary/Common            Secondary/Edge            Enable

  ID    level  mode  port                      port                      status


  1     0      T     XGE1/0/3                  XGE1/0/4                  Yes

  2     1      E     XGE1/0/3                  XGE1/0/5                  Yes


Table 1 Command output



Flags for node mode

RRPP node mode:

·     M—Master node.

·     T—Transit node.

·     E—Edge node.

·     A—Assistant edge node.

RRPP protocol status

RRPP status:

·     Enabled—Globally enabled.

·     Disabled—Globally disabled.

Domain ID

RRPP domain ID.

Control VLAN

Primary and secondary control VLANs of the RRPP domain.

Protected VLAN

MSTIs corresponding to the VLANs protected by the RRPP domain. To view the VLAN-to-instance mappings, use the display stp region-configuration command (see Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference).

Hello timer

Hello timer value in seconds.

Fail timer

Fail timer value in seconds.

Ring ID

RRPP ring ID.

Ring level

RRPP ring level:

·     0—Primary ring.

·     1—Subring.

Primary/Common port

This field displays primary ports when the node mode is master node or transit node.

This field displays common ports when the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Secondary/Edge port

This field displays secondary ports when the node mode is master node or transit node.

This field displays edge ports when the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Enable status

RRPP ring status:

·     Yes—Enabled.

·     No—Disabled.


display rrpp ring-group

Use display rrpp ring-group to display the RRPP ring group configuration.


display rrpp ring-group [ ring-group-id ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






ring-group-id: Specifies an RRPP ring group by its ID in the range of 1 to 64. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays the configuration of all ring groups.

Usage guidelines

For an edge node RRPP ring group, this command also displays the subring sending Edge-Hello packets.


# Display the configuration of all RRPP ring groups.

<Sysname> display rrpp ring-group

 Ring group 1:

  Domain 1 ring 1 to 3, 5

  Domain 2 ring 1 to 3, 5

  Domain 1 ring 1 is the sending ring


 Ring group 2:

  Domain 1 ring 4, 6 to 7

  Domain 2 ring 4, 6 to 7

Table 2 Command output



Ring group 1

RRPP ring group 1.

Domain 1 ring 1 to 3, 5

Subrings in the ring group, including rings 1, 2, 3, and 5 in RRPP domain 1.

Domain 1 ring 1 is the sending ring

The sending ring of the ring group is ring 1 in RRPP domain 1.


display rrpp statistics

Use display rrpp statistics to display RRPPDU statistics.


display rrpp statistics domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






domain domain-id: Specifies an RRPP domain by its ID in the range of 1 to 128.

ring ring-id: Specifies an RRPP ring by its ID in the range of 1 to 128. If you do not specify this option, the command displays the RRPPDU statistics for all rings in the specified RRPP domain.

Usage guidelines

If a port belongs to more than one ring, this command collects and displays RRPPDU statistics of the port by ring.

When a ring transits from inactive status to active status, packet counting for the ring restarts.


