11-Network Management and Monitoring Command Reference

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SNMP commands

The device supports the FIPS mode that complies with NIST FIPS 140-2 requirements. Support for features, commands, and parameters might differ in FIPS mode and non-FIPS mode. For more information about FIPS mode, see Security Configuration Guide.

The SNMP agent sends notifications (traps and informs) to inform the NMS of significant events, such as link state changes and user logins or logouts. Unless otherwise stated, the trap keyword in the command line includes both traps and informs.

display snmp-agent community

Use display snmp-agent community to display information about SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c communities.


display snmp-agent community [ read | write ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




read: Specifies SNMP read-only communities.

write: Specifies SNMP read and write communities.

Usage guidelines

This command is not available in FIPS mode.

If you do not specify the read or write keyword, this command displays information about all SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c communities.

Two methods are available for creating an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community:

·     Execute the snmp-agent community command.

·     Execute the snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } and snmp-agent group { v1 | v2c } commands to create an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c user and assign the user to an SNMP group. The system then automatically creates an SNMP community by using the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c username as the community name.

This command displays information only about communities created and saved in plaintext form.


# Display information about all SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c communities.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent community

   Community name: aa

       Group name: aa


       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       Context name: con1


   Community name: bb

       Role name: bb

       Storage-type: nonVolatile


   Community name: userv1

       Group name: testv1

       Storage-type: nonvolatile

Community name: cc

       Group name: cc

       ACL name: testacl

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

Table 1 Command output



Community name

Community name created by using the snmp-agent community command or username created by using the snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } command.

Group name

SNMP group name.

·     If the community is created by using the snmp-agent community command in VACM mode, the group name is the same as the community name.

·     If the community is created by using the snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } command, the name of the group that has the user is displayed.

Role name

User role name for the community.

If the community is created by using the snmp-agent community command in RBAC mode, a user role can be bound to the community name.


Number of the ACL.

This field is displayed only when an ACL number is specified for the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community.

ACL name

Name of the ACL.

This field is displayed only when an ACL name is specified for the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community.


Number of the IPv6 ACL.

This field is displayed only when an IPv6 ACL number is specified for the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community.

IPV6 ACL name

Name of the IPv6 ACL.

This field is displayed only when an IPv6 ACL name is specified for the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community.


Storage type:

·     volatile—Settings are lost when the system reboots.

·     nonVolatile—Settings remain after the system reboots.

·     permanent—Settings remain after the system reboots and can be modified but not deleted.

·     readOnlySettings remain after the system reboots and cannot be modified or deleted.

·     other—Any other storage type.

Context name

SNMP context:

·     If a mapping between the SNMP community and an SNMP context is configured, the SNMP context is displayed.

·     If no mapping between the SNMP community and an SNMP context exists, this field is empty.


Related commands

snmp-agent community

snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c }

display snmp-agent context

Use display snmp-agent context to display SNMP contexts.


display snmp-agent context [ context-name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




context-name: Specifies an SNMP context by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays all SNMP contexts.


# Display all SNMP contexts.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent context


Related commands

snmp-agent context

display snmp-agent group

Use display snmp-agent group to display information about SNMP groups.


display snmp-agent group [ group-name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




group-name: Specifies an SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3 group name in non-FIPS mode, and an SNMPv3 group name in FIPS mode. It is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify a group, this command displays information about all SNMP groups.


# Display information about all SNMP groups.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent group

   Group name: groupv3

       Security model: v3 noAuthnoPriv

       Readview: ViewDefault

       Writeview: <no specified>

       Notifyview: <no specified>

       Storage-type: nonvolatile

ACL name: testacl

Table 2 Command output



Group name

SNMP group name.

Security model

Security model of the SNMP group:

·     authPriv—Authentication with privacy.

·     authNoPriv—Authentication without privacy.

·     noAuthNoPriv—No authentication, no privacy.

Security model of an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c group can only be noAuthNoPriv.


Read-only MIB view accessible to the SNMP group.


Write MIB view accessible to the SNMP group.


Notify MIB view for the SNMP group. The SNMP users in the group can send notifications only for the nodes in the notify MIB view.


Storage type, including volatile, nonvolatile, permanent, readOnly, and other. For more information, see Table 1.


Number of the IPv4 ACL.

This field appears only when an IPv4 ACL is specified for the SNMP group.

ACL name

Name of the ACL.

This field appears only when an ACL is specified for the SNMP group.


Number of the IPv6 ACL.

This field appears only when an IPv6 ACL is specified for the SNMP group.

IPV6 ACL name

Name of the IPv6 ACL.

This field appears only when an IPv6 ACL is specified for the SNMP group.


Related commands

snmp-agent group

display snmp-agent local-engineid

Use display snmp-agent local-engineid to display the local SNMP engine ID.


display snmp-agent local-engineid


Any view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

Every SNMP entity has one SNMP engine to provide services for sending and receiving messages, authenticating and encrypting messages, and controlling access to managed objects.

An SNMP engine ID uniquely identifies an SNMP entity in an SNMP domain.


# Display the local SNMP engine ID.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent local-engineid

   SNMP local engine ID: 800063A2800084E52BED7900000001

Related commands

snmp-agent local-engineid

display snmp-agent mib-node

Use display snmp-agent mib-node to display SNMP MIB node information.


display snmp-agent mib-node [ details | index-node | trap-node | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




details: Specifies detailed MIB node information, including node name, last octet of an OID string, and name of the next leaf node.

index-node: Specifies SNMP MIB tables, and node names and OIDs of MIB index nodes.

trap-node: Specifies node names and OIDs of MIB notification nodes, and node names and OIDs of notification objects.

verbose: Specifies detailed information about SNMP MIB nodes, including node names, OIDs, node types, permissions to MIB nodes, data types, MORs, and parent, child, and sibling nodes.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any keywords, this command displays information about all SNMP MIB nodes, including node name, OID, and permissions to MIB nodes.

The SNMP software package includes different MIB files. Support for MIBs varies by SNMP software versions.


# Display SNMP MIB node information.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent mib-node








Table 3 Command output




MIB node name


MIB node OID


Access right to the MIB node:

·     NA—Not accessible

·     NF—Notifications

·     RO—Read-only access

·     RW—Read and write access

·     RC—Read-write-create access

·     WO—Write-only access


Leaf node or MIB table node


# Display detailed MIB node information.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent mib-node details








Table 4 Command output




MIB node name


Last bit of the MIB OID string


Name of the leaf node


Leaf node or MIB table node


# Display MIB table names, and node names and OIDs of MIB index nodes.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent mib-node index-node


Table          |dot1xPaePortTable                                              

Index          ||dot1xPaePortNumber                                            

OID            |||  1.0.8802.


