- Table of Contents
- 11-Network Management and Monitoring Command Reference
- 00-Preface
- 01-System maintenance and debugging commands
- 02-NQA commands
- 03-NTP commands
- 04-PTP commands
- 05-SNMP commands
- 06-RMON commands
- 07-Event MIB commands
- 08-NETCONF commands
- 09-CWMP commands
- 10-EAA commands
- 11-Process monitoring and maintenance commands
- 12-Sampler commands
- 13-Mirroring commands
- 14-NetStream commands
- 15-IPv6 NetStream commands
- 16-sFlow commands
- 17-Information center commands
- 18-GOLD commands
- 19-Packet capture commands
- 20-VCF fabric commands
- 21-iNQA commands
- 22-Packet trace commands
- 23-NetAnalysis commands
- Related Documents
Title | Size | Download |
18-GOLD commands | 94.90 KB |
GOLD commands
Support for the diagnostic tests depends on the device model. To get the names of diagnostic tests supported by the device, enter ? at the test name position in a GOLD command. The diagnostic test names used in the following command examples are for illustration only.
diagnostic event-log size
Use diagnostic event-log size to configure the maximum number of GOLD log entries.
Use undo diagnostic event-log size to restore the default.
diagnostic event-log size number
undo diagnostic event-log size
GOLD can save up to 512 log entries.
System view
Predefined user roles
number: Specifies the maximum number of log entries, in the range of 0 to 1024.
Usage guidelines
If you specify a number smaller than the number of existing log entries, the system automatically deletes the oldest excess entries.
When the number of GOLD log entries exceeds the configured log buffer size, the system automatically deletes the oldest excess entries.
# Set the maximum number of log entries to 600.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] diagnostic event-log size 600
diagnostic monitor enable
Use diagnostic monitor enable to enable monitoring diagnostics.
Use undo diagnostic monitor enable to disable monitoring diagnostics.
diagnostic monitor enable slot slot-number-list [ test test-name ]
undo diagnostic monitor enable slot slot-number-list [ test test-name ]
Monitoring diagnostics are enabled.
System view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to seven slot number items. An item specifies an IRF member device by its member ID or specifies a range of IRF member devices in the form of start-slot-number to end-slot-number. The end slot number must be equal to or greater than the start slot number.
test test-name: Specifies a test by its name, a case-sensitive character string. You can use the test ? command to verify the value range of the test name. If you do not specify this option, the command enables all monitoring diagnostic tests.
Usage guidelines
Monitoring diagnostics enable the system to periodically run diagnostic tests to detect hardware faults and record test results. Monitoring diagnostics execute only non-disruptive tests.
Disruptive diagnostic tests that are being executed affect device operation or even disable certain functions, but non-disruptive diagnostic tests do not.
The system automatically executes enabled monitoring diagnostic tests after the device starts. Use the diagnostic monitor enable command to enable diagnostic tests that are disabled by default.
# Enable test ComponentMonitor on the specified slot.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] diagnostic monitor enable slot 1 test ComponentMonitor
Related commands
diagnostic monitor interval
diagnostic monitor interval
Use diagnostic monitor interval to configure an execution interval for monitoring diagnostic tests.
Use undo diagnostic monitor interval to restore the default.
diagnostic monitor interval slot slot-number-list [ test test-name ] time interval
undo diagnostic monitor interval slot slot-number-list [ test test-name ]
The execution interval varies by monitoring diagnostic test. To display the execution interval of a monitoring diagnostic test, execute the display diagnostic content command.
System view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to seven slot number items. An item specifies an IRF member device by its member ID or specifies a range of IRF member devices in the form of start-slot-number to end-slot-number. The end slot number must be equal to or greater than the start slot number.
test test-name: Specifies a test by its name, a case-sensitive character string. You can use the test ? command to verify the value range of the test name. If you do not specify this option, the command applies to all monitoring diagnostic tests.
interval: Sets an execution interval in the form of hh:mm:ss. The value range for the hh argument is 0 to 23. The value range for the mm and ss arguments is both 0 to 59. If you specify only the hh argument, you can omit the mm and ss segments. If you specify only the hh and mm arguments, you can omit the ss segment. For example, to specify 01:00:00, you can enter 1.
Usage guidelines
Use this command to configure the interval at which the system automatically executes enabled monitoring diagnostic tests.
The configured interval cannot be smaller than the minimum execution interval of the tests. Use the display diagnostic content verbose command to view the minimum execution interval of the tests.