# Display RRPPDU statistics for all rings in RRPP domain 2.

<Sysname> display rrpp statistics domain 2

 Ring ID       : 1

 Ring level    : 0

 Node mode     : Master

 Active status : Yes

 Primary port  : XGE1/0/3

  Direct Hello     Link     Common     Complete   Edge      Major     Total

                   down     flush FDB  flush FDB  hello     fault


  Out    16924     0        0          1          0         0         16925

  In     0         0        0          0          0         0         0

 Secondary port: XGE1/0/4

  Direct Hello     Link     Common     Complete   Edge      Major     Total

                   down     flush FDB  flush FDB  hello     fault


  Out    0         0        0          0          0         0         0

  In     16878     0        0          1          0         0         16879


 Ring ID       : 2

 Ring level    : 1

 Node mode     : Edge

 Active status : No

 Common port   : XGE1/0/3

  Direct Hello     Link     Common     Complete   Edge      Major     Total

                   down     flush FDB  flush FDB  hello     fault


  Out    0         0        0          0          0         0         0

  In     0         0        0          0          0         0         0

 Common port   : XGE1/0/4

  Direct Hello     Link     Common     Complete   Edge      Major     Total

                   down     flush FDB  flush FDB  hello     fault


  Out    0         0        0          0          0         0         0

  In     0         0        0          0          0         0         0

 Edge port     : XGE1/0/5

  Direct Hello     Link     Common     Complete   Edge      Major     Total

                   down     flush FDB  flush FDB  hello     fault


  Out    0         0        0          0          0         0         0

  In     0         0        0          0          0         0         0

Table 3 Command output



Ring ID

RRPP ring ID.

Ring level

RRPP ring level:

·     0—Primary ring.

·     1—Subring.

Node mode

Node mode:

·     Master node.

·     Transit node.

·     Edge node.

·     Assistant edge node.

Active status

RRPP ring status:

·     Yes—Active.

·     No—Inactive.

Primary port

The primary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Secondary port

The secondary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Common port

The common port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Edge port

The edge port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Packet direct

Packet transmission direction on the port:

·     Out—Packet sending direction.

·     In—Packet receiving direction.


Statistics of Hello packets received/sent on the port.

Link down

Statistics of Link-Down packets received/sent on the port.

Common flush FDB

Statistics of Common-Flush-FDB packets received/sent on the port.

Complete flush FDB

Statistics of Complete-Flush-FDB packets received/sent on the port.

Edge hello

Statistics of Edge-Hello packets received/sent on the port.

Major fault

Statistics of Major-Fault packets received/sent on the port.


Total number of packets received/sent on the port. Only Hello, Link-Down, Common-Flush-FDB, Complete-Flush-FDB, Edge-Hello, and Major-Fault packets of RRPP are counted.


Related commands

reset rrpp statistics

display rrpp verbose

Use display rrpp verbose to display detailed RRPP information.


display rrpp verbose domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ]


Any view

Predefined user roles






domain domain-id: Specifies an RRPP domain by its ID in the range of 1 to 128.

ring ring-id: Specifies an RRPP ring by its ID in the range of 1 to 128. If you do not specify this option, the command displays detailed information for all rings in the specified RRPP domain.


# Display detailed information for all rings in RRPP domain 2.

<Sysname> display rrpp verbose domain 2

 Domain ID     : 2

 Control VLAN  : Primary 10, Secondary 11

 Protected VLAN: Reference instance 3, 5 to 7

 Hello timer   : 1 seconds, Fail timer: 3 seconds


 Ring ID       : 1

 Ring level    : 0

 Node mode     : Master

 Ring state    : Completed

 Enable status : Yes, Active status: Yes

 Primary port  : XGE1/0/4                    Port status: UP

 Secondary port: XGE1/0/5                    Port status: BLOCKED


 Ring ID       : 2

 Ring level    : 1

 Node mode     : Edge

 Ring state    : -

 Enable status : No, Active status: No

 Common port   : XGE1/0/4                    Port status: -

                 XGE1/0/5                    Port status: -

 Edge port     : XGE1/0/3                    Port status: -

Table 4 Command output



Domain ID

RRPP domain ID.

Control VLAN

Control VLANs of the RRPP domain:

·     Primary—Primary control VLAN.

·     Secondary—Secondary control VLAN.

Protected VLAN

MSTIs corresponding to the VLANs protected by the RRPP domain. To view the VLAN-to-instance mappings, use the display stp region-configuration command (see Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference).

Hello timer

Hello timer value in seconds.

Fail timer

Fail timer value in seconds.

Ring ID

RRPP ring ID.

Ring level

RRPP ring level:

·     0—Primary ring.

·     1—Subring.

Node mode

Node mode:

·     Master node.

·     Transit node.

·     Edge node.

·     Assistant edge node.

