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26-Object group commands
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Object group commands

This feature is supported only in Release 6616P01 and later.


Use description to configure a description for an object group.

Use undo description to restore the default.


description text

undo description


No description is configured for an object group.


Object group view

Predefined user roles



text: Specifies a description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters.


# Configure the description as This is an IPv4 object-group for an IPv4 address object group.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ip address ipgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-ip-ipgroup] description This is an IPv4 object-group

display object-group

Use display object-group to display information about object groups.


display object-group [ { { ip | ipv6 } address | port } [ default ] [ name object-group-name ] | name object-group-name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




ip address: Specifies the IPv4 address object groups.

ipv6 address: Specifies the IPv6 address object groups.

port: Specifies the port object groups.

default: Specifies the default object groups.

name object-group-name: Specifies an object group by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.


# Display information about all object groups.

<Sysname> display object-group

IP address object group obj1: 0 object(in use)


IP address object group obj2: 4 objects(out of use)

0 network host address

10 network host name host

20 network subnet

30 network group-object obj1

Table 1 Command output



in use

The object group is used by an ACL or object group.

out of use

The object group is not used.


network (IPv4 address object group view)

Use network to configure an IPv4 address object.

Use undo network to delete an IPv4 address object.


[ object-id ] network { host { address ip-address | name host-name } | subnet ip-address { mask-length | mask } | group-object object-group-name }

undo network { host { address ip-address | name host-name } | subnet ip-address { mask-length | mask } | group-object object-group-name }

undo object-id


No IPv4 address objects exist.


IPv4 address object group view

Predefined user roles



object-id: Specifies an object ID in the range of 0 to 4294967294. If you do not specify an object ID, the system automatically assigns the object a multiple of 10 next to the greatest ID being used. For example, if the greatest ID is 22, the system automatically assigns 30.

host: Configures an IPv4 address object with the host address or name.

address ip-address: Specifies an IPv4 host address.

name host-name: Specifies a host name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 60 characters.

subnet ip-address { mask-length | mask }: Configures an IPv4 address object with the subnet address followed by a mask length in the range of 0 to 32 or a mask in dotted decimal notation.

group-object object-group-name: Specifies an IPv4 address object group by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

Usage guidelines

This command fails if you use it to configure or change an IPv4 address object to be identical with an existing object.

This command creates an IPv4 address object if the specified object ID does not exist. Otherwise, the command overwrites the configuration of the specified object.

If you configure a subnet with the mask length of 32 or the mask of, the system configures the object with a host address.

When you use the group-object object-group-name option, follow these guidelines:

·     The object group to be used must be an IPv4 address object group.

·     If the specified object group does not exist, the system creates an IPv4 address object group with the name you specified and uses the object group for the object.

·     Two object groups cannot use each other at the same time.

·     The system supports a maximum of five object group hierarchy layers. For example, if groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 use groups 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, group 5 cannot use another group and group 1 cannot be used by another group.


# Configure an IPv4 address object with the host address of

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ip address ipgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-ip-ipgroup] network host address

# Configure an IPv4 address object with the host name of pc3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ip address ipgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-ip-ipgroup] network host name pc3

# Configure an IPv4 address object with the IPv4 address of and mask length of 24.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ip address ipgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-ip-ipgroup] network subnet 24

# Configure an IPv4 address object with the IPv4 address of and mask of

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ip address ipgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-ip-ipgroup] network subnet

# Configure an IPv4 address object using object group ipgroup2.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ip address ipgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-ip-ipgroup] network group-object ipgroup2

network (IPv6 address object group view)

Use network to configure an IPv6 address object.

Use undo network to delete an IPv6 address object.


[ object-id ] network { host { address ipv6-address | name host-name } | subnet ipv6-address prefix-length | group-object object-group-name }

undo network { host { address ipv6-address | name host-name } | subnet ipv6-address prefix-length | group-object object-group-name }

undo object-id


No IPv6 address objects exist.


IPv6 address object group view

Predefined user roles



object-id: Specifies an object ID in the range of 0 to 4294967294. If you do not configure an object ID, the system automatically assigns the object a multiple of 10 next to the greatest ID being used. For example, if the greatest ID is 22, the system automatically assigns 30.

host: Configures an IPv6 address object with the host address or name.

address ipv6-address: Specifies an IPv6 host address.

name host-name: Specifies a host name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 60 characters.

subnet ipv6-address prefix-length: Configures an IPv6 address object with the subnet address followed by the prefix length in the range of 1 to 128.

group-object object-group-name: Specifies an IPv6 address object group by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

Usage guidelines

This command fails if you use it to configure or change an IPv6 address object to be identical with an existing object.

This command creates an IPv6 address object if the specified object ID does not exist. Otherwise, the command overwrites the configuration of the specified object.

If you configure a subnet address with the prefix length of 128, the system configures the object with a host address.

When you use the group-object object-group-name option, follow these guidelines:

·     The object group to be used must be an IPv6 address object group.

·     If the specified object group does not exist, the system creates an IPv6 address object group with the name you specified and uses the object group for the object.

·     Two object groups cannot use each other at the same time.

