- Table of Contents
- 09-Security Command Reference
- 00-Preface
- 01-AAA commands
- 02-802.1X commands
- 03-MAC authentication commands
- 04-Portal commands
- 05-Web authentication commands
- 06-Port security commands
- 07-User profile commands
- 08-Password control commands
- 09-Keychain commands
- 10-Public key management commands
- 11-PKI commands
- 12-IPsec commands
- 13-SSH commands
- 14-SSL commands
- 15-Attack detection and prevention commands
- 16-TCP attack prevention commands
- 17-IP source guard commands
- 18-ARP attack protection commands
- 19-ND attack defense commands
- 20-uRPF commands
- 21-MFF commands
- 22-Crypto engine commands
- 23-FIPS commands
- 24-MACsec commands
- 25-Microsegmentation commands
- 26-Object group commands
- 27-SAVI commands
- 28-SAVA commands
- Related Documents
Title | Size | Download |
12-IPsec commands | 600.16 KB |
display ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
display ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template }
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } isakmp template
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } local-address
ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template }
ike invalid-spi-recovery enable
ike signature-identity from-certificate
match local address (IKE keychain view)
match local address (IKE profile view)
match local (IKEv2 profile view)
match local address (IKEv2 policy view)
match vrf (IKEv2 profile view)
IPsec commands
The device supports the FIPS mode that complies with NIST FIPS 140-2 requirements. Support for features, commands, and parameters might differ in FIPS mode and non-FIPS mode. For more information about FIPS mode, see Security Configuration Guide.
ah authentication-algorithm
Use ah authentication-algorithm to specify authentication algorithms for the AH protocol.
Use undo ah authentication-algorithm to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
ah authentication-algorithm { aes-xcbc-mac | md5 | sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo ah authentication-algorithm
In FIPS mode:
ah authentication-algorithm { sha1| sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo ah authentication-algorithm
AH does not use any authentication algorithms.
IPsec transform set view
Predefined user roles
aes-xcbc-mac: Specifies the HMAC-AES-XCBC-96 algorithm, which uses a 128-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
md5: Specifies the HMAC-MD5-96 algorithm, which uses a 128-bit key.
sha1: Specifies the HMAC-SHA1-96 algorithm, which uses a 160-bit key.
sha256: Specifies the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm, which uses a 256-bit key.
sha384: Specifies the HMAC-SHA384 algorithm, which uses a 384-bit key.
sha512: Specifies the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm, which uses a 512-bit key.
Usage guidelines
In non-FIPS mode, you can specify multiple AH authentication algorithms for one IPsec transform set, and the algorithm specified earlier has a higher priority.
For a manual or IKEv1-based IPsec policy, the first specified AH authentication algorithm takes effect. To make sure an IPsec tunnel can be established successfully, the IPsec transform sets specified at both ends of the tunnel must have the same first AH authentication algorithm.
# Specify HMAC-SHA1 as the AH authentication algorithm for IPsec transform set tran1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] ah authentication-algorithm sha1
Use description to configure a description for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
Use undo description to restore the default.
description text
undo description
No description is configured for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
text: Specifies a description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 80 characters.
Usage guidelines
If the system has multiple IPsec policies, IPsec policy templates, or IPsec profiles, you can use this command to configure different descriptions for them to distinguish them.
# Configure the description for IPsec policy policy1 as CenterToA.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 1 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-1] description CenterToA
display ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
Use display ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } to display information about IPsec policies.
display ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } [ policy-name [ seq-number ] ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-policy: Displays information about IPv6 IPsec policies.
policy: Displays information about IPv4 IPsec policies.
policy-name: Specifies an IPsec policy by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
seq-number: Specifies an IPsec policy entry by its sequence number in the range of 1 to 65535.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays information about all IPsec policies.
If you specify an IPsec policy name and a sequence number, this command displays information about the specified IPsec policy entry. If you specify an IPsec policy name without any sequence number, this command displays information about all IPsec policy entries with the specified name.
# Display information about all IPv4 IPsec policies.
<Sysname> display ipsec policy
IPsec Policy: mypolicy
Sequence number: 1
Mode: Manual
The policy configuration is incomplete:
ACL not specified
Incomplete transform-set configuration
Description: This is my first IPv4 manual policy
Security data flow:
Remote address:
Transform set: transform
Inbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 1200 (0x000004b0)
AH string-key: ******
AH authentication hex key:
Inbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 1400 (0x00000578)
ESP string-key:
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key:
Outbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 1300 (0x00000514)
AH string-key: ******
AH authentication hex key:
Outbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 1500 (0x000005dc)
ESP string-key: ******
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key:
Sequence number: 2
The policy configuration is incomplete:
Remote-address not set
ACL not specified
Transform-set not set
Description: This is my first IPv4 Isakmp policy
Traffic Flow Confidentiality: Enabled
Security data flow:
Selector mode: standard
Local address:
Remote address:
Transform set:
IKE profile:
IKEv2 profile:
SA duration(time based): 3600 seconds
SA duration(traffic based): 1843200 kilobytes
SA idle time:
IPsec Policy: mycompletepolicy
Interface: LoopBack2
Sequence number: 1
Mode: Manual
Description: This is my complete policy
Security data flow: 3100
Remote address:
Transform set: completetransform
Inbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 5000 (0x00001388)
AH string-key: ******
AH authentication hex key:
Inbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 7000 (0x00001b58)
ESP string-key: ******
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key:
Outbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 6000 (0x00001770)
AH string-key: ******
AH authentication hex key:
Outbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 8000 (0x00001f40)
ESP string-key: ******
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key:
Sequence number: 2
Description: This is my complete policy
Traffic Flow Confidentiality: Enabled
Security data flow: 3200
Selector mode: standard
Local address:
Remote address:
Transform set: completetransform
IKE profile:
IKEv2 profile:
SA duration(time based): 3600 seconds
SA duration(traffic based): 1843200 kilobytes
SA idle time:
# Display information about all IPv6 IPsec policies.
<Sysname> display ipsec ipv6-policy
IPsec Policy: mypolicy
Sequence number: 1
Mode: Manual
Description: This is my first IPv6 policy
Security data flow: 3600
Remote address: 1000::2
Transform set: mytransform
Inbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 1235 (0x000004d3)
AH string-key: ******
AH authentication hex key:
Inbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 1236 (0x000004d4)
ESP string-key: ******
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key:
Outbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 1237 (0x000004d5)
AH string-key: ******
AH authentication hex key:
Outbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 1238 (0x000004d6)
ESP string-key: ******
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key:
Table 1 Command output
Field |
Description |
IPsec Policy |
IPsec policy name. |
Interface |
Interface applied with the IPsec policy. |
Sequence number |
Sequence number of the IPsec policy entry. |
Mode |
Negotiation mode of the IPsec policy: · Manual—Manual mode. · ISAKMP—IKE negotiation mode. · Template—IPsec policy template mode. |
The policy configuration is incomplete |
IPsec policy configuration incomplete. Possible causes include: · The ACL is not configured. · The IPsec transform set is not configured. · The ACL does not have any permit statements. · The IPsec transform set configuration is not complete. · The peer IP address of the IPsec tunnel is not specified. · The SPI and key of the IPsec SA do not match those in the IPsec policy. |
Description |
Description of the IPsec policy. |
Traffic Flow Confidentiality |
Whether Traffic Flow Confidentiality (TFC) padding is enabled. |
Security data flow |
ACL used by the IPsec policy. |
Selector mode |
Data flow protection mode of the IPsec policy: standard, aggregation, or per-host. |
Local address |
Local end IP address of the IPsec tunnel (available only for the IKE-based IPsec policy). |
Remote address |
Remote end IP address or host name of the IPsec tunnel. |
Transform set |
Transform set used by the IPsec policy. |
IKE profile |
IKE profile used by the IPsec policy. |
IKEv2 profile |
IKEv2 profile used by the IPsec policy. |
SA duration(time based) |
Time-based IPsec SA lifetime, in seconds. |
SA duration(traffic based) |
Traffic-based IPsec SA lifetime, in kilobytes. |
SA idle time |
Idle timeout of the IPsec SA, in seconds. |
AH string-key |
AH string key. This field displays ****** if the key is configured and it is empty if the key is not configured. |
AH authentication hex key |
AH authentication hexadecimal key. This field displays ****** if the key is configured and it is empty if the key is not configured. |
ESP string-key |
ESP string key. This field displays ****** if the key is configured and it is empty if the key is not configured. |
ESP encryption hex key |
ESP encryption hexadecimal key. This field displays ****** if the key is configured and it is empty if the key is not configured. |
ESP authentication hex key |
ESP authentication hexadecimal key. This field displays ****** if the key is configured and it is empty if the key is not configured. |
Related commands
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
display ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template }
Use display ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template } to display information about IPsec policy templates
display ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template } [ template-name [ seq-number ] ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-policy-template: Displays information about IPv6 IPsec policy templates.
policy-template: Displays information about IPv4 IPsec policy templates.
template-name: Specifies an IPsec policy template by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
seq-number: Specifies an IPsec policy template entry by its sequence number in the range of 1 to 65535.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays information about all IPsec policy templates.
If you specify an IPsec policy template name and a sequence number, this command displays information about the specified IPsec policy template entry. If you specify an IPsec policy template name without any sequence number, this command displays information about all IPsec policy template entries with the specified name.
# Display information about all IPv4 IPsec policy templates.
<Sysname> display ipsec policy-template
IPsec Policy Template: template
Sequence number: 1
Description: This is policy template
Traffic Flow Confidentiality: Disabled
Security data flow :
Selector mode: standard
Local address:
IKE profile:
IKEv2 profile:
Remote address:
Transform set: testprop
IPsec SA local duration(time based): 3600 seconds
IPsec SA local duration(traffic based): 1843200 kilobytes
SA idle time:
# Display information about all IPv6 IPsec policy templates.
<Sysname> display ipsec ipv6-policy-template
IPsec Policy Template: template6
Sequence number: 1
Description: This is policy template
Traffic Flow Confidentiality: Disabled
Security data flow :
Selector mode: standard
Local address:
IKE profile:
IKEv2 profile:
Remote address: 200::1
Transform set: testprop
IPsec SA local duration(time based): 3600 seconds
IPsec SA local duration(traffic based): 1843200 kilobytes
SA idle time:
Table 2 Command output
Field |
Description |
IPsec Policy Template |
IPsec policy template name. |
Sequence number |
Sequence number of the IPsec policy template entry. |
Description |
Description of the IPsec policy template. |
Traffic Flow Confidentiality |
Whether Traffic Flow Confidentiality (TFC) padding is enabled. |
Security data flow |
ACL used by the IPsec policy template. |
Selector mode |
Data flow protection mode of the IPsec policy template: standard, aggregation, or per-host. |
Local address |
Local end IP address of the IPsec tunnel. |
IKE profile |
IKE profile used by the IPsec policy template. |
IKEv2 profile |
IKEv2 profile used by the IPsec policy template. |
Remote address |
Remote end IP address of the IPsec tunnel. |
Transform set |
Transform set used by the IPsec policy template. |
IPsec SA local duration(time based) |
Time-based IPsec SA lifetime, in seconds. |
IPsec SA local duration(traffic based) |
Traffic-based IPsec SA lifetime, in kilobytes. |
SA idle time |
Idle timeout of the IPsec SA, in seconds. |
Related commands
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } isakmp template
display ipsec profile
Use display ipsec profile to display information about IPsec profiles.
display ipsec profile [ profile-name ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
profile-name: Specifies an IPsec profile by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays information about all IPsec profiles.
# Display information about all IPsec profiles.
<Sysname> display ipsec profile
IPsec profile: profile
Mode: manual
Transform set: prop1
Inbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 12345 (0x00003039)
AH string-key:
AH authentication hex key: ******
Inbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 23456 (0x00005ba0)
ESP string-key:
ESP encryption hex-key: ******
ESP authentication hex-key: ******
Outbound AH setting:
AH SPI: 12345 (0x00003039)
AH string-key:
AH authentication hex key: ******
Outbound ESP setting:
ESP SPI: 23456 (0x00005ba0)
ESP string-key:
ESP encryption hex key: ******
ESP authentication hex key: ******
Table 3 Command output
Field |
Description |
IPsec profile |
IPsec profile name. |
Mode |
Negotiation mode used by the IPsec profile. |
Description |
Description of the IPsec profile. |
Transform set |
IPsec transform set used by the IPsec profile. |
Related commands
ipsec profile
display ipsec sa
Use display ipsec sa to display information about IPsec SAs.
display ipsec sa [ brief | count | interface interface-type interface-number | { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name [ seq-number ] | profile profile-name | remote [ ipv6 ] ip-address ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
brief: Displays brief information about all IPsec SAs.
count: Displays the number of IPsec SAs.
interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
ipv6-policy: Displays detailed information about IPsec SAs created by using a specified IPv6 IPsec policy.
policy: Displays detailed information about IPsec SAs created by using a specified IPv4 IPsec policy.
policy-name: Specifies an IPsec policy by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
seq-number: Specifies an IPsec policy entry by its sequence number. The value range is 1 to 65535.
profile: Displays detailed information about IPsec SAs created by using a specified IPsec profile.
profile-name: Specifies an IPsec profile by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
remote ip-address: Specifies an IPsec SA by its remote end IP address.
ipv6: Specifies an IPsec SA by its remote end IPv6 address. If this keyword is not specified, the specified remote end IP address is an IPv4 address.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays detailed information about all IPsec SAs.
# Display brief information about IPsec SAs.
<Sysname> display ipsec sa brief
Interface/Global Dst Address SPI Protocol Status
Vlan100 400 ESP Active
Vlan100 4294967295 ESP Active
Vlan100 100::1/64 500 AH Active
Global -- 600 ESP Active
Table 4 Command output
Field |
Description |
Interface/Global |
Interface where the IPsec SA belongs to or global IPsec SA (created by using an IPsec profile). |
Dst Address |
Remote end IP address of the IPsec tunnel. For the IPsec SAs created by using IPsec profiles, this field displays two hyphens (--). |
IPsec SA SPI. |
Protocol |
Security protocol used by IPsec. |
Status |
Status of the IPsec SA, which can only be Active. |
# Display the number of IPsec SAs.
<Sysname> display ipsec sa count
Total IPsec SAs count: 4
# Display detailed information about all IPsec SAs.
<Sysname> display ipsec sa
Interface: Vlan-interface100
IPsec policy: r2
Sequence number: 1
Tunnel id: 3
Encapsulation mode: tunnel
Perfect Forward Secrecy:
Inside VRF: vp1
Extended Sequence Numbers enable: Y
Traffic Flow Confidentiality enable: N
Path MTU: 1443
local address:
remote address:
sour addr: port: 0 protocol: ip
dest addr: port: 0 protocol: ip
[Inbound ESP SAs]
SPI: 3564837569 (0xd47b1ac1)
Connection ID: 90194313219
SA duration (kilobytes/sec): 4294967295/604800
SA remaining duration (kilobytes/sec): 1843200/2686
Max received sequence-number: 5
Anti-replay check enable: Y
Anti-replay window size: 32
UDP encapsulation used for NAT traversal: N
Status: Active
[Outbound ESP SAs]
SPI: 801701189 (0x2fc8fd45)
Connection ID: 64424509441
SA duration (kilobytes/sec): 4294967295/604800
SA remaining duration (kilobytes/sec): 1843200/2686
Max sent sequence-number: 6
UDP encapsulation used for NAT traversal: N
Status: Active
Global IPsec SA
IPsec profile: profile
Mode: Manual
Encapsulation mode: transport
[Inbound AH SA]
SPI: 1234563 (0x0012d683)
Connection ID: 64426789452
Transform set: AH-SHA1
No duration limit for this SA
[Outbound AH SA]
SPI: 1234563 (0x002d683)
Connection ID: 64428999468
Transform set: AH-SHA1
No duration limit for this SA
Table 5 Command output
Field |
Description |
Interface |
Interface where the IPsec SA belongs. |
IPsec policy |
Name of the IPsec policy. |
IPsec profile |
Name of the IPsec profile. |
Sequence number |
Sequence number of the IPsec policy entry. |
Mode |
Negotiation mode used by the IPsec policy: · Manual—Manual mode. · ISAKMP—IKE negotiation mode. · Template—IPsec policy template mode. |
Tunnel id |
IPsec tunnel ID. |
Encapsulation mode |
Encapsulation mode, transport or tunnel. |
Perfect Forward Secrecy |
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) used by the IPsec policy for negotiation: · 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group1). · 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group2). · 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group5). · 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group14). · 2048-bit and 256_bit subgroup Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group24). · 256-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group19). · 384-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group20). |
Extended Sequence Numbers enable |
Whether Extended Sequence Number (ESN) is enabled. |
Traffic Flow Confidentiality enable |
Whether Traffic Flow Confidentiality (TFC) padding is enabled. |
Inside VRF |
VPN instance to which the protected data flow belongs. |
Path MTU |
Path MTU of the IPsec SA. |
Tunnel |
Local and remote addresses of the IPsec tunnel. |
local address |
Local end IP address of the IPsec tunnel. |
remote address |
Remote end IP address of the IPsec tunnel. |
Flow |
Information about the data flow protected by the IPsec tunnel. |
sour addr |
Source IP address of the data flow. |
dest addr |
Destination IP address of the data flow. |
port |
Port number. |
protocol |
Protocol type: ip or ipv6. |
SPI of the IPsec SA. |
Connection ID |
Identifier of the IPsec SA. |
Transform set |
Security protocol and algorithms used by the IPsec transform set. |
SA duration (kilobytes/sec) |
IPsec SA lifetime, in kilobytes or seconds. |
SA remaining duration (kilobytes/sec) |
Remaining IPsec SA lifetime, in kilobytes or seconds. |
Max received sequence-number |
Max sequence number in the received packets. |
Max sent sequence-number |
Max sequence number in the sent packets. |
Anti-replay check enable |
Whether anti-replay checking is enabled. |
UDP encapsulation used for NAT traversal |
Whether NAT traversal is used by the IPsec SA. |
Status |
Status of the IPsec SA, which can only be Active. |
No duration limit for this SA |
The manual IPsec SAs do not have lifetime. |
Related commands
ipsec sa global-duration
reset ipsec sa
display ipsec statistics
Use display ipsec statistics to display IPsec packet statistics.
display ipsec statistics [ tunnel-id tunnel-id ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
tunnel-id tunnel-id: Specifies an IPsec tunnel by its ID. The value range for the tunnel-id argument is 0 to 4294967295. You can use the display ipsec tunnel brief command to view the IDs of established IPsec tunnels.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays statistics for all IPsec packets.
# Display statistics for all IPsec packets.
<Sysname> display ipsec statistics
IPsec packet statistics:
Received/sent packets: 47/64
Received/sent bytes: 3948/5208
Dropped packets (received/sent): 0/45
Dropped packets statistics
No available SA: 0
Wrong SA: 0
Invalid length: 0
Authentication failure: 0
Encapsulation failure: 0
Decapsulation failure: 0
Replayed packets: 0
ACL check failure: 45
MTU check failure: 0
Loopback limit exceeded: 0
Crypto speed limit exceeded: 0
# Display statistics for the packets of IPsec tunnel 1.
<Sysname> display ipsec statistics tunnel-id 1
IPsec packet statistics:
Received/sent packets: 5124/8231
Received/sent bytes: 52348/64356
Dropped packets (received/sent): 0/0
Dropped packets statistics
No available SA: 0
Wrong SA: 0
Invalid length: 0
Authentication failure: 0
Encapsulation failure: 0
Decapsulation failure: 0
Replayed packets: 0
ACL check failure: 0
MTU check failure: 0
Loopback limit exceeded: 0
Crypto speed limit exceeded: 0
Table 6 Command output
Field |
Description |
Received/sent packets |
Number of received/sent IPsec-protected packets. |
Received/sent bytes |
Number of bytes of received/sent IPsec-protected packets. |
Dropped packets (received/sent) |
Number of dropped IPsec-protected packets (received/sent). |
No available SA |
Number of packets dropped due to lack of available IPsec SA. |
Wrong SA |
Number of packets dropped due to wrong IPsec SA. |
Invalid length |
Number of packets dropped due to invalid packet length. |
Authentication failure |
Number of packets dropped due to authentication failure. |
Encapsulation failure |
Number of packets dropped due to encapsulation failure. |
Decapsulation failure |
Number of packets dropped due to decapsulation failure. |
Replayed packets |
Number of dropped replayed packets. |
ACL check failure |
Number of packets dropped due to ACL check failure. |
MTU check failure |
Number of packets dropped due to MTU check failure. |
Loopback limit exceeded |
Number of packets dropped due to loopback limit exceeded. |
Crypto speed limit exceeded |
Number of packets dropped due to crypto speed limit exceeded. |
Related commands
reset ipsec statistics
display ipsec transform-set
Use display ipsec transform-set to display information about IPsec transform sets.
display ipsec transform-set [ transform-set-name ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
transform-set-name: Specifies an IPsec transform set by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify an IPsec transform set, this command displays information about all IPsec transform sets.
# Display information about all IPsec transform sets.
<Sysname> display ipsec transform-set
IPsec transform set: mytransform
State: incomplete
Encapsulation mode: tunnel
ESN: Enabled
Transform: ESP
IPsec transform set: completeTransform
State: complete
Encapsulation mode: transport
ESN: Enabled
Transform: AH-ESP
AH protocol:
Integrity: SHA1
ESP protocol:
Integrity: SHA1
Encryption: AES-CBC-128
Table 7 Command output
Field |
Description |
IPsec transform set |
Name of the IPsec transform set. |
State |
Whether the IPsec transform set is complete. |
Encapsulation mode |
Encapsulation mode used by the IPsec transform set: transport or tunnel. |
Whether Extended Sequence Number (ESN) is enabled. |
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) used by the IPsec policy for negotiation: · 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group1). · 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group2). · 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group5). · 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group14). · 2048-bit and 256_bit subgroup Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group24). · 256-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group19). · 384-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group20). |
Transform |
Security protocols used by the IPsec transform set: AH, ESP, or both. If both protocols are configured, IPsec uses ESP before AH. |
AH protocol |
AH settings. |
ESP protocol |
ESP settings. |
Integrity |
Authentication algorithm used by the security protocol. |
Encryption |
Encryption algorithm used by the security protocol. |
Related commands
ipsec transform-set
display ipsec tunnel
Use display ipsec tunnel to display information about IPsec tunnels.
display ipsec tunnel { brief | count | tunnel-id tunnel-id }
Any view
Predefined user roles
brief: Displays brief information about IPsec tunnels.
count: Displays the number of IPsec tunnels.
tunnel-id tunnel-id: Specifies an IPsec tunnel by its ID. The value range for the tunnel-id argument is 0 to 4294967295.