Ring state

RRPP ring state:

·     Completed—The ring is healthy.

·     Failed—The ring is not closed.

If the ring is not enabled on the device operating as the master node or the device is not the master node of the ring, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Enable status

RRPP ring status:

·     Yes—Enabled.

·     No—Disabled.

Active status

RRPP ring status:

·     Yes—Active.

·     No—Inactive.

An RRPP ring can be active only when RRPP and the RRPP ring are both enabled. This field also helps you identify whether RRPP is enabled.

Primary port

The primary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Secondary port

The secondary port field means the node mode is master node or transit node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Common port

The common port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Edge port

The edge port field means the node mode is edge node or assistant edge node.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.

Port status

Port status: Down, up, or blocked.

A hyphen (-) appears when one of the following cases occurs:

·     The ring is inactive.

·     The port is not configured on the ring.

·     The card to which the port belongs has not started up.

·     The port is a member of a link aggregation group.


domain ring

Use domain ring to configure subrings for an RRPP ring group.

Use undo domain ring to remove subrings from the RRPP ring group.


domain domain-id ring ring-id-list

undo domain domain-id [ ring ring-id-list ]


No subrings exist in an RRPP ring group.


RRPP ring group view

Predefined user roles




domain-id: Specifies an RRPP domain by its ID in the range of 1 to 128.

ring ring-id-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to 10 RRPP subring ID items. Each item specifies an RRPP subring ID or a range of RRPP subring IDs. The value range for RRPP subring IDs is 1 to 128. If you do not specify this option, the command removes all subrings from the ring group in the specified domain.

Usage guidelines

Follow these guidelines when you configure an RRPP ring group on the edge node and the assistant edge node:

·     When you assign an active ring to a ring group, assign it on the assistant edge node first and then on the edge node.

·     To remove an active ring from a ring group, remove it on the edge node first and then on the assistant edge node.

·     To remove a ring group, remove it on the edge node first and then on the assistant edge node.

·     When you activate rings in a ring group, activate them on the edge node first and then on the assistant edge node.

·     When you deactivate rings in a ring group, deactivate them on the assistant edge node first and then on the edge node.

If you do not follow these guidelines, the assistant edge node might fail to receive Edge-Hello packets and consider the primary ring failed even if it did not.


# Create RRPP ring group 1, and add subrings 1, 2, 3, and 5 to domain 1 and domain 2.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp ring-group 1

[Sysname-ring-group1] domain 1 ring 1 to 3 5

[Sysname-ring-group1] domain 2 ring 1 to 3 5

Related commands

display rrpp ring-group

rrpp ring-group


Use protected-vlan to configure the protected VLANs for an RRPP domain.

Use undo protected-vlan to remove the protected VLANs from an RRPP domain.


protected-vlan reference-instance instance-id-list

undo protected-vlan [ reference-instance instance-id-list ]


No protected VLANs exist in an RRPP domain.


RRPP domain view

Predefined user roles




reference-instance instance-id-list: Specifies the Multiple Spanning Tree Instances (MSTIs) you want to reference in the form of instance-id-list = { instance-id [ to instance-id ] }&<1-10>. The instance-id argument is an MSTI ID in the range of 0 to 4094. You can specify up to 10 MSTI IDs or ID ranges. You can use the display stp region-configuration command to display the VLAN-to-instance mappings. If you do not specify this option, the command removes all MSTIs referenced by the RRPP domain.

Usage guidelines

You can delete or modify the protected VLANs configured for an RRPP domain before and after you configure rings for the domain. However, after you configure rings for the RRPP domain, you cannot delete configurations of all the protected VLANs configured for the domain.

When the VLAN-to-instance mappings change, the protected VLANs of an RRPP domain also change.