Table 5 Command output




MIB table name


MIB index node name


MIB index node OID


# Display names and OIDs of MIB notification nodes, and names and OIDs of notification objects.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent mib-node trap-node



Name          |lldpRemTablesChange

OID           ||1.0.8802.

Trap Object

Name          |||lldpStatsRemTablesInserts

OID           ||||1.0.8802.

Name          |||lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes

OID           ||||1.0.8802.

Name          |||lldpStatsRemTablesDrops

OID           ||||1.0.8802.

Name          |||lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts

OID           ||||1.0.8802.


Table 6 Command output




MIB notification node name


MIB notification node OID

Trap Object

Name and OID of a notification object


# Display detailed information about SNMP MIB nodes, including node names, OIDs, node types, permissions to MIB nodes, data types, MORs, and parent, child, and sibling nodes.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent mib-node verbose



Name          |iso                                                             

OID           ||1                                                              

Properties    ||NodeType:   Other                                              

              ||AccessType: NA                                                 

              ||DataType:   NA                                                 

              ||MOR:        0x00000000                                          

Parent        ||                                                               

First child   ||std                                                            

Next leaf     ||dot1xPaeSystemAuthControl                                       

Next sibling  ||


Table 7 Command output




MIB node name.


MIB node OID.


MIB node properties.


MIB node type:

·     Table—Table node.

·     Row—Row node in a MIB table.

·     Column—Column node in a MIB table.

·     Leaf—Leaf node.

·     Group—Group node (parent node of a leaf node).

·     Trapnode—Notification node.

·     Other—Other node type.


Access right to the MIB node:

·     NA—Not accessible.

·     NF—Supports notifications.

·     RO—Supports read-only access.

·     RW—Supports read and write access.

·     RC—Supports read-write-create access.

·     WO—Supports write-only access.


Data type of the MIB node:

·     Integer—An integer.

·     Integer32—A 32-bit integer.

·     Unsigned32—A 32-bit integer with no mathematical sign.

·     Gauge—A non-negative integer that might increase or decrease.

·     Gauge32—A 32-bit non-negative integer that might increase or decrease.

·     Counter—A non-negative integer that might increase but not decrease.

·     Counter32—A 32-bit non-negative integer that might increase but not decrease.

·     Counter64—A 64-bit non-negative integer that might increase but not decrease.

·     Timeticks—A non-negative integer for time keeping.

·     Octstring—An octal string.

·     OID—Object identifier.

·     IPaddress—A 32-bit IP address.

·     Networkaddress—A network IP address.

·     Opaque—Any data.

·     Userdefined—User-defined data.

·     BITS—Bit enumeration.

·     NA—Other data type.


MOR for the MIB node.


Name of the parent node.

First child

Name of the first leaf node.

Next leaf

Name of the next leaf node.

Next sibling

Name of the next sibling node.


Operation types allowed:

·     get/set/getnext—All operations.

·     get—Get operation.

·     set—Set operation.

·     getnext—GetNext operation.

Value range

Value range of the MIB node.


Table index. This field appears only for a table node.


display snmp-agent mib-view

Use display snmp-agent mib-view to display MIB views.


display snmp-agent mib-view [ exclude | include | viewname view-name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




exclude: Displays the subtrees excluded from any MIB view.

include: Displays the subtrees included in any MIB view.

viewname view-name: Displays information about the specified MIB view. The view-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays all MIB views.


# Display all MIB views.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent mib-view

   View name: ViewDefault

       MIB Subtree: iso

       Subtree mask:

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       View Type: included

       View status: active


   View name: ViewDefault

       MIB Subtree: snmpUsmMIB

       Subtree mask:

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       View Type: excluded

       View status: active


   View name: ViewDefault

       MIB Subtree: snmpVacmMIB

       Subtree mask:

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       View Type: excluded

       View status: active


   View name: ViewDefault

       MIB Subtree: snmpModules.18

       Subtree mask:

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       View Type: excluded

       View status: active

ViewDefault is the default MIB view. The output shows that except for the MIB objects in the snmpUsmMIB, snmpVacmMIB, and snmpModules.18 subtrees, all the MIB objects in the iso subtree are accessible.

Table 8 Command output



View name

MIB view name.

MIB Subtree

MIB subtree covered by the MIB view.

Subtree mask

MIB subtree mask.


Type of the medium (see Table 1) where the subtree view is stored.

View Type

Access privilege for the MIB subtree in the MIB view:

·     Included—All objects in the MIB subtree are accessible in the MIB view.

·     Excluded—None of the objects in the MIB subtree is accessible in the MIB view.

View status

Status of the MIB view:

·     active—MIB view is effective.

·     inactive—MIB view is ineffective. The objects in the MIB view are not accessible, but they can send notifications.


Related commands

snmp-agent mib-view

display snmp-agent remote

Use display snmp-agent remote to display engine IDs of the remote SNMP entities.


display snmp-agent remote [ { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




ipv4-address: Specifies a remote SNMP entity by its IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies a remote SNMP entity by its IPv6 address.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the remote SNMP entity belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the remote SNMP entity belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.

Usage guidelines

Every SNMP entity has one SNMP engine to provide services for sending and receiving messages, authenticating and encrypting messages, and controlling access to managed objects.

An SNMP engine ID uniquely identifies an SNMP entity in an SNMP domain.

If you do not specify a remote SNMP entity, this command displays the engine IDs of all remote SNMP entities.


# Display engine IDs of all remote SNMP entities.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent remote

   Remote engineID: 800063A28000A0FC00580400000001

       IPv4 address:

       VPN instance: vpn1

Table 9 Command output



Remote engineID

Remote SNMP engine ID you have configured using the snmp-agent remote command.

IPv4 address

IPv4 address of the remote SNMP entity.

IPv6 address

IPv6 address of the remote SNMP entity. This field is displayed if the remote SNMP entity is configured with an IPv6 address.

VPN instance

This field is available only if a VPN instance has been specified for the remote SNMP entity in the snmp-agent remote command.


Related commands

snmp-agent remote

display snmp-agent statistics

Use display snmp-agent statistics to display SNMP message statistics.


display snmp-agent statistics


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display SNMP message statistics.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent statistics

  1684 messages delivered to the SNMP entity.

  5 messages were for an unsupported version.

  0 messages used an unknown SNMP community name.

  0 messages represented an illegal operation for the community supplied.

  0 ASN.1 or BER errors in the process of decoding.

  1679 messages passed from the SNMP entity.

  0 SNMP PDUs had badValue error-status.

  0 SNMP PDUs had genErr error-status.

  0 SNMP PDUs had noSuchName error-status.

  0 SNMP PDUs had tooBig error-status (Maximum packet size 1500).

  16544 MIB objects retrieved successfully.

  2 MIB objects altered successfully.

  7 GetRequest-PDU accepted and processed.

  7 GetNextRequest-PDU accepted and processed.

  1653 GetBulkRequest-PDU accepted and processed.

  1669 GetResponse-PDU accepted and processed.

  2 SetRequest-PDU accepted and processed.

  0 Trap PDUs accepted and processed.

  0 alternate Response Class PDUs dropped silently.