Usage guidelines
IPsec is a Layer 3 VPN technology that transmits data in a secure channel established between two endpoints (such as two security gateways). Such a secure channel is usually called an IPsec tunnel.
# Display brief information about all IPsec tunnels.
<Sysname> display ipsec tunnel brief
Tunn-id Src Address Dst Address Inbound SPI Outbound SPI Status
0 -- -- 1000 2000 Active
3000 4000
1 5000 6000 Active
7000 8000
Table 8 Command output
Field |
Description |
Src Address |
Source IP address of the IPsec tunnel. For IPsec SAs created by using IPsec profiles, this field displays two hyphens (--). |
Dst Address |
Destination IP address of the IPsec tunnel. For IPsec SAs created by using IPsec profiles, this field displays two hyphens (--). |
Inbound SPI |
Valid SPI in the inbound direction of the IPsec tunnel. If the tunnel uses two security protocols, two SPIs in the inbound direction are displayed in two lines. |
Outbound SPI |
Valid SPI in the outbound direction of the IPsec tunnel. If the tunnel uses two security protocols, two SPIs in the outbound direction are displayed in two lines. |
Status |
Status of the IPsec SA, which can only be Active. |
# Display the number of IPsec tunnels.
<Sysname> display ipsec tunnel count
Total IPsec Tunnel Count: 2
# Display detailed information about all IPsec tunnels.
<Sysname> display ipsec tunnel
Tunnel ID: 0
Status: Active
Perfect forward secrecy:
Inside vpn-instance:
outbound: 2000 (0x000007d0) [AH]
inbound: 1000 (0x000003e8) [AH]
outbound: 4000 (0x00000fa0) [ESP]
inbound: 3000 (0x00000bb8) [ESP]
local address:
remote address:
Tunnel ID: 1
Status: Active
Perfect forward secrecy:
Inside vpn-instance:
outbound: 6000 (0x00001770) [AH]
inbound: 5000 (0x00001388) [AH]
outbound: 8000 (0x00001f40) [ESP]
inbound: 7000 (0x00001b58) [ESP]
local address:
remote address:
as defined in ACL3100
# Display detailed information about IPsec tunnel 1.
<Sysname> display ipsec tunnel tunnel-id 1
Tunnel ID: 1
Status: Active
Perfect forward secrecy:
Inside vpn-instance:
outbound: 6000 (0x00001770) [AH]
inbound: 5000 (0x00001388) [AH]
outbound: 8000 (0x00001f40) [ESP]
inbound: 7000 (0x00001b58) [ESP]
local address:
remote address:
as defined in ACL 3100
Table 9 Command output
Field |
Description |
Tunnel ID |
IPsec ID, used to uniquely identify an IPsec tunnel. |
Status |
IPsec tunnel status, which can only be Active. |
Perfect forward secrecy |
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) used by the IPsec policy for negotiation: · 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group1). · 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group2). · 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group5). · 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group14). · 2048-bit and 256_bit subgroup Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group24). · 256-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group19). · 384-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group20). |
Inside vpn-instance |
VPN instance to which the IPsec-protected data belongs. |
SA's SPI |
SPIs of the inbound and outbound SAs. |
Tunnel |
Local and remote addresses of the IPsec tunnel. |
local address |
Local end IP address of the IPsec tunnel. |
remote address |
Remote end IP address of the IPsec tunnel. |
Flow |
Information about the data flow protected by the IPsec tunnel, including source IP address, destination IP address, source port, destination port, and protocol. |
as defined in ACL 3001 |
Range of data flow protected by the IPsec tunnel that is established manually. This information shows that the IPsec tunnel protects all data flows defined by ACL 3001. |
Use encapsulation-mode to set the encapsulation mode that the security protocol uses to encapsulate IP packets.
Use undo encapsulation-mode to restore the default.
encapsulation-mode { transport | tunnel }
undo encapsulation-mode
IP packets are encapsulated in tunnel mode.
IPsec transform set view
Predefined user roles
transport: Uses the transport mode for IP packet encapsulation.
tunnel: Uses the tunnel mode for IP packet encapsulation.
Usage guidelines
IPsec supports the following encapsulation modes:
· Transport mode—The security protocols protect the upper layer data of an IP packet. Only the transport layer data is used to calculate the security protocol headers. The calculated security protocol headers and the encrypted data (only for ESP encapsulation) are placed after the original IP header. You can use the transport mode when end-to-end security protection is required (the secured transmission start and end points are the actual start and end points of the data). The transport mode is typically used for protecting host-to-host communications.
· Tunnel mode—The security protocols protect the entire IP packet. The entire IP packet is used to calculate the security protocol headers. The calculated security protocol headers and the encrypted data (only for ESP encapsulation) are encapsulated in a new IP packet. In this mode, the encapsulated packet has two IP headers. The inner IP header is the original IP header. The outer IP header is added by the network device that provides the IPsec service. You must use the tunnel mode when the secured transmission start and end points are not the actual start and end points of the data packets (for example, when two gateways provide IPsec but the data start and end points are two hosts behind the gateways). The tunnel mode is typically used for protecting gateway-to-gateway communications.
The IPsec transform sets at both ends of the IPsec tunnel must have the same encapsulation mode.
# Configure IPsec transform set tran1 to use the transport mode for IP packet encapsulation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] encapsulation-mode transport
Related commands
ipsec transform-set
esn enable
Use esn enable to enable the Extended Sequence Number (ESN) feature.
Use undo esn enable to disable the ESN feature.
esn enable [ both ]
undo esn enable
The ESN feature is disabled.
IPsec transform set view
Predefined user roles
both: Specifies IPsec to support both extended sequence number and traditional sequence number. If you do not specify this keyword, IPsec only supports extended sequence number.
Usage guidelines
The ESN feature extends the sequence number length from 32 bits to 64 bits. This feature prevents the sequence number space from being exhausted when large volumes of data are transmitted at high speeds over an IPsec SA. If the sequence number space is not exhausted, the IPsec SA does not need to be renegotiated.
This feature must be enabled at both the initiator and the responder.
# Enable the ESN feature in IPsec transform set tran1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] esn enable
Related commands
display ipsec transform-set
esp authentication-algorithm
Use esp authentication-algorithm to specify authentication algorithms for ESP.
Use undo esp authentication-algorithm to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
esp authentication-algorithm { aes-xcbc-mac | md5 | sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo esp authentication-algorithm
In FIPS mode:
esp authentication-algorithm { sha1| sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo esp authentication-algorithm
ESP does not use any authentication algorithms.
IPsec transform set view
Predefined user roles
aes-xcbc-mac: Specifies the HMAC-AES-XCBC-96 algorithm, which uses a 128-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
md5: Specifies the HMAC-MD5-96 algorithm, which uses a 128-bit key.
sha1: Specifies the HMAC-SHA1-96 algorithm, which uses a 160-bit key.
sha256: Specifies the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm, which uses a 256-bit key.
sha384: Specifies the HMAC-SHA384 algorithm, which uses a 384-bit key.
sha512: Specifies the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm, which uses a 512-bit key.
Usage guidelines
In non-FIPS mode, you can specify multiple ESP authentication algorithms for one IPsec transform set, and the algorithm specified earlier has a higher priority.
For a manual or IKEv1-based IPsec policy, the first specified ESP authentication algorithm takes effect. To make sure an IPsec tunnel can be established successfully, the IPsec transform sets specified at both ends of the tunnel must have the same first ESP authentication algorithm.
# Configure IPsec transform set tran1 to use the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm as the ESP authentication algorithm.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
Related commands
ipsec transform-set
esp encryption-algorithm
Use esp encryption-algorithm to specify encryption algorithms for ESP.
Use undo esp encryption-algorithm to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
esp encryption-algorithm { 3des-cbc | aes-cbc-128 | aes-cbc-192 | aes-cbc-256 | aes-ctr-128 | aes-ctr-192 | aes-ctr-256 | camellia-cbc-128 | camellia-cbc-192 | camellia-cbc-256 | des-cbc | gmac-128 | gmac-192 | gmac-256 | gcm-128 | gcm-192 | gcm-256 | null } *
undo esp encryption-algorithm
In FIPS mode:
esp encryption-algorithm { aes-cbc-128 | aes-cbc-192 | aes-cbc-256 | aes-ctr-128 | aes-ctr-192 | aes-ctr-256 | gmac-128 | gmac-192 | gmac-256 | gcm-128 | gcm-192 | gcm-256 }*
undo esp encryption-algorithm
ESP does not use any encryption algorithms.
IPsec transform set view
Predefined user roles
3des-cbc: Specifies the 3DES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 168-bit key.
aes-cbc-128: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 128-bit key.
aes-cbc-192: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 192-bit key.
aes-cbc-256: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 256-bit key.
aes-ctr-128: Specifies the AES algorithm in CTR mode, which uses a 128-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
aes-ctr-192: Specifies the AES algorithm in CTR mode, which uses a 192-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
aes-ctr-256: Specifies the AES algorithm in CTR mode, which uses a 256-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
camellia-cbc-128: Specifies the Camellia algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 128-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
camellia-cbc-192: Specifies the Camellia algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 192-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
camellia-cbc-256: Specifies the Camellia algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 256-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
des-cbc: Specifies the DES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 64-bit key.
gmac-128: Specifies the GMAC algorithm, which uses a 128-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
gmac-192: Specifies the GMAC algorithm, which uses a 192-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
gmac-256: Specifies the GMAC algorithm, which uses a 256-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
gcm-128: Specifies the GCM algorithm, which uses a 128-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
gcm-192: Specifies the GCM algorithm, which uses a 192-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
gcm-256: Specifies the GCM algorithm, which uses a 256-bit key. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
null: Specifies the NULL algorithm, which means encryption is not performed.
Usage guidelines
You can specify multiple ESP encryption algorithms for one IPsec transform set, and the algorithm specified earlier has a higher priority.
For a manual or IKEv1-based IPsec policy, the first specified ESP encryption algorithm takes effect. To make sure an IPsec tunnel can be established successfully, the IPsec transform sets specified at both ends of the tunnel must have the same first ESP encryption algorithm.
GCM and GMAC algorithms are combined mode algorithms. GCM algorithms provide encryption and authentication services. GMAC algorithms only provide authentication service. Combined mode algorithms can be used only when ESP is used alone without AH. Combined mode algorithms cannot be used together with ordinary ESP authentication algorithms.
# Configure IPsec transform set tran1 to use the AES-CBC-128 algorithm as the ESP encryption algorithm.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] esp encryption-algorithm aes-cbc-128
Related commands
ipsec transform-set
Use ike-profile to specify an IKE profile for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
Use undo ike-profile to restore the default.
ike-profile profile-name
undo ike-profile
No IKE profile is specified for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
profile-name: Specifies an IKE profile by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
If no IKE profile is specified for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile, the device selects an IKE profile configured in system view for negotiation. If no IKE profile is configured in system view, the device uses the global IKE settings.
The IKE profile specified for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile defines the parameters used for IKE negotiation.
You can specify only one IKE profile for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
# Specify IKE profile profile1 for IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 10 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-10] ike-profile profile1
Related commands
ike profile
Use ikev2-profile to specify an IKEv2 profile for an IPsec policy or IPsec policy template.
Use undo ikev2-profile to restore the default.
ikev2-profile profile-name
undo ikev2-profile
No IKEv2 profile is specified.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
profile-name: Specifies an IKEv2 profile by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
The IKEv2 profile specified for an IPsec policy or IPsec policy template defines the parameters used for IKEv2 negotiation.
You can specify only one IKEv2 profile for an IPsec policy or IPsec policy template. On the initiator, an IKEv2 profile is required. On the responder, an IKEv2 profile is optional. If you do not specify an IKEv2 profile, the responder can use any IKEv2 profile for negotiation.
# Specify IKEv2 profile profile1 for IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 10 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-10] ikev2-profile profile1
Related commands
display ipsec ipv6-policy
display ipsec policy
ikev2 profile
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
Use ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } to create an IPsec policy entry and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IPsec policy entry.
Use undo ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } to delete an IPsec policy.
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name seq-number [ isakmp | manual ]
undo ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name [ seq-number ]
No IPsec policies exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-policy: Specifies an IPv6 IPsec policy.
policy: Specifies an IPv4 IPsec policy.
policy-name: Specifies a name for the IPsec policy, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
seq-number: Specifies a sequence number for the IPsec policy entry, in the range of 1 to 65535.
isakmp: Establishes IPsec SAs through IKE negotiation.
manual: Establishes IPsec SAs manually.
Usage guidelines
When you create an IPsec policy, you must specify the SA setup mode (isakmp or manual). When you enter the view of an existing IPsec policy, you do not need to specify the SA setup mode.
You cannot change the SA setup mode of an existing IPsec policy.
An IPsec policy is a set of IPsec policy entries that have the same name but different sequence numbers. In the same IPsec policy, an IPsec policy entry with a smaller sequence number has a higher priority.
If you specify the seq-number argument, the undo command deletes the specified IPsec policy entry. If you do not specify this argument, the undo command deletes the specified IPsec policy.
An IPv4 IPsec policy and IPv6 IPsec policy can have the same name.
# Create an IKE-based IPsec policy entry and enter the IPsec policy view. The policy name is policy1 and the sequence number is 100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 isakmp
# Create a manual IPsec policy entry and enter the IPsec policy view. The policy name is policy1 and the sequence number is 101.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 101 manual
Related commands
display ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec apply
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } isakmp template
Use ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } isakmp template to create an IKE-based IPsec policy entry by using an IPsec policy template.
Use undo ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } to delete an IPsec policy.
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name seq-number isakmp template template-name
undo ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name [ seq-number ]
No IPsec policies exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-policy: Specifies an IPv6 IPsec policy.
policy: Specifies an IPv4 IPsec policy.
policy-name: Specifies a name for the IPsec policy, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
seq-number: Specifies a sequence number for the IPsec policy, in the range of 1 to 65535. A smaller number indicates a higher priority.
isakmp template template-name: Specifies an IPsec policy template by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
If you specify the seq-number argument, the undo command deletes the specified IPsec policy entry. If you do not specify this argument, the undo command deletes the specified IPsec policy.
An interface applied with an IPsec policy that is configured by using an IPsec policy template cannot initiate an SA negotiation, but it can respond to a negotiation request. The parameters not defined in the template are determined by the initiator. When the remote end's information (such as the IP address) is unknown, this method allows the remote end to initiate negotiations with the local end.
# Create an IPsec policy entry by using IPsec policy template temp1, and specify the IPsec policy name as policy2 and the sequence number as 200.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy2 200 isakmp template temp1
Related commands
display ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template }
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } local-address
Use ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } local-address to bind an IPsec policy to a source interface.
Use undo ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } local-address to remove the binding between an IPsec policy and a source interface.
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name local-address interface-type interface-number
undo ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name local-address
No IPsec policy is bound to a source interface.
System view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-policy: Specifies an IPv6 IPsec policy.
policy: Specifies an IPv4 IPsec policy.
policy-name: Specifies an IPsec policy name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
local-address interface-type interface-number: Specifies the shared source interface by its type and number.
Usage guidelines
For high availability, two interfaces can operate in backup mode. After an IPsec policy is applied to the two interfaces, they negotiate with their peers to establish IPsec SAs separately. When one interface fails and a link failover occurs, the other interface needs to take some time to renegotiate SAs, resulting in service interruption.
To solve these problems, bind a source interface to an IPsec policy and apply the policy to both interfaces. This enables the two physical interfaces to use the same source interface to negotiate IPsec SAs. As long as the source interface is up, the negotiated IPsec SAs will not be removed and will keep working, regardless of link failover.
After an IPsec policy is applied to a service interface and IPsec SAs have been established, if you bind the IPsec policy to a source interface, the existing IPsec SAs are deleted.
Only an IKE-based IPsec policy can be bound to a source interface.
An IPsec policy can be bound to only one source interface. If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.
A source interface can be bound to multiple IPsec policies.
As a best practice, use a stable interface, such as a Loopback interface, as a source interface.
# Bind IPsec policy map to source interface Loopback 11.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy map local-address loopback 11
Related commands
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template }
Use ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template } to create an IPsec policy template entry and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IPsec policy template entry.
Use undo ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template } to delete an IPsec policy template.
ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template } template-name seq-number
undo ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template } template-name [ seq-number ]
No IPsec policy templates exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-policy-template: Specifies an IPv6 IPsec policy template.
policy-template: Specifies an IPv4 IPsec policy template.
template-name: Specifies a name for the IPsec policy template, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
seq-number: Specifies a sequence number for the IPsec policy template entry, in the range of 1 to 65535. A smaller number indicates a higher priority.
Usage guidelines
The configurable parameters for an IPsec policy template are similar to the parameters that you use when you configure an IKE-based IPsec policy. However, all parameters except for the IPsec transform sets and the IKE peer are optional for an IPsec policy template.
An IPsec policy template is a set of IPsec policy template entries that have the same name but different sequence numbers.
With the seq-number argument specified, the undo command deletes an IPsec policy template entry.
An IPv4 IPsec policy template and an IPv6 IPsec policy template can have the same name.
# Create an IPsec policy template entry and enter the IPsec policy template view. The template name is template1 and the sequence number is 100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy-template template1 100
Related commands
display ipsec { ipv6-policy-template | policy-template }
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy } isakmp template
ipsec anti-replay check
Use ipsec anti-replay check to enable IPsec anti-replay checking.
Use undo ipsec anti-replay check to disable IPsec anti-replay checking.
ipsec anti-replay check
undo ipsec anti-replay check
IPsec anti-replay checking is enabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
IPsec packet de-encapsulation involves complicated calculation. De-encapsulation of replayed packets is not necessary but consumes large amounts of resources and degrades performance, resulting in DoS. IPsec anti-replay checking, when enabled, is performed before the de-encapsulation process, reducing resource waste.
In some situations, service data packets are received in a different order than their original order. The IPsec anti-replay feature drops them as replayed packets, which impacts communications. If this happens, disable IPsec anti-replay checking or adjust the size of the anti-replay window as required.
Only IPsec SAs negotiated by IKE support anti-replay checking. Manually created IPsec SAs do not support anti-replay checking. Enabling or disabling IPsec anti-replay checking does not affect manually created IPsec SAs.
# Enable IPsec anti-replay checking.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec anti-replay check
Related commands
ipsec anti-replay window
ipsec anti-replay window
Use ipsec anti-replay window to set the anti-replay window size.
Use undo ipsec anti-replay window to restore the default.
ipsec anti-replay window width
undo ipsec anti-replay window
The anti-replay window size is 64.
System view
Predefined user roles
width: Specifies the size for the anti-replay window. It can be 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 packets.
Usage guidelines
Service data packets might be received in a very different order than their original order, and the IPsec anti-replay feature might drop them as replayed packets, affecting normal communications. If this happens, disable IPsec anti-replay checking or adjust the size of the anti-replay window as required.
Changing the anti-replay window size affects only the IPsec SAs negotiated later.
# Set the size of the anti-replay window to 128.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec anti-replay window 128
Related commands
ipsec anti-replay check
ipsec apply
Use ipsec apply to apply an IPsec policy to an interface.
Use undo ipsec apply to remove an IPsec policy application from an interface.
ipsec apply { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name
undo ipsec apply { ipv6-policy | policy }
No IPsec policy is applied to an interface.
Interface view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-policy: Specifies an IPv6 IPsec policy.
policy: Specifies an IPv4 IPsec policy.
policy-name: Specifies an IPsec policy name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
On an interface, you can apply a maximum of two IPsec policies: one IPv4 IPsec policy and one IPv6 IPsec policy.
An IKE-based IPsec policy can be applied to multiple interfaces. As a best practice, apply an IKE-based IPsec policy to only one interface. A manual IPsec policy can be applied to only one interface.
# Apply IPsec policy policy1 to VLAN-interface 100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 100
[Sysname–Vlan-interface100] ipsec apply policy policy1
Related commands
display ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec decrypt-check enable
Use ipsec decrypt-check enable to enable ACL checking for de-encapsulated IPsec packets.
Use undo ipsec decrypt-check to disable ACL checking for de-encapsulated IPsec packets.
ipsec decrypt-check enable
undo ipsec decrypt-check enable
ACL checking for de-encapsulated IPsec packets is enabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
In tunnel mode, the IP packet encapsulated in an inbound IPsec packet might not be under the protection of the ACL specified in the IPsec policy. After being de-encapsulated, such packets bring threats to the network security. In this scenario, you can enable ACL checking for de-encapsulated IPsec packets. All packets failing the checking are discarded, improving the network security.
# Enable ACL checking for de-encapsulated IPsec packets.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec decrypt-check enable
ipsec df-bit
Use ipsec df-bit to configure the DF bit for the outer IP header of IPsec packets on an interface.
Use undo ipsec df-bit to restore the default.
ipsec df-bit { clear | copy | set }
undo ipsec df-bit
The DF bit is not configured for the outer IP header of IPsec packets on an interface. The global DF bit setting is used.
Interface view
Predefined user roles
clear: Clears the DF bit in the outer IP header. IPsec packets can be fragmented.
copy: Copies the DF bit setting of the original IP header to the outer IP header.
set: Sets the DF bit in the outer IP header. IPsec packets cannot be fragmented.
