07-MPLS Command Reference

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01-Basic MPLS commands
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Basic MPLS commands

display mpls forwarding ilm

Use display mpls forwarding ilm to display Incoming Label Map (ILM) entries.


display mpls forwarding ilm [ label ] [ slot slot-number ]


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label: Displays the ILM entry with the specified incoming label. The value range for this argument is 16 to 1048575. If you do not specify an incoming label, this command displays ILM entry information for all incoming labels.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays ILM entries for the master device.

Usage guidelines

An ILM entry records the label operation type, outgoing label, and other forwarding information.

After an LSR receives a labeled packet, it performs the following operations:

1.     Identifies the ILM entry that matches the top label of the packet.

2.     Performs the specified label operation.

3.     Forwards the packet.


# Display all ILM entries.

<Sysname> display mpls forwarding ilm

Total ILM entries: 3


Flags: T - Forwarded through a tunnel

       N - Forwarded through the outgoing interface to the nexthop IP address

       B - Backup forwarding information

       A - Active forwarding information

       M – P2MP forwarding information


InLabel Oper    VRF   Flag SwapLabel Forwarding Info


30      SWAP    0     T    1000      1024

1279    POP     0     -    -         -

1407    SWAP    0     NA   1271      Vlan10          

                      NB   1270      Tun0            

Table 1 Command output



Total ILM entries

Total number of ILM entries.


Incoming label.


Operation type:

·     POP—Pops the label.

·     POPGO—Pops the label and forwards the packet to another tunnel.

·     SWAP—Swaps the label.


Index of a VPN instance.


Forwarding flag:

·     T—Forwarded through a tunnel.

·     N—Forwarded through the outgoing interface to the next hop IP address.

·     B—Backup forwarding information.

·     A—Active forwarding information.

·     M—P2MP forwarding information.


Outgoing label value.

Forwarding Info

Forwarding information:

·     When the forwarding flag is N, the forwarding information records the outgoing interface and the next hop.

·     When the forwarding flag is T, the forwarding information records the NID.

display mpls forwarding nhlfe

Use display mpls forwarding nhlfe to display Next Hop Label Forwarding Entry (NHLFE) entries.


display mpls forwarding nhlfe [ nid ] [ slot slot-number ]


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nid: Displays the NHLFE entry with the specified NID. The NID value is in the range of 0 to 4294967294. If you do not specify an NID, this command displays NHLFE entry information for all NIDs.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays NHLFE entries for the master device.

Usage guidelines

An NHLFE entry records label forwarding information, such as the outgoing label and outgoing interface. NHLFE entries are mainly used to add multiple labels to packets.

To add multiple labels to a packet, an LSR performs the following operations:

1.     Obtains the bottom label and NID in the matching FIB or ILM entry.

2.     Obtains the outer label in the NHLFE entry identified by the NID.


# Display the NHLFE entry with NID 2048.

<Sysname> display mpls forwarding nhlfe 2048

Flags: T - Forwarded through a tunnel

       N - Forwarded through the outgoing interface to the nexthop IP address

       B - Backup forwarding information

       A - Active forwarding information

       M – P2MP forwarding information


NID        Tnl-Type Flag OutLabel Forwarding Info


2048       LSP      NA   2025     Vlan10          

# Display all NHLFE entries.

<Sysname> display mpls forwarding nhlfe

Total NHLFE entries: 5


Flags: T - Forwarded through a tunnel

       N - Forwarded through the outgoing interface to the nexthop IP address

       B - Backup forwarding information

       A - Active forwarding information

       M – P2MP forwarding information


NID        Tnl-Type Flag OutLabel Forwarding Info


10         -        TA   -        2049

20         -        TA   -        2050

2048       LSP      NA   2025     Vlan10          

2049       LSP      NA   3024     Vlan20          

                    TB   3026     20

2050       LSP      NA   3025     Vlan30          

Table 2 Command output



Total NHLFE entries

Total number of NHLFE entries.


NHLFE entry index.


Tunnel type:

·     LOCAL—Direct LSP tunnel.

·     LSP—Static LSP tunnel, or LSP tunnel signaled using LDP or BGP.

·     TE—TE tunnel.

·     CRLSP—Static CRLSP/SRLSP tunnel or CRLSP tunnel signaled using RSVP.

·     - (a hyphen)—The tunnel type is invalid.


Forwarding flag:

·     T—Forwarded through a tunnel.

·     N—Forwarded through the outgoing interface to the next hop IP address.

·     B—Backup forwarding information.

·     A—Active forwarding information.

·     M—P2MP forwarding information.


Outgoing label.

Forwarding Info

Forwarding information:

·     When the forwarding flag is N, the forwarding information records the outgoing interface and the next hop.