# Map VLANs 1 through 30 to MSTI 1, and activate the MST region configuration. Configure VLAN 100 as the control VLAN of RRPP domain 1. Configure VLANs mapped to MSTI 1 as the primary control VLANs of RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] stp region-configuration

[Sysname-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 1 to 30

[Sysname-mst-region] active region-configuration

[Sysname-mst-region] quit

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 100

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 1

Related commands

display stp region-configuration (Layer 2—LAN Switching Command Reference)

rrpp domain

reset rrpp statistics

Use reset rrpp statistics to clear RRPPDU statistics.


reset rrpp statistics domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ]


User view

Predefined user roles




domain domain-id: Specifies an RRPP domain by its ID in the range of 1 to 128.

ring ring-id: Specifies an RRPP ring by its ID in the range of 1 to 128. If you do not specify this option, the command clears RRPPDU statistics of all RRPP rings in the specified RRPP domain.


# Clear the RRPPDU statistics of ring 10 in RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> reset rrpp statistics domain 1 ring 10

Related commands

display rrpp statistics


Use ring to configure the node mode of the device, the role of the specified RRPP port, and the level of the RRPP ring.

Use undo ring to delete the RRPP ring.


ring ring-id node-mode { { master | transit } [ primary-port interface-type interface-number ] [ secondary-port interface-type interface-number ] level level-value | { assistant-edge | edge } [ edge-port interface-type interface-number ] }

undo ring ring-id


The device is not a node of the RRPP ring.


RRPP domain view

Predefined user roles




ring-id: Specifies an RRPP ring by its ID in the range of 1 to 128.

master: Specifies the device as the master node of the RRPP ring.

transit: Specifies the device as the transit node of the RRPP ring.

primary-port: Specifies the port as a primary port.

interface-type interface-number: Specifies a port by its type and number.

secondary-port: Specifies the port as a secondary port.

level level-value: Specifies an RRPP ring level, 0 for the primary ring and 1 for the subring.

assistant-edge: Specifies the device as the assistant edge node of the RRPP ring.

edge: Specifies the device as the edge node of the RRPP ring.

edge-port: Specifies the edge port for the node.

Usage guidelines

The ID of an RRPP ring in a domain must be unique.

When an RRPP ring is activated, you cannot configure its RRPP ports.

When you configure the edge node and the assistant edge node, first configure the primary ring, and then the subrings.

The node mode, RRPP port role, and ring level settings of an RRPP ring cannot be modified after they are configured. To modify the settings, first remove the current settings.

Remove all subring configurations before you delete the primary ring configuration of the edge node or the assistant edge node. However, an active RRPP ring cannot be deleted.

When RRPP is enabled on a device, you must disable the RRPP ring before you can delete it. When RRPP is disabled on the device, you can directly delete the RRPP ring, as well as the setting of the ring enable command.


# Specify the device as the master node of primary ring 10 in RRPP domain 1. Specify Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the primary port and Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the secondary port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 100

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 0 1 2

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 10 node-mode master primary-port ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1 secondary-port ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2 level 0

# Specify the device as the transit node of primary ring 10 in RRPP domain 1. Specify Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as the primary port and Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 as the secondary port. Specify the device as the edge node of subring 20 in RRPP domain 1, and specify Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 as the edge port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 100

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 0 1 2

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 10 node-mode transit primary-port ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1 secondary-port ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2 level 0

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 20 node-mode edge edge-port ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/3

Related commands

ring enable

ring enable

Use ring enable to enable an RRPP ring.

Use undo ring enable to disable the RRPP ring.


ring ring-id enable

undo ring ring-id enable


An RRPP ring is disabled.


RRPP domain view

Predefined user roles




ring-id: Specifies an RRPP ring by its ID in the range of 1 to 128.

Usage guidelines

To activate an RRPP ring, you must enable RRPP and the RRPP ring.

Before you enable subrings on a device, you must enable the primary ring. Before you disable the primary ring on the device, you must disable all subrings. Otherwise, the system displays error prompts.