Usage guidelines
This command is effective only when the IPsec encapsulation mode is tunnel mode. It is not effective in transport mode because the outer IP header is not added in transport mode.
This command does not change the DF bit for the original IP header of IPsec packets.
If multiple interfaces use an IPsec policy that is bound to a source interface, you must use the same DF bit setting on these interfaces.
Packet fragmentation and reassembly might cause packet forwarding to be delayed. You can set the DF bit to avoid the forwarding delay. However, to prevent the IPsec packets from being discarded, you must make sure the path MTU is larger than the IPsec packet size. As a best practice, clear the DF bit if you cannot make sure the path MTU is larger than the IPsec packet size.
# Set the DF bit in the outer IP header of IPsec packets on VLAN-interface100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 100
[Sysname–Vlan-interface100] ipsec df-bit set
Related commands
ipsec global-df-bit
ipsec fragmentation
Use ipsec fragmentation to configure the IPsec fragmentation feature.
Use undo ipsec fragmentation to restore the default.
ipsec fragmentation { after-encryption | before-encryption }
undo ipsec fragmentation
The device fragments packets before IPsec encapsulation.
System view
Predefined user roles
after-encryption: Fragments packets after IPsec encapsulation.
before-encryption: Fragments packets before IPsec encapsulation.
Usage guidelines
If you configure the device to fragment packets before IPsec encapsulation, the device predetermines the encapsulated packet size before the actual encapsulation. If the encapsulated packet size exceeds the MTU of the output interface and the DF bit is not set, the device fragments the packet before encapsulation. If the packet's DF bit is set, the device drops the packet and sends an ICMP error message.
If you configure the device to fragment packets after IPsec encapsulation, the device directly encapsulates the packets and fragments the encapsulated packets in subsequent service modules.
# Configure the device to fragment packets after IPsec encapsulation.
[Sysname] ipsec fragmentation after-encryption
ipsec global-df-bit
Use ipsec global-df-bit to configure the DF bit for the outer IP header of IPsec packets on all interfaces.
Use undo ipsec global-df-bit to restore the default.
ipsec global-df-bit { clear | copy | set }
undo ipsec global-df-bit
The DF bit setting of the original IP header is copied to the outer IP header for IPsec packets.
System view
Predefined user roles
clear: Clears the DF bit in the outer IP header. IPsec packets can be fragmented.
copy: Copies the DF bit setting of the original IP header to the outer IP header.
set: Sets the DF bit in the outer IP header. IPsec packets cannot be fragmented.
Usage guidelines
This command is effective only when the IPsec encapsulation mode is tunnel mode. It is not effective in transport mode because the outer IP header is not added in transport mode.
This command does not change the DF bit for the original IP header of IPsec packets.
Packet fragmentation and reassembly might cause packet forwarding to be delayed. You can set the DF bit to avoid the forwarding delay. However, to prevent IPsec packets from being discarded, you must make sure the path MTU is larger than the IPsec packet size. As a best practice, clear the DF bit if you cannot make sure the path MTU is larger than the IPsec packet size.
# Set the DF bit in the outer IP header of IPsec packets on all interfaces.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec global-df-bit set
Related commands
ipsec df-bit
ipsec limit max-tunnel
Use ipsec limit max-tunnel to set the maximum number of IPsec tunnels.
Use undo ipsec limit max-tunnel to restore the default.
ipsec limit max-tunnel tunnel-limit
undo ipsec limit max-tunnel
The number of IPsec tunnels is not limited.
System view
Predefined user roles
tunnel-limit: Specifies the maximum number of IPsec tunnels, in the range of 1 to 4294967295.
Usage guidelines
To maximize concurrent performance of IPsec when memory is sufficient, increase the maximum number of IPsec tunnels. To ensure service availability when memory is insufficient, decrease the maximum number of IPsec tunnels.
# Set the maximum number of IPsec tunnels to 5000.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec limit max-tunnel 5000
Related commands
ike limit
ipsec logging packet enable
Use ipsec logging packet enable to enable logging for IPsec packets.
Use undo ipsec logging packet enable to disable logging for IPsec packets.
ipsec logging packet enable
undo ipsec logging packet enable
Logging for IPsec packets is disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
After logging for IPsec packets is enabled, the device outputs a log when an IPsec packet is discarded. IPsec packets might be discarded due to lack of inbound SA, AH/ESP authentication failure, or ESP encryption failure. A log contains the source and destination IP addresses, SPI, and sequence number of the packet, and the reason it was discarded.
# Enable logging for IPsec packets.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec logging packet enable
ipsec profile
Use ipsec profile to create an IPsec profile and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IPsec profile.
Use undo ipsec profile to delete an IPsec profile.
ipsec profile profile-name [ manual | isakmp ]
undo ipsec profile profile-name
No IPsec profiles exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
profile-name: Specifies a name for the IPsec profile, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
manual: Specifies the IPsec SA setup mode as manual.
isakmp: Specifies the IPsec SA setup mode as IKE.
Usage guidelines
When you create an IPsec profile, you must specify the IPsec SA setup mode (manual or isakmp). When you enter the view of an existing IPsec profile, you do not need to specify the IPsec SA setup mode.
A manual IPsec profile is similar to a manual IPsec policy. It is used exclusively for IPsec protection for application protocols, including OSPFv3, IPv6 BGP, and RIPng.
An IKE-based IPsec profile is similar to an IKE-based IPsec policy. It uses IKE negotiation to establish IPsec SAs to protect IPv4 and IPv6 application protocols. An IKE-based IPsec profile does not require you to specify the remote end address or an ACL.
# Create a manual IPsec profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec profile profile1 manual
# Create an IKE-based IPsec profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec profile profile1 isakmp
Related commands
display ipsec profile
ipsec redundancy enable
Use ipsec redundancy enable to enable IPsec redundancy.
Use undo ipsec redundancy enable to disable IPsec redundancy.
ipsec redundancy enable
undo ipsec redundancy enable
IPsec redundancy is disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
With IPsec redundancy enabled, the system synchronizes the following information from the active device to the standby device at configurable intervals:
· Lower bound values of the IPsec anti-replay window for inbound packets.
· IPsec anti-replay sequence numbers for outbound packets.
The synchronization ensures uninterrupted IPsec traffic forwarding and anti-replay protection when the active device fails.
To configure synchronization intervals, use the redundancy replay-interval command.
# Enable IPsec redundancy.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec redundancy enable
Related commands
redundancy replay-interval
ipsec sa global-duration
Use ipsec sa global-duration to configure the global IPsec SA lifetime.
Use undo ipsec sa global-duration to restore the default.
ipsec sa global-duration { time-based seconds | traffic-based kilobytes }
undo ipsec sa global-duration { time-based | traffic-based }
The time-based global IPsec SA lifetime is 3600 seconds, and the traffic-based global lifetime is 1843200 kilobytes.
System view
Predefined user roles
time-based seconds: Specifies the time-based global lifetime for IPsec SAs, in the range of 180 to 604800 seconds.
traffic-based kilobytes: Specifies the traffic-based global lifetime for IPsec SAs, in the range of 2560 to 4294967295 kilobytes. When traffic on an SA reaches this value, the SA expires.
Usage guidelines
You can also configure IPsec SA lifetimes in IPsec policy view or IPsec policy template view. The device prefers the IPsec SA lifetimes configured in IPsec policy view or IPsec policy template view over the global IPsec SA lifetimes.
When IKE negotiates IPsec SAs, it uses the local lifetime settings or those proposed by the peer, whichever are smaller.
An IPsec SA can have both a time-based lifetime and a traffic-based lifetime. The IPsec SA expires when either lifetime expires. Before the IPsec SA expires, IKE negotiates a new IPsec SA, which takes over immediately after its creation.
# Configure the global IPsec SA lifetime as 7200 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec sa global-duration time-based 7200
# Configure the global IPsec SA lifetime as 10240 kilobytes.
[Sysname] ipsec sa global-duration traffic-based 10240
Related commands
display ipsec sa
sa duration
ipsec sa idle-time
Use ipsec sa idle-time to enable the global IPsec SA idle timeout feature and set the idle timeout. If no traffic matches an IPsec SA within the idle timeout interval, the IPsec SA is deleted.
Use undo ipsec sa idle-time to disable the global IPsec SA idle timeout feature.
ipsec sa idle-time seconds
undo ipsec sa idle-time
The global IPsec SA idle timeout feature is disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the IPsec SA idle timeout in the range of 60 to 86400 seconds.
Usage guidelines
This feature applies only to IPsec SAs negotiated by IKE.
The IPsec SA idle timeout can also be configured in IPsec policy view, IPsec policy template view, or IPsec profile view, which takes precedence over the global IPsec SA timeout.
# Enable the global IPsec SA idle timeout feature and set the IPsec SA idle timeout to 600 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec sa idle-time 600
display ipsec sa
sa idle-time
ipsec transform-set
Use ipsec transform-set to create an IPsec transform set and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IPsec transform set.
Use undo ipsec transform-set to delete an IPsec transform set.
ipsec transform-set transform-set-name
undo ipsec transform-set transform-set-name
No IPsec transform sets exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
transform-set-name: Specifies a name for the IPsec transform set, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
An IPsec transform set, part of an IPsec policy, defines the security parameters for IPsec SA negotiation, including the security protocol, encryption algorithms, authentication algorithms, and encapsulation mode.
# Create an IPsec transform set named tran1 and enter its view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
display ipsec transform-set
Use local-address to configure the local IP address for the IPsec tunnel.
Use undo local-address to restore the default.
local-address { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }
undo local-address
The primary IPv4 address of the interface to which the IPsec policy is applied is used as the local IPv4 address. The first IPv6 address of the interface to which the IPsec policy is applied is used as the local IPv6 address.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
ipv4-address: Specifies the local IPv4 address for the IPsec tunnel.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the local IPv6 address for the IPsec tunnel.
Usage guidelines
The remote IP address on the IKE negotiation initiator must be the same as the local address on the IKE negotiation responder.
# Configure local address for the IPsec tunnel.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy map 1 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-map-1] local-address
Use pfs to enable the Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) feature for an IPsec transform set.
Use undo pfs to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
pfs { dh-group1 | dh-group2 | dh-group5 | dh-group14 | dh-group24 | dh-group19 | dh-group20 }
undo pfs
In FIPS mode:
pfs { dh-group14 | dh-group19 | dh-group20 }
undo pfs
The PFS feature is disabled for the IPsec transform set.
IPsec transform set view
Predefined user roles
dh-group1: Uses 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
dh-group2: Uses 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
dh-group5: Uses 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
dh-group14: Uses 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
dh-group24: Uses 2048-bit and 256-bit subgroup Diffie-Hellman group.
dh-group19: Uses 256-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
dh-group20: Uses 384-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group. This keyword is available only for IKEv2.
Usage guidelines
In terms of security and required calculation time, the following groups are in descending order: 384-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group20), 256-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group19), 2048-bit and 256-bit subgroup Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group24), 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group14), 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group5), 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group2), and 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group (dh-group1).
If IKEv1 is used, the security level of the Diffie-Hellman group of the initiator must be higher than or equal to that of the responder. This restriction does not apply to IKEv2.
The end without the PFS feature performs IKE negotiation according to the PFS requirements of the peer end.
# Enable PFS using 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group for IPsec transform set tran1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] pfs dh-group14
Use protocol to specify a security protocol for an IPsec transform set.
Use undo protocol to restore the default.
protocol { ah | ah-esp | esp }
undo protocol
The IPsec transform set uses the ESP protocol.
IPsec transform set view
Predefined user roles
ah: Specifies the AH protocol.
ah-esp: Specifies using the ESP protocol first and then using the AH protocol.
ah: Specifies the AH protocol.
Usage guidelines
The two tunnel ends must use the same security protocol in the IPsec transform set.
# Specify the AH protocol for the IPsec transform set.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set tran1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] protocol ah
qos pre-classify
Use qos pre-classify to enable the QoS pre-classify feature.
Use undo qos pre-classify to disable the QoS pre-classify feature.
qos pre-classify
undo qos pre-classify
The QoS pre-classify feature is disabled. QoS uses the new IP header of IPsec packets to perform traffic classification.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
The QoS pre-classify feature enables QoS to classify packets by using the IP header of the original IP packets.
# Enable the QoS pre-classify feature.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] qos pre-classify
redundancy replay-interval
Use redundancy replay-interval to set the anti-replay window lower bound value synchronization interval for inbound packets and the sequence number synchronization interval for outbound packets.
Use undo redundancy replay-interval to restore the default.
redundancy replay-interval inbound inbound-interval outbound outbound-interval
undo redundancy replay-interval
The active device synchronizes the anti-replay window lower bound value every time it receives 1000 packets and synchronizes the sequence number every time it sends 100000 packets.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
inbound inbound-interval: Specifies the interval at which the active device synchronizes the lower bound value of the IPsec anti-replay window to the standby device. This interval is expressed in the number of received packets, in the range of 0 to 1000. If you set the value to 0, the lower bound value of the anti-replay window will not be synchronized.
outbound outbound-interval: Specifies the interval at which the active device synchronizes the IPsec anti-replay sequence number to the standby device. This interval is expressed in the number of sent packets, in the range of 1000 to 100000.
Usage guidelines
The intervals take effect only after you enable IPsec redundancy by using the ipsec redundancy enable command.
A short interval improves the anti-replay information consistency between the active device and the standby device, but it sacrifices the forwarding performance of the devices.
# Set the anti-replay window lower bound value synchronization interval for inbound packets to 800. Set the sequence number synchronization interval for outbound packets to 50000.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy test 1 manual
[sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-test-1] redundancy replay-interval inbound 800 outbound 50000
Related commands
ipsec anti-replay check
ipsec anti-replay window
ipsec redundancy enable
Use remote-address to configure the remote IP address for the IPsec tunnel.
Use undo remote-address to restore the default.
remote-address { [ ipv6 ] host-name | ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }
undo remote-address
No remote IP address is configured for the IPsec tunnel.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
ipv6: Specifies the remote address or host name of an IPv6 IPsec tunnel. To specify the remote address or host name of an IPv4 IPsec tunnel, do not specify this keyword.
hostname: Specifies the remote host name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters. The host name can be resolved to an IP address by the DNS server.
ipv4-address: Specifies a remote IPv4 address.
ipv6-address: Specifies a remote IPv6 address.
Usage guidelines
This remote IP address configuration is required on the IKE negotiation initiator and optional on the responder if the responder uses an IPsec policy template.
A manual IPsec policy does not support DNS. Therefore, you must specify a remote IP address rather than a remote host name for the manual IPsec policy.
If you configure a remote host name, make sure the local end can always resolve the host name into the latest IP address of the remote end.
· If a DNS server is used for resolution, the local end queries the remote IP address again from the DNS server after the previously cached remote IP address expires. This mechanism ensures that the local end can always obtain the latest remote IP address.
· If a static DNS entry is used for resolution, you must reconfigure the remote-address command whenever the remote IP address changes. Without the reconfiguration, the local end cannot obtain the latest remote IP address.
For example, the local end has a static DNS entry which maps the host name test to the IP address Configure the following commands:
# Configure the remote host name to test for the IPsec tunnel in the IPsec policy policy1.
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 1 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-1] remote-address test
# Change the IP address for the host test to
[Sysname] ip host test
In this case, you must reconfigure the remote host name for the IPsec policy policy1 so that the local end can obtain the latest IP address of the remote host.
# Reconfigure the remote host name to test for the IPsec tunnel in the IPsec policy policy1.
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 1 isakmp
[Sysname -ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-1] remote-address test
# Specify remote IP address for the IPsec tunnel.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 10 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-10] remote-address
ip host (Layer 3—IP Services Command Reference)
reset ipsec sa
Use reset ipsec sa to clear IPsec SAs.
reset ipsec sa [ { ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name [ seq-number ] | profile policy-name | remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } | spi { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } { ah | esp } spi-num ]
User view
Predefined user roles
{ ipv6-policy | policy } policy-name [ seq-number ]: Clears IPsec SAs for the specified IPsec policy.
· ipv6-policy: Specifies an IPv6 IPsec policy.
· policy: Specifies an IPv4 IPsec policy.
· policy-name: Specifies the name of the IPsec policy, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
· seq-number: Specifies the sequence number of an IPsec policy entry, in the range of 1 to 65535. If you do not specify this argument, all the entries in the IPsec policy are specified.
profile profile-name: Clears IPsec SAs for the IPsec profile specified by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
remote: Clears IPsec SAs for the specified remote address.
ipv4-address: Specifies a remote IPv4 address.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies a remote IPv6 address.
spi { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } { ah | esp } spi-num: Clears IPsec SAs matching the specified SA triplet: the remote address, the security protocol, and the SPI.
· ipv4-address: Specifies a remote IPv4 address.
· ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies a remote IPv6 address.
· ah: Specifies the AH protocol.
· esp: Specifies the ESP protocol.
spi-num: Specifies the security parameter index in the range of 256 to 4294967295.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command clears all IPsec SAs.
If you specify an SA triplet, this command clears the IPsec SA matching the triplet, and all the other IPsec SAs that were established during the same negotiation process, including the corresponding IPsec SA in the other direction, and the inbound and outbound IPsec SAs using the other security protocol (AH or ESP).
An outbound SA is uniquely identified by an SA triplet and an inbound SA is uniquely identified by an SPI. To clear IPsec SAs by specifying a triplet in the outbound direction, you should provide the remote IP address, the security protocol, and the SPI, where the remote IP address can be any valid address if the SAs are established by IPsec profiles. To clear IPsec SAs by specifying a triplet in the inbound direction, you should provide the SPI and use any valid values for the other two parameters.
After a manual IPsec SA is cleared, the system automatically creates a new SA based on the parameters of the IPsec policy. After IKE negotiated SAs are cleared, the system creates new SAs only when IKE negotiation is triggered by packets.
# Clear all IPsec SAs.
<Sysname> reset ipsec sa
# Clear the inbound and outbound IPsec SAs for the triplet of SPI 256, remote IP address, and security protocol AH.
<Sysname> reset ipsec sa spi ah 256
# Clear all IPsec SAs for remote IP address
<Sysname> reset ipsec sa remote
# Clear all IPsec SAs for entry 10 of IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> reset ipsec sa policy policy1 10
# Clear all IPsec SAs for IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> reset ipsec sa policy policy1
Related commands
display ipsec sa
reset ipsec statistics
Use reset ipsec statistics to clear IPsec packet statistics.
reset ipsec statistics[ tunnel-id tunnel-id ]
User view
Predefined user roles
tunnel-id tunnel-id: Clears IPsec packet statistics for the specified IPsec tunnel. The value range for the tunnel-id argument is 0 to 4294967295. If you do not specify this option, the command clears all IPsec packet statistics.
# Clear IPsec packet statistics.
<Sysname> reset ipsec statistics
display ipsec statistics
reverse-route dynamic
Use reverse-route dynamic to enable IPsec reverse route inject (RRI).
Use undo reverse-route dynamic to disable IPsec RRI.
reverse-route dynamic
undo reverse-route dynamic
IPsec RRI is disabled.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
IPsec RRI is usually used on a gateway device at the headquarters side in an IPsec VPN. After IPsec RRI is enabled for an IPsec policy or an IPsec policy template on a gateway device, the gateway device automatically creates a static route upon IPsec SA creation according to this IPsec policy or IPsec policy template. In the static route, the destination IP address is the protected peer private network, and the next hop is the IP address of the remote tunnel interface.
When you enable IPsec RRI for an IPsec policy, the device deletes all IPsec SAs that are created according to this IPsec policy. Upon IPsec SAs are renegotiated, the static routes are created.
When you disable IPsec RRI for an IPsec policy, the device deletes all IPsec SAs that are created according to this IPsec policy, and the associated static routes.
To display the static routes created by RRI, use the display ip routing-table command.
# Enable IPsec RRI to create a static route according to the IPsec SA negotiated by the specified IPsec policy. The destination IP address is the protected peer private network, and the next hop is the IP address ( of the remote tunnel interface.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy 1 1 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-1-1] reverse-route dynamic
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-1-1] quit
# Display the routing table. You can see a created static route. (Other information is not shown.)
[Sysname] display ip routing-table
Destinations : 1 Routes : 1
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Static 60 0 Vlan100
Related commands
display ip routing-table (Layer 3—IP Routing Command Reference)
ipsec policy
ipsec policy-template
reverse-route preference
Use reverse-route preference to set the preference of the static routes created by IPsec RRI.
Use undo reverse-route preference to restore the default.
reverse-route preference number
undo reverse-route preference
The preference for the static routes created by IPsec RRI is 60.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
number: Specifies a preference value. The value range is 1 to 255. A smaller value represents a higher preference.
Usage guidelines
When you change this preference in an IPsec policy, the device deletes all IPsec SAs created according to this IPsec policy, and the associated static routes.
# Change the preference to 100 for static routes created by IPsec RRI.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy 1 1 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-1-1] reverse-route preference 100
Related commands
ipsec policy
ipsec policy-template
reverse-route tag
Use reverse-route tag to set a route tag for the static routes created by IPsec RRI.
Use undo reverse-route tag to restore the default.
reverse-route tag tag-value
undo reverse-route tag
The route tag value is 0 for the static routes created by IPsec RRI.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
tag-value: Specifies a tag value. The value range is 1 to 4294967295.
Usage guidelines
The tag value set by this command helps in implementing flexible route control through routing policies.
When you change this tag value in an IPsec policy, the device deletes all IPsec SAs created by this IPsec policy, and all associated static routes.
# Set the tag value to 50 for the static routes created by IPsec RRI.
[Sysname] ipsec policy 1 1 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-1-1] reverse-route tag 50
Related commands
ipsec policy
ipsec policy-template
sa duration
Use sa duration to set an SA lifetime.