·     When the forwarding flag is T, the forwarding information records the NID.

display mpls interface

Use display mpls interface to display MPLS interface information, including the interface name, interface status, and interface MPLS MTU.


display mpls interface [ interface-type interface-number ]


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interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by the interface type and number. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays MPLS information for all MPLS-enabled interfaces.


# Display all MPLS interfaces.

<Sysname> display mpls interface

Interface               Status       MPLS MTU

Vlan10                  Up           1500

Vlan20                  Up           1500

The MPLS MTU of an interface is in bytes.

Related commands

mpls enable

mpls mtu

display mpls label

Use display mpls label to display MPLS label usage information.


display mpls label { label-value1 [ to label-value2 ] | all }


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label-value1: Specifies a label value. The value range is 16 to 1048575. If used with the label-value2 argument, the label-value1 argument represents the start label of a label range.

to label-value2: Specifies the end label of the label range. The value range for the end label is 16 to 1048575. If you specify a label range by using the label-value1 argument and the to label-value2 option, this command displays usage information for the specified range of labels.

all: Specifies all labels.


# Display usage information for labels 1025 through 1027.

<Sysname> display mpls label 1025 to 1027

Label          Owner          State

1025           LDP            Alloc

1026           LDP            Alloc

1027           LDP            Inuse

Table 3 Command output




Label value.


Protocol that is using the label:

·     Static—Static LSP.

·     LDP.

·     BGP.

·     StaticCR—Static CRLSP or static SRLSP.

·     RSVP.

·     L2VPN.

·     ISIS.

This field displays a hyphen (-) when the label state is Idle.


Usage state of the label:

·     Idle—The label is idle.

·     Alloc—The label has been allocated.

·     Pending—The label has been released but is still used by an LSP entry.

·     Inuse—The label has been allocated and used by an LSP entry.

display mpls lsp

Use display mpls lsp to display LSP information.


display mpls lsp [ egress | in-label label-value | ingress | outgoing-interface interface-type interface-number | protocol { bgp | isis | ldp | local | rsvp-te [ p2mp ] | static | static-cr } | transit ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ ipv4-address mask-length | ipv6 [ ipv6-address prefix-length ] ] [ verbose ]


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egress: Displays the LSPs taking the current LSR as egress.

in-label label-value: Displays the LSPs using the specified label as the incoming label, in the range of 0 to 1048575.

ingress: Displays the LSPs taking the current LSR as ingress.

outgoing-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the LSPs using the specified interface as the outgoing interface. The interface-type interface-number argument specifies an interface by its type and number.

protocol: Displays the LSPs established by a protocol.

bgp: Displays BGP LSPs.

isis: Displays IS-IS SRLSPs.

ldp: Displays LDP LSPs.

local: Displays the LSPs to the direct next hops, the LSPs that use the local MPLS TE tunnel interfaces as the LSP heads, .

rsvp-te: Displays CRLSPs established by RSVP-TE.

p2mp: Displays P2MP CRLSPs established by RSVP-TE. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays information about P2P CRLSPs and P2MP CRLSPs established by RSVP-TE.

static: Displays static LSPs.

static-cr: Displays static CRLSPs and static SRLSPs.

transit: Displays the LSPs taking the current LSR as a transit LSR.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Displays LSPs for the specified MPLS L3VPN instance. The vpn-instance-name is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify this option, the command displays LSPs for the public network.

ipv4-address mask-length: Displays the IPv4 LSP for an FEC specified by an IPv4 address and a mask length. The value range for the mask length is 0 to 32.

ipv6: Displays IPv6 LSP information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays IPv4 LSP information.

ipv6-address prefix-length: Displays the IPv6 LSP for an FEC specified by an IPv6 address and a prefix length. The value range for the prefix length is 0 to 128.

verbose: Displays detailed LSP information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief LSP information.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays brief information about all LSPs. If you specify only the verbose keyword, this command displays detailed information about all LSPs.


# Display brief information about all IPv4 LSPs.

<Sysname> display mpls lsp

FEC                         Proto    In/Out Label    Interface/Out NHLFE          LDP      -/1049          Vlan20

Backup                               -/1050          Vlan21           LDP      -/1051          Vlan22

Backup                               -/1050          Vlan21           LDP      -/1049          Vlan30           LDP      1026/1049       Vlan20           LDP      1027/-          -           LDP      1028/1049       Tunnel10           BGP      -/1049          Vlan20           BGP      2028/1049       Vlan20           BGP      2029/-          Vlan20           BGP      2030/1049       NHLFE1500           BGP      2031/1050       Tunnel100             Local    -/-             Vlan20          Static   -/100           Vlan20

-                           Static   100/200         Vlan20

-                           Static   101/-           Vlan20     StaticCR -/1000          Vlan10

-                           StaticCR 50/1001         Vlan10

-                           StaticCR 51/-            -

Table 4 Command output




Forwarding equivalence class:

·     IP address/mask—Classifies FECs by destination address.