  0 forwarded Confirmed Class PDUs dropped silently.

Table 10 Command output



messages delivered to the SNMP entity

Number of messages that the SNMP agent has received.

messages were for an unsupported version

Number of messages that are not supported by the SNMP agent version.

messages used an unknown SNMP community name

Number of messages that used an unknown SNMP community name.

messages represented an illegal operation for the community supplied

Number of messages carrying an operation that the community has no right to perform.

ASN.1 or BER errors in the process of decoding

Number of messages that had ASN.1 or BER errors during decoding.

messages passed from the SNMP entity

Number of messages sent by the SNMP agent.

SNMP PDUs had badValue error-status

Number of PDUs with a BadValue error.

SNMP PDUs had genErr error-status

Number of PDUs with a genErr error.

SNMP PDUs had noSuchName error-status

Number of PDUs with a NoSuchName error.

SNMP PDUs had tooBig error-status

Number of PDUs with a TooBig error (the maximum packet size is 1500 bytes).

MIB objects retrieved successfully

Number of MIB objects that have been successfully retrieved.

MIB objects altered successfully

Number of MIB objects that have been successfully modified.

GetRequest-PDU accepted and processed

Number of GetRequest requests that have been received and processed.

GetNextRequest-PDU accepted and processed

Number of getNext requests that have been received and processed.

GetBulkRequest-PDU accepted and processed

Number of getBulk requests that have been received and processed.

GetResponse-PDU accepted and processed

Number of get responses that have been received and processed.

SetRequest-PDU accepted and processed

Number of set requests that have been received and processed.

Trap PDUs accepted and processed

Number of notifications that have been received and processed.

alternate Response Class PDUs dropped silently

Number of dropped response packets.

forwarded Confirmed Class PDUs dropped silently

Number of forwarded packets that have been dropped.


display snmp-agent sys-info

Use display snmp-agent sys-info to display SNMP agent system information.


display snmp-agent sys-info [ contact | location | version ] *


Any view

Predefined user roles




contact: Displays the system contact.

location: Displays the physical location of the device.

version: Displays the SNMP agent version.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any keywords, this command displays all SNMP agent system information.


# Display all SNMP agent system information.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent sys-info

   The contact information of the agent:

       New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.


   The location information of the agent:

       Hangzhou, China


   The SNMP version of the agent:


Related commands

snmp-agent sys-info

display snmp-agent trap queue

Use display snmp-agent trap queue to display basic information about the trap queue.


display snmp-agent trap queue


Any view

Predefined user roles




# Display the trap queue configuration and usage status.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent trap queue

   Queue size: 100

   Message number: 6

Related commands

snmp-agent trap life

snmp-agent trap queue-size

display snmp-agent trap-list

Use display snmp-agent trap-list to display SNMP notifications enabling status for modules.


display snmp-agent trap-list


Any view

Predefined user roles



Usage guidelines

If a module has multiple sub-modules and SNMP notifications are enabled for one of its sub-modules, the command output shows that the module is SNMP notifications-enabled.

To determine whether a module supports SNMP notifications, execute the snmp-agent trap enable ? command.

The display snmp-agent trap-list command output varies by the snmp-agent trap enable command configuration and the module configuration.


# Display SNMP notifications enabling status for modules.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent trap-list

   arp notification is disabled.

   configuration notification is enabled.

   mac-address notification is enabled.

   radius notification is disabled.

   standard notification is enabled.

   syslog notification is disabled.

   system notification is enabled.


   Enabled notifications: 4; Disabled notifications: 3

Related commands

snmp-agent trap enable

display snmp-agent usm-user

Use display snmp-agent usm-user to display SNMPv3 user information.


display snmp-agent usm-user [ engineid engineid | group group-name | username user-name ] *


Any view

Predefined user roles




engineid engineid: Specifies an SNMP engine ID. The engine ID is case insensitive. When an SNMPv3 user is created, the system records the local SNMP entity engine ID. The user becomes invalid when the engine ID changes, and it becomes valid again when the recorded engine ID is restored.

group group-name: Specifies an SNMP group by its name. The group name is case sensitive.

username user-name: Specifies an SNMPv3 user by its name. The username is case sensitive.

Usage guidelines

This command displays only SNMPv3 users that you have created by using the snmp-agent usm-user v3 command. To display SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c users created by using the snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } command, use the display snmp-agent community command.


# Display information about all SNMPv3 users.

<Sysname> display snmp-agent usm-user

   Username: userv3

   Group name: mygroupv3

       Engine ID: 800063A203000FE240A1A6

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       UserStatus: active

       ACL: 2000


   Username: userv3

   Group name: mygroupv3

       Engine ID: 8000259503000BB3100A508

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       UserStatus: active

       ACL name: testacl


   Username: userv3code

   Role name: groupv3code


       Engine ID: 800063A203000FE240A1A6

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       UserStatus: active


   Username: userv3code

   Role name: snmprole


       Engine ID: 800063A280000002BB0001

       Storage-type: nonVolatile

       UserStatus: active

Table 11 Command output




SNMP username.

Group name

SNMP group name.

Role name

SNMP user role name.

Engine ID

Engine ID that the SNMP agent used when the SNMP user was created.


Storage type:

·     volatile.

·     nonvolatile.

·     permanent.

·     readOnly.

·     other.

For more information about these storage types, see Table 1.


SNMP user status:

·     active—The SNMP user is effective.

·     notInService—The SNMP user is correctly configured but not activated.

·     notReady—The SNMP user configuration is incomplete.

·     other—Any other status.


Number of the ACL.

This field appears only when an ACL is specified for the SNMPv3 user.

ACL name

Name of the ACL.

This field appears only when an ACL is specified for the SNMPv3 user.


Number of the IPv6 ACL.

This field appears only when an ACL is specified for the SNMPv3 user.

IPV6 ACL name

Name of the IPv6 ACL.

This field appears only when an ACL is specified for the SNMPv3 user.


Related commands

snmp-agent usm-user v3

enable snmp trap updown

Use enable snmp trap updown to enable link state notifications on an interface.

Use undo enable snmp trap updown to disable link state notifications on an interface.


enable snmp trap updown

undo enable snmp trap updown


Link state notifications are enabled.


Interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

For an interface to generate linkUp/linkDown notifications when its state changes, you must also enable the linkUp/linkDown notification function globally by using the snmp-agent trap enable standard [ linkdown | linkup ] * command.