Use undo sa duration to remove an SA lifetime.
sa duration { time-based seconds | traffic-based kilobytes }
undo sa duration { time-based | traffic-based }
The SA lifetime of an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile is the current global SA lifetime.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
time-based seconds: Specifies the time-based SA lifetime in the range of 180 to 604800 seconds.
traffic-based kilobytes: Specifies the traffic-based SA lifetime in the range of 2560 to 4294967295 kilobytes.
Usage guidelines
IKE prefers the SA lifetime of the IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile over the global SA lifetime configured by the ipsec sa global-duration command. If the IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile is not configured with the SA lifetime, IKE uses the global SA lifetime for SA negotiation.
During SA negotiation, IKE selects the shorter SA lifetime between the local SA lifetime and the remote SA lifetime.
# Set the SA lifetime to 7200 seconds for IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-100] sa duration time-based 7200
# Set the SA lifetime to 20 MB for IPsec policy policy1. The IPsec SA expires after transmitting 20480 kilobytes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-100] sa duration traffic-based 20480
Related commands
display ipsec sa
ipsec sa global-duration
sa hex-key authentication
Use sa hex-key authentication to configure an authentication key for a manual IPsec SA.
Use undo sa hex-key authentication to delete an authentication key for a manual IPsec SA.
sa hex-key authentication { inbound | outbound } { ah | esp } { cipher | simple } string
undo sa hex-key authentication { inbound | outbound } { ah | esp }
No hexadecimal authentication keys are configured for manual IPsec SAs.
IPsec policy view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
inbound: Specifies a hexadecimal authentication key for the inbound SA.
outbound: Specifies a hexadecimal authentication key for the outbound SA.
ah: Uses AH.
esp: Uses ESP.
cipher: Specifies a key in encrypted form.
simple: Specifies a key in plaintext form. For security purposes, the key specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.
string: Specifies the key. Its plaintext form is case insensitive and must be a 16-byte hexadecimal string for HMAC-MD5 and a 20-byte hexadecimal string for HMAC-SHA1. Its encrypted form is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 85 characters.
Usage guidelines
This command applies only to manual IPsec policies and IPsec profiles.
You must set an authentication key for both the inbound and outbound SAs.
The local inbound SA must use the same authentication key as the remote outbound SA, and the local outbound SA must use the same authentication key as the remote inbound SA.
In an IPsec profile to be applied to an IPv6 routing protocol, the local authentication keys of the inbound and outbound SAs must be identical.
The keys for the IPsec SAs at the two tunnel ends must be input in the same format (either in hexadecimal or character format). Otherwise, they cannot establish an IPsec tunnel.
If you execute this command multiple times for the same protocol and direction, the most recent configuration takes effect.
# Configure plaintext authentication keys 0x112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00 and 0xaabbccddeeff001100aabbccddeeff00 for the inbound and outbound SAs that use AH.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa hex-key authentication inbound ah simple 112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa hex-key authentication outbound ah simple aabbccddeeff001100aabbccddeeff00
display ipsec sa
sa string-key
sa hex-key encryption
Use sa encryption-hex to configure an encryption key for a manual IPsec SA.
Use undo sa encryption-hex to delete an encryption key for a manual IPsec SA.
sa hex-key encryption { inbound | outbound } esp { cipher | simple } string
undo sa hex-key encryption { inbound | outbound } esp
No hexadecimal encryption keys are configured for manual IPsec SAs.
IPsec policy view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
inbound: Specifies a hexadecimal encryption key for the inbound SA.
outbound: Specifies a hexadecimal encryption key for the outbound SA.
esp: Uses ESP.
cipher: Specifies a key in encrypted form.
simple: Specifies a key in plaintext form. For security purposes, the key specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.
string: Specifies the key. Its encrypted form is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 117 characters. Its plaintext form is a case-insensitive hexadecimal string and the key length varies by algorithm.
The following matrix shows the key length for the algorithms:
Algorithm |
Key length (bytes) |
8 |
24 |
AES128-CBC |
16 |
AES192-CBC |
24 |
AES256-CBC |
32 |
Usage guidelines
This command applies only to manual IPsec policies and IPsec profiles.
You must set an encryption key for both the inbound and outbound SAs.
The local inbound SA must use the same encryption key as the remote outbound SA, and the local outbound SA must use the same encryption key as the remote inbound SA.
In an IPsec profile to be applied to an IPv6 routing protocol, the local encryption keys of the inbound and outbound SAs must be identical.
The keys for the IPsec SAs at the two tunnel ends must be configured in the same format (either in hexadecimal or character format). Otherwise, they cannot establish an IPsec tunnel.
If you execute this command multiple times for the same direction, the most recent configuration takes effect.
# Configure plaintext encryption keys 0x1234567890abcdef and 0xabcdefabcdef1234 for the inbound and outbound IPsec SAs that use ESP.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa hex-key encryption inbound esp simple 1234567890abcdef
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa hex-key encryption outbound esp simple abcdefabcdef1234
display ipsec sa
sa string-key
sa idle-time
Use sa idle-time to set the IPsec SA idle timeout. If no traffic matches an IPsec SA within the idle timeout interval, the IPsec SA is deleted.
Use undo sa idle-time to restore the default.
sa idle-time seconds
undo sa idle-time
An IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile uses the global IPsec SA idle timeout.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the IPsec SA idle timeout in the range of 60 to 86400 seconds.
Usage guidelines
This feature applies only to IPsec SAs negotiated by IKE and takes effect after the ipsec sa idle-time command is configured.
The IPsec SA idle timeout configured by this command takes precedence over the global IPsec SA timeout configured by the ipsec sa idle-time command. If the IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile is not configured with the SA idle timeout, IKE uses the global SA idle timeout.
# Set the IPsec SA idle timeout to 600 seconds for IPsec policy map.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy map 100 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-map-100] sa idle-time 600
Related commands
display ipsec sa
ipsec sa idle-time
sa spi
Use sa spi to configure an SPI for IPsec SAs.
Use undo sa spi to remove the SPI.
sa spi { inbound | outbound } { ah | esp } spi-number
undo sa spi { inbound | outbound } { ah | esp }
No SPI is configured for IPsec SAs.
IPsec policy view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
inbound: Specifies an SPI for inbound SAs.
outbound: Specifies an SPI for outbound SAs.
ah: Uses AH.
esp: Uses ESP.
spi-number: Specifies a security parameters index (SPI) in the range of 256 to 4294967295.
Usage guidelines
This command applies only to manual IPsec policies and IPsec profiles.
You must configure an SPI for both inbound and outbound SAs, and make sure the SAs in each direction are unique: For an outbound SA, make sure its triplet (remote IP address, security protocol, and SPI) is unique. For an inbound SA, make sure its SPI is unique.
The local inbound SA must use the same SPI as the remote outbound SA, and the local outbound SA must use the same SPI as the remote inbound SA.
When you configure an IPsec profile for an IPv6 routing protocol, follow these guidelines:
· The local inbound and outbound SAs must use the same SPI.
· The IPsec SAs on the devices in the same scope must have the same SPI. The scope is defined by protocols. For OSPFv3, the scope consists of OSPFv3 neighbors or an OSPFv3 area. For RIPng, the scope consists of directly-connected neighbors or a RIPng process. For BGP4+, the scope consists of BGP4+ peers or a BGP4+ peer group.
# Set the SPI for the inbound SA to 10000 and the SPI for the outbound SA to 20000 in a manual IPsec policy.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa spi inbound ah 10000
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa spi outbound ah 20000
display ipsec sa
sa string-key
Use sa string-key to set a key string (a key in character format) for manual IPsec SAs.
Use undo sa string-key to remove the key string.
sa string-key { inbound | outbound } { ah | esp } [ cipher | simple ] string
undo sa string-key { inbound | outbound } { ah | esp }
No key string is configured for manual IPsec SAs.
IPsec policy view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
inbound: Sets a key string for inbound IPsec SAs.
outbound: Sets a key string for outbound IPsec SAs.
ah: Uses AH.
esp: Uses ESP.
cipher: Specifies a key string in encrypted form.
simple: Specifies a key string in plaintext form. For security purposes, the key string specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.
string: Specifies the key string. Its encrypted form is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 373 characters. Its plaintext form is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters. Using the key string, the system automatically generates keys that meet the algorithm requirements. When the protocol is ESP, the system automatically generates keys for the authentication algorithm and encryption algorithm.
Usage guidelines
This command applies only to manual IPsec policies and IPsec profiles.
You must set a key for both inbound and outbound SAs.
The local inbound SA must use the same key as the remote outbound SA, and the local outbound SA must use the same key as the remote inbound SA.
The keys for the IPsec SAs at the two tunnel ends must be input in the same format (either in hexadecimal or character format). Otherwise, they cannot establish an IPsec tunnel.
When you configure an IPsec profile for an IPv6 routing protocol, follow these guidelines:
· The local inbound and outbound SAs must use the same key.
· The IPsec SAs on the devices in the same scope must have the same key. The scope is defined by protocols. For OSPFv3, the scope consists of OSPFv3 neighbors or an OSPFv3 area. For RIPng, the scope consists of directly-connected neighbors or a RIPng process. For BGP, the scope consists of BGP peers or a BGP peer group.
If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.
# Configure the inbound and outbound SAs that use AH to use plaintext keys abcdef and efcdab, respectively.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa string-key inbound ah simple abcdef
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa string-key outbound ah simple efcdab
# In an IPv6 IPsec policy, configure the inbound and outbound SAs that use AH to use plaintext key abcdef.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec ipv6-policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-ipv6-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa string-key inbound ah simple abcdef
[Sysname-ipsec-ipv6-policy-manual-policy1-100] sa string-key outbound ah simple abcdef
Related commands
display ipsec sa
sa hex-key
security acl
Use security acl to specify an ACL for an IPsec policy or IPsec policy template.
Use undo security acl to restore the default.
security acl [ ipv6 ] { acl-number | name acl-name } [ aggregation | per-host ]
undo security acl
An IPsec policy or IPsec policy template does not use any ACL.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
ipv6: Specifies an IPv6 ACL.
acl-number: Specifies an ACL by its number in the range of 3000 to 3999.
name acl-name: Specifies an ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
aggregation: Specifies the data protection mode as aggregation. The device does not support protecting IPv6 data flows in aggregation mode.
per-host: Specifies the data protection mode as per-host.
Usage guidelines
An IKE-based IPsec policy supports the following data flow protection modes:
· Standard mode—One IPsec tunnel protects one data flow. The data flow permitted by an ACL rule is protected by one IPsec tunnel that is established solely for it. The standard mode is used if you do not specify the aggregation or the per-host mode.
· Aggregation mode—One IPsec tunnel protects all data flows permitted by all the rules of an ACL. This mode is only used to communicate with old-version devices.
· Per-host mode—One IPsec tunnel protects one host-to-host data flow. One host-to-host data flow is identified by one ACL rule and protected by one IPsec tunnel established solely for it. This mode consumes more system resources when multiple data flows exist between two subnets to be protected.
A manual IPsec policy supports only the aggregation mode.
# Specify IPv4 advanced ACL 3001 for IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] acl advanced 3001
[Sysname-acl-ipv4-adv-3001] rule permit tcp source destination
[Sysname-acl-ipv4-adv-3001] quit
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] security acl 3001
# Specify IPv4 advanced ACL 3002 for IPsec policy policy2 and specify the data protection mode as aggregation.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] acl advanced 3002
[Sysname-acl-ipv4-adv-3002] rule 0 permit ip source destination
[Sysname-acl-ipv4-adv-3002] rule 1 permit ip source destination
[Sysname-acl-ipv4-adv-3002] quit
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy2 1 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy2-1] security acl 3002 aggregation
Related commands
display ipsec sa
display ipsec tunnel
snmp-agent trap enable ipsec
Use snmp-agent trap enable ipsec command to enable SNMP notifications for IPsec.
Use undo snmp-agent trap enable ipsec command to disable SNMP notifications for IPsec.
snmp-agent trap enable ipsec [ auth-failure | decrypt-failure | encrypt-failure | global | invalid-sa-failure | no-sa-failure | policy-add | policy-attach | policy-delete | policy-detach | tunnel-start | tunnel-stop] *
undo snmp-agent trap enable ipsec [ auth-failure | decrypt-failure | encrypt-failure | global | invalid-sa-failure | no-sa-failure | policy-add | policy-attach | policy-delete | policy-detach | tunnel-start | tunnel-stop] *
All SNMP notifications for IPsec are disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
auth-failure: Specifies notifications about authentication failures.
decrypt-failure: Specifies notifications about decryption failures.
encrypt-failure: Specifies notifications about encryption failures.
global: Specifies notifications globally.
invalid-sa-failure: Specifies notifications about invalid-SA failures.
no-sa-failure: Specifies notifications about SA-not-found failures.
policy-add: Specifies notifications about events of adding IPsec policies.
policy-attach: Specifies notifications about events of applying IPsec policies to interfaces.
policy-delete: Specifies notifications about events of deleting IPsec policies.
policy-detach: Specifies notifications about events of removing IPsec policies from interfaces.
tunnel-start: Specifies notifications about events of creating IPsec tunnels.
tunnel-stop: Specifies notifications about events of deleting IPsec tunnels.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any keywords, this command enables or disables all SNMP notifications for IPsec.
To generate and output SNMP notifications for a specific IPsec failure type or event type, perform the following tasks:
1. Enable SNMP notifications for IPsec globally.
2. Enable SNMP notifications for the failure type or event type.
# Enable SNMP notifications for IPsec globally.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable ipsec global
# Enable SNMP notifications for events of creating IPsec tunnels.
[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable ipsec tunnel-start
tfc enable
Use tfc enable to enable Traffic Flow Confidentiality (TFC) padding.
Use undo tfc enable to disable TFC padding.
tfc enable
undo tfc enable
TFC padding is disabled.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
TFC padding can hide the length of the original packet, and might affect the packet encapsulation and de-encapsulation performance. This feature takes effect on UDP packets encapsulated by ESP in transport mode and on original IP packets encapsulated by ESP in tunnel mode.
# Enable TFC padding for IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 10 isakmp
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-isakmp-policy1-10] tfc enable
Related commands
display ipsec ipv6-policy
display ipsec policy
Use transform-set to specify an IPsec transform set for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
Use undo transform-set to remove the IPsec transform set specified for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
transform-set transform-set-name&<1-6>
undo transform-set [ transform-set-name ]
No IPsec transform set is specified for an IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
IPsec policy view
IPsec policy template view
IPsec profile view
Predefined user roles
transform-set-name&<1-6>: Specifies a space-separated list of up to six IPsec transform sets by their names, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
You can specify only one IPsec transform set for a manual IPsec policy. If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.
You can specify a maximum of six IPsec transform sets for an IKE-based IPsec policy. During an IKE negotiation, IKE searches for a fully matched IPsec transform set at the two ends of the IPsec tunnel. If no match is found, no SA can be set up, and the packets expecting to be protected will be dropped.
If you do not specify the transform-set-name argument, the undo transform-set command removes all IPsec transform sets specified for the IPsec policy, IPsec policy template, or IPsec profile.
# Specify IPsec transform set prop1 for IPsec policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipsec transform-set prop1
[Sysname-ipsec-transform-set-prop1] quit
[Sysname] ipsec policy policy1 100 manual
[Sysname-ipsec-policy-manual-policy1-100] transform-set prop1
Related commands
ipsec { ipv6-policy | policy }
ipsec profile
ipsec transform-set
IKE commands
The device supports the FIPS mode that complies with NIST FIPS 140-2 requirements. Support for features, commands, and parameters might differ in FIPS mode and non-FIPS mode. For more information about FIPS mode, see Security Configuration Guide.
Use authentication-algorithm to specify an authentication algorithm for an IKE proposal.
Use undo authentication-algorithm to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
authentication-algorithm { md5 | sha | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 }
undo authentication-algorithm
In FIPS mode:
authentication-algorithm { sha| sha256 | sha384 | sha512 }
undo authentication-algorithm
In non-FIPS mode:
The IKE proposal uses the HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithm.
In FIPS mode:
The IKE proposal uses the HMAC-SHA256 authentication algorithm.
IKE proposal view
Predefined user roles
md5: Specifies the HMAC-MD5 algorithm.
sha: Specifies the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
sha256: Specifies the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.
sha384: Specifies the HMAC-SHA384 algorithm.
sha512: Specifies the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm.
# Specify HMAC-SHA1 as the authentication algorithm for IKE proposal 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike proposal 1
[Sysname-ike-proposal-1] authentication-algorithm sha
Related commands
display ike proposal
Use authentication-method to specify an authentication method to be used in an IKE proposal.
Use undo authentication-method to restore the default.
authentication-method { dsa-signature | ecdsa-signature | pre-share | rsa-signature }
undo authentication-method
The IKE proposal uses the preshared key authentication method.
IKE proposal view
Predefined user roles
dsa-signature: Specifies the DSA signature authentication method.
ecdsa-signature: Specifies the ECDSA signature authentication method.
pre-share: Specifies the preshared key authentication method.
rsa-signature: Specifies the RSA signature authentication method.
Usage guidelines
Preshared key authentication does not require certificates as signature authentication does, and it is usually used in a simple network. Signature authentication provides higher security, and it is usually deployed in a large-scale network, such as a network with many branches. In a network with many branches, using preshared key authentication requires the headquarters to configure a preshared key for each branch. Using signature authentication only requires the headquarters to configure one PKI domain.
Authentication methods configured on both IKE ends must match.
To use the RSA, DSA, or ECDSA signature authentication method, make sure the IKE peer can obtain certificates from a CA.
If you specify the preshared key authentication method, you must configure the preshared key on both IKE ends.
# Specify the preshared key authentication method for IKE proposal 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike proposal 1
[Sysname-ike-proposal-1] authentication-method pre-share
Related commands
display ike proposal
ike keychain
certificate domain
Use certificate domain to specify a PKI domain for signature authentication.
Use undo certificate domain to remove a PKI domain for signature authentication.
certificate domain domain-name
undo certificate domain domain-name
No PKI domains are specified for signature authentication.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
domain-name: Specifies the name of a PKI domain, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
Usage guidelines
You can specify a maximum of six PKI domains for an IKE profile by executing this command multiple times.
IKE uses the specified PKI domains for enrollment, authentication, certificate issuing, validation, and signature. If you do not specify any PKI domains, IKE uses all PKI domains configured on the device.
Follow these restrictions and guidelines for the device to obtain the CA certificate during IKE negotiation:
· On the initiator:
¡ If the IKE profile has a PKI domain and the automatic certificate request mode is configured for the PKI domain, the initiator automatically obtains the CA certificate.
¡ If the IKE profile has no PKI domain, you must manually obtain the CA certificate.
· On the responder:
¡ If main mode is used in IKE phase 1, the responder does not automatically obtain the CA certificate. You must manually obtain the CA certificate.
¡ If aggressive mode is used in IKE phase 1, the responder automatically obtains the CA certificate if the following conditions are met:
- A matching IKE profile is found.
- An PKI domain is specified in the IKE profile.
- The automatic certificate request mode is configured for the PKI domain.
If the conditions are not met, you must manually obtain the CA certificate.
IKE first automatically obtains the CA certificate, and then requests a local certificate. If the CA certificate already exists locally, IKE automatically requests a local certificate.
# Specify PKI domain abc for IKE profile 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile 1
[Sysname-ike-profile-1] certificate domain abc
Related commands
pki domain
Use description to configure a description for an IKE proposal.
Use undo description to restore the default.
description text
undo description
An IKE proposal does not have a description.
IKE proposal view
Predefined user roles
text: Specifies the description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 80 characters.
Usage guidelines
When multiple IKE proposals exist, you configure different descriptions for them to distinguish them.
# Configure a description of test for IKE proposal 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike proposal 1
[Sysname-ike-proposal-1] description test
Use dh to specify the DH group to be used for key negotiation in IKE phase 1.
Use undo dh to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
dh { group1 | group14 | group19 | group2 | group20 | group24 | group5 }
undo dh
In FIPS mode:
dh { group14 | group19 | group20 | group24 }
undo dh
In non-FIPS mode:
The 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group (group1) is used.
In FIPS mode:
The 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group (group14) is used.
IKE proposal view
Predefined user roles
group1: Uses the 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group14: Uses the 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group19: Uses the 256-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group2: Uses the 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group20: Uses the 384-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group24: Uses the 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group with the 256-bit prime order subgroup.
group5: Uses the 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
Usage guidelines
A DH group with a higher group number provides higher security but needs more time for processing. To achieve the best trade-off between processing performance and security, choose a proper Diffie-Hellman group for your network.
# Specify the 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group group1 to be used for key negotiation in IKE phase 1 in IKE proposal 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike proposal 1
[Sysname-ike-proposal-1] dh group14
Related commands
display ike proposal
display ike proposal
Use display ike proposal to display configuration information about all IKE proposals.
display ike proposal
Any view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
This command displays the configuration information about all IKE proposals in descending order of proposal priorities. If no IKE proposal is configured, this command displays the default IKE proposal.
# Display the configuration information about all IKE proposals.
<Sysname> display ike proposal
Priority Authentication Authentication Encryption Diffie-Hellman Duration
method algorithm algorithm group (seconds)
1 RSA-SIG SHA1 DES-CBC Group 1 5000
11 PRE-SHARED-KEY SHA1 DES-CBC Group 1 50000
default PRE-SHARED-KEY SHA1 DES-CBC Group 1 86400
Table 10 Command output
Field |
Description |
Priority |
Priority of the IKE proposal |
Authentication method |
Authentication method used by the IKE proposal. |
Authentication algorithm |
Authentication algorithm used in the IKE proposal: · MD5—HMAC-MD5 algorithm. · SHA1—HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. · SHA256—HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. · SHA384—HMAC-SHA384 algorithm. · SHA512—HMAC-SHA512 algorithm. |
Encryption algorithm |
Encryption algorithm used by the IKE proposal: · 3DES-CBC—168-bit 3DES algorithm in CBC mode. · AES-CBC-128—128-bit AES algorithm in CBC mode. · AES-CBC-192—192-bit AES algorithm in CBC mode. · AES-CBC-256—256-bit AES algorithm in CBC mode. · DES-CBC—56-bit DES algorithm in CBC mode. |
Diffie-Hellman group |
DH group used in IKE negotiation phase 1. |
Duration (seconds) |
IKE SA lifetime (in seconds) of the IKE proposal |
Related commands
ike proposal
display ike sa
Use display ike sa to display information about IKE SAs.
display ike sa [ verbose [ connection-id connection-id | remote-address [ ipv6 ] remote-address [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
verbose: Displays detailed information.
connection-id connection-id: Displays detailed information about IKE SAs by connection ID in the range of 1 to 2000000000.
remote-address: Displays detailed information about IKE SAs with the specified remote address.
ipv6: Specifies an IPv6 address.
remote-address: Remote IP address.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Displays detailed information about IKE SAs in an MPLS L3VPN instance. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command displays detailed information about IKE SAs for the public network.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays summary information about all IKE SAs.