# Set the execution interval to 1 minute for test ComponentMonitor on the specified slot.
<Sysname> system-view.
[Sysname] diagnostic monitor interval slot 1 test ComponentMonitor time 00:01:00
Related commands
diagnostic monitor enable
display diagnostic content
diagnostic ondemand failure
Use diagnostic ondemand failure to set the maximum number of failed on-demand diagnostic tests.
Use undo diagnostic ondemand failure to restore the default.
diagnostic ondemand failure failure-number
undo diagnostic ondemand failure
The maximum number of failed on-demand diagnostic tests is not specified.
User view
Predefined user roles
failure-number: Specifies the maximum number of failed tests, in the range of 1 to 999.
Usage guidelines
After you use the diagnostic ondemand start command to enable on-demand diagnostics, you can stop the diagnostic tests by using any of the following commands:
· Use the diagnostic ondemand stop command to immediately stop the tests.
· Use the diagnostic ondemand repeating command to configure the number of executions for the tests. The system stops executing the tests when the threshold is reached.
· Use the diagnostic ondemand failure command to configure the maximum number of failed tests. The system stops a test when the number of failures reaches the configured threshold and the test is not executed as many times as specified.
Use this command to configure the maximum number of failed tests for diagnostic tests to be enabled. This command does not survive a device reboot.
# Set the maximum number of failed tests to 5 for all on-demand diagnostic tests.
<Sysname> diagnostic ondemand failure 5
Related commands
diagnostic ondemand repeating
diagnostic ondemand start
display diagnostic ondemand configuration
diagnostic ondemand repeating
Use diagnostic ondemand repeating to configure the number of executions for on-demand diagnostic tests.
Use undo diagnostic ondemand repeating to restore the default.
diagnostic ondemand repeating repeating-number
undo diagnostic ondemand repeating
The default number of executions is 1.
User view
Predefined user roles
repeating-number: Specifies the number of executions for on-demand diagnostic tests, in the range of 1 to 999.
Usage guidelines
Use this command to configure the number of executions for diagnostic tests to be enabled. This command does not survive a device reboot.
Do not specify a number smaller than the number of failed tests configured by using the diagnostic ondemand failure command.
# Set the number of executions to 2 for all on-demand diagnostic tests.
<Sysname> diagnostic ondemand repeating 2
Related commands
diagnostic ondemand failure
diagnostic ondemand start
display diagnostic configuration
diagnostic ondemand start
Use diagnostic ondemand start to enable on-demand diagnostics.
diagnostic ondemand start slot slot-number-list test { test-name | non-disruptive } [ para parameters ]
All on-demand diagnostic tests need to be manually enabled.
User view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to seven slot number items. An item specifies an IRF member device by its member ID or specifies a range of IRF member devices in the form of start-slot-number to end-slot-number. The end slot number must be equal to or greater than the start slot number.
non-disruptive: Executes all non-disruptive diagnostic tests.
test-name: Specifies a test by its name, a case-sensitive character string. You can use the test ? command to verify the value range of the test name.
para parameters: Specifies an extended parameter. The current software version does not support this option.
Usage guidelines
On-demand diagnostics allow you to manually execute certain diagnostic tests. These tests are known as on-demand diagnostic tests.
You can configure the number of executions and the maximum number of failed tests for on-demand diagnostic tests at the CLI. When either threshold is reached, the system immediately stops executing the tests.
# Start disruptive diagnostic test OndemandTest on the specified slot.
<Sysname> diagnostic ondemand start slot 1 test OndemandTest
Running test OndemandTest on slot 1 may disrupt system operation. Continue? [Y/N]:y
# Start all non-disruptive diagnostic tests on the specified slot.
<Sysname> diagnostic ondemand start slot 1 test non-disruptive
Related commands
diagnostic ondemand failure
diagnostic ondemand repeating
diagnostic ondemand stop
Use diagnostic ondemand stop to stop on-demand diagnostic tests.
diagnostic ondemand stop slot slot-number-list test { test-name | non-disruptive }
User view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to seven slot number items. An item specifies an IRF member device by its member ID or specifies a range of IRF member devices in the form of start-slot-number to end-slot-number. The end slot number must be equal to or greater than the start slot number.
non-disruptive: Stops all non-disruptive diagnostic tests.
test-name: Specifies a test by its name, a case-sensitive character string. You can use the test ? command to verify the value range of the test name.