# Enable Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1 to send linkUp/linkDown SNMP traps to in the community public.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable

[Sysname] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public

[Sysname] interface twenty-fivegige 1/0/1

[Sysname-Twenty-FiveGigE1/0/1] enable snmp trap updown

Related commands

snmp-agent target-host

snmp-agent trap enable


Use snmp-agent to enable the SNMP agent.

Use undo snmp-agent to disable the SNMP agent.



undo snmp-agent


The SNMP agent is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

The SNMP agent is automatically enabled when you execute any command that begins with snmp-agent except for the snmp-agent calculate-password command.

The SNMP agent will fail to be enabled when the port that the agent will listen on is used by another service. You can use the snmp-agent port command to specify a listening port. To view the UDP port use information, execute the display udp verbose command.

If you disable the SNMP agent, the SNMP settings do not take effect. The display current-configuration command does not display the SNMP settings and the SNMP settings will not be saved in the configuration file. For the SNMP settings to take effect, enable the SNMP agent.


# Enable the SNMP agent.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent

Related commands

display udp verbose (see IP performance optimization commands in Layer 3—IP Services Configuration Guide)

snmp-agent port

snmp-agent { inform | trap } source

Use snmp-agent { inform | trap } source to specify a source IP address for the informs or traps sent by the SNMP agent.

Use undo snmp-agent { inform | trap } source to restore the default.


snmp-agent { inform | trap } source interface-type { interface-number | interface-number.subnumber }

undo snmp-agent { inform | trap } source


The SNMP agent uses the IP address of the outgoing interface as the source IP address of notifications.


System view

Predefined user roles



inform: Specifies informs.

trap: Specifies traps.

interface-type { interface-number | interface-number.subnumber }‌: Specifies an interface by its type and number. The interface-number argument specifies a main interface number. The subnumber argument specifies a subinterface number in the range of 1 to 4094.

Usage guidelines

The snmp-agent source command enables the SNMP agent to use the primary IP address of an interface or subinterface as the source IP address in all its SNMP informs or traps, regardless of their outgoing interfaces. An NMS can use this IP address to filter all the informs or traps sent by the SNMP agent.

Make sure the specified interface has been created and assigned a valid IP address. The configuration will fail if the interface has not been created and will take effect only after a valid IP address is assigned to the specified interface.


# Configure the primary IP address of Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/1 as the source address of SNMP traps.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap source twenty-fivegige 1/0/1

# Configure the primary IP address of Twenty-FiveGigE 1/0/2 as the source address of SNMP informs.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent inform source twenty-fivegige 1/0/2

Related commands

snmp-agent target-host

snmp-agent trap enable

snmp-agent calculate-password

Use snmp-agent calculate-password to calculate the encrypted form for a key in plaintext form.


In non-FIPS mode:

snmp-agent calculate-password plain-password mode { 3desmd5 | 3dessha | aes192md5 | aes192sha | aes256md5 | aes256sha | md5 | sha } { local-engineid | specified-engineid engineid }

In FIPS mode:

snmp-agent calculate-password plain-password mode { aes192sha | aes256sha | sha } { local-engineid | specified-engineid engineid }


System view

Predefined user roles



plain-password: Specifies a key in plaintext form. The plain-password argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 64 characters.

mode: Specifies an authentication algorithm and encryption algorithm. The device supports the HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithms. The HMAC-MD5 algorithm is faster than the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. The HMAC-SHA1 algorithm provides more security than the HMAC-MD5 algorithm. The AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES, and DES encryption algorithms (in descending order of security strength) are available for the device. A more secure algorithm calculates slower. DES is enough to meet general security requirements.

·     3desmd5: Calculates the encrypted form for the encryption key by using the 3DES encryption algorithm and HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm.

·     3dessha: Calculates the encrypted form for the encryption key by using the 3DES encryption algorithm and HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithm.

·     aes192md5: Calculates the encrypted form for the encryption key by using the AES192 encryption algorithm and the HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm.

·     aes192sha: Calculates the encrypted form for the encryption key by using the AES192 encryption algorithm and the HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithm.

·     aes256md5: Calculates the encrypted form for the encryption key by using the AES256 encryption algorithm and the HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm.

·     aes256 sha: Calculates the encrypted form for the encryption key by using the AES256 encryption algorithm and the HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithm.

·     md5: Calculates the encrypted form for the authentication key or encryption key by using the HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm and AES or DES encryption algorithm. When the HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm is used, you can get the same authentication key or encryption key in encrypted form regardless of whether the AES or DES encryption algorithm is used.

·     sha: Calculates the encrypted form for the authentication key or encryption key by using HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithm and AES or DES encryption algorithm. When the HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithm is used, you can get the same authentication key or encryption key in encrypted form regardless of whether the AES or DES encryption algorithm is used.

local-engineid: Uses the local engine ID to calculate the encrypted form for the key. You can configure the local engine ID by using the snmp-agent local-engineid command.

specified-engineid engineid: Uses a user-defined engine ID to calculate the encrypted form for the key. The engineid argument is an even number of case-insensitive hexadecimal characters. All-zero and all-F strings are invalid. The even number is in the range of 10 to 64.

Usage guidelines

Make sure the SNMP agent is enabled before you execute the snmp-agent calculate-password command.

For security purposes, use the encrypted-form key generated by using this command when you create SNMPv3 users by specifying the cipher keyword in the snmp-agent usm-user v3 command.

The encrypted form of the key is valid only under the engine ID specified for key conversion.


# Use the local engine ID and the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm to calculate the encrypted form for key authkey.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent calculate-password authkey mode sha local-engineid

The encrypted key is: 09659EC5A9AE91BA189E5845E1DDE0CC

Related commands

snmp-agent local-engineid

snmp-agent usm-user v3

snmp-agent configuration-examine interval

Use snmp-agent configuration-examine interval to set the intervals at which the SNMP module examines the system configuration for changes.

Use undo snmp-agent configuration-examine interval to restore the default.


snmp-agent configuration-examine interval interval

undo snmp-agent configuration-examine interval


The SNMP module examines the system configuration for changes at intervals of 600 seconds.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies the intervals at which the SNMP module examines the system configuration for changes, in seconds. The value range in 1 to 86400.

Usage guidelines

This command is supported only in Release 6635 and later.

The SNMP module examines the system running configuration, startup configuration, and next-startup configuration file for changes periodically and generates a log if any change is found. If SNMP notifications for configuration changes has been enabled, the system generates also an SNMP notification.

You can use this command to modify the examination interval.


# Set the intervals at which the SNMP module examines the system configuration for changes to 600 seconds.

<sysname> system-view

[sysname] snmp-agent configuration-examine interval 600

Related commands

snmp-agent trap enable

snmp-agent community

Use snmp-agent community to configure an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community.

Use undo snmp-agent community to delete an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community.