# Display summary information about all IKE SAs.
<Sysname> display ike sa
Connection-ID Remote Flag DOI
1 RD IPsec
Table 11 Command output
Field |
Description |
Connection-ID |
Identifier of the IKE SA. |
Remote |
Remote IP address of the SA. |
Flags |
Status of the SA: · RD--READY—The SA has been established. · RL--REPLACED—The SA has been replaced by a new one and will be deleted later. · FD-FADING—The SA is in use, but it is about to expire and will be deleted soon. · RK-REKEY—The SA is a Rekey SA. · Unknown—The SA status is unknown. |
Interpretation domain to which the SA belongs. IPsec—The SA belongs to an IPsec DOI. |
# Display detailed information about all IKE SAs.
<Sysname> display ike sa verbose
Connection ID: 2
Outside VPN:
Inside VPN:
Profile: prof1
Transmitting entity: Initiator
Local IP:
Local ID type: IPV4_ADDR
Local ID:
Remote IP:
Remote ID type: IPV4_ADDR
Remote ID:
Authentication-method: PRE-SHARED-KEY
Authentication-algorithm: SHA1
Encryption-algorithm: AES-CBC-128
Life duration(sec): 86400
Remaining key duration(sec): 86379
Exchange-mode: Main
Diffie-Hellman group: Group 1
NAT traversal: Not detected
Extend authentication: Enabled
Assigned IP address:
# Display detailed information about the IKE SA with a remote address of
<Sysname> display ike sa verbose remote-address
Connection ID: 2
Outside VPN:
Inside VPN:
Profile: prof1
Transmitting entity: Initiator
Local IP:
Local ID type: IPV4_ADDR
Local ID:
Remote IP:
Remote ID type: IPV4_ADDR
Remote ID:
Authentication-method: PRE-SHARED-KEY
Authentication-algorithm: SHA1
Encryption-algorithm: AES-CBC-128
Life duration(sec): 86400
Remaining key duration(sec): 86379
Exchange-mode: Main
Diffie-Hellman group: Group 1
NAT traversal: Not detected
Extend authentication: Enabled
Assigned IP address:
Table 12 Command output
Field |
Description |
Connection ID |
Identifier of the IKE SA. |
Outside VPN |
MPLS L3VPN instance to which the receiving interface belongs. |
Inside VPN |
MPLS L3VPN instance to which the protected data belongs. |
Profile |
Name of the matching IKE profile found in the IKE SA negotiation. If no matching profile is found, this field displays nothing. |
Transmitting entity |
Role of the IKE negotiation entity: Initiator or Responder. |
Local IP |
IP address of the local gateway. |
Local ID type |
Identifier type of the local gateway. |
Local ID |
Identifier of the local gateway. |
Remote IP |
IP address of the remote gateway. |
Remote ID type |
Identifier type of the remote gateway. |
Remote ID |
Identifier of the remote security gateway. |
Authentication-method |
Authentication method used by the IKE proposal. |
Authentication-algorithm |
Authentication algorithm used by the IKE proposal: · MD5—HMAC-MD5 algorithm. · SHA1—HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. · SHA256—HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. · SHA384—HMAC-SHA384 algorithm. · SHA512—HMAC-SHA512 algorithm. |
Encryption-algorithm |
Encryption algorithm used by the IKE proposal: · 3DES-CBC—168-bit 3DES algorithm in CBC mode. · AES-CBC-128—128-bit AES algorithm in CBC mode. · AES-CBC-192—192-bit AES algorithm in CBC mode. · AES-CBC-256—256-bit AES algorithm in CBC mode. · DES-CBC—56-bit DES algorithm in CBC mode. |
Life duration(sec) |
Lifetime of the IKE SA in seconds. |
Remaining key duration(sec) |
Remaining lifetime of the IKE SA in seconds. |
Exchange-mode |
IKE negotiation mode in phase 1: Main or Aggressive. |
Diffie-Hellman group |
DH group used for key negotiation in IKE phase 1. |
NAT traversal |
Whether a NAT gateway is detected. |
Extend authentication |
Whether extended authentication for clients is enabled. |
Assigned IP address |
IP address assigned to the remote peer. This field is not displayed if no IP address is assigned. |
display ike statistics
Use display ike statistics to display IKE statistics.
display ike statistics
Any view
Predefined user roles
# Display IKE statistics.
<Sysname> display ike statistics
IKE statistics:
No matching proposal: 0
Invalid ID information: 0
Unavailable certificate: 0
Unsupported DOI: 0
Unsupported situation: 0
Invalid proposal syntax: 0
Invalid SPI: 0
Invalid protocol ID: 0
Invalid certificate: 0
Authentication failure: 0
Invalid flags: 0
Invalid message id: 0
Invalid cookie: 0
Invalid transform ID: 0
Malformed payload: 0
Invalid key information: 0
Invalid hash information: 0
Unsupported attribute: 0
Unsupported certificate type: 0
Invalid certificate authority: 0
Invalid signature: 0
Unsupported exchange type: 0
No available SA: 1
Retransmit timeout: 0
Not enough memory: 0
Enqueue fails: 0
Related commands
reset ike statistics
Use dpd to configure IKE DPD.
Use undo dpd to disable IKE DPD.
dpd interval interval [ retry seconds ] { on-demand | periodic }
undo dpd interval
IKE DPD is disabled.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
interval interval: Specifies a DPD triggering interval in the range of 1 to 300 seconds.
retry seconds: Specifies the DPD retry interval in the range of 1 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
on-demand: Triggers DPD on demand. The device triggers DPD if it has IPsec traffic to send and has not received any IPsec packets from the peer for the specified interval.
periodic: Triggers DPD at regular intervals. The device triggers DPD at the specified interval.
Usage guidelines
DPD is triggered periodically or on-demand. As a best practice, use the on-demand mode when the device communicates with a large number of IKE peers. For an earlier detection of dead peers, use the periodic triggering mode, which consumes more bandwidth and CPU.
When DPD settings are configured in both IKE profile view and system view, the DPD settings in IKE profile view apply. If DPD is not configured in IKE profile view, the DPD settings in system view apply.
It is a good practice to set the triggering interval longer than the retry interval so that a DPD detection does not occur during a DPD retry.
# Configure DPD to be triggered every 10 seconds and every 5 seconds between retries if the peer does not respond.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile 1
[Sysname-ike-profile-1] dpd interval 10 retry 5 on-demand
Related commands
ike dpd
Use encryption-algorithm to specify an encryption algorithm for an IKE proposal.
Use undo encryption-algorithm to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
encryption-algorithm { 3des-cbc | aes-cbc-128 | aes-cbc-192 | aes-cbc-256 | des-cbc }
undo encryption-algorithm
In FIPS mode:
encryption-algorithm { aes-cbc-128 | aes-cbc-192 | aes-cbc-256 }
undo encryption-algorithm
In non-FIPS mode:
An IKE proposal uses the 56-bit DES encryption algorithm in CBC mode.
In FIPS mode:
An IKE proposal uses the 128-bit AES encryption algorithm in CBC mode.
IKE proposal view
Predefined user roles
3des-cbc: Specifies the 3DES algorithm in CBC mode. The 3DES algorithm uses a 168-bit key for encryption.
aes-cbc-128: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode. The AES algorithm uses a 128-bit key for encryption.
aes-cbc-192: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode. The AES algorithm uses a 192-bit key for encryption.
aes-cbc-256: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode. The AES algorithm uses a 256-bit key for encryption.
des-cbc: Specifies the DES algorithm in CBC mode. The DES algorithm uses a 56-bit key for encryption.
# Use the 128-bit AES algorithm in CBC mode as the encryption algorithm for IKE proposal 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike proposal 1
[Sysname-ike-proposal-1] encryption-algorithm aes-cbc-128
Related commands
display ike proposal
Use exchange-mode to select an IKE negotiation mode for phase 1.
Use undo exchange-mode to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
exchange-mode { aggressive | main }
undo exchange-mode
In FIPS mode:
exchange-mode main
undo exchange-mode
Main mode is used for phase 1.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
aggressive: Specifies the aggressive mode.
main: Specifies the main mode.
Usage guidelines
As a best practice, specify the aggressive mode at the local end if the following conditions are met:
· The local end, for example, a dialup user, obtains an IP address automatically.
· Preshared key authentication is used.
# Specify that IKE negotiation operates in main mode.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile 1
[Sysname-ike-profile-1] exchange-mode main
Related commands
display ike proposal
ike dpd
Use ike dpd to configure global IKE DPD.
Use undo ike dpd to disable global IKE DPD.
ike dpd interval interval [ retry seconds ] { on-demand | periodic }
undo ike dpd interval
Global IKE DPD is disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
interval interval: Specifies a DPD triggering interval in the range of 1 to 300 seconds.
retry seconds: Specifies the DPD retry interval in the range of 1 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
on-demand: Triggers DPD on demand. The device triggers DPD if it has IPsec traffic to send and has not received any IPsec packets from the peer for the specified interval.
periodic: Triggers DPD at regular intervals. The device triggers DPD at the specified interval.
Usage guidelines
DPD is triggered periodically or on-demand. As a best practice, use the on-demand mode when the device communicates with a large number of IKE peers. For an earlier detection of dead peers, use the periodical triggering mode, which consumes more bandwidth and CPU.
When DPD settings are configured in both IKE profile view and system view, the DPD settings in IKE profile view apply. If DPD is not configured in IKE profile view, the DPD settings in system view apply.
It is a good practice to set the triggering interval longer than the retry interval so that a DPD detection does not occur during a DPD retry.
# Configure DPD to be triggered every 10 seconds and every 5 seconds between retries if the peer does not respond.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike dpd interval 10 retry 5 on-demand
Related commands
ike identity
Use ike identity to specify the global identity used by the local end during IKE negotiations.
Use undo ike identity to restore the default.
ike identity { address { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }| dn | fqdn [ fqdn-name ] | user-fqdn [ user-fqdn-name ] }
undo ike identity
The IP address of the interface where the IPsec policy applies is used as the IKE identity.
System view
Predefined user roles
address { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }: Uses an IPv4 or IPv6 address as the identity.
dn: Uses the DN in the digital signature as the identity.
fqdn fqdn-name: Uses the FQDN name as the identity. The fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, for example, www.test.com. If you do not specify this argument, the device name configured by using the sysname command is used as the local FQDN.
user-fqdn user-fqdn-name: Uses the user FQDN name as the identity. The user-fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, for example, abc@test.com. If you do not specify this argument, the device name configured by using the sysname command is used as the user FQDN.
Usage guidelines
The global local identity can be used for all IKE SA negotiations. The local identity (set by the local-identity command for an IKE profile) can be used only for IKE SA negotiations that use the IKE profile.
If the local authentication method is signature authentication, you can set an identity of any type. If the local authentication method is preshared key authentication, you cannot set the DN as the identity.
The ike signature-identity from-certificate command sets the local device to always use the identity information obtained from the local certificate for signature authentication. If the ike signature-identity from-certificate command is not set, the local-identity command configuration, if configured, takes precedence over the ike identity command configuration.
# Specify IP address as the identity.
<sysname> system-view
[sysname] ike identity address
Related commands
ike signature-identity from-certificate
ike invalid-spi-recovery enable
Use ike invalid-spi-recovery enable to enable invalid security parameter index (SPI) recovery.
Use undo ike invalid-spi-recovery enable to disable invalid SPI recovery.
ike invalid-spi-recovery enable
undo ike invalid-spi-recovery enable
Invalid SPI recovery is disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
IPsec "black hole" occurs when one IPsec peer fails (for example, a peer can fail if a reboot occurs). One peer fails and loses its SAs with the other peer. When an IPsec peer receives a data packet for which it cannot find an SA, an invalid SPI is encountered. The peer drops the data packet and tries to send an SPI invalid notification to the data originator. This notification is sent by using the IKE SA. When no IKE SA is available, the notification is not sent. The originating peer continues sending the data by using the IPsec SA that has the invalid SPI, and the receiving peer keeps dropping the traffic.
The invalid SPI recovery feature enables the receiving peer to set up an IKE SA with the originator so that an SPI invalid notification can be sent. Upon receiving the notification, the originating peer deletes the IPsec SA that has the invalid SPI. If the originator has data to send, new SAs will be set up.
Use caution when you enable the invalid SPI recovery feature, because using this feature can result in a DoS attack. Attackers can make a great number of invalid SPI notifications to the same peer.
# Enable invalid SPI recovery.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike invalid-spi-recovery enable
ike keepalive interval
Use ike keepalive interval to set the IKE keepalive interval.
Use undo ike keepalive interval to restore the default.
ike keepalive interval interval
undo ike keepalive interval
No IKE keepalives are sent.
System view
Predefined user roles
interval: Specifies the number of seconds between IKE keepalives, in the range of 20 to 28800.
Usage guidelines
To detect the status of the peer, configure IKE DPD instead of the IKE keepalive feature, unless IKE DPD is not supported on the peer.
The keepalive timeout time configured at the local must be longer than the keepalive interval configured at the peer. Because more than three consecutive packets are rarely lost on a network, you can set the keepalive timeout time to three times as long as the keepalive interval.
# Set the keepalive interval to 200 seconds
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike keepalive interval 200
Related commands
ike keepalive timeout
ike keepalive timeout
Use ike keepalive timeout to set the IKE keepalive timeout time.
Use undo ike keepalive timeout to restore the default.
ike keepalive timeout seconds
undo ike keepalive timeout
The IKE keepalive timeout time is not set.
System view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the number of seconds between IKE keepalives. The value range for this argument is 20 to 28800.
Usage guidelines
If the local end receives no keepalive packets from the peer during the timeout time, the IKE SA is deleted along with the IPsec SAs it negotiated.
The keepalive timeout time configured at the local end must be longer than the keepalive interval configured at the peer. Because more than three consecutive packets are rarely lost on a network, you can set the keepalive timeout time to three times as long as the keepalive interval.
# Set the keepalive timeout time to 20 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike keepalive timeout 20
Related commands
ike keepalive interval
ike keychain
Use ike keychain to create an IKE keychain and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKE keychain.
Use undo ike keychain to delete an IKE keychain.
ike keychain keychain-name [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
undo ike keychain keychain-name [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
No IKE keychains exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
keychain-name: Specifies an IKE keychain name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the IKE keychain belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. To create an IKE keychain for the public network, do not specify this option.
Usage guidelines
To use preshared key authentication, you must create and specify an IKE keychain for the IKE profile.
# Create IKE keychain key1 and enter its view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike keychain key1
Related commands
ike limit
Use ike limit to set the maximum number of half-open or established IKE SAs.
Use undo ike limit to restore the default.
ike limit { max-negotiating-sa negotiation-limit | max-sa sa-limit }
undo ike limit { max-negotiating-sa | max-sa }
There is no limit to the maximum number of half-open or established IKE SAs.
System view
Predefined user roles
max-negotiating-sa negotiation-limit: Specifies the maximum number of half-open IKE SAs and IPsec SAs. The value range for the negotiation-limit argument is 1 to 99999.
max-sa sa-limit: Specifies the maximum number of established IKE SAs. The value range for the sa-limit argument is 1 to 99999.
Usage guidelines
The supported maximum number of half-open IKE SAs depends on the device's processing capability. Adjust the maximum number of half-open IKE SAs to make full use of the device's processing capability without affecting the IKE SA negotiation efficiency.
The supported maximum number of established IKE SAs depends on the device's memory space. Adjust the maximum number of established IKE SAs to make full use of the device's memory space without affecting other applications in the system.
# Set the maximum number of half-open IKE SAs and IPsec SAs to 200.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike limit max-negotiating-sa 200
# Set the maximum number of established IKE SAs to 5000.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike limit max-sa 5000
ike nat-keepalive
Use ike nat-keepalive to set the NAT keepalive interval.
Use undo ike nat-keepalive to restore the default.
ike nat-keepalive seconds
undo ike nat-keepalive
The NAT keepalive interval is 20 seconds.
System view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the NAT keepalive interval in seconds, in the range of 5 to 300.
Usage guidelines
This command takes effect only for a device that resides in the private network behind a NAT gateway. The device behind the NAT gateway needs to send NAT keepalives to its peer to keep the NAT session alive, so that the peer can access the device.
The NAT keepalive interval must be shorter than the NAT session lifetime.
# Set the NAT keepalive interval to 5 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike nat-keepalive 5
ike profile
Use ike profile to create an IKE profile and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKE profile.
Use undo ike profile to delete an IKE profile.
ike profile profile-name
undo ike profile profile-name
No IKE profiles exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
profile-name: Specifies an IKE profile name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
# Create IKE profile 1 and enter its view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile 1
ike proposal
Use ike proposal to create an IKE proposal and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKE proposal.
Use undo ike proposal to delete an IKE proposal.
ike proposal proposal-number
undo ike proposal proposal-number
An IKE proposal exists, which has the lowest priority and uses the following settings:
· Encryption algorithm—DES-CBC in non-FIPS mode and AES-CBC-128 in FIPS mode.
· Authentication algorithm—HMAC-SHA1 in non-FIPS mode and SHA256 in FIPS mode.
· Authentication method—Preshared key authentication.
· DH group—768-bit Diffie-Hellman group in non-FIPS mode and 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group in FIPS mode.
· IKE SA lifetime—86400 seconds.
You cannot change the settings of the default IKE proposal.
System view
Predefined user roles
proposal-number: Specifies an IKE proposal number in the range of 1 to 65535. The lower the number, the higher the priority of the IKE proposal.
Usage guidelines
During IKE negotiation:
· The initiator sends its IKE proposals to the peer.
¡ If the initiator is using an IPsec policy with an IKE profile, the initiator sends all IKE proposals specified for the IKE profile to the peer. An IKE proposal specified earlier for the IKE profile has a higher priority.
¡ If the initiator is using an IPsec policy with no IKE profile, the initiator sends all its IKE proposals to the peer. An IKE proposal with a smaller number has a higher priority.
· The peer searches its own IKE proposals for a match. The search starts from the IKE proposal with the highest priority and proceeds in descending order of priority until a match is found. The matching IKE proposals are used to establish the IKE SA. If all user-defined IKE proposals are mismatched, the two peers use their default IKE proposals to establish the IKE SA.
# Create IKE proposal 1 and enter its view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike proposal 1
Related commands
display ike proposal
ike signature-identity from-certificate
Use ike signature-identity from-certificate to configure the local device to obtain the identity information from the local certificate for signature authentication.
Use undo ike signature-identity from-certificate to restore the default.
ike signature-identity from-certificate
undo ike signature-identity from-certificate
The local end uses the identity information specified by the local-identity or ike identity command for signature authentication.
System view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
This command requires the local device to always use the identity information in the local certificate for signature authentication, regardless of the local-identity or ike identity configuration.
Configure this command when the aggressive mode and signature authentication are used and the device interconnects with a Comware 5-based peer device. Comware 5 supports only DN for signature authentication.
If the ike signature-identity from-certificate command is not configured, the local-identity command configuration, if configured, takes precedence over the ike identity command configuration.
# Configure the local device to always obtain the identity information from the local certificate for signature authentication.
<Sysname> system-view
[sysname] ike signature-identity from-certificate
Related commands
ike identity
Use inside-vpn to specify an inside VPN instance.
Use undo inside-vpn to restore the default.
inside-vpn vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
undo inside-vpn
No inside VPN instance is specified for an IKE profile. The device forwards protected data to the VPN instance where the interface that receives the data resides.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the device forwards protected data. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
Usage guidelines
This command determines where the device should forward received IPsec protected data. If you configure this command, the device looks for a route in the specified VPN instance to forward the data. If you do not configure this command, the device looks for a route in the VPN instance where the receiving interface resides to forward the data.
# Specify inside VPN instance vpn1 for IKE profile prof1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile prof1
[Sysname-ike-profile-prof1] inside-vpn vpn-instance vpn1
Use keychain to specify an IKE keychain for preshared key authentication.
Use undo keychain to remove an IKE keychain.
keychain keychain-name
undo keychain keychain-name
No IKE keychain is specified for preshared key authentication.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
keychain-name: Specifies an IKE keychain name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
You can specify a maximum of six IKE keychains for an IKE profile. An IKE keychain specified earlier has a higher priority.
# Specify IKE keychain abc for IKE profile 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile 1
[Sysname-ike-profile-1] keychain abc
Related commands
ike keychain
Use local-identity to configure the local ID, the ID that the device uses to identify itself to the peer during IKE negotiation.
Use undo local-identity to restore the default.
local-identity { address { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } | dn | fqdn [ fqdn-name ] | user-fqdn [ user-fqdn-name ] }
undo local-identity
No local ID is configured for an IKE profile. An IKE profile uses the local ID configured in system view by using the ike identity command. If the local ID is not configured in system view, the IKE profile uses the IP address of the interface to which the IPsec policy is applied as the local ID.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
address { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }: Uses an IPv4 or IPv6 address as the local ID.
dn: Uses the DN in the local certificate as the local ID.
fqdn fqdn-name: Uses an FQDN as the local ID. The fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, such as www.test.com. If you do not specify this argument, the device name configured by using the sysname command is used as the local FQDN.
user-fqdn user-fqdn-name: Uses a user FQDN as the local ID. The user-fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, such as adc@test.com. If you do not specify this argument, the device name configured by using the sysname command is used as the user FQDN.