·     The system supports a maximum of five object group hierarchy layers. For example, if groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 use groups 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, group 5 cannot use another group and group 1 cannot be used by another group.


# Configure an IPv6 address object with the host address of 1::1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ipv6 address ipv6group

[Sysname-obj-grp-ipv6-ipv6group] network host address 1::1

# Configure an IPv6 address object with the host name of pc3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ipv6 address ipv6group

[Sysname-obj-grp-ipv6-ipv6group] network host name pc3

# Configure an IPv6 address object with the IPv6 address of 1:1:1::1 and prefix length of 24.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ipv6 address ipv6group

[Sysname-obj-grp-ipv6-ipv6group] network subnet 1:1:1::1 24

# Configure an IPv6 address object using object group ipv6group2.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ipv6 address ipv6group

[Sysname-obj-grp-ipv6-ipv6group] network group-object ipv6group2


Use object-group to configure an object group and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing object group.

Use undo object-group to delete an object group.


object-group { { ip | ipv6 } address | port } object-group-name

undo object-group { { ip | ipv6 } address | port } object-group-name


Default object groups exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



ip address: Configures an IPv4 address object group.

ipv6 address: Configures an IPv6 address object group.

port: Configures a port object group.

object-group-name: Specifies an object group name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

Usage guidelines

The object-group command execution results vary with the specified object group.

·     If the specified group does not exist, the system creates a new object group and enters the object group view.

·     If the specified group exists but the group type is different from that in the command, the command fails.

The undo object-group command execution results vary with the specified object group.

·     If the specified group does not exist, the system executes the command without any system prompt.

·     If the specified group exists and the group type is the same as that in the command, the system deletes the group.

·     If the specified group exists but the group type is different from that in the command, the command fails.

·     If the specified object group is being used by an ACL, object policy, or object group, the command fails.

Default object groups cannot be deleted.


# Configure an IPv4 address object group named ipgroup.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ip address ipgroup

# Configure an IPv6 address object group named ipv6group.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group ipv6 address ipv6group

# Configure a port object group named portgroup.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group port portgroup

port (port object group view)

Use port to configure a port object.

Use undo port to delete a port object.


[ object-id ] port { { eq | lt | gt } port | range port1 port2 | group-object object-group-name }

undo port { { eq | lt | gt } port | range port1 port2 | group-object object-group-name }

undo object-id


No port objects exist.


Port object group view

Predefined user roles



object-id: Specifies an object ID in the range of 0 to 4294967294. If you do not specify an object ID, the system automatically assigns the object a multiple of 10 next to the greatest ID being used. For example, if the greatest ID is 22, the system automatically assigns 30.

eq: Configures a port object with a port number equal to the specified port.

lt: Configures a port object with a port number smaller than the specified port.

gt: Configures a port object with a port number greater than the specified port.

port: Specifies a port number in the range of 0 to 65535.

range port1 port2: Configures a port object with a port range. The value range for the port1 and port2 arguments is 0 to 65535.

group-object object-group-name: Specifies a port object group by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

Usage guidelines

This command fails if you use it to configure or change a port object to be identical with an existing object.

This command creates a port object if the specified object ID does not exist. Otherwise, the command overwrites the configuration of the specified object.

When you use the lt port option, follow these guidelines:

·     The value of port cannot be 0.

·     If the value of port is 1, the system configures the object with a port number of 0.

·     If the value of port is in the range of 2 to 65535, the system configures the object with a port number range of [0, port–1].

When you use the gt port option, follow these guidelines:

·     The value of port cannot be 65535.

·     If the value of port is 65534, the system configures the object with a port number of 65535.

·     If the value of port is in the range of 0 to 65533, the system configures the object with a port number range of [port+1, 65535].

When you use the range port1 port2 option, follow these guidelines:

·     If port1 is equal to port2, the system configures the object with the port number port1.

·     If port1 is smaller than port2, the system configures the object with the port number range.

·     If port1 is greater than port2, the system changes the range to [port2, port1] and configures the object with the changed port number range.

·     If port1 is 0, the range is displayed as lt port2+1.

·     If port2 is 65535, the range is displayed as gt port1–1.

When you use the group-object object-group-name option, follow these guidelines:

·     The object group to be used must be a port object group.

·     If the specified object group does not exist, the system creates a port object group with the name you specified and uses the object group for the object.

·     Two object groups cannot use each other at the same time.

·     The system supports a maximum of five object group hierarchy layers. For example, if groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 use groups 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, group 5 cannot use another group and group 1 cannot be used by another group.


# Configure a port object with a port number of 100.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group port portgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-port-portgroup] port eq 100

# Configure a port object with a port number smaller than 20.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group port portgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-port-portgroup] port lt 20

# Configure a port object with a port number greater than 60000.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group port portgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-port-portgroup] port gt 60000

# Configure a port object with a port number in the range of 1000 to 2000.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group port portgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-port-portgroup] port range 1000 2000

# Configure a port object using object group portgroup2.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] object-group port portgroup

[Sysname-obj-grp-port-portgroup] port group-object portgroup2

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