In VACM mode:

snmp-agent community { read | write } [ simple | cipher ] community-name [ mib-view view-name ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent community [ cipher ] community-name

In RBAC mode:

snmp-agent community [ simple | cipher ] community-name user-role role-name [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent community [ cipher ] community-name


No SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c communities exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



read: Assigns the specified community read-only access to MIB objects. A read-only community can only inquire MIB information.

write: Assigns the specified community read and write access to MIB objects. A read and write community can configure MIB information.

simple: Specifies a community name in plaintext form. For security purposes, the community name specified in plaintext form will be stored in encrypted form.

cipher: Specifies a community name in encrypted form.

community-name: Specifies the community name. The plaintext form is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. The encrypted form is a case-sensitive string of 33 to 73 characters. Input a string as escape characters after a backslash (\).

mib-view view-name: Specifies the MIB view available for the community. The view-name argument represents a MIB view name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. A MIB view represents a set of accessible MIB objects. If you do not specify a view, the specified community can access the MIB objects in the default MIB view ViewDefault.

user-role role-name: Specifies a user role name for the community, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

acl: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL for the community.

ipv4-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its number. The basic IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv4-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

acl ipv6: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL for the community.

ipv6-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its number. The basic IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv6-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

Usage guidelines

This command is not available in FIPS mode.

Only users with the network-admin or level-15 user role can execute this command. Users with other user roles cannot execute this command even if these roles are granted access to commands of the SNMP feature or this command.

An SNMP community is identified by a community name. It contains a set of NMSs and SNMP agents. Devices in an SNMP community authenticate each other by using the community name. An NMS and an SNMP agent can communicate only when they use the same community name.

Typically, public is used as the read-only community name and private is used as the read and write community name. To enhance security, you can assign your SNMP communities a name other than public and private.

The snmp-agent community command allows you to use either of the following modes to control SNMP community access to MIB objects:

·     View-based access control model—The VACM mode controls access to MIB objects by assigning MIB views to SNMP communities.

·     Role based access control—The RBAC mode controls access to MIB objects by assigning user roles to SNMP communities.


¡     The network-admin and level-15 user roles have the read and write access to all MIB objects.

¡     The network-operator user role has the read-only access to all MIB objects.

For more information about user roles, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

RBAC mode controls access on a per MIB object basis, and VACM mode controls access on a MIB view basis. As a best practice to enhance MIB security, use RBAC mode.

You can create a maximum of 10 SNMP communities by using the snmp-agent community command.

If you execute the command multiple times to specify the same community name but different other settings each time, the most recent configuration takes effect.

To set and save a community name in plain text, do not specify the simple or cipher keyword.

The ACL is used to filter illegitimate NMSs.

·     If you do not specify an ACL, the specified ACL does not exist, or the specified ACL does not have any rules, all NMSs that use the community name can access the SNMP agent.

·     If you specify an ACL and the ACL has rules, only NMSs permitted by the ACL can access the SNMP agent.

For more information about ACL, see ACL and QoS Configuration Guide.

You can also create an SNMP community by using the snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } and snmp-agent group { v1 | v2c } commands. These two commands create an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c user and the group to which the user is assigned. The system automatically creates an SNMP community by using the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c username as the community name.

The display snmp-agent community command displays information only about communities created and saved in plaintext form.


# Create the read-only community with the plaintext form name readaccess so an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c NMS can use the community name readaccess to read the MIB objects in the default view ViewDefault.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v2c

[Sysname] snmp-agent community read simple readaccess

# Create the read and write community with the plaintext form name writeaccess so only the SNMPv2c NMS at can use the community name writeaccess to read or set the MIB objects in the default view ViewDefault.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] acl basic 2001

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-2001] rule permit source

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-2001] rule deny source any

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-2001] quit

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

[Sysname] snmp-agent community write simple writeaccess acl 2001

# Create the read and write community with the plaintext form name writeaccess so only the SNMPv2c NMS at can use the community name writeaccess to read or set the MIB objects in the default view ViewDefault.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] acl basic name testacl

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-testacl] rule permit source

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-testacl] rule deny source any

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-testacl] quit

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

[Sysname] snmp-agent community write simple writeaccess acl name testacl

# Create the read and write community with the plaintext form name wr-sys-acc so an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c NMS can use the community name wr-sys-acc to read or set the MIB objects in the system subtree (OID

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v2c

[Sysname] undo snmp-agent mib-view ViewDefault

[Sysname] snmp-agent mib-view included test system

[Sysname] snmp-agent community write simple wr-sys-acc mib-view test

Related commands

display snmp-agent community

snmp-agent mib-view

snmp-agent community-map

Use snmp-agent community-map to map an SNMP community to an SNMP context.

Use undo snmp-agent community-map to delete the mapping between an SNMP community and an SNMP context.


snmp-agent community-map community-name context context-name

undo snmp-agent community-map community-name context context-name


No mapping exists between an SNMP community and an SNMP context.


System view

Predefined user roles



community-name: Specifies an SNMP community, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

context-name: Specifies an SNMP context, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

Usage guidelines

This command enables a module on an agent to obtain the context mapped to a community name when an NMS accesses the agent by using SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.

You can configure a maximum of 10 community-context mappings on the device.


# Map SNMP community private to SNMP context trillcontext.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent community-map private context testcontext

Related commands

display snmp-agent community

snmp-agent context

Use snmp-agent context to create an SNMP context.

Use undo snmp-agent context to delete an SNMP context.


snmp-agent context context-name

undo snmp-agent context context-name


No SNMP contexts exist.


System view

Predefined use roles



context-name: Specifies an SNMP context, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

Usage guidelines

For an NMS and an SNMP agent to communicate, configure the same SNMP context for them or do not configure a context for the NMS.

You can create a maximum of 20 SNMP contexts.


# Create SNMP context trillcontext.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent context testcontext

Related commands

display snmp-agent context

snmp-agent group

Use snmp-agent group to create an SNMP group.

Use undo snmp-agent group to delete an SNMP group.


In non-FIPS mode:

·     SNMPv1 and SNMP v2c:

snmp-agent group { v1 | v2c } group-name [ notify-view view-name | read-view view-name | write-view view-name ] * [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent group { v1 | v2c } group-name

·     SNMPv3:

snmp-agent group v3 group-name [ authentication | privacy ] [ notify-view view-name | read-view view-name | write-view view-name ] * [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent group v3 group-name [ authentication | privacy ]

In FIPS mode:

snmp-agent group v3 group-name { authentication | privacy } [ notify-view view-name | read-view view-name | write-view view-name ] * [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent group v3 group-name { authentication | privacy }


No SNMP groups exist.