Usage guidelines
For digital signature authentication, the device can use any type of ID. For preshared key authentication, the device can use any type of ID other than the DN.
In digital signature authentication, if the local ID is an IP address that is different from the IP address in the local certificate, the device uses its FQDN instead. The FQDN is the device name configured by using the sysname command.
The initiator uses the local ID to identify itself to the responder. The responder compares the initiator's ID with the peer IDs configured by the match remote command to look for a matching IKE profile.
An IKE profile can have only one local ID.
An IKE profile with no local ID specified uses the local ID configured by using the ike identity command in system view.
# Set the local ID to IP address
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile prof1
[Sysname-ike-profile-prof1] local-identity address
Related commands
match remote
ike identity
match local address (IKE keychain view)
Use match local address to specify a local interface or IP address to which an IKE keychain can be applied.
Use undo match local address to restore the default.
match local address { interface-type interface-number | { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] }
undo match local address
An IKE keychain can be applied to any local interface or IP address.
IKE keychain view
Predefined user roles
interface-type interface-number: Specifies a local interface. It can be any Layer 3 interface.
ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of a local interface.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of a local interface.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the IPv4 or IPv6 address belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the IPv4 or IPv6 address belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.
Usage guidelines
Use this command to specify which address or interface can use the IKE keychain for IKE negotiation. Specify the local address configured in IPsec policy or IPsec policy template view (using the local-address command) for this command. If no local address is configured, specify the IP address of the interface that uses the IPsec policy.
You can specify a maximum of six IKE keychains for an IKE profile. An IKE keychain specified earlier has a higher priority. To give an IKE keychain a higher priority, you can configure this command for the keychain. For example, suppose you specified IKE keychain A before specifying IKE keychain B, and you configured the peer ID for IKE keychain A and the peer ID for IKE keychain B. For the local interface with the IP address to negotiate with the peer, IKE keychain A is preferred because IKE keychain A was specified earlier. To use IKE keychain B, you can use this command to restrict the application scope of IKE keychain B to address
# Create IKE keychain key1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike keychain key1
# Apply IKE keychain key1 to IP address
[sysname-ike-keychain-key1] match local address
# Apply IKE keychain key1 to the interface with IP address in VPN instance vpn1.
[sysname-ike-keychain-key1] match local address vpn-instance vpn1
match local address (IKE profile view)
Use match local address to specify a local interface or IP address to which an IKE profile can be applied.
Use undo match local address to restore the default.
match local address { interface-type interface-number | { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] }
undo match local address
An IKE profile can be applied to any local interface or IP address.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
interface-type interface-number: Specifies a local interface. It can be any Layer 3 interface.
ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of a local interface.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of a local interface.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the IPv4 or IPv6 address belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the IPv4 or IPv6 address belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.
Usage guidelines
Use this command to specify which address or interface can use the IKE profile for IKE negotiation. Specify the local address configured in IPsec policy or IPsec policy template view (using the local-address command) for this command. If no local address is configured, specify the IP address of the interface that uses the IPsec policy.
An IKE profile configured earlier has a higher priority. To give an IKE profile that is configured later a higher priority, you can configure this command for the profile. For example, suppose you configured IKE profile A before configuring IKE profile B, and you configured the match remote identity address range command for IKE profile A and the match remote identity address range command for IKE profile B. For the local interface with the IP address to negotiate with the peer, IKE profile A is preferred because IKE profile A was configured earlier. To use IKE profile B, you can use this command to restrict the application scope of IKE profile B to address
# Create IKE profile prof1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile prof1
# Apply IKE profile prof1 to IP address
[sysname-ike-profile-prof1] match local address
# Apply IKE profile prof1 to the interface with IP address in VPN instance vpn1.
[sysname-ike-profile-prof1] match local address vpn-instance vpn1
match remote
Use match remote to configure a peer ID for IKE profile matching.
Use undo match remote to delete a peer ID for IKE profile matching.
match remote { certificate policy-name | identity { address { { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | range low-ipv4-address high-ipv4-address } | ipv6 { ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] | range low-ipv6-address high-ipv6-address } } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] | fqdn fqdn-name | user-fqdn user-fqdn-name } }
undo match remote { certificate policy-name | identity { address { { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | range low-ipv4-address high-ipv4-address } | ipv6 { ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] | range low-ipv6-address high-ipv6-address } } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] | fqdn fqdn-name | user-fqdn user-fqdn-name } }
No peer ID is configured for IKE profile matching.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
certificate policy-name: Uses the DN in the peer's digital certificate as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The policy-name argument is a string of 1 to 31 characters.
identity: Uses the specified information as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The specified information is configured on the peer by using the local-identity command.
· address ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ]: Uses an IPv4 host address or an IPv4 subnet address as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The mask-length argument is in the range of 0 to 32. If you do not specify a mask or mask length, the 32-bit mask is used.
· address range low-ipv4-address high-ipv4-address: Uses a range of IPv4 addresses as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The end address must be higher than the start address.
· address ipv6 ipv6-address [ prefix-length ]: Uses an IPv6 host address or an IPv6 subnet address as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The prefix-length argument is in the range of 0 to 128. If you do not specify a prefix length, the 128-bit prefix is used.
· address ipv6 range low-ipv6-address high-ipv6-address: Uses a range of IPv6 addresses as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The end address must be higher than the start address.
· fqdn fqdn-name: Uses the peer's FQDN as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, such as www.test.com.
· user-fqdn user-fqdn-name: Uses the peer's user FQDN as the peer ID for IKE profile matching. The user-fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, such as adc@test.com.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the specified address or addresses belong. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the address or addresses belong to the public network, do not specify this option.
Usage guidelines
When an end needs to select an IKE profile, it compares the peer's ID received with the peer IDs of its local IKE profiles. If a match is found, it uses the IKE profile with the matching peer ID for IKE negotiation.
Each IKE profile must have at least one peer ID configured. To make sure only one IKE profile is matched for a peer, do not configure the same peer ID for two or more IKE profiles. If you configure the same peer ID for two or more IKE profiles, which IKE profile is selected for IKE negotiation is unpredictable.
For an IKE profile, you can configure multiple peer IDs. A peer ID configured earlier has a higher priority.
# Create IKE profile prof1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile prof1
# Configure a peer ID with the identity type of FQDN and the value of www.test.com.
[Sysname-ike-profile-prof1] match remote identity fqdn www.test.com
# Configure a peer ID with the identity type of IP address and the value of
[Sysname-ike-profile-prof1] match remote identity address
Related commands
Use pre-shared-key to configure a preshared key.
Use undo pre-shared-key to delete a preshared key.
In non-FIPS mode:
pre-shared-key { address { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | ipv6 ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] } | hostname host-name } key { cipher | simple } string
undo pre-shared-key { address { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | ipv6 ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] } | hostname host-name }
In FIPS mode:
pre-shared-key { address { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | ipv6 ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] } | hostname host-name } key [ cipher string ]
undo pre-shared-key { address { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | ipv6 ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] } | hostname host-name }
No preshared key is configured.
IKE keychain view
Predefined user roles
address: Specifies a peer by its address.
ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of the peer.
mask: Specifies the mask in dotted decimal notation. The default mask is
mask-length: Specifies the mask length in the range of 0 to 32. The default mask length is 32.
ipv6: Specifies an IPv6 peer.
ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of the peer.
prefix-length: Specifies the prefix length in the range of 0 to 128. The default prefix length is 128.
hostname host-name: Specifies a peer by its hostname, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.
key: Specifies a preshared key.
cipher: Specifies a preshared key in encrypted form.
simple: Specifies a preshared key in plaintext form. For security purposes, the key specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.
string: Specifies the preshared key. The key is case sensitive. In non-FIPS mode, its plaintext form is a string of 1 to 128 characters and its encrypted form is a string of 1 to 201 characters. In FIPS mode, its plaintext form is a string of 1 to 128 characters and its encrypted form is a string of 15 to 201 characters.
Usage guidelines
The address option or the hostname option specifies the peer with which the device can use the preshared key to perform IKE negotiation.
Two peers must be configured with the same preshared key to pass preshared key authentication.
In FIPS mode, if you do not specify the cipher string option, you specify a plaintext preshared key in interactive mode. The key is a case-sensitive string of 15 to 128 characters, and it must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters other than the question mark (?). In non-FIPS mode, this command does not support configuring a preshared key in interactive mode.
# Create IKE keychain key1 and enter IKE keychain view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike keychain key1
# Set the preshared key to be used for IKE negotiation with peer to 123456TESTplat&!.
[Sysname-ike-keychain-key1] pre-shared-key address key simple 123456TESTplat&!
Related commands
priority (IKE keychain view)
Use priority to specify a priority for an IKE keychain.
Use undo priority to restore the default.
priority priority
undo priority
The priority of an IKE keychain is 100.
IKE keychain view
Predefined user roles
priority priority: Specifies a priority number in the range of 1 to 65535. The lower the priority number, the higher the priority.
Usage guidelines
To determine the priority of an IKE keychain, the device examines the existence of the match local address command before examining the priority number. An IKE keychain with the match local address command configured has a higher priority than an IKE keychain that does not have the match local address command configured.
# Set the priority to 10 for IKE keychain key1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike keychain key1
[Sysname-ike-keychain-key1] priority 10
priority (IKE profile view)
Use priority to specify a priority for an IKE profile.
Use undo priority to restore the default.
priority priority
undo priority
The priority of an IKE profile is 100.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
priority priority: Specifies a priority number in the range of 1 to 65535. The smaller the priority number, the higher the priority.
Usage guidelines
To determine the priority of an IKE profile, the device examines the existence of the match local address command before examining the priority number. An IKE profile with the match local address command configured has a higher priority than an IKE profile that does not have the match local address command configured.
# Set the priority to 10 for IKE profile prof1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile prof1
[Sysname-ike-profile-prof1] priority 10
Use proposal to specify IKE proposals for an IKE profile.
Use undo proposal to restore the default.
proposal proposal-number&<1-6>
undo proposal
No IKE proposals are specified for an IKE profile and the IKE proposals configured in system view are used for IKE negotiation.
IKE profile view
Predefined user roles
proposal-number&<1-6>: Specifies a space-separated list of up to six IKE proposals by their numbers in the range of 1 to 65535. An IKE proposal specified earlier has a higher priority.
Usage guidelines
When acting as the initiator, the device sends the specified IKE proposals to its peer for IKE negotiation. When acting as the responder, the device uses the IKE proposals configured in system view to match the IKE proposals received from the initiator.
# Specify IKE proposal 10 for IKE profile prof1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike profile prof1
[Sysname-ike-profile-prof1] proposal 10
Related commands
ike proposal
reset ike sa
Use reset ike sa to delete IKE SAs.
reset ike sa [ connection-id connection-id ]
User view
Predefined user roles
connection-id connection-id: Specifies the connection ID of the IKE SA to be cleared, in the range of 1 to 2000000000.
Usage guidelines
When you delete an IKE SA, the device automatically sends a notification to the peer.
# Display the current IKE SAs.
<Sysname> display ike sa
Connection-ID Remote Flag DOI
1 RD IPsec
2 RD IPsec
# Delete the IKE SA with the connection ID 2.
<Sysname> reset ike sa connection-id 2
# Display the current IKE SAs.
<Sysname> display ike sa
Connection-ID Remote Flag DOI
1 RD IPsec
reset ike statistics
Use reset ike statistics command to clear IKE MIB statistics.
reset ike statistics
User view
Predefined user roles
# Clears IKE MIB statistics.
<Sysname> reset ike statistics
Related commands
snmp-agent trap enable ike
sa duration
Use sa duration to set the IKE SA lifetime for an IKE proposal.
Use undo sa duration to restore the default.
sa duration seconds
undo sa duration
The IKE SA lifetime is 86400 seconds for an IKE proposal.
IKE proposal view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the IKE SA lifetime in seconds, in the range of 60 to 604800.
Usage guidelines
Before an IKE SA expires, IKE negotiates a new SA. The new SA takes effect immediately after it is negotiated. The old IKE SA will be cleared when it expires.
If the communicating peers are configured with different IKE SA lifetime settings, the smaller setting takes effect.
# Set the IKE SA lifetime to 600 seconds for IKE proposal 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ike proposal 1
[Sysname-ike-proposal-1] sa duration 600
Related commands
display ike proposal
snmp-agent trap enable ike
Use snmp-agent trap enable ike command to enable SNMP notifications for IKE.
Use undo snmp-agent trap enable ike to disable SNMP notifications for IKE.
snmp-agent trap enable ike [ attr-not-support | auth-failure | cert-type-unsupport | cert-unavailable | decrypt-failure | encrypt-failure | global | invalid-cert-auth | invalid-cookie | invalid-id | invalid-proposal | invalid-protocol | invalid-sign | no-sa-failure | proposal-add | proposal–delete | tunnel-start | tunnel-stop | unsupport-exch-type ] *
undo snmp-agent trap enable ike [ attr-not-support | auth-failure | cert-type-unsupport | cert-unavailable | decrypt-failure | encrypt-failure | global | invalid-cert-auth | invalid-cookie | invalid-id | invalid-proposal | invalid-protocol | invalid-sign | no-sa-failure | proposal-add | proposal–delete | tunnel-start | tunnel-stop | unsupport-exch-type ] *
All SNMP notifications for IKE are disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
attr-not-support: Specifies notifications about attribute-unsupported failures.
auth-failure: Specifies notifications about authentication failures.
cert-type-unsupport: Specifies notifications about certificate-type-unsupported failures.
cert-unavailable: Specifies notifications about certificate-unavailable failures.
decrypt-failure: Specifies notifications about decryption failures.
encrypt-failure: Specifies notifications about encryption failures.
global: Specifies notifications globally.
invalid-cert-auth: Specifies notifications about invalid-certificate-authentication failures.
invalid-cookie: Specifies notifications about invalid-cookie failures.
invalid-id: Specifies notifications about invalid-ID failures.
invalid-proposal: Specifies notifications about invalid-IKE-proposal failures.
invalid-protocol: Specifies notifications about invalid-protocol failures.
invalid-sign: Specifies notifications about invalid-signature failures.
no-sa-failure: Specifies notifications about SA-not-found failures.
proposal-add: Specifies notifications about events of adding IKE proposals.
proposal-delete: Specifies notifications about events of deleting IKE proposals.
tunnel-start: Specifies notifications about events of creating IKE tunnels.
tunnel-stop: Specifies notifications about events of deleting IKE tunnels.
unsupport-exch-type: Specifies notifications about negotiation-type-unsupported failures.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any keywords, this command enables or disables all SNMP notifications for IKE.
To generate and output SNMP notifications for a specific IKE failure type or event type, perform the following tasks:
1. Enable SNMP notifications for IKE globally.
2. Enable SNMP notifications for the failure type or event type.
# Enable SNMP notifications for IKE globally.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable ike global
# Enable SNMP notifications for events of creating IKE tunnels.
[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable ike tunnel-start
IKEv2 commands
Use address to specify the IP address or IP address range of an IKEv2 peer.
Use undo address to restore the default.
address { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | ipv6 ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] }
undo address
The IKEv2 peer's IP address or IP address range is not specified.
IKEv2 peer view
Predefined user roles
ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of the IKEv2 peer.
mask: Specifies the subnet mask of the IPv4 address.
mask-length: Specifies the subnet mask length of the IPv4 address, in the range of 0 to 32.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of the IKEv2 peer.
prefix-length: Specifies the prefix length of the IPv6 address, in the range of 0 to 128.
Usage guidelines
Both the initiator and the responder can look up an IKEv2 peer by IP address in IKEv2 negotiation.
The IP addresses of different IKEv2 peers in the same IKEv2 keychain cannot be the same.
# Create an IKEv2 keychain named key1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 keychain key1
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer1.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1] peer peer1
# Specify the IKEv2 peer's IP address with subnet mask
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1-peer-peer1] address
Related commands
ikev2 keychain
Use authentication-method to specify the local or remote identity authentication method.
Use undo authentication-method to remove the local or remote identity authentication method.
authentication-method { local | remote } { dsa-signature | ecdsa-signature | pre-share | rsa-signature }
undo authentication-method local
undo authentication-method remote { dsa-signature | ecdsa-signature | pre-share | rsa-signature }
No local or remote identity authentication method is specified.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
local: Specifies the local identity authentication method.
remote: Specifies the remote identity authentication method.
dsa-signature: Specifies the DSA signatures as the identity authentication method.
ecdsa-signature: Specifies the ECDSA signatures as the identity authentication method.
pre-share: Specifies the preshared key as the identity authentication method.
rsa-signature: Specifies the RSA signatures as the identity authentication method.
Usage guidelines
The local and remote identity authentication methods must both be specified and they can be different.
You can specify only one local identity authentication method. You can specify multiple remote identity authentication methods by executing this command multiple times when there are multiple remote ends whose authentication methods are unknown.
If you use RSA, DSA, or ECDSA signature authentication, you must specify PKI domains for obtaining certificates. You can specify PKI domains by using the certificate domain command in IKEv2 profile view. If you do not specify PKI domains in IKEv2 profile view, the PKI domains configured by the pki domain command in system view will be used.
If you specify the preshared key method, you must specify a preshared key for the IKEv2 peer in the keychain used by the IKEv2 profile.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Specify the preshared key and RSA signatures as the local and remote authentication methods, respectively.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] authentication local pre-share
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] authentication remote rsa-signature
# Specify PKI domain genl as the PKI domain for obtaining certificates.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] certificate domain genl
# Specify IKEv2 keychain keychain1.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] keychain keychain1
Related commands
display ikev2 profile
certificate domain (IKEv2 profile view)
keychain (IKEv2 profile view)
certificate domain
Use certificate domain to specify a PKI domain for signature authentication in IKEv2 negotiation.
Use undo certificate domain to remove a PKI domain for signature authentication in IKEv2 negotiation.
certificate domain domain-name [ sign | verify ]
undo certificate domain domain-name
PKI domains configured in system view are used for signature authentication.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
domain-name: Specifies a PKI domain by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
sign: Uses the local certificate in the PKI domain to generate a signature.
verify: Uses the CA certificate in the PKI domain to verify the remote end's certificate.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify the sign or verify keyword, the PKI domain is used for both sign and verify purposes. You can specify a PKI domain for each purpose by executing this command multiple times. If you specify the same PKI domain for both purposes, the later configuration takes effect. For example, if you execute certificate domain abc sign and certificate domain abc verify successively, the PKI domain abc will be used only for verification.
If the local end uses RSA, DSA, or ECDSA signature authentication, you must specify a PKI domain for signature generation. If the remote end uses RSA, DSA, or ECDSA signature authentication, you must specify a PKI domain for verifying the remote end's certificate. If you do not specify PKI domains, the PKI domains configured in system view will be used.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Specify PKI domain abc for signature. Specify PKI domain def for verification.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] certificate domain abc sign
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] certificate domain def verify
Related commands
pki domain
Use config-exchange to enable configuration exchange.
Use undo config-exchange to disable configuration exchange.
config-exchange { request | set { accept | send } }
undo config-exchange { request | set { accept | send } }
Configuration exchange is disabled.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
request: Enables the device to send request messages carrying the configuration request payload during the IKE_AUTH exchange.
set: Specifies the configuration set payload exchange.
accept: Enables the device to accept the configuration set payload carried in Info messages.
send: Enables the device to send Info messages carrying the configuration set payload.
Usage guidelines
The configuration exchange feature enables the local and remote ends to exchange configuration data, such as gateway address, internal IP address, and route. The exchange includes data request and response, and data push and response. The enterprise center can push IP addresses to branches. The branches can request IP addresses, but the requested IP addresses cannot be used.
You can specify both request and set for the device.
If you specify request for the local end, the remote end will respond if it can obtain the requested data.
If you specify set send for the local end, you must specify set accept for the remote end.
The device with set send specified pushes an IP address after the IKEv2 SA is set up if it does not receive any configuration request from the peer.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Enable the local end to add the configuration request payload to the request message of IKE_AUTH exchange.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] config-exchange request
Related commands
display ikev2 profile
Use dh to specify DH groups to be used in IKEv2 key negotiation.
Use undo group to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
dh { group1 | group14 | group2 | group24 | group5 | group19 | group20 } *
undo dh
In FIPS mode:
dh { group14 | group19 | group20 } *
undo dh
No DH group is specified for an IKEv2 proposal.
IKEv2 proposal view
Predefined user roles
group1: Uses the 768-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group2: Uses the 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group5: Uses the 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group14: Uses the 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group.
group24: Uses the 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman group with the 256-bit prime order subgroup.
group19: Uses the 256-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group.
group20: Uses the 384-bit ECP Diffie-Hellman group.
Usage guidelines
A DH group with a higher group number provides higher security but needs more time for processing. To achieve the best trade-off between processing performance and security, choose proper DH groups for your network.
You must specify a minimum of one DH group for an IKEv2 proposal. Otherwise, the proposal is incomplete and useless.
You can specify multiple DH groups for an IKEv2 proposal. A group specified earlier has a higher priority.
# Specify DH group 1 for IKEv2 proposal 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 proposal 1
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-1] dh group1
Related commands
ikev2 proposal
display ikev2 policy
Use display ikev2 policy to display the IKEv2 policy configuration.
display ikev2 policy [ policy-name | default ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
policy-name: Specifies an IKEv2 policy by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
default: Specifies the default IKEv2 policy.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays the configuration of all IKEv2 policies.