·     IP address—Classifies FECs by next hop.

·     IP address/Out Label—Classifies FECs by next hop and outgoing label.

·     Ingress LSR ID/Tunnel ID/LSP ID—RSVP TE FEC.

·     - (a hyphen)—The LSP is a static transit LSP, static egress LSP, adjacency path for static SRLSPs, static transit CRLSP, or static egress CRLSP.

·     Backup—The LSP is a backup LSP of the previous LSP.


Label distribution protocol:

·     LDP.

·     BGP.

·     IS-IS.

·     RSVP.

·     Static.

·     StaticCR—Static CRLSP or static SRLSP.

·     Local—LSP to a direct next hop, or LSP that uses a local MPLS TE tunnel interface as the LSP head.

·     RSVP-P2MP—P2MP CRLSP established by RSVP-TE.

In/Out Label

Incoming label/outgoing label.

Interface/Out NHLFE

Outgoing interface name or NHLFE entry index.

NHLFEnumber specifies the outer LSP that carries the current LSP. The outer LSP is that matches the NHLFE entry with an NID of number.

# Display IPv6 LSP information.

<Sysname> display mpls lsp ipv6

FEC      : 100:100:100:100:100:100:100:100/128

Protocol : BGP      In-Label     : 1200

Out-Label: 1300     Out-Interface: Vlan10

BkLabel  : 1400     BkInterface  : Vlan20

Table 5 Command output




Forwarding equivalence class:

·     IP address/mask—Classifies FECs by destination address.

·     IP address—Classifies FECs by next hop.

·     IP address/Out Label—Classifies FECs by next hop and outgoing label.

·     Ingress LSR ID/Tunnel ID/LSP ID—RSVP TE FEC.

·     - (a hyphen)—The LSP is a static transit LSP, static egress LSP, static transit CRLSP, or static egress CRLSP.


Label distribution protocol:

·     LDP.

·     BGP.

·     RSVP.

·     Static.

·     StaticCR—Static CRLSP or static SRLSP.

·     Local—LSP to a direct next hop, or LSP that uses a local MPLS TE tunnel interface as the LSP head.

·     RSVP-P2MP—P2MP CRLSP established by RSVP-TE.


Outgoing label of the backup LSP.


Outgoing interface of the backup LSP.

# Display detailed information about all LSPs.

<Sysname> display mpls lsp verbose

Destination  :

FEC          :

Protocol     : LDP

LSR Type     : Egress

Service      : Statistics

In-Label     : 1024

State        : Active

Inbound Statistics:

  Octets    : 13000

  Packets   : 100

  Errors    : 0

  Discards  : 0


Destination  :

FEC          :

Protocol     : LDP

LSR Type     : Transit

Service      : Statistics

In-Label     : 1026

Inbound Statistics:

  Octets    : 10600

  Packets   : 100

  Errors    : 0

  Discards  : 0

Path ID      : 0x40000000.1

State        : Active

Out-Label    : 1800

Nexthop      :

Out-Interface: Vlan10

BkLabel      : 1900

BkNexthop    :

BkInterface   : Vlan20

Outbound Statistics:

  Octets    : 12600

  Packets   : 100

  Errors    : 0

  Discards  : 0


Destination  :

FEC          :

Protocol     : LDP

LSR Type     : Ingress

Service      : -      

NHLFE ID     : 2000

State        : Active

Out-Label    : 1800

Nexthop      :

Out-Interface: Vlan10

Table 6 Command output




LSP destination address.


Forwarding equivalence class:

·     IP address/mask—Classifies FECs by destination address.

·     IP address—Classifies FECs by next hop.

·     IP address/Out Label—Classifies FECs by next hop and outgoing label.

·     Ingress LSR ID/Tunnel ID/LSP ID—RSVP TE or static SRLSP FEC.

·     - (a hyphen)—The LSP is a static transit LSP, static egress LSP, adjacency path for static SRLSPs, static transit CRLSP, or static egress CRLSP.


Label distribution protocol:

·     LDP.

·     BGP (instance-name)—The instance-name specifies a BGP instance name. The value of default represents the default BGP instance.

·     RSVP.

·     Static.

·     StaticCR—Static CRLSP or static SRLSP.

·     Local—LSP to a direct next hop, or LSP that uses a local MPLS TE tunnel interface as the LSP head.

·     RSVP-P2MP—P2MP CRLSP established by RSVP-TE.

LSR Type

LSR type:

·     Ingress—The current LSR is the ingress node of the LSP.