Usage guidelines
You can configure the number of executions and the maximum number of failed tests for on-demand diagnostic tests at the CLI. When either threshold is reached, the system immediately stops executing the tests. You can also use this command to manually stop on-demand diagnostic tests.
# Stop all non-disruptive diagnostic tests on the specified slot.
<Sysname> diagnostic ondemand stop slot 1 test non-disruptive
Related commands
diagnostic ondemand failure
diagnostic ondemand repeating
diagnostic simulation
Use diagnostic simulation to simulate diagnostic tests.
Use undo diagnostic simulation to restore the default.
diagnostic simulation slot slot-number-list test test-name { failure | random-failure | success }
undo diagnostic simulation slot slot-number-list test test-name
All diagnostic tests are executed instead of simulated.
User view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number-list: Specifies a space-separated list of up to seven slot number items. An item specifies an IRF member device by its member ID or specifies a range of IRF member devices in the form of start-slot-number to end-slot-number. The end slot number must be equal to or greater than the start slot number.
test-name: Specifies a test by its name, a case-sensitive character string. You can use the test ? command to verify the value range of the test name.
failure: Configures the system to generate failure results.
random-failure: Configures the system to randomly generate results.
success: Configures the system to generate success results.
Usage guidelines
Test simulation is used to verify GOLD frame functionality. After you execute this command, the system simulates the specified test if the execution requirements for the test are met. The test is not actually executed and does not trigger hardware correcting actions.
# Simulate test ComponentMonitor as failed on the specified slot.
<Sysname> diagnostic simulation slot 1 test ComponentMonitor failure
Related commands
display diagnostic simulation
display diagnostic content
Use display diagnostic content to display information about diagnostic tests.
display diagnostic content [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify this option, the command applies to all member devices.
verbose: Displays detailed information about diagnostic tests. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information about the diagnostic tests.
# Display brief information about all diagnostic tests on the specified slot.
<Sysname> display diagnostic content slot 1
Diagnostic test suite attributes:
#B/*: Bootup test/NA
#O/*: Ondemand test/NA
#M/*: Monitoring test/NA
#D/*: Disruptive test/Non-disruptive test
#P/*: Per port test/NA
#A/I/*: Monitoring test is active/Monitoring test is inactive/NA
Slot 1:
Name Attributes Interval
ComponentMonitor **M*PA 01:00:00
# Display detailed information about all diagnostic tests on the specified slot.
<Sysname> display diagnostic content slot 1 verbose
Diagnostic test suite attributes:
#B/*: Bootup test/NA
#O/*: Ondemand test/NA
#M/*: Monitoring test/NA
#D/*: Disruptive test/Non-disruptive test
#P/*: Per port test/NA
#A/I/*: Monitoring test is active/Monitoring test is inactive/NA
Slot 1:
Test name : ComponentMonitor
Test attributes : **M*PA
Test interval : 01:00:00
Min interval : 00:00:06
Correct-action : -NA-
Description : A Real-time test, enabled by default that checks board status
between local master and other local boards.
Exec : -NA-
Table 1 Command output
Field |
Description |
B/* |
(This field is not supported in the current software version.)Boot-up/Not boot-up. |
O/* |
On-demand/Not on-demand. |
M/* |
Monitoring/Not monitoring. |
D/* |
Disruptive/Non-disruptive. |
P/* |
Port-related/Not port-related. |
A/I/* |
Active and monitoring/Inactive and monitoring/Not monitoring. |
Test name |
Name of the diagnostic test. |
Test attributes |
Attributes of the diagnostic test. The characters from left to right indicate whether or not the test is boot-up, on-demand, monitoring, disruptive, port-related, or active. The asterisks (*) indicate that the test does not have the corresponding attributes. |
Test interval |
Execution interval for the test. If the execution interval for the test is not set, –NA–is displayed. |
Min interval |
Minimum execution interval for the test. If the test does not have a minimum execution interval, –NA–is displayed. |
Correct-action |
Correcting action triggered by failure of the test. |
Description |
Description for the test. |
Exec |
Path of the executed scripts. If the test does not run scripts, –NA–is displayed. |
display diagnostic event-log
Use display diagnostic event-log to display GOLD log entries.
display diagnostic event-log [ error | info ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
error: Displays all error log entries.
info: Displays all log entries except error log entries.
Usage guidelines
If you do not specify the error and info keywords, the command displays all GOLD log entries.
