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02-WLAN radio load balancing commands
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1 WLAN radio load balancing commands


display wlan radio-load-balance status service-template

Use display wlan radio-load-balance status service-template to display load balancing information for radios that are bound to a service template.


display wlan radio-load-balance status service-template template-name client mac-address


Any view

Predefined user roles




template-name: Specifies a service template by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

client mac-address: Displays information about radios that have detected the specified client. The mac-address argument represents the MAC address of the client and is in H-H-H format.


# Display load balancing information for radios that are bound to service template st1 and that detect the client with MAC address 702d-2249-33bf.

<Sysname> display wlan radio-load-balance status service-template st1 client 702d-2249-33bf

Current radio load balancing mode: session

Threshold: 2

Gap: 1

Band ratio (5 G/2.4 G): 2/1

Total radios: 4

APID    RID    Sessions   Balanced(Y/N)


1       2       10          N

3       1       2           Y

4       1       2           Y

4       2       2           Y

Table1-1 Command output



Current radio load-balance mode

Session mode.


Session threshold.


Session gap threshold. (This field is displayed only when the session gap threshold is configured.)

Band ratio (5G/2.4G)

Ratio of clients associated with 5 GHz radios to clients associated with 2.4 GHz radios.

(This field is displayed only when the ratio of clients associated with 5 GHz radios to clients associated with 2.4 GHz radios is configured.)




Radio ID


Number of clients associated with the radio.


Load balancing status:

·     Y—The radio has been load balanced.

·     N—The radio has not been load balanced.

wlan radio-load-balance access-denial

Use wlan radio-load-balance access-denial to set the maximum number of denials for association requests.

Use undo wlan radio-load-balance access-denial to restore the default.


wlan radio-load-balance access-denial access-denial

undo wlan radio-load-balance access-denial


The maximum number of denials is 3 for association requests.


System view

Predefined user roles



access-denial: Specifies the maximum number of denials for association requests, in the range of 2 to 10.

Usage guidelines

If the number of times that a radio rejects a client reaches the specified maximum number of denials for association requests, the radio accepts the association request from the client.


# Set the maximum number of denials to 4 for association requests.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] wlan radio-load-balance access-denial 4

wlan radio-load-balance enable

Use wlan radio-load-balance enable to enable WLAN radio load balancing.

Use undo wlan radio-load-balance enable to disable WLAN radio load balancing.


wlan radio-load-balance enable [ mode session value [ gap gap-value | band-ratio 5g-proportion 2.4g-proportion ] [ report-time time ] ]

undo wlan radio-load-balance enable


WLAN radio load balancing is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



session value: Specifies the session threshold value in the range of 1 to 120.

gap gap-value: Specifies the session gap threshold value in the range of 1 to 12. The session gap is the difference between weighted client value of a radio where the client comes online and the weighted client value of the radio that has the fewest clients within the same AC. The weighted client value is equivalent to the number of clients multiplied by the radio weight value. The radio weight values of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios are 2 and 1, respectively.

band-ratio 5g-proportion 2.4g-proportion: Specifies the ratio of clients associated with all 5 GHz neighbor radios to clients associated with all 2.4 GHz neighbor radios of a client. The value range is 1 to 5 for both the 5g-proportion and 2.4g-proportion arguments.

report-time time: Specifies the time to wait before an AP reports information about a client for the first time. The value range for the time argument is 500 to 5000 milliseconds and the default value is 1000 milliseconds.

Usage guidelines

The AC supports session-mode radio load balancing and the following radio load balancing types:

·     Session gap threshold based—The AC performs radio load balancing when the following conditions are met:

¡     The number of clients associated with a radio reaches the session threshold.

¡     The session gap between the radio and the radio that has the fewest clients reaches the session gap threshold.

·     Band ratio based—The AC performs radio load balancing in the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

¡     A client requests to associate with a 5 GHz radio.

¡     The number of online clients associated with the 5 GHz radio reaches the session threshold.

¡     The ratio between the number of clients associated with all 5 GHz neighbor radios multiplied by the radio weight value and the number of clients associated with all 2.4 GHz neighbor radios multiplied by the radio weight value is larger than the band ratio, or the load of the radio is higher than the average load of all radios of the same type.