·     Transit—The current LSR is a transit node of the LSP.

·     Egress—The current LSR is the egress node of the LSP.


Service deployed on the LSP.

The service can only be Statistics, which indicates the MPLS forwarding statistics feature.

Path ID

Forwarding path. The value is in the format of 0xnn.m. The nn represents the NHLFE group ID of the outer LSPs that carry the current LSP, and m represents the sequence number of the equivalence path.


NHLFE entry index.


LSP state:

·     Active—The LSP is in use.

·     Inactive—The LSP is idle.

Inbound Statistics

MPLS forwarding statistics in inbound direction:

·     Octets—Number of received octets.

·     Packets—Number of received packets.

·     Errors—Number of received error packets.

·     Discards—Number of discarded packets.


Outgoing label of the backup LSP.


Next hop address of the backup LSP.


Outgoing interface of the backup LSP.

Outbound Statistics

MPLS forwarding statistics in outbound direction:

·     Octets—Number of sent octets.

·     Packets—Number of sent packets.

·     Errors—Number of error packets.

·     Discards—Number of discarded packets.

Related commands

display mpls lsp statistics

display mpls lsp statistics

Use display mpls lsp statistics to display LSP statistics.


display mpls lsp statistics [ ipv6 ]


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ipv6: Displays IPv6 LSP statistics. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays IPv4 LSP statistics.


# Display IPv4 LSP statistics.

<Sysname> display mpls lsp statistics

LSP Type      Ingress/Transit/Egress  Active

Static LSP    0/0/0                   0/0/0

Static CRLSP  0/0/0                   0/0/0

LDP LSP       2/2/1                   2/2/1

RSVP CRLSP    0/0/0                   0/0/0

BGP LSP       0/0/0                   0/0/0

Local LSP     2/0/0                   2/0/0

ISIS LSP      0/0/0                   0/0/0


Total         4/2/1                   4/2/1

# Display IPv6 LSP statistics.

<Sysname> display mpls lsp statistics ipv6

LSP Type      Ingress/Transit/Egress  Active

Static LSP    0/0/0                   0/0/0

Static CRLSP  0/0/0                   0/0/0

LDP LSP       6/6/2                   6/6/2

RSVP CRLSP    0/0/0                   0/0/0

BGP LSP       0/0/0                   0/0/0

Local LSP     2/0/0                   2/0/0

ISIS LSP      0/0/0                   0/0/0


Total         8/6/2                   8/6/2

Table 7 Command output



LSP Type

LSP types:

·     Static LSP.

·     Static CRLSP—Static CRLSP or static SRLSP.

·     LDP LSP.

·     Local LSP—LSP to a direct next hop, or LSP that uses a local MPLS TE tunnel interface as the LSP head.


·     BGP LSP.



Total number of LSPs.


Number of LSPs that take the local device as the ingress node.


Number of LSPs that take the local device as a transit node.


Number of LSPs that take the local device as the egress node.


Number of active LSPs of a type.

display mpls nib

Use display mpls nib to display MPLS Nexthop Information Base (NIB) information.


display mpls nib [ nib-id ]


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nib-id: Specifies a next hop ID in the range of 1 to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE. If you do not specify a next hop, this command displays information about all MPLS next hops.


# Display information about all MPLS next hops.

<Sysname> display mpls nib

NIB ID: 0x40000000

  Users: 1

  Status: Active

  ECMP number: 1

      Outgoing NHLFE ID: 1024

      Backup outgoing NHLFE ID: 1027

Table 8 Command output




ID of the next hop.


Number of ILM entries that use this next hop.


Next hop status:

·     Active—The next hop is active.

·     Dummy—The next hop is inactive.

ECMP number

Number of equal-cost NHLFE entries.

Outgoing NHLFE ID

ID of the NHLFE entry to which the next hop corresponds.

Backup outgoing NHLFE ID

ID of the backup NHLFE entry.

display mpls nid

Use display mpls nid to display usage information for NIDs.


display mpls nid [ nid-value1 [ to nid-value2 ] ]


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nid-value1: Specifies an NID. The value range is 0 to 65535. If used with the nid-value2 argument, the nid-value1 argument represents the start NID of an NID range.

to nid-value2: Specifies the end NID of the NID range. The value range for the end NID is 0 to 65535. If you specify an NID range by using the nid-value1 argument and the to nid-value2 option, this command displays usage information for the specified range of NIDs.

Usage guidelines

NIDs are 32-bit binary numbers. They include fixed NIDs and dynamic NIDs.

·     Fixed NIDs—Generated for tunnel interfaces. The highest four bits are a value other than 0000.

·     Dynamic NIDs—NIDs except fixed NIDs. The highest four bits are 0s.

This command displays usage information only for dynamic NIDs.