The system records information about test execution in the form of logs. A log entry contains test name, execution time, test result, and failure cause. Log entries are generated for every execution. To reduce the burden of the information center, GOLD logs are not sent to the information center.
GOLD logs are cleared when the device restarts or when a master/subordinate device switchover occurs.
# Display all GOLD log entries.
<Sysname> display diagnostic event-log
Event: E_INFO, Wed Jan 7 11:39:53:314 2014, -Slot=1 TestName->IPCMonitor, Event_INFO: Result->Success.
display diagnostic ondemand configuration
Use display diagnostic ondemand configuration to display configurations of on-demand diagnostic tests.
display diagnostic ondemand configuration
Any view
Predefined user roles
# Display the number of executions and the number of failed tests configured for on-demand diagnostic tests.
<Sysname> display diagnostic ondemand configuration
Maximum test-repeating times: 4
Maximum test-failure times: 1
Related commands
diagnostic ondemand failure
diagnostic ondemand repeating
display diagnostic result
Use display diagnostic result to display test results.
display diagnostic result [ slot slot-number [ test test-name ] ] [ verbose ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify this option, the command applies to all member devices.
test test-name: Specifies a test by its name, a case-sensitive character string. You can use the test ? command to verify the value range of the test name. If you do not specify this option, the command applies to all diagnostic tests.
verbose: Displays detailed test results for diagnostic tests that are enabled or executed. (Statistics are not included.) If you do not specify this parameter, the command displays brief test results for the diagnostic tests.
# Display brief test results for all diagnostic tests on the specified slot.
<Sysname> display diagnostic result slot 1
Slot 1:
Name Run count Failure count Last result
ComponentMonitor 386 0 Success
# Display detailed test results for all diagnostic tests.
<Sysname> display diagnostic result verbose
Slot 1:
Test name : ComponentMonitor
Total run count : 386
Total failure count : 0
Consecutive failure count: 0
Last execution time : Fri Nov 21 23:00:01 2014
First failure time : -NA-
Last failure time : -NA-
Last pass time : Fri Nov 21 23:00:01 2014
Last execution result : Success
Last failure reason : -NA-
Next execution time : Sat Nov 22 00:00:07 2014
Slot check status : Normal
Table 2 Command output
Field |
Description |
Test name |
Name of the test. |
Total run count |
Total number of executions. |
Total failure count |
Total number of failed tests. |
Consecutive failure count |
Number of consecutive failed tests. |
Last execution time |
Most recent execution time. |
First failure time |
First failed test time. If no failure occurs, –NA– is displayed. |
Last failure time |
Most recent failed test time. If no failure occurs, –NA– is displayed. |
Last pass time |
Most recent success test time. If no success occurs, –NA– is displayed. |
Last execution result |
Most recent test result. |
Last failure reason |
Cause for the most recent failed test. If the failed test is simulated, Simulated Test is displayed. If no failure occurs, –NA– is displayed. |
Next execution time |
Time for the next execution. If the test is a monitoring diagnostic test, its next execution time is the most recent execution time plus the execution interval. If the test is an on-demand diagnostic test, –NA– is displayed. |
display diagnostic simulation
Use display diagnostic simulation to display configurations for simulated diagnostic tests.
display diagnostic simulation [ slot slot-number ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify this option, the command applies to all member devices.
# Display configurations for all simulated diagnostic tests on the specified slot.
<Sysname> display diagnostic simulation slot 1
Slot 1 cpu 0:
Name Mode
ComponentMonitor failure
Related commands
diagnostic simulation
reset diagnostic event-log
Use reset diagnostic event-log to clear GOLD logs.
reset diagnostic event-log
User view
Predefined user roles
# Clear GOLD logs.
<Sysname> reset diagnostic event-log
Related commands
display diagnostic event-log
reset diagnostic result
Use reset diagnostic result to clear test results.
reset diagnostic result [ slot slot-number [ test test-name ] ]
User view
Predefined user roles
slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify this option, the command applies to all IRF member devices.
test test-name: Specifies a test by its name, a case-sensitive character string. You can use the test ? command to verify the value range of the test name. If you do not specify this option, the command applies to all diagnostic tests.
Usage guidelines
This command does not clear the next execution time.
# Clear test results for test ComponentMonitor on the specified slot.
<Sysname> reset diagnostic result slot 1 test ComponentMonitor
Related commands
display diagnostic result