
Wireless Product License Compatibility Info Finder


By Product Model/Product Code

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Enter the product BOM code. The third to tenth characters in the SN on the device nameplate represent the BOM code. The BOM code varies by device model.
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AC Basic Info

Series Model Product Code

License Compatibility Info

Permanent AP license pre-installed in the device. Pre-installed permanent licenses cannot be uninstalled or transferred.
30-day AP licenses that come with the device. Pre-installed licenses do not require installation and cannot be uninstalled or migrated.
Maximum Supported AP Licenses Default Supported AP Licenses Pre-Installed AP Licenses License Step Size

Maximum Managed APs

Common indoor APs and outdoor APs. Each common AP requires one AP license.
APs that can be installed over an 86mm × 86mm wall-jack box. The name of a wall-jack AP typically has a suffix of -H. Some wall-jack APs require fewer AP licenses than common APs.
Wireless terminal units in a WT network. Every WTU requires 0.25 of an AP license.
Common AP Wall-jack AP WTU Local Forwarding Lite Mode

Compatible Licenses

License Code Managed Common APs Description

Compatible APs

AP Model Required Licenses Per AP Earliest Supported AC Version