If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays usage information for all dynamic NIDs.


# Display usage information for dynamic NIDs 1028 through 1500.

<Sysname> display mpls nid 1028 to 1500

NID alloc state: '.' means not used, '$' means used

1028   :...$.... ........ ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ........

1092   :........ ........ ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ........

1156   :........ ........ ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ........

1220   :........ ........ ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ........

1284   :........ ........ ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ........

1348   :........ ........ ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ........

1412   :........ ........ ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ........

1476   :........ ........ ........ .

display mpls summary

Use display mpls summary to display MPLS summary information.


display mpls summary


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# Display MPLS summary information.

<Sysname> display mpls summary

MPLS LSR ID      :

Egress Label Type: Implicit-null


  Range                                 Idle

  16-2047                               2030

  2048-699999                           697952

  700000-709999                         10000

  710000-774999                         65000

  775000-1039999                        265000

  1040000-1048000                       8001


  Type                                  State

  LDP                                   Normal

  RSVP                                  Normal

  BGP(default)                          Normal

  Static                                Normal

  CCC                                   Normal

  StaticCR                              Normal

  Local                                 Normal

  BGP(xy)                               Normal

  BGP(abc)                              Normal

Table 9 Command output



Egress Label Type

Label type that the egress node assigns to the penultimate hop:

·     Implicit-null.

·     Explicit-null.

·     Non-null.


Label information.


Label range.


Number of idle labels in the label range.


Label distribution protocols that generated LSPs and their running states.


Protocol type:

·     LDP.

·     BGP (instance-name). The instance-name specifies a BGP instance name. The value of default represents the default BGP instance.

·     RSVP.

·     Static—Static LSP.

·     StaticCR—Static CRLSP.

·     TE.

·     CCC.

·     ISIS.


Label distribution protocol running state:

·     Normal—The protocol is in normal state.

·     Recover—The protocol is in the GR process.

hardware-resource mpls

Use hardware-resource mpls to specify a hardware resource mode for MPLS-based ECMP forwarding.

Use undo hardware-resource mpls to restore the default.


hardware-resource mpls { l3vpn | normal }

undo hardware-resource mpls


The normal hardware resource mode is used.


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l3vpn: Specifies the enhanced hardware resource mode.

normal: Specifies the normal hardware resource mode.

Usage guidelines

Configure this command to specify a hardware resource mode for MPLS-based ECMP forwarding:

·     Enhanced—MPLS-based ECMP forwarding can use all hardware resources.

·     Normal—MPLS-based ECMP forwarding can use up to 40% of the hardware resources.

If you specify the enhanced hardware resource mode, ECMP forwarding cannot be performed over VXLAN, MPLS L2VPN, or VPLS.


# Specify the enhanced hardware resource mode for MPLS-based ECMP forwarding.

<Sysname> system

[Sysname] hardware-resource mpls l3vpn

Do you want to change the specified hardware resource working mode? [Y/N]:y    

The hardware resource working mode is changed, please save the configuration and

 reboot the system to make it effective.

mpls enable

Use mpls enable to enable MPLS on an interface.

Use undo mpls enable to disable MPLS on an interface.


mpls enable

undo mpls enable


MPLS is disabled on an interface.


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# Enable MPLS on VLAN-interface 2.

<Sysname> System-view

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 2

[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] mpls enable

Related commands

display mpls interface

mpls label advertise

Use mpls label advertise to specify the type of label the egress node will advertise to the penultimate hop.

Use undo mpls label advertise to restore the default.


mpls label advertise { explicit-null | implicit-null | non-null }

undo mpls label advertise


As egress, the device advertises an implicit null label to the penultimate hop.


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explicit-null: Specifies the egress node to advertise an explicit null label of 0 or 2 to the penultimate hop. The explicit null label value is 0 in IPv4 networks and 2 in IPv6 networks.

implicit-null: Specifies the egress node to advertise an implicit null label of 3 to the penultimate hop.

non-null: Specifies the egress node to advertise a non-null label to the penultimate hop.

Usage guidelines

As a best practice, configure the egress node to advertise an implicit null label to the penultimate hop if the penultimate hop supports PHP.

If you want to simplify packet forwarding on egress but keep labels to determine QoS policies, configure the egress node to advertise an explicit null label to the penultimate hop.

Use non-null labels only in particular scenarios. For example, when OAM is configured on the egress node, the egress node can get the OAM function entity status only through non-null labels.

As a penultimate hop, the device accepts the implicit null label, explicit null label, or non-null label advertised by the egress node.

For LDP LSPs, the mpls label advertise command triggers LDP to delete the LSPs established before the command is executed and re-establishes new LSPs.