System view

Predefined use roles



v1: Specifies SNMPv1.

v2c: Specifies SNMPv2c.

v3: Specifies SNMPv3.

group-name: Specifies an SNMP group name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

authentication: Specifies the authentication without privacy security model for the SNMPv3 group.

privacy: Specifies the authentication with privacy security model for the SNMPv3 group.

read-view view-name: Specifies a read-only MIB view by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify a read-only MIB view, the SNMP group has read access to the default view ViewDefault.

notify-view view-name: Specifies a notify MIB view by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. By default, no notify MIB view is configured.

write-view view-name: Specifies a read and write MIB view by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. If you do not specify a read and write view, the SNMP group cannot set any MIB object on the SNMP agent.

acl: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL for the group.

ipv4-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its number. The basic IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv4-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

acl ipv6: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL for the group.

ipv6-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its number. The basic IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv6-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

Usage guidelines

SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c settings in this command are not supported in FIPS mode.

Only users with the network-admin or level-15 user role can execute this command. Users with other user roles cannot execute this command even if these roles are granted access to commands of the SNMP feature or this command.

All users in an SNMP group share the security model and access rights of the group.

You can create a maximum of 20 SNMP groups, including SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 groups.

All SNMPv3 users in a group share the same security model, but can use different authentication and encryption key settings. To implement a security model for a user and avoid SNMP communication failures, make sure the security model configuration for the group and the security key settings for the user are compliant with Table 12 and match the settings on the NMS.

Table 12 Basic security setting requirements for different security models

Security model

Security model keyword for the group

Security key settings for the user


Authentication with privacy


Authentication key, encryption key

If the authentication key or the encryption key is not configured, SNMP communication will fail.

Authentication without privacy


Authentication key

If no authentication key is configured, SNMP communication will fail.

The encryption key (if any) for the user does not take effect.

No authentication, no privacy

Neither authentication nor privacy


The authentication and encryption keys, if configured, do not take effect.


You can specify an ACL for the user and group, respectively, to filter illegitimate NMSs. Only the NMSs permitted by the ACLs for both the user and group can access the SNMP agent. The following rules apply to the ACLs for the user and group:

·     If you do not specify an ACL, the specified ACL does not exist, or the specified ACL does not have any rules, all NMSs that use the username can access the SNMP agent.

·     If you have specified an ACL and the ACL has rules, only the NMSs permitted by the ACL can access the agent.

For more information about ACL, see ACL and QoS Configuration Guide.


# Create the SNMPv3 group group1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3 group1

Related commands

display snmp-agent group

snmp-agent mib-view

snmp-agent usm-user

snmp-agent local-engineid

Use snmp-agent local-engineid to set an SNMP engine ID.

Use undo snmp-agent local-engineid to restore the default.


snmp-agent local-engineid engineid

undo snmp-agent local-engineid


The SNMP engine ID of the device is the company ID plus the device ID.


System view

Predefined user roles



engineid: Specifies an SNMP engine ID, a case-insensitive hexadecimal string. Its length is an even number in the range of 10 to 64. All-zero and all-F strings are invalid.

Usage guidelines

An SNMP engine ID uniquely identifies a device in an SNMP managed network. Make sure the local SNMP engine ID is unique within your SNMP managed network to avoid communication problems.

If you have configured SNMPv3 users, change the local SNMP engine ID only when necessary. The change can void the SNMPv3 usernames and encrypted keys you have configured.

You can use the default engine ID or configure an easy-to-remember engine ID based on the network plan. For example, you can set the engine ID for device 1 on the first floor of building A to 000Af0010001 and device 2 to 000Af0010002.


# Set the local SNMP engine ID to 123456789A.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent local-engineid 123456789A

Related commands

display snmp-agent local-engineid

snmp-agent usm-user

snmp-agent log

Use snmp-agent log to enable SNMP logging.

Use undo snmp-agent log to disable SNMP logging.


snmp-agent log { all | authfail | get-operation | set-operation }

undo snmp-agent log { all | authfail | get-operation | set-operation }


SNMP logging is enabled for set operations and disabled for SNMP authentication failures and get operations.


System view

Predefined user roles



all: Enables logging SNMP authentication failures, Get operations,  and Set operations.

authfail: Enables logging SNMP authentication failures.

get-operation: Enables logging SNMP Get operations.

set-operation: Enables logging SNMP Set operations.

Usage guidelines

Use SNMP logging to record the SNMP operations performed on the SNMP agent or authentication failures from the NMS to the agent for auditing NMS behaviors. The SNMP agent sends log data to the information center. You can configure the information center to output the data to a destination as needed.


# Enable logging SNMP Get operations.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent log get-operation

# Enable logging SNMP Set operations.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent log set-operation

# Enable logging SNMP authentication failures.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent log authfail

snmp-agent mib-view

Use snmp-agent mib-view to create or update a MIB view.

Use undo snmp-agent mib-view to delete a MIB view.


snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view-name oid-tree [ mask mask-value ]

undo snmp-agent mib-view view-name


The system creates the ViewDefault view when the SNMP agent is enabled. In this default MIB view, all MIB objects in the iso subtree but the snmpUsmMIB, snmpVacmMIB, and snmpModules.18 subtrees are accessible.


System view

Predefined user roles



excluded: Denies access to any node in the specified MIB subtree.

included: Permits access to all the nodes in the specified MIB subtree.

view-name: Specifies a view name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

oid-tree: Specifies a MIB subtree by its root node's OID (for example, or object name (for example, system). The oid-tree argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters. An OID is a dotted numeric string that uniquely identifies an object in the MIB tree.

mask mask-value: Sets a MIB subtree mask, a case-insensitive hexadecimal string. Its length is an even number in the range of 1 to 32.

Usage guidelines

A MIB view represents a set of MIB objects (or MIB object hierarchies) with certain access privilege. The MIB objects included in the MIB view are accessible while those excluded from the MIB view are inaccessible.

Each view-name oid-tree pair represents a view record. If you specify the same record with different MIB subtree masks multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.

Be cautious with deleting the default MIB view. The operation blocks the access to any MIB object on the device from NMSs that use the default view.


# Include the mib-2 (OID subtree in the mibtest view and exclude the system subtree from this view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v1

[Sysname] snmp-agent mib-view included mibtest

[Sysname] snmp-agent mib-view excluded mibtest system

[Sysname] snmp-agent community read public mib-view mibtest

An SNMPv1 NMS in the public community can query the objects in the mib-2 subtree but not any object (for example, the sysDescr or sysObjectID node) in the system subtree.

Related commands

display snmp-agent mib-view

snmp-agent group

snmp-agent packet max-size

Use snmp-agent packet max-size to set the maximum size (in bytes) of SNMP packets that an SNMP agent can receive or send.

Use undo snmp-agent packet max-size to restore the default.


snmp-agent packet max-size byte-count

undo snmp-agent packet max-size


An SNMP agent can process SNMP packets with a maximum size of 1500 bytes.