Scenario 2

¡     A client requests to associate with a 2.4 GHz radio.

¡     The number of online clients associated with the 2.4 GHz radio reaches the session threshold.

¡     The ratio between the number of clients associated with all 5 GHz neighbor radios multiplied by the radio weight value and the number of clients associated with all 2.4 GHz neighbor radios multiplied by the radio weight value is smaller than or equivalent to the band ratio, or the load of the radio is lower than or equivalent to the average load of all radios of the same type.

When an AP receives the probe request from a client for the first time, the AP waits for the specified time period before it sends the client information to the AC. The AC creates a neighbor radio table for a client based on the information received from APs. To ensure data accuracy and save resources, set an appropriate wait time period.

If you do not specify a radio load balancing type, the session gap threshold based type is used. The session threshold is 50, and the session gap threshold 10.




Neighbor radios of a client refer to all radios that receive requests from the client.


# Enable WLAN radio load balancing.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] wlan radio-load-balance enable mode session 4 gap 3

wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide

Use wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide enable to enable overloaded 5 GHz radios to hide SSIDs.

Use wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide disable to disable overloaded 5 GHz radios from hiding SSIDs.

Use undo wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide to restore the default.


wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide { disable | enable [ session value [ gap gap-value ] ] } [ force-logoff ]

undo wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide


In AP view, an AP uses the configuration in AP group view.

In AP group view, overloaded 5 GHz radios hide SSIDs.


AP view

AP group view

Predefined user roles



session value: Specifies the session threshold value in the range of 1 to 120. The default value is 5.

gap gap-value: Specifies the session gap threshold value in the range of 1 to 24. The default value is 4.

force-logoff: Forces half of the clients associated with the target 5 GHz radio to log off when the working channel of the other 5 GHz radio is no longer occupied by radar signals.

Usage guidelines

After you configure this command, a 5 GHz radio hides its SSID in beacon frames when the following conditions are met:

·     The number of clients associated with the 5 GHz radio reaches the session threshold.

·     The session gap between the 5 GHz radio and another 5 GHz radio on the same AP reaches the session gap threshold.

The 5 GHz radio stops hiding its SSID in beacon frame when either of the following conditions are met:

·     The number of clients associated with the 5 GHz radio falls below the session threshold.

·     The session gap between the 5 GHz radio and another 5 GHz radio on the same AP falls below the session gap threshold.

As a best practice, enable this feature when a large number of clients exist in the network.

This feature takes effect only when an AP has multiple 5 GHz radios.

When radar avoidance occurs on a 5 GHz radio, all clients on the radio will be transferred to the other 5 GHz radio of the same AP. As a result, the 5 GHz radio might be overloaded. To resolve this issue, specify the force-logoff keyword to force half of the clients on the overloaded 5 GHz radio to log off when the working channel of the other 5 GHz radio is no longer occupied by radar signals. Specifying the force-logoff keyword will force clients to log off. As a best practice, specify this keyword only when necessary.


# Enable overloaded 5 GHz radios of AP ap1 to hide SSIDs.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] wlan ap ap1 model WA6330

[Sysname-wlan-ap-ap1] wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide enable session 20 gap 5

# Enable overloaded 5 GHz radios of APs in AP group group1 to hide SSIDs.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] wlan ap-group group1

[Sysname-wlan-ap-group-group1] wlan radio-load-balance overload-5g ssid-hide enable session 20 gap 5

wlan radio-load-balance rssi-threshold

Use wlan radio-load-balance rssi-threshold to set the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) threshold.

Use undo wlan radio-load-balance rssi-threshold to restore the default.


wlan radio-load-balance rssi-threshold rssi-threshold

undo wlan radio-load-balance rssi-threshold


The RSSI threshold is 25.


System view

Predefined user roles



rssi-threshold: Specifies the RSSI threshold in the range of 5 to 100.

Usage guidelines

If a radio detects that the RSSI of a client is lower than the specified RSSI threshold, the radio ignores the association requests of the client.


# Set the RSSI threshold to 40.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] wlan radio-load-balance rssi-threshold 40


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