For BGP LSPs, the mpls label advertise command takes effect only on the BGP LSPs established after the command is executed. To apply the new setting to BGP LSPs established before the command is executed, delete the routes corresponding to the BGP LSPs, and then redistribute the routes.


# Configure the egress node to advertise an implicit null label to the penultimate hop.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mpls label advertise implicit-null

Related commands

reset mpls ldp

mpls label range

Use mpls label range to set the value range for dynamic labels that the device can allocate.

Use undo mpls label range to restore the default.


mpls label range minimum maximum

undo mpls label range


The value range for dynamic labels that the device can allocate is not configured.


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minimum: Specifies the minimum label value that the device can allocate. The value range for this argument is 16000 to 1048575.

maximum: Specifies the maximum label value that the device can allocate. The value range for this argument is 16000 to 1048575.

Usage guidelines

This command sets the value range in which label distribution protocols can dynamically allocate labels.

This command does not take effect on static LSP labels, static CRLSP labels, static SRLSP labels, or static PW labels. For more information about static LSP labels, see "Configuring a static LSP." For more information about static CRLSP labels, see "Configuring a static CRLSP." For more information about static PW labels, see "Configuring VPLS" and "Configuring MPLS L2VPN." For more information about static SRLSPs, see MPLS SR configuration in Segment Routing Configuration Guide.

If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.


# Set the value range to 20000 to 25000 for dynamic labels that the device can allocate.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mpls label range 20000 25000

mpls label-usage threshold-alarm percent

Use mpls label-usage threshold-alarm percent to set alarm thresholds for MPLS label usage.

Use undo mpls label-usage threshold-alarm percent to restore the default.




This command is supported only in Release 2825 and later.



mpls label-usage threshold-alarm percent { dynamic | egress | egress6 | l3vpn | srgb | static | vpls | vpws } upper-limit upper-percent lower-limit lower-percent

undo mpls label-usage threshold-alarm percent { dynamic | egress | egress6 | l3vpn | srgb | static | vpls | vpws }


The usage alarm upper threshold is 80% and lower threshold is 70% for all types of MPLS labels.


System view

Predefined user roles



dynamic: Specifies dynamic allocated MPLS labels.

egress: Specifies egress MPLS labels (labels allocated to egress LSPs).

egress6: Specifies IPv6 egress MPLS labels (labels allocated to IPv6 egress LSPs).

l3vpn: Specifies L3VPN MPLS labels (labels allocated to MPLS L3VPN).

srgb: Specifies SRGB MPLS labels (labels allocated to SRGB).

static: Specifies statically configured MPLS labels.

vpls: Specifies VPLS MPLS labels (labels allocated to VPLS).

vpws: Specifies VPWS MPLS labels (labels allocated to VPWS).

upper-limit upper-percent: Specifies the upper threshold for MPLS label usage, in the range of 1% to 99%.

lower-limit lower-percent: Specifies the lower threshold for MPLS label usage, in the range of 1% to 99%.

Usage guidelines

After SNMP notifications for MPLS label usage are enabled, the device generates a notification when MPLS label usage exceeds the upper threshold or drops below the lower threshold. To enable SNMP notifications for MPLS label usage, use the snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private label-threshold command.

The MPLS label usage upper threshold must be greater than the lower threshold.


# Set the usage alarm upper threshold to 90% and lower threshold to 80% for dynamic MPLS labels.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mpls label-usage threshold-alarm percent dynamic upper-limit 90 lower-limit 80

Related commands

snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private

mpls lsr-id

Use mpls lsr-id to configure an LSR ID for the local LSR.

Use undo mpls lsr-id to restore the default.


mpls lsr-id lsr-id

undo mpls lsr-id


An LSR has no LSR ID.


System view

Predefined user roles



lsr-id: Specifies an ID for identifying the LSR, in dotted decimal notation.

Usage guidelines

As a best practice, use the address of a loopback interface on the LSR as the LSR ID.


# Configure the LSR ID as for the local node.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mpls lsr-id

Related commands


mpls mtu

Use mpls mtu to set the MPLS MTU for an interface.

Use undo mpls mtu to restore the default.


mpls mtu size

undo mpls mtu


The MPLS MTU of an interface is not configured. Fragmentation for MPLS packets is based on the IP MTU. If IP MTU is not configured, fragmentation for MPLS packets is based on the MTU of the interface. The length of a fragment does not include that of the MPLS label. Thus, after an MPLS label is added into a fragment, the length of the MPLS fragment might exceed the interface MTU.


Interface view

Predefined user roles



size: Specifies the MPLS MTU of the interface, in the range of 46 to 65535 bytes.

Usage guidelines

This command is effective only when MPLS is enabled on the interface.

If the MPLS MTU is larger than the interface MTU, data forwarding might fail.

MPLS TE tunnel interfaces do not support this command.