# Enable RRPP ring 10 in RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] control-vlan 100

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] protected-vlan reference-instance 0 1 2

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 10 node-mode master primary-port ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1 secondary-port ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2 level 0

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] ring 10 enable

Related commands

rrpp enable

rrpp domain

Use rrpp domain to create an RRPP domain and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing RRPP domain.

Use undo rrpp domain to remove an RRPP domain.


rrpp domain domain-id

undo rrpp domain domain-id


No RRPP domains exist.


System view

Predefined user roles




domain-id: Specifies an RRPP domain by its ID in the range of 1 to 128.

Usage guidelines

When you delete an RRPP domain, configurations of the control VLANs and protected VLANs are deleted at the same time.

To delete an RRPP domain successfully, make sure it has no RRPP rings.


# Create RRPP domain 1, and enter RRPP domain 1 view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1


Related commands



rrpp enable

Use rrpp enable to enable RRPP.

Use undo rrpp enable to disable RRPP.


rrpp enable

undo rrpp enable


RRPP is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

To activate an RRPP domain, enable RRPP and the RRPP rings for the RRPP domain.


# Enable RRPP.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp enable

Related commands

ring enable

rrpp ring-group

Use rrpp ring-group to create an RRPP ring group and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing RRPP ring group.

Use undo rrpp ring-group to remove an RRPP ring group.


rrpp ring-group ring-group-id

undo rrpp ring-group ring-group-id


No RRPP ring groups exist.


System view

Predefined user roles




ring-group-id: Specifies an RRPP ring group ID in the range of 1 to 64.

Usage guidelines

When you remove a ring group, remove it on the edge node first and then on the assistant edge node. Otherwise, the assistant edge node might fail to receive Edge-Hello packets and consider the primary ring failed even if it is not.

After a ring group is removed, all subrings in the ring group do not belong to any ring group.


# Create RRPP ring group 1 and enter its view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp ring-group 1


Related commands

display rrpp ring-group

domain ring

snmp-agent trap enable rrpp

Use snmp-agent trap enable rrpp to enable SNMP notifications for RRPP.

Use undo snmp-agent trap enable rrpp to disable SNMP notifications for RRPP.


snmp-agent trap enable rrpp [ major-fault | multi-master | ring-fail | ring-recover ] *

undo snmp-agent trap enable rrpp [ major-fault | multi-master | ring-fail | ring-recover ] *


SNMP notifications for RRPP are disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles




major-fault: Generates notifications when an SRPT between the assistant edge node and edge node is disconnected.

multi-master: Generates notifications when multiple master nodes are configured for the RRPP ring.

ring-fail: Generates notifications when the state of the RRPP ring changes from Health to Disconnect.

ring-recover: Generates notifications when the state of the RRPP ring changes from Disconnect to Health.

Usage guidelines

To report critical RRPP events to an NMS, enable SNMP notifications for RRPP. For RRPP event notifications to be sent correctly, you must also configure SNMP on the device. For more information about SNMP configuration, see the network management and monitoring configuration guide for the device.

If you do not specify any keyword, this command enables or disables all SNMP notifications for RRPP.


# Generate notifications when the state of the RRPP ring changes from Disconnect to Health.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable rrpp ring-recover


Use timer to set the Hello timer and the Fail timer.

Use undo timer to restore the default.


timer hello-timer hello-value fail-timer fail-value

undo timer


The Hello timer is 1 second and the Fail timer is 3 seconds.


RRPP domain view

Predefined user roles




hello-timer hello-value: Specifies the Hello timer in the range of 1 to 10 seconds.

fail-timer fail-value: Specifies the Fail timer in the range of 3 to 30 seconds.

Usage guidelines

The Fail timer must be greater than or equal to three times the Hello timer.


# Set the Hello timer to 2 seconds and the Fail timer to 7 seconds for RRPP domain 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] rrpp domain 1

[Sysname-rrpp-domain1] timer hello-timer 2 fail-timer 7

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