# Display the configuration of all IKEv2 policies.
<Sysname> display ikev2 policy
IKEv2 policy: 1
Priority: 100
Match local address:
Match local address ipv6: 1:1::1:1
Match VRF: vpn1
Proposal: 1
Proposal: 2
IKEv2 policy: default
Match VRF: any
Proposal: default
Table 13 Command output
Field |
Description |
IKEv2 policy |
Name of the IKEv2 policy. |
Priority |
Priority of the IKEv2 policy. |
Match local address |
IPv4 address to which the IKEv2 policy can be applied. |
Match local address ipv6 |
IPv6 address to which the IKEv2 policy can be applied. |
Match VRF |
VPN instance to which the IKEv2 policy can be applied. |
Proposal |
IKEv2 proposal that the IKEv2 policy uses. |
Related commands
ikev2 policy
display ikev2 profile
Use display ikev2 profile to display the IKEv2 profile configuration.
display ikev2 profile [ profile-name ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
profile-name: Specifies an IKEv2 profile by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters. If you do not specify an IKEv2 profile, this command displays the configuration of all IKEv2 profiles.
# Display the configuration of all IKEv2 profiles.
<Sysname> display ikev2 profile
IKEv2 profile: 1
Priority: 100
Match criteria:
Local address
Local address Vlan-interface100
Local address 1:1::1:1
Remote identity ipv4 address
VRF vrf1
Local identity: address
Local authentication method: pre-share
Remote authentication methods: pre-share
Keychain: Keychain1
Sign certificate domain:
Verify certificate domain:
SA duration: 500
DPD: Interval 32, retry 23, periodic
Config-exchange: Request, Set send, Set accept
NAT keepalive: 10
AAA authorization: Domain domain1, username ikev2
Table 14 Command output
Field |
Description |
IKEv2 profile |
Name of the IKEv2 profile. |
Priority |
Priority of the IKEv2 profile. |
Match criteria |
Criteria for looking up the IKEv2 profile. |
Inside-vrf |
Inside VRF instance. |
Local identity |
ID of the local end. |
Local authentication method |
Method that the local end uses for authentication. |
Remote authentication methods |
Methods that the remote end uses for authentication. |
Keychain |
IKEv2 keychain that the IKEv2 profile uses. |
Sign certificate domain |
PKI domain used for signature generation. |
Verify certificate domain |
PKI domain used for verifying the remote end's certificate. |
SA duration |
Lifetime of the IKEv2 SA. |
DPD settings: · Detection interval in seconds. · Retry interval in seconds. · Detection mode, on demand or periodically. If DPD is disabled, this field displays Disabled. |
Config-exchange |
Configuration exchange settings: · Request—The local end sends request messages carrying the configuration request payload during the IKE_AUTH exchange. · Set accept—The local end accepts the configuration set payload carried in Info messages. · Set send—The local end sends Info messages carrying the configuration set payload. |
NAT keepalive |
NAT keepalive interval in seconds. |
AAA authorization |
This field is not supported in the current software version. AAA authorization settings: · ISP domain name. · Username. |
Related commands
ikev2 profile
display ikev2 proposal
Use display ikev2 proposal to display the IKEv2 proposal configuration.
display ikev2 proposal [ name | default ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
name: Specifies an IKEv2 proposal by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
default: Specifies the default IKEv2 proposal.
Usage guidelines
This command displays IKEv2 proposals in descending order of priorities. If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays the configuration of all IKEv2 proposals.
# Display the configuration of all IKEv2 proposals.
<Sysname> display ikev2 proposal
IKEv2 proposal : 1
Encryption: 3DES-CBC AES-CBC-128 AES-CTR-192 CAMELLIA-CBC-128
Integrity: MD5 SHA256 AES-XCBC-MAC
DH Group: MODP1024/Group2 MODP1536/Group5
IKEv2 proposal : default
Encryption: AES-CBC-128 3DES-CBC
Integrity: SHA1 MD5
DH Group: MODP1536/Group5 MODP1024/Group2
Table 15 Command output
Field |
Description |
IKEv2 proposal |
Name of the IKEv2 proposal. |
Encryption |
Encryption algorithms that the IKEv2 proposal uses. |
Integrity |
Integrity protection algorithms that the IKEv2 proposal uses. |
PRF algorithms that the IKEv2 proposal uses. |
DH Group |
DH groups that the IKEv2 proposal uses. |
Related commands
ikev2 proposal
display ikev2 sa
Use display ikev2 sa to display the IKEv2 SA information.
display ikev2 sa [ count | [ { local | remote } { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] [ verbose [ tunnel tunnel-id ] ] ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
count: Displays the number of IKEv2 SAs.
local: Displays IKEv2 SA information for a local IP address.
remote: Displays IKEv2 SA information for a remote IP address.
ipv4-address: Specifies a local or remote IPv4 address.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies a local or remote IPv6 address.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Displays information about the IKEv2 SAs in an MPLS L3VPN instance. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command displays information about IKEv2 SAs for the public network.
verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays the summary information.
tunnel tunnel-id: Displays detailed IKEv2 SA information for an IPsec tunnel. The tunnel-id argument specifies an IPsec tunnel by its ID in the range of 1 to 2000000000.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays summary information about all IKEv2 SAs.
# Display summary information about all IKEv2 SAs.
<Sysname> display ikev2 sa
Tunnel ID Local Remote Status
IN-NEGO: Negotiating, EST: Established, DEL: Deleting
# Display summary IKEv2 SA information for the remote IP address
<Sysname> display ikev2 sa remote
Tunnel ID Local Remote Status
IN-NEGO: Negotiating, EST: Established, DEL: Deleting
Table 16 Command output
Field |
Description |
Tunnel ID |
ID of the IPsec tunnel to which the IKEv2 SA belongs. |
Local |
Local IP address of the IKEv2 SA. |
Remote |
Remote IP address of the IKEv2 SA. |
Status |
Status of the IKEv2 SA: · IN-NEGO (Negotiating)—The IKEv2 SA is under negotiation. · EST (Established)—The IKEv2 SA has been set up. · DEL (Deleting)—The IKEv2 SA is about to be deleted. |
# Display detailed information about all IKEv2 SAs.
<Sysname> display ikev2 sa verbose
Tunnel ID: 1
Local IP/Port:
Remote IP/Port:
Outside VRF: -
Inside VRF: -
Local SPI: 8f8af3dbf5023a00
Remote SPI: 0131565b9b3155fa
Local ID type: FQDN
Local ID: device_a
Remote ID type: FQDN
Remote ID: device_b
Auth sign method: Pre-shared key
Auth verify method: Pre-shared key
Integrity algorithm: HMAC_MD5
PRF algorithm: HMAC_MD5
Encryption algorithm: AES-CBC-192
Life duration: 86400 secs
Remaining key duration: 85604 secs
Diffie-Hellman group: MODP1024/Group2
NAT traversal: Not detected
DPD: Interval 20 secs, retry interval 2 secs
Transmitting entity: Initiator
Local window: 1
Remote window: 1
Local request message ID: 2
Remote request message ID:2
Local next message ID: 0
Remote next message ID: 0
Pushed IP address:
Assigned IP address:
# Display detailed IKEv2 SA information for the remote IP address
<Sysname> display ikev2 sa remote verbose
Tunnel ID: 1
Local IP/Port:
Remote IP/Port:
Outside VRF: -
Inside VRF: -
Local SPI: 8f8af3dbf5023a00
Remote SPI: 0131565b9b3155fa
Local ID type: FQDN
Local ID: device_a
Remote ID type: FQDN
Remote ID: device_b
Auth sign method: Pre-shared key
Auth verify method: Pre-shared key
Integrity algorithm: HMAC_MD5
PRF algorithm: HMAC_MD5
Encryption algorithm: AES-CBC-192
Life duration: 86400 secs
Remaining key duration: 85604 secs
Diffie-Hellman group: MODP1024/Group2
NAT traversal: Not detected
DPD: Interval 30 secs, retry interval 10 secs
Transmitting entity: Initiator
Local window: 1
Remote window: 1
Local request message ID: 2
Remote request message ID: 2
Local next message ID: 0
Remote next message ID: 0
Pushed IP address:
Assigned IP address:
Table 17 Command output
Field |
Description |
Tunnel ID |
ID of the IPsec tunnel to which the IKEv2 SA belongs. |
Local IP/Port |
IP address and port number of the local security gateway. |
Remote IP/Port |
IP address and port number of the remote security gateway. |
Outside VRF |
Name of the VPN instance to which the protected outbound data flow belongs. If the protected outbound data flow belongs to the public network, this field displays a hyphen (-). |
Inside VRF |
Name of the VPN instance to which the protected inbound data flow belongs. If the protected inbound data flow belongs to the public network, this field displays a hyphen (-). |
Local SPI |
SPI that the local end uses. |
Remote SPI |
SPI that the remote end uses. |
Local ID type |
ID type of the local security gateway. |
Local ID |
ID of the local security gateway. |
Remote ID type |
ID type of the remote security gateway. |
Remote ID |
ID of the remote security gateway. |
Auth sign method |
Signature method that the IKEv2 proposal uses in authentication. |
Auth verify method |
Verification method that the IKEv2 proposal uses in authentication. |
Integrity algorithm |
Integrity protection algorithms that the IKEv2 proposal uses. |
PRF algorithm |
PRF algorithms that the IKEv2 proposal uses. |
Encryption algorithm |
Encryption algorithms that the IKEv2 proposal uses. |
Life duration |
Lifetime of the IKEv2 SA, in seconds. |
Remaining key duration |
Remaining lifetime of the IKEv2 SA, in seconds. |
Diffie-Hellman group |
DH groups used in IKEv2 key negotiation. |
NAT traversal |
Whether a NAT gateway is detected between the local and remote ends. |
DPD settings: · Detection interval in seconds. · Retry interval in seconds. If DPD is disabled, this field displays Disabled. |
Transmitting entity |
Role of the local end in IKEv2 negotiation, initiator or responder. |
Local window |
Window size that the local end uses. |
Remote window |
Window size that the remote end uses. |
Local request message ID |
ID of the request message that the local end is about to send. |
Remote request message ID |
ID of the request message that the remote end is about to send. |
Local next message ID |
ID of the message that the local end expects to receive. |
Remote next message ID |
ID of the message that the remote end expects to receive. |
Pushed IP address |
IP address pushed to the local end by the remote end. |
Assigned IP address |
IP address assigned to the remote end by the local end . |
# Display the number of IKEv2 SAs.
[Sysname] display ikev2 sa count
IKEv2 SAs count: 0
display ikev2 statistics
Use display ikev2 statistics to display IKEv2 statistics.
display ikev2 statistics
Any view
Predefined user roles
# Display IKEv2 statistics.
<Sysname> display ikev2 statistics
IKEv2 statistics:
Unsupported critical payload: 0
Invalid IKE SPI: 0
Invalid major version: 0
Invalid syntax: 0
Invalid message ID: 0
Invalid SPI: 0
No proposal chosen: 0
Invalid KE payload: 0
Authentication failed: 0
Single pair required: 0
TS unacceptable: 0
Invalid selectors: 0
Temporary failure: 0
No child SA: 0
Unknown other notify: 0
No enough resource: 0
Enqueue error: 0
No IKEv2 SA: 0
Packet error: 0
Other error: 0
Retransmit timeout: 0
DPD detect error: 0
Del child for IPsec message: 1
Del child for deleting IKEv2 SA: 1
Del child for receiving delete message: 0
Related commands
reset ikev2 statistics
Use dpd to configure IKEv2 DPD.
Use undo dpd to disable IKEv2 DPD.
dpd interval interval [ retry seconds ] { on-demand | periodic }
undo dpd interval
IKEv2 DPD is disabled. The global IKEv2 DPD settings are used.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
interval interval: Specifies a DPD triggering interval in the range of 10 to 3600 seconds.
retry seconds: Specifies the DPD retry interval in the range of 2 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
on-demand: Triggers DPD on demand. The device triggers DPD if it has IPsec traffic to send and has not received any IPsec packets from the peer for the specified interval.
periodic: Triggers DPD at regular intervals. The device triggers DPD at the specified interval.
Usage guidelines
DPD is triggered periodically or on-demand. As a best practice, use the on-demand mode when the device communicates with a large number of IKEv2 peers. For an earlier detection of dead peers, use the periodic triggering mode, which consumes more bandwidth and CPU.
The triggering interval must be longer than the retry interval, so that the device will not trigger a new round of DPD during a DPD retry.
# Configure on-demand IKEv2 DPD. Set the DPD triggering interval to 10 seconds and the retry interval to 5 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] dpd interval 10 retry 5 on-demand
Related commands
ikev2 dpd
Use encryption to specify encryption algorithms for an IKEv2 proposal.
Use undo encryption to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
encryption { 3des-cbc | aes-cbc-128 | aes-cbc-192 | aes-cbc-256 | aes-ctr-128 | aes-ctr-192 | aes-ctr-256 | camellia-cbc-128 | camellia-cbc-192 | camellia-cbc-256 | des-cbc } *
undo encryption
In FIPS mode:
encryption { aes-cbc-128 | aes-cbc-192 | aes-cbc-256 | aes-ctr-128 | aes-ctr-192 | aes-ctr-256 } *
undo encryption
No encryption algorithm is specified for an IKEv2 proposal.
IKEv2 proposal view
Predefined user roles
3des-cbc: Specifies the 3DES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 168-bit key.
aes-cbc-128: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 128-bit key.
aes-cbc-192: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 192-bit key.
aes-cbc-256: Specifies the AES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 256-bit key.
aes-ctr-128: Specifies the AES algorithm in CTR mode, which uses a 128-bit key.
aes-ctr-192: Specifies the AES algorithm in CTR mode, which uses a 192-bit key.
aes-ctr-256: Specifies the AES algorithm in CTR mode, which uses a 256-bit key.
camellia-cbc-128: Specifies the Camellia algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 128-bit key.
camellia-cbc-192: Specifies the Camellia algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 192-bit key.
camellia-cbc-256: Specifies the Camellia algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 256-bit key.
des-cbc: Specifies the DES algorithm in CBC mode, which uses a 56-bit key.
Usage guidelines
You must specify a minimum of one encryption algorithm for an IKEv2 proposal. Otherwise, the proposal is incomplete and useless. You can specify multiple encryption algorithms for an IKEv2 proposal. An algorithm specified earlier has a higher priority.
# Specify the 168-bit 3DES algorithm in CBC mode as the encryption algorithm for IKE proposal prop1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 proposal prop1
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-prop1] encryption 3des-cbc
Related commands
ikev2 proposal
Use hostname to specify the host name of an IKEv2 peer.
Use undo hostname to restore the default.
hostname name
undo hostname
The IKEv2 peer's host name is not specified.
IKEv2 peer view
Predefined user roles
name: Specifies the host name of the IKEv2 peer, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters.
Usage guidelines
Only the initiator can look up an IKEv2 peer by host name in IKEv2 negotiation, and the initiator must use an IPsec policy rather than an IPsec profile.
# Create an IKEv2 keychain named key1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 keychain key1
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer1.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1] peer peer1
# Specify host name test of the IKEv2 peer.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1-peer-peer1] hostname test
Related commands
ikev2 keychain
Use identity to specify the ID of an IKEv2 peer.
Use undo identity to restore the default.
identity { address { ipv4-address | ipv6 { ipv6-address } } | fqdn fqdn-name | email email-string | key-id key-id-string }
undo identity
The IKEv2 peer's ID is not specified.
IKEv2 peer view
Predefined user roles
ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of the peer.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of the peer.
fqdn fqdn-name: Specifies the FQDN of the peer. The fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, such as www.test.com.
email email-string: Specifies the email address of the peer. The email-string argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters in the format defined by RFC 822, such as esec@test.com.
key-id key-id-string: Specifies the remote gateway's key ID. The key-id-string argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, and is usually a vendor-specific string for doing proprietary types of identification.
Usage guidelines
Only the responder can look up an IKEv2 peer by ID in IKEv2 negotiation. The initiator does not know the peer ID when initiating the IKEv2 negotiation, so it cannot use an ID for IKEv2 peer lookup.
# Create an IKEv2 keychain named key1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 keychain key1
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer1.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1] peer peer1
# Specify IPv4 address as the ID of the IKEv2 peer.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1-peer-peer1] identity address
Related commands
ikev2 keychain
identity local
Use identity local to configure the local ID, the ID that the device uses to identify itself to the peer during IKEv2 negotiation..
Use undo identity local to restore the default.
identity local { address { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } | dn | email email-string | fqdn fqdn-name | key-id key-id-string }
undo identity local
No local ID is configured. The IP address of the interface to which the IPsec policy is applied is used as the local ID.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
address { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }: Uses an IPv4 or IPv6 address as the local ID.
dn: Uses the DN in the local certificate as the local ID.
email email-string: Uses an email address as the local ID. The email-string argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters in the format defined by RFC 822, such as sec@abc.com.
fqdn fqdn-name: Uses an FQDN as the local ID. The fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, such as www.test.com.
key-id key-id-string: Uses the device's key ID as the local ID. The key-id-string argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, and is usually a vendor-specific string for doing proprietary types of identification.
Usage guidelines
Peers exchange local IDs for identifying each other in negotiation.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Use IP address as the local ID.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] identity local address
Related commands
ikev2 cookie-challenge
Use ikev2 cookie-challenge to enable the cookie challenging feature.
Use undo ikev2 cookie-challenge to disable the cookie challenging feature.
ikev2 cookie-challenge number
undo ikev2 cookie-challenge
The cookie challenging feature is disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
number: Specifies the threshold for triggering the cookie challenging feature. The value range for this argument is 0 to 1000 half-open IKE SAs.
Usage guidelines
When an IKEv2 responder maintains a threshold number of half-open IKE SAs, it starts the cookie challenging mechanism. The responder generates a cookie and includes it in the response sent to the initiator. If the initiator initiates a new IKE_SA_INIT request that carries the correct cookie, the responder considers the initiator valid and proceeds with the negotiation. If the carried cookie is incorrect, the responder terminates the negotiation.
This feature can protect the responder against DoS attacks which aim to exhaust the responder's system resources by using a large number of IKE_SA_INIT requests with forged source IP addresses.
# Enable the cookie challenging feature and set the threshold to 450.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 cookie-challenge 450
ikev2 dpd
Use ikev2 dpd to configure global IKEv2 DPD.
Use undo ikev2 dpd to disable global IKEv2 DPD.
ikev2 dpd interval interval [ retry seconds ] { on-demand | periodic }
undo ikev2 dpd interval
The global IKEv2 DPD feature is disabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
interval interval: Specifies a DPD triggering interval in the range of 10 to 3600 seconds.
retry seconds: Specifies the DPD retry interval in the range of 2 to 60 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
on-demand: Triggers DPD on demand. The device triggers DPD if it has IPsec traffic to send and has not received any IPsec packets from the peer for the specified interval.
periodic: Triggers DPD at regular intervals. The device triggers DPD at the specified interval.
Usage guidelines
DPD is triggered periodically or on-demand. As a best practice, use the on-demand mode when the device communicates with a large number of IKEv2 peers. For an earlier detection of dead peers, use the periodic triggering mode, which consumes more bandwidth and CPU.
The triggering interval must be longer than the retry interval, so that the device will not trigger a new round of DPD during a DPD retry.
You can configure IKEv2 DPD in both IKEv2 profile view and system view. The IKEv2 DPD settings in IKEv2 profile view apply. If you do not configure IKEv2 DPD in IKEv2 profile view, the IKEv2 DPD settings in system view apply.
# Configure the device to trigger IKEv2 DPD if it has IPsec traffic to send and has not received any IPsec packets from the peer for 15 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 dpd interval 15 on-demand
# Configure the device to trigger IKEv2 DPD every 15 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 dpd interval 15 periodic
Related commands
dpd (IKEv2 profile view)
ikev2 keychain
Use ikev2 keychain to create an IKEv2 keychain and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKEv2 keychain.
Use undo ikev2 keychain to delete an IKEv2 keychain.
ikev2 keychain keychain-name
undo ikev2 keychain keychain-name
No IKEv2 keychains exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
keychain-name: Specifies a name for the IKEv2 keychain. The keychain name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters and cannot contain a hyphen (-).
Usage guidelines
An IKEv2 keychain is required on both ends if either end uses preshared key authentication. The preshared key configured on both ends must be the same.
You can configure multiple IKEv2 peers in an IKEv2 keychain.
# Create an IKEv2 keychain named key1 and enter IKEv2 keychain view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 keychain key1
ikev2 nat-keepalive
Use ikev2 nat-keepalive to set the NAT keepalive interval.
Use undo ikev2 nat-keepalive to restore the default.
ikev2 nat-keepalive seconds
undo ikev2 nat-keepalive
The NAT keepalive interval is 10 seconds.
System view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the NAT keepalive interval in seconds, in the range of 5 to 3600.
Usage guidelines
This command takes effect when the device resides in the private network behind a NAT device. The device must send NAT keepalive packets regularly to its peer to keep the NAT session alive, so that the peer can access the device.
The NAT keepalive interval must be shorter than the NAT session lifetime.
# Set the NAT keepalive interval to 5 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 nat-keepalive 5
ikev2 policy
Use ikev2 policy to create an IKEv2 policy and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKEv2 policy.
Use undo ikev2 policy to delete an IKEv2 policy.
ikev2 policy policy-name
undo ikev2 policy policy-name
An IKEv2 policy named default exists, which uses the default IKEv2 proposal and matches any local addresses.
System view
Predefined user roles
policy-name: Specifies a name for the IKEv2 policy. The policy name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
Each end must have an IKEv2 policy for the IKE_SA_INIT exchange. The initiator looks up an IKEv2 policy by the IP address of the interface to which the IPsec policy is applied and the VPN instance to which the interface belongs. The responder looks up an IKEv2 policy by the IP address of the interface that receives the IKEv2 packet and the VPN instance to which the interface belongs. An IKEv2 policy uses IKEv2 proposals to define the encryption algorithms, integrity protection algorithms, PRF algorithms, and DH groups to be used for negotiation.
You can configure multiple IKEv2 policies. An IKEv2 policy must have a minimum of one IKEv2 proposal. Otherwise, the policy is incomplete.
If the initiator uses an IPsec policy that is bound to a source interface, the initiator looks up an IKEv2 policy by the IP address of the source interface.