# Set the MPLS MTU of VLAN-interface 2 to 1000 bytes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 2

[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] mpls enable

[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] mpls mtu 1000

Related commands

display mpls interface

mpls statistics

Use mpls statistics to enable MPLS label forwarding statistics for LSPs.

Use undo mpls statistics to disable MPLS label forwarding statistics for LSPs.


mpls statistics { all | [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { ipv4 ipv4-address mask-length | ipv6 ipv6-address prefix-length } | static | te ingress-lsr-id tunnel-id }

undo mpls statistics { all | [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { ipv4 ipv4-address mask-length | ipv6 ipv6-address prefix-length } | static | te ingress-lsr-id tunnel-id }


MPLS label forwarding statistics are disabled for all LSPs.


System view

Predefined user roles



all: Specifies all LSPs.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command enables MPLS forwarding statistics for public LSPs.

ipv4 ipv4-address mask-length: Specifies the IPv4 LSP for an FEC specified by an IPv4 address and a mask length. The mask length is in the range of 0 to 32.

ipv6 ipv6-address prefix-length: Specifies the BGP-IPv6 LSP for an FEC specified by an IPv6 address and a prefix length. The prefix length is in the range of 0 to 128.

static: Specifies static LSPs and static CRLSPs.

te ingress-lsr-id tunnel-id: Specifies an RSVP-TE tunnel. The ingress-lsr-id represents the LSR ID of the ingress node of the tunnel. The tunnel-id argument represents the ID of the tunnel. The value range for the tunnel-id argument is 0 to 5119.

Usage guidelines

MPLS label forwarding forwards a labeled packet based on its incoming label. MPLS label forwarding statistics is enabled by this command.

To display MPLS label forwarding statistics for the specified LSPs by using the display mpls lsp verbose command, you must perform the following tasks:

·     Use the mpls statistics command to enable the MPLS label forwarding statistics feature for the LSPs.

·     Use the mpls statistics interval command to set the MPLS label forwarding statistics collection interval.

The execution of the mpls statistics enable command on a PE enables MPLS label forwarding statistics for a VPN instance and for all LSPs in the VPN instance. For more information about enabling MPLS label forwarding statistics for a VPN instance, see MPLS Configuration Guide.

The undo mpls statistics all command cannot disable MPLS label forwarding statistics for a VPN instance or a protocol after the mpls statistics command is executed with the vpn-instance, ipv4, ipv6, static, or te keyword specified. To disable MPLS label forwarding statistics for the VPN instance or protocol, execute the undo mpls statistics command with the vpn-instance, ipv4, ipv6, static, or te keyword specified.


# Enable MPLS label forwarding statistics for the LSP destined for

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mpls statistics ipv4 32

Related commands

display mpls lsp verbose

mpls statistics interval

reset mpls statistics

mpls statistics interval

Use mpls statistics interval to set the MPLS label forwarding statistics collection interval.

Use undo mpls statistics interval to delete the MPLS label forwarding statistics collection interval.


mpls statistics interval interval

undo mpls statistics interval


The MPLS forwarding statistics collection interval is not set.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies the MPLS label forwarding statistics collection interval in the range of 30 to 65535 seconds.

Usage guidelines

To display MPLS label forwarding statistics for the specified LSPs, you must perform the following tasks:

·     Use the mpls statistics command to enable the MPLS label forwarding statistics feature for the LSPs.

·     Use the mpls statistics interval command to set the MPLS label forwarding statistics collection interval.


# Set the MPLS label forwarding statistics collection interval to 30 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mpls statistics interval 30

Related commands

display mpls lsp verbose

mpls statistics

reset mpls statistics

mpls ttl expiration enable

Use mpls ttl expiration enable to enable sending MPLS TTL-expired messages.

Use undo mpls ttl expiration enable to disable sending MPLS TTL-expired messages.


mpls ttl expiration enable

undo mpls ttl expiration enable


The MPLS TTL-expired messages sending feature is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

This command enables an LSR to generate an ICMP TTL-expired message upon receiving an MPLS packet with TTL being 1.

·     If the MPLS packet has only one label, the LSR sends the ICMP TTL-expired message back to the source through IP routing.

·     If the MPLS packet has multiple labels, the LSR forwards the ICMP TTL-expired message along the LSP of the MPLS packet to the egress node. Then, the egress node sends the message back to the source.


# Disable sending MPLS TTL-expired messages.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] undo mpls ttl expiration enable

mpls ttl propagate

Use mpls ttl propagate to enable TTL propagation.

Use undo mpls ttl propagate to disable TTL propagation.


mpls ttl propagate { public | vpn }

undo mpls ttl propagate { public | vpn }


TTL propagation is enabled for public network packets and is disabled for VPN packets.