System view

Predefined user roles



byte-count: Sets the maximum size (in bytes) of SNMP packets that the SNMP agent can receive or send. The value range is 484 to 17940.

Usage guidelines

If any device on the path to the NMS does not support packet fragmentation, limit the SNMP packet size to prevent large-sized packets from being discarded. For most networks, the default value is sufficient.


# Set the maximum SNMP packet size to 1024 bytes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent packet max-size 1024

snmp-agent packet response dscp

Use snmp-agent packet response dscp to set the DSCP value for SNMP responses.

Use undo snmp-agent packet response dscp to restore the default.


snmp-agent packet response dscp dscp-value

undo snmp-agent packet response dscp


The DSCP value for SNMP responses is 0.


System view

Predefined user roles



dscp-value: Sets the DSCP value for SNMP responses, in the range of 0 to 63. A greater DSCP value represents a higher priority.

Usage guidelines

The DSCP value is encapsulated in the ToS field of an IP packet. It specifies the priority level of the packet and affects the transmission priority of the packet.


# # Set the DSCP value to 40 for SNMP responses.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent packet response dscp 40

snmp-agent port

Use snmp-agent port to specify an SNMP listening port.

Use undo snmp-agent port to restore the default.


snmp-agent port port-number

undo snmp-agent port


The SNMP listening port is UDP port 161.


System view

Predefined user roles



port-number: Specifies an SNMP listening port by its number in the range of 1 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

The SNMP agent will fail to be enabled when the port that the agent will listen on is used by another service. You can use the snmp-agent port command to change the SNMP listening port. As a best practice, execute the display udp verbose command to view the UDP port use information before specifying a new SNMP listening port.

After you change the SNMP listening port, the NMS can perform SNMP set and get operations on the device only after reconnecting the device by using the new port number.


# Specify 5555 as the SNMP listening port.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent port 5555

Related commands

display udp verbose (see IP performance optimization commands in Layer 3—IP Services Configuration Guide)

snmp-agent remote

Use snmp-agent remote to set an SNMP engine ID for a remote SNMP entity.

Use undo snmp-agent remote to delete the SNMP engine ID of a remote SNMP entity.


snmp-agent remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] engineid engineid

undo snmp-agent remote ip-address


No SNMP engine IDs are configured for remote SNMP entities.


System view

Predefined user roles



ipv4-address: Specifies a remote SNMP entity by its IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6-address: Specifies a remote SNMP entity by its IPv6 address.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the remote SNMP entity belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name. a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the SNMP entity belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.

engineid: Specifies the SNMP engine ID of the remote SNMP entity. This argument is a case-insensitive hexadecimal string. Its length is an even number in the range of 10 to 64. All-zero and all-F strings are invalid.

Usage guidelines

To send informs to an NMS, you must configure the SNMP engine ID of the NMS on the SNMP agent.

The NMS accepts the SNMPv3 informs from the SNMP agent only if the engine ID in the informs is the same as its local engine ID.

You can configure a maximum of 20 remote SNMP engine IDs.


# Set the SNMP engine ID to 123456789A for the remote entity

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent remote engineid 123456789A

Related commands

display snmp-agent remote

snmp-agent sys-info contact

Use snmp-agent sys-info contact to configure the system contact.

Use undo snmp-agent sys-info contact to restore the default contact.


snmp-agent sys-info contact sys-contact

undo snmp-agent sys-info contact


The system contact is New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd..


System view

Predefined user roles



sys-contact: Specifies the system contact, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.

Usage guidelines

Configure the system contact for system maintenance and management.


# Configure the system contact as Dial System Operator # 27345.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info contact Dial System Operator # 27345

Related commands

display snmp-agent sys-info

snmp-agent sys-info location

Use snmp-agent sys-info location to configure the system location.

Use undo snmp-agent sys-info location to restore the default location.


snmp-agent sys-info location sys-location

undo snmp-agent sys-info location


The system location is Hangzhou, China.


System view

Predefined user roles



sys-location: Specifies the system location, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.

Usage guidelines

Configure the location of the device for system maintenance and management.


# Configure the system location as Room524-row1-3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info location Room524-row1-3

Related commands

display snmp-agent sys-info

snmp-agent sys-info version

Use snmp-agent sys-info version to enable SNMP versions.

Use undo snmp-agent sys-info version to disable SNMP versions.


In non-FIPS mode:

snmp-agent sys-info contact version { all | { v1 | v2c | v3 } * }

undo snmp-agent sys-info version { all | { v1 | v2c | v3 } * }

In FIPS mode:

snmp-agent sys-info version v3

undo snmp-agent sys-info version v3


SNMPv3 is enabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



all: Specifies SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.

v1: Specifies SNMPv1.

v2c: Specifies SNMPv2c.

v3: Specifies SNMPv3.

Usage guidelines

SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c settings in this command are not supported in FIPS mode.

Configure the SNMP agent with the same SNMP version as the NMS for successful communications between them.

The community name and data carried in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 messages are in plaintext form. For security, use SNMPv3 as a best practice.

To use SNMP notifications in IPv6, enable SNMPv2c or SNMPv3.


# Enable SNMPv3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v3

Related commands

display snmp-agent sys-info

snmp-agent target-host

Use snmp-agent target-host to configure an SNMP notification target host.

Use undo snmp-agent target-host to remove an SNMP notification target host.


·     In non-FIPS mode:

¡     In versions earlier than Release 6635:

snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string { v2c | v3 [ authentication | privacy ] }

snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ dscp dscp-value ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string [ v1 | v2c | v3 [ authentication | privacy ] ]

undo snmp-agent target-host { trap | inform } address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } params securityname security-string [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

¡     In Release 6635 and later:

snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params { cipher-securityname cipher-security-string v2c | securityname security-string { v2c | v3 [ authentication | privacy ] } }

snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ dscp dscp-value ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params { cipher-securityname cipher-security-string [ v1 | v2c ] | securityname security-string [ v1 | v2c | v3 [ authentication | privacy ] ] }

undo snmp-agent target-host { trap | inform } address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } params { cipher-securityname cipher-security-string | securityname security-string } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]

·     In FIPS mode:

snmp-agent target-host inform address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string v3 { authentication | privacy }

snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } [ udp-port port-number ] [ dscp dscp-value ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string v3 { authentication | privacy }

undo snmp-agent target-host { trap | inform } address udp-domain { ipv4-target-host | ipv6 ipv6-target-host } params securityname security-string [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]


No SNMP notification target hosts exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



inform: Specifies a host that receives informs.

trap: Specifies a host that receives traps.

address: Specifies the destination address of SNMP notifications.

udp-domain: Specifies UDP as the transport protocol.