You can set priorities to adjust the match order of IKEv2 policies that have the same match criteria.
If no IKEv2 policy is configured, the default IKEv2 policy is used. You cannot enter the view of the default IKEv2 policy, nor modify it.
# Create an IKEv2 policy named policy1 and enter IKEv2 policy view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 policy policy1
Related commands
display ikev2 policy
ikev2 profile
Use ikev2 profile to create an IKEv2 profile and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKEv2 profile.
Use undo ikev2 profile to delete an IKEv2 profile.
ikev2 profile profile-name
undo ikev2 profile profile-name
No IKEv2 profiles exist.
System view
Predefined user roles
profile-name: Specifies a name for the IKEv2 profile. The profile name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
An IKEv2 profile contains the IKEv2 SA parameters that are not negotiated, such as the identity information and authentication methods of the peers, and the matching criteria for profile lookup.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1 and enter IKEv2 profile view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
Related commands
display ikev2 profile
ikev2 proposal
Use ikev2 proposal to create an IKEv2 proposal and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKEv2 proposal.
Use undo ikev2 proposal to delete an IKEv2 proposal.
ikev2 proposal proposal-name
undo ikev2 proposal proposal-name
An IKEv2 proposal named default exists.
The default IKEv2 proposal has the lowest priority and uses the following settings in non-FIPS mode:
· Encryption algorithm—AES-CBC-128 and 3DES.
· Integrity protection algorithm—HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-MD5.
· PRF algorithm—HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-MD5.
· DH group—Group 5 and group 2.
The default IKEv2 proposal has the lowest priority and uses the following settings in FIPS mode:
· Encryption algorithm—AES-CBC-128 and AES-CTR-128.
· Integrity protection algorithm—HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-SHA256.
· PRF algorithm—HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-SHA256.
· DH group—Group 14 and group 19.
System view
Predefined user roles
proposal-name: Specifies a name for the IKEv2 proposal. The proposal name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters and cannot be default.
Usage guidelines
An IKEv2 proposal contains security parameters used in IKE_SA_INIT exchanges, including the encryption algorithms, integrity protection algorithms, PRF algorithms, and DH groups.
An IKEv2 proposal must have a minimum of one set of security parameters, including one encryption algorithm, one integrity protection algorithm, one PRF algorithm, and one DH group.
In an IKEv2 proposal, you can specify multiple parameters of the same type. The parameters of different types combine and form multiple sets of security parameters. If you want to use only one set of security parameters, configure only one set of security parameters for the IKEv2 proposal.
# Create an IKEv2 proposal named prop1. Specify encryption algorithm AES-CBC-128, integrity protection algorithm SHA1, PRF algorithm SHA1, and DH group 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 proposal prop1
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-prop1] encryption aes-cbc-128
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-prop1] integrity sha1
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-prop1] prf sha1
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-prop1] dh group2
Related commands
Use inside-vrf to specify an inside VPN instance.
Use undo inside-vrf to restore the default.
inside-vrf vrf-name
undo inside-vrf
No inside VPN instance is specified. The internal and external networks are in the same VPN instance. The device forwards protected data to this VPN instance.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
vrf-name: Specifies the VPN instance to which the protected data belongs. The vrf-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
Usage guidelines
This command determines where the device should forward received IPsec packets after it de-encapsulates them. If you configure this command, the device looks for a route in the specified VPN instance to forward the packets. If you do not configure this command, the internal and external networks are in the same VPN instance. The device looks for a route in this VPN instance to forward the packets.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Specify inside VPN instance vpn1.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] inside-vrf vpn1
Use integrity to specify integrity protection algorithms for an IKEv2 proposal.
Use undo integrity to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
integrity { aes-xcbc-mac | md5 | sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo integrity
In FIPS mode:
integrity { sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo integrity
No integrity protection algorithm is specified for an IKEv2 proposal.
IKEv2 proposal view
Predefined user roles
aes-xcbc-mac: Uses the HMAC-AES-XCBC-MAC algorithm.
md5: Uses the HMAC-MD5 algorithm.
sha1: Uses the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
sha256: Uses the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.
sha384: Uses the HMAC-SHA384 algorithm.
sha512: Uses the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm.
Usage guidelines
You must specify a minimum of one integrity protection algorithm for an IKEv2 proposal. Otherwise, the proposal is incomplete and useless. You can specify multiple integrity protection algorithms for an IKEv2 proposal. An algorithm specified earlier has a higher priority.
# Create an IKEv2 proposal named prop1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 proposal prop1
# Specify HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-MD5 as the integrity protection algorithms, with HMAC-SHA1 preferred.
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-prop1] integrity sha1 md5
Related commands
ikev2 proposal
Use keychain to specify an IKEv2 keychain for preshared key authentication.
Use undo keychain to restore the default.
keychain keychain-name
undo keychain
No IKEv2 keychain is specified for an IKEv2 profile.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
keychain-name: Specifies an IKEv2 keychain by its name. The keychain name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters and cannot contain a hyphen (-).
Usage guidelines
An IKEv2 keychain is required on both ends if either end uses preshared key authentication. You can specify only one IKEv2 keychain for an IKEv2 profile.
You can specify the same IKEv2 keychain for different IKEv2 profiles.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Specify IKEv2 keychain keychain1.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] keychain keychain1
Related commands
display ikev2 profile
ikev2 keychain
match local (IKEv2 profile view)
Use match local to specify a local interface or a local IP address to which an IKEv2 profile can be applied.
Use undo match local to remove a local interface or a local IP address to which an IKEv2 profile can be applied.
match local address { interface-type interface-number | ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }
undo match local address { interface-type interface-number | ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }
An IKEv2 profile can be applied to any local interface or IP address.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
address: Specifies a local interface or IP address to which an IKEv2 profile can be applied.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies a local interface by its type and number. It can be any Layer 3 interface.
ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of a local interface.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of a local interface.
Usage guidelines
Use this command to specify which address or interface can use the IKEv2 profile for IKEv2 negotiation. The interface is the interface that receives IKEv2 packets. The IP address is the IP address of the interface that receives IKEv2 packets.
An IKEv2 profile configured earlier has a higher priority. To give an IKEv2 profile that is configured later a higher priority, you can configure the priority command or this command for the profile. For example, suppose you configured IKEv2 profile A before configuring IKEv2 profile B, and you configured the match remote identity address range command for IKEv2 profile A and the match remote identity address range command for IKEv2 profile B. For the local interface with the IP address to negotiate with the peer, IKEv2 profile A is preferred because IKEv2 profile A was configured earlier. To use IKEv2 profile B, you can use this command to restrict the application scope of IKEv2 profile B to IPv4 address
You can specify multiple applicable local interfaces or IP addresses for an IKEv2 profile.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Apply IKEv2 profile profile1 to the interface whose IP address is
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] match local address
Related commands
match remote
match local address (IKEv2 policy view)
Use match local address to specify a local interface or a local address that an IKEv2 policy matches.
Use undo match local address to remove a local interface or a local address that an IKEv2 policy matches.
match local address { interface-type interface-number | ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }
undo match local address { interface-type interface-number | ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }
No local interface or local address is specified, and the IKEv2 policy matches any local interface or local address.
IKEv2 policy view
Predefined user roles
interface-type interface-number: Specifies a local interface by its type and number. It can be any Layer 3 interface.
ipv4-address: Specifies the IPv4 address of a local interface.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of a local interface.
Usage guidelines
IKEv2 policies with this command configured are looked up before those that do not have this command configured.
# Configure IKEv2 policy policy1 to match local address
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 policy policy1
[Sysname-ikev2-policy-policy1] match local address
Related commands
display ikev2 policy
match vrf
match remote
Use match remote to configure a peer ID that an IKEv2 profile matches.
Use undo match remote to delete a peer ID that an IKEv2 profile matches.
match remote { certificate policy-name | identity { address { { ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ] | range low-ipv4-address high-ipv4-address } | ipv6 { ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] | range low-ipv6-address high-ipv6-address } } | fqdn fqdn-name | email email-string | key-id key-id-string } }
undo match remote { certificate policy-name | identity { address { { ipv4-address [ mask |mask-length ] | range low-ipv4-address high-ipv4-address } | ipv6 { ipv6-address [ prefix-length ] | range low-ipv6-address high-ipv6-address } } | fqdn fqdn-name | email email-string | key-id key-id-string } }
No matching peer ID is configured for the IKEv2 profile.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
certificate policy-name: Uses the information in the peer's digital certificate as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The policy-name argument specifies a certificate-based access control policy by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
identity: Uses the specified information as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The specified information is configured on the peer by using the identity local command.
· address ipv4-address [ mask | mask-length ]: Uses an IPv4 host address or an IPv4 subnet address as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The value range for the mask-length argument is 0 to 32. If you do not specify a mask or mask length, the 32-bit mask is used.
· address range low-ipv4-address high-ipv4-address: Uses a range of IPv4 addresses as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The end address must be higher than the start address.
· address ipv6 ipv6-address [ prefix-length ]: Uses an IPv6 host address or an IPv6 subnet address as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The value range for the prefix-length argument is 0 to 128. If you do not specify a prefix length, the 128-bit prefix is used.
· address ipv6 range low-ipv6-address high-ipv6-address: Uses a range of IPv6 addresses as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The end address must be higher than the start address.
· fqdn fqdn-name: Uses the peer's FQDN as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The fqdn-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, such as www.test.com.
· email email-string: Uses peer's email address as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The email-string argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters in the format defined by RFC 822, such as sec@abc.com.
· key-id key-id-string: Uses the peer's key ID as the peer ID for IKEv2 profile matching. The key-id-string argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters, and is usually a vendor-specific string for doing proprietary types of identification.
Usage guidelines
The device compares the received peer ID with the peer IDs configured in local IKEv2 profiles. If a match is found, it uses the IKEv2 profile with the matching peer ID for IKEv2 negotiation.
If the device has the match remote, match vrf, and match local address commands configured, it uses the IKEv2 profile that matches all the criteria configured by the commands.
To make sure only one IKEv2 profile is matched for a peer, do not configure the same peer ID for two or more IKEv2 profiles. If you configure the same peer ID for two or more IKEv2 profiles, which IKEv2 profile is selected for IKEv2 negotiation is unpredictable.
You can configure an IKEv2 profile to match multiple peer IDs. A peer ID configured earlier has a higher priority.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Configure the IKEv2 profile to match the peer ID that is FQDN name www.test.com.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] match remote identity fqdn www.test.com
# Configure the IKEv2 profile to match the peer ID that is IP address
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1]match remote identity address
Related commands
identity local
match local address
match vrf
match vrf (IKEv2 policy view)
Use match vrf to specify a VPN instance that an IKEv2 policy matches.
Use undo match vrf to restore the default.
match vrf { name vrf-name | any }
undo match vrf
No VPN instance is specified, and the IKEv2 policy matches all local IP addresses in the public network.
IKEv2 policy view
Predefined user roles
name vrf-name: Specifies a VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
any: Specifies the public network and all VPN instances.
Usage guidelines
Each end must have an IKEv2 policy for the IKE_SA_INIT exchange. The initiator looks up an IKEv2 policy by the IP address of the interface to which the IPsec policy is applied and the VPN instance to which the interface belongs. The responder looks up an IKEv2 policy by the IP address of the interface that receives the IKEv2 packet and the VPN instance to which the interface belongs.
IKEv2 policies with this command configured are looked up before those that do not have this command configured.
# Create an IKEv2 policy named policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 policy policy1
# Configure the IKEv2 policy to match VPN instance vpn1.
[Sysname-ikev2-policy-policy1] match vrf name vpn1
Related commands
display ikev2 policy
match local address
match vrf (IKEv2 profile view)
Use match vrf to specify a VPN instance for an IKEv2 profile.
Use undo match vrf to restore the default.
match vrf { name vrf-name | any }
undo match vrf
The IKEv2 profile belongs to the public network.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
name vrf-name: Specifies a VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
any: Specifies the public network and all VPN instances.
Usage guidelines
If an IKEv2 profile belongs to a VPN instance, only interfaces in the VPN instance can use the IKEv2 profile for IKEv2 negotiation. The VPN instance is the VPN instance to which the interface that receives IKEv2 packets belongs. If you specify the any keyword, interfaces in any VPN instance can use the IKEv2 profile for IKEv2 negotiation.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Specify vrf1 as the VPN instance that the IKEv2 profile belongs to.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] match vrf name vrf1
Related commands
match remote
Use nat-keepalive to set the NAT keepalive interval.
Use undo nat-keepalive to restore the default.
nat-keepalive seconds
undo nat-keepalive
The NAT keepalive interval set in system view is used.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the NAT keepalive interval in seconds, in the range of 5 to 3600.
Usage guidelines
This command takes effect when the device resides in the private network behind a NAT device. The device must send NAT keepalive packets regularly to its peer to keep the NAT session alive, so that the peer can access the device.
The NAT keepalive interval must be shorter than the NAT session lifetime.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Set the NAT keepalive interval to 1200 seconds.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1]nat-keepalive 1200
Related commands
display ikev2 profile
ikev2 nat-keepalive
Use peer to create an IKEv2 peer and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing IKEv2 peer.
Use undo peer to delete an IKEv2 peer.
peer name
undo peer name
No IKEv2 peers exist.
IKEv2 keychain view
Predefined user roles
name: Specifies a name for the IKEv2 peer. The peer name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
An IKEv2 peer contains a preshared key and the criteria for looking up the peer. The criteria for peer lookup includes the peer's host name, IP address, IP address range, and ID. The IKEv2 negotiation initiator uses the peer's host name, IP address, or IP address range to look up its peer. The responder uses the peer's IP address, IP address range, or ID to look up its peer.
# Create an IKEv2 keychain named key1 and enter IKEv2 keychain view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 keychain key1
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer1.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1] peer peer1
Related commands
ikev2 keychain
Use pre-shared-key to configure a preshared key.
Use undo pre-shared-key to delete a preshared key.
pre-shared-key [ local | remote ] { ciphertext | plaintext } string
undo pre-shared-key [ local | remote ]
No preshared key exists.
IKEv2 peer view
Predefined user roles
local: Specifies a preshared key for certificate signing.
remote: Specifies a preshared key for certificate authentication.
ciphertext: Specifies a preshared key in encrypted form.
plaintext: Specifies a preshared key in plaintext form. For security purposes, the key specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.
string: Specifies the preshared key. The key is case sensitive. In non-FIPS mode, its plaintext form is a string of 1 to 128 characters and its encrypted form is a string of 1 to 201 characters. In FIPS mode, its plaintext form is a string of 15 to 128 characters and its encrypted form is a string of 15 to 201 characters.
Usage guidelines
If you specify the local or remote keyword, you configure an asymmetric key. If you specify neither the local nor the remote keyword, you configure a symmetric key.
To delete a key by using the undo command, you must specify the correct key type. For example, if you configure a key by using the pre-shared-key local command, you cannot delete the key by using the undo pre-shared-key or undo pre-shared-key remote command.
If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.
· On the initiator:
# Create an IKEv2 keychain named key1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 keychain key1
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer1.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1] peer peer1
# Configure 111-key as the symmetric plaintext preshared key.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1-peer-peer1] pre-shared-key plaintext 111-key
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1-peer-peer1] quit
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer2.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1] peer peer2
# Configure asymmetric plaintext preshared keys. The key for certificate signing is 111-key-a and the key for certificate authentication is 111-key-b.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1-peer-peer2] pre-shared-key local plaintext 111-key-a
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-key1-peer-peer2] pre-shared-key remote plaintext 111-key-b
· On the responder:
# Create an IKEv2 keychain named telecom.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 keychain telecom
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer1.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-telecom] peer peer1
# Configure 111-key as the symmetric plaintext preshared key.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-telecom-peer-peer1] pre-shared-key plaintext 111-key
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-telecom-peer-peer1] quit
# Create an IKEv2 peer named peer2.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-telecom] peer peer2
# Configure asymmetric plaintext preshared keys. The key for certificate signing is 111-key-b and the key for certificate authentication is 111-key-a.
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-telecom-peer-peer2] pre-shared-key local plaintext 111-key-b
[Sysname-ikev2-keychain-telecom-peer-peer2] pre-shared-key remote plaintext 111-key-a
Related commands
ikev2 keychain
Use prf to specify pseudo-random function (PRF) algorithms for an IKEv2 proposal.
Use undo prf to restore the default.
In non-FIPS mode:
prf { aes-xcbc-mac | md5 | sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo prf
In FIPS mode:
prf { sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 } *
undo prf
An IKEv2 proposal uses the integrity protection algorithms as the PRF algorithms.
IKEv2 proposal view
Predefined user roles
aes-xcbc-mac: Uses the HMAC-AES-XCBC-MAC algorithm.
md5: Uses the HMAC-MD5 algorithm.
sha1: Uses the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
sha256: Uses the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.
sha384: Uses the HMAC-SHA384 algorithm.
sha512: Uses the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm.
Usage guidelines
You can specify multiple PRF algorithms for an IKEv2 proposal. An algorithm specified earlier has a higher priority.
# Create an IKEv2 proposal named prop1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 proposal prop1
# Specify HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-MD5 as the PRF algorithms, with HMAC-SHA1 preferred.
[Sysname-ikev2-proposal-prop1] prf sha1 md5
Related commands
ikev2 proposal
priority (IKEv2 policy view)
Use priority to set a priority for an IKEv2 policy.
Use undo priority to restore the default.
priority priority
undo priority
The priority of an IKEv2 policy is 100.
IKEv2 policy view
Predefined user roles
priority: Specifies the priority of the IKEv2 policy, in the range of 1 to 65535. A smaller number represents a higher priority.
Usage guidelines
The priority set by this command can only be used to adjust the match order of IKEv2 policies.
# Set the priority to 10 for IKEv2 policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 policy policy1
[Sysname-ikev2-policy-policy1] priority 10
Related commands
display ikev2 policy
priority (IKEv2 profile view)
Use priority to set a priority for an IKEv2 profile.
Use undo priority to restore the default.
priority priority
undo priority
The priority of an IKEv2 profile is 100.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
priority: Specifies the priority of the IKEv2 profile, in the range of 1 to 65535. A smaller number represents a higher priority.
Usage guidelines
The priority set by this command can only be used to adjust the match order of IKEv2 profiles.
# Set the priority to 10 for IKEv2 profile profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] priority 10
Use proposal to specify an IKEv2 proposal for an IKEv2 policy.
Use undo proposal to remove an IKEv2 proposal from an IKEv2 policy.
proposal proposal-name
undo proposal proposal-name
No IKEv2 proposal is specified for an IKEv2 policy.
IKEv2 policy view
Predefined user roles
proposal-name: Specifies an IKEv2 proposal by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
Usage guidelines
You can specify multiple IKEv2 proposals for an IKEv2 policy. A proposal specified earlier has a higher priority.
# Specify IKEv2 proposal proposal1 for IKEv2 policy policy1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 policy policy1
[Sysname-ikev2-policy-policy1] proposal proposal1
Related commands
display ikev2 policy
ikev2 proposal
reset ikev2 sa
Use reset ikev2 sa to delete IKEv2 SAs.
reset ikev2 sa [ [ { local | remote } { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] | tunnel tunnel-id ] [ fast ]
User view
Predefined user roles
local: Deletes IKEv2 SAs for a local IP address.
remote: Deletes IKEv2 SAs for a remote IP address.
ipv4-address: Specifies a local or remote IPv4 address.
ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies a local or remote IPv6 address.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Deletes IKEv2 SAs in an MPLS L3VPN instance. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command deletes IKEv2 SAs for the public network.
tunnel tunnel-id: Deletes IKEv2 SAs for an IPsec tunnel. The tunnel-id argument specifies an IPsec tunnel by its ID in the range of 1 to 2000000000.
fast: Notifies the peers of the deletion and deletes IKEv2 SAs directly before receiving the peers' responses. If you do not specify this keyword, the device notifies the peers of the deletion and deletes IKEv2 SAs after it receives the peers' responses.
Usage guidelines
Deleting an IKEv2 SA will also delete the child SAs negotiated through the IKEv2 SA.
If you do not specify any parameters, this command deletes all IKEv2 SAs and the child SAs negotiated through the IKEv2 SAs.
# Display information about IKEv2 SAs.
<Sysname> display ikev2 sa
Tunnel ID Local Remote Status
IN-NEGO: Negotiating, EST: Established, DEL: Deleting
# Delete the IKEv2 SA whose remote IP address is
<Sysname> reset ikev2 sa remote
# Display information about IKEv2 SAs again. Verify that the IKEv2 SA is deleted.
<Sysname> display ikev2 sa
Tunnel ID Local Remote Status
IN-NEGO: Negotiating, EST: Established, DEL: Deleting
Related commands
display ikev2 sa
reset ikev2 statistics
Use reset ikev2 statistics to clear IKEv2 statistics.
reset ikev2 statistics
User view
Predefined user roles
# Clear IKEv2 statistics.
<Sysname> reset ikev2 statistics
Related commands
display ikev2 statistics
sa duration
Use sa duration to set the IKEv2 SA lifetime.
Use undo sa duration to restore the default.
sa duration seconds
undo sa duration
The IKEv2 SA lifetime is 86400 seconds.
IKEv2 profile view
Predefined user roles
seconds: Specifies the IKEv2 SA lifetime in seconds, in the range of 120 to 86400.
Usage guidelines
An IKEv2 SA can be used for subsequent IKEv2 negotiations before its lifetime expires, saving a lot of negotiation time. However, the longer the lifetime, the higher the possibility that attackers collect enough information and initiate attacks.
Two peers can have different IKEv2 SA lifetime settings, and they do not perform lifetime negotiation. The peer with a shorter lifetime always initiates the rekeying.
# Create an IKEv2 profile named profile1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ikev2 profile profile1
# Set the IKEv2 SA lifetime to 1200 seconds.
[Sysname-ikev2-profile-profile1] sa duration 1200
Related commands
display ikev2 profile