System view

Predefined user roles



public: Specifies public network packets.

vpn: Specifies VPN packets.

Usage guidelines

When TTL propagation is enabled, MPLS performs the following operations:

·     Copies the IP TTL to the label TTL for packets entering the MPLS network.

·     Copies the label TTL to the IP TTL for packets leaving the MPLS network.

If you enable TTL propagation on both ingress and egress, the IP tracert facility can show the real path in the MPLS network.

When TTL propagation is disabled, MPLS performs the following operations:

·     Sets the label TTL to 255 for packets entering the MPLS network.

·     Pops the label for packets leaving the MPLS network, without copying the label TTL value to the IP TTL.

The IP tracert facility cannot show the real path in the MPLS network.

Within an MPLS network, TTL is always copied between the labels of an MPLS packet. The mpls ttl propagate command affects only the propagation between IP TTL and label TTL.

As a best practice, set the same TTL processing mode on all LSRs of an LSP.

To enable TTL propagation for a VPN, you must enable it on all PE devices in the VPN. This allows you to obtain the same traceroute result (hop count) from those PEs.


# Enable TTL propagation for VPN packets.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] mpls ttl propagate vpn

reset mpls statistics

Use reset mpls statistics to clear MPLS forwarding statistics for the specified LSPs.


reset mpls statistics { all | [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { ipv4 ipv4-address mask-length | ipv6 ipv6-address prefix-length } | static | te ingress-lsr-id tunnel-id }


User view

Predefined user roles



all: Specifies all LSPs.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command clears MPLS forwarding statistics for public LSPs.

ipv4 ipv4-address mask-length: Specifies the IPv4 LSP for an FEC specified by an IPv4 address and a mask length. The mask length is in the range of 0 to 32.

ipv6 ipv6-address prefix-length: Specifies the BGP-IPv6 LSP for an FEC specified by an IPv6 address and a prefix length. The prefix length is in the range of 0 to 128.

static: Specifies static LSPs and static CRLSPs.

te ingress-lsr-id tunnel-id: Specifies an RSVP-TE tunnel. The ingress-lsr-id argument represents the LSR ID of the ingress node of the tunnel. The tunnel-id argument represents the ID of the tunnel. The value range for the tunnel-id argument is 0 to 5119.


# Clear MPLS forwarding statistics for the LSP destined for

<Sysname> reset mpls statistics ipv4 32

Related commands

display mpls lsp verbose

mpls statistics

mpls statistics interval

snmp-agent trap enable mpls

Use snmp-agent trap enable mpls to enable SNMP notifications for MPLS.

Use undo snmp-agent trap enable mpls to disable SNMP notifications for MPLS.


snmp-agent trap enable mpls

undo snmp-agent trap enable mpls


SNMP notifications for MPLS are disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

To report critical MPLS events to an NMS, enable SNMP notifications for MPLS. For MPLS event notifications to be sent correctly, you must also configure SNMP on the device. For more information about SNMP configuration, see the network management and monitoring configuration guide for the device.


# Enable SNMP notifications for MPLS.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable mpls

snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private

Use snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private to enable private SNMP notifications for MPLS.

Use undo snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private to disable private SNMP notifications for MPLS.




This command is supported only in Release 2825 and later.



snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private [ label-threshold | label-total | resources-exceeded | slsp-up-down | tunnel-to-vpn ] *

undo snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private [ label-threshold | label-total | resources-exceeded | slsp-up-down | tunnel-to-vpn ] *


Private SNMP notifications for MPLS are disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



label-threshold: Sends a notification when MPLS label usage exceeds the upper threshold or drops below the lower threshold. To set the MPLS label usage upper and lower thresholds, use the mpls label-usage threshold-alarm percent command.

label-total: Sends a notification when MPLS label usage reaches 100% or drops from 100% to 95%.

slsp-up-down: Sends a notification when a static LSP goes up or down.

resources-exceeded: Sends a notification when the number of resources (including ACs, PWs, VSIs, and swap labels) on a card reaches the maximum.

tunnel-to-vpn: Sends a notification when the recursive tunnel for a VPN instance changes.

Usage guidelines

This command enables generating SNMP notifications for MPLS events of label-threshold, label-total, slsp-up-down, resources-exceeded, and tunnel-to-vpn. These notifications are not defined in an RFC and are private MPLS notifications supported by the device. For SNMP to output the private MPLS notifications correctly, you must also configure parameters for sending SNMP notifications. For more information about SNMP configuration, see Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide.

If you do not specify any parameters, this command enables or disables all private SNMP notifications for MPLS.


# Enable all private SNMP notifications for MPLS.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable mpls-private

Related commands

snmp-agent trap enable mpls


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