ipv4-target-host: Specifies a target host by its IPv4 address or host name. The host name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters. The string can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and dots (.). If you specify a host name, the IPv4 address of the target host can be obtained.

ipv6 ipv6-target-host: Specifies a target host by its IPv6 address or host name. The host name is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 253 characters, which only contains letters, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and dots (.). If you specify a host name, the IPv6 address of the target host can be obtained. If you specify an IPv6 address, the address cannot be a link local address.

udp-port port-number: Specifies the UDP port for SNMP notifications. The default port number is 162.

dscp-value: Sets the DSCP value for traps sent to the target host, in the range of 0 to 63. The DSCP value is encapsulated in the ToS field of an IP packet. It specifies the priority level of the packet and affects the transmission priority of the packet. A greater DSCP value represents a higher priority. The default DSCP value for traps is 0.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the target host belongs. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the target host belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.

params: Configures authentication parameters. (This keyword is supported only in Release 6635 and later.)

cipher-securityname cipher-security-string: Specifies a plaintext or ciphertext authentication parameter. For security purposes, the authentication parameter is saved in ciphertext. The cipher-security-string argument specifies an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community name. It can be a string of 1 to 32 characters in plain text or a string of 33 to 73 characters in ciphertext. (This option is supported only in Release 6635 and later.)

securityname security-string: Specifies a plaintext authentication parameter. The security-string argument specifies an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community name or an SNMPv3 username. It is a string of 1 to 32 characters in plain text. (This option is supported only in Release 6635 and later.)

params securityname security-string: Specifies the authentication parameter. The security-string argument specifies an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community name or an SNMPv3 username, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

v1: Specifies SNMPv1.

v2c: Specifies SNMPv2c.

v3: Specifies SNMPv3.

·     authentication: Specifies the security model to be authentication without privacy. You must specify the authentication key when you create the SNMPv3 user.

·     privacy: Specifies the security model to be authentication with privacy. You must specify the authentication key and encryption key when you create the SNMPv3 user.

Usage guidelines

You can specify multiple SNMP notification target hosts.

Make sure the SNMP agent uses the same UDP port for SNMP notifications as the target host. Typically, NMSs, for example, IMC and MIB Browser, use port 162 for SNMP notifications as defined in the SNMP protocols.

If none of the keywords v1, v2c, or v3 is specified, SNMPv1 is used. Make sure the SNMP agent uses the same SNMP version as the target host so the host can receive the notification.

If neither authentication nor privacy is specified, the security model is no authentication, no privacy.


# Configure the SNMP agent to send SNMPv3 traps to by using the username public.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable standard

[Sysname] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public v3

Related commands

snmp-agent { inform | trap } source

snmp-agent trap enable

snmp-agent trap life

snmp-agent trap enable

Use snmp-agent trap enable to enable SNMP notifications.

Use undo snmp-agent trap enable to disable SNMP notifications.


snmp-agent trap enable [ configuration | protocol | standard [ authentication | coldstart | linkdown | linkup | warmstart ] * | system ]

undo snmp-agent trap enable [ configuration | protocol | standard [ authentication | coldstart | linkdown | linkup | warmstart ] * | system ]


SNMP configuration notifications, standard notifications, and system notifications are enabled. Whether other SNMP notifications are enabled varies by module.


System view

Predefined user roles



configuration: Specifies configuration notifications. If configuration notifications are enabled, the system checks the running configuration and the startup configuration every 10 minutes for any change and generates a notification for the most recent change.

protocol: Specifies protocol module notifications. You can use the snmp-agent trap enable ? command to obtain the value of this argument. For more information about this argument, see the command reference for each module.

standard: Specifies SNMP standard notifications.

Table 13 Standard SNMP notifications




Authentication failure notification sent when an NMS fails to be authenticated by the SNMP agent.


Notification sent when the device restarts.


Notification sent when the link of a port goes down.


Notification sent when the link of a port comes up.


Notification sent when the SNMP agent restarts.


system: Specifies system notifications sent when the system time is modified, the system reboots, or the main system software image is not available.

Usage guidelines

To report critical protocol events to an NMS, first enable the protocol and then enable SNMP notifications for the protocol.

To use SNMP notifications in IPv6, enable SNMPv2c or SNMPv3.

For SNMP notifications to be sent correctly, you must also configure the notification sending parameters as required.

If no optional parameters are specified, this command or its undo form enables or disables all SNMP notifications supported by the device.


# Enable the SNMP agent to send SNMP authentication failure notifications.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable standard authentication

Related commands

snmp-agent sys-info version

snmp-agent target-host

snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended

Use snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended to configure the SNMP agent to send extended linkUp/linkDown notifications.

Use undo snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended to restore the default.


snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended

undo snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended


The SNMP agent sends standard linkUp/linkDown notifications.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Extended linkUp and linkDown notifications add interface description and interface type to the standard linkUp/linkDown notifications for fast failure point identification.

When you use this command, make sure the NMS supports the extended linkup and linkDown notifications.


# Enable extended linkUp/linkDown notifications.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended

snmp-agent trap life

Use snmp-agent trap life to set the lifetime of notifications in the SNMP notification queue.

Use undo snmp-agent trap life to restore the default notification lifetime.


snmp-agent trap life seconds

undo snmp-agent trap life


The SNMP notification lifetime is 120 seconds.


System view

Predefined user roles



seconds: Sets a lifetime in the range of 1 to 2592000, in seconds.

Usage guidelines

When congestion occurs, the SNMP agent buffers notifications in a queue. The notification lifetime sets how long a notification can stay in the queue. A notification is deleted when its lifetime expires.


# Set the SNMP notification lifetime to 60 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap life 60

Related commands

snmp-agent target-host

snmp-agent trap enable

snmp-agent trap queue-size

snmp-agent trap log

Use snmp-agent trap log to enable SNMP notification logging.

Use undo snmp-agent trap log to disable SNMP notification logging.


snmp-agent trap log

undo snmp-agent trap log


SNMP notification logging is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

Use SNMP notification logging to record SNMP notifications sent by the SNMP agent for notification tracking. The SNMP agent sends the logs to the information center. You can configure the information center to output the logs to a destination as needed.


# Enable SNMP notification logging.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap log

snmp-agent trap periodical-interval

Use snmp-agent trap periodical-interval to enable SNMP alive traps and set the sending interval.

Use undo snmp-agent trap periodical-interval to restore the default.


snmp-agent trap periodical-interval interval

undo snmp-agent trap periodical-interval


SNMP alive traps is enabled and the sending interval is 60 seconds.


System view

Predefined user roles



interval: Specifies an interval for sending SNMP alive traps. The value is 0 or is in the range of 10 to 3600, in seconds. Setting this argument to 0 disables SNMP alive traps.

Usage guidelines

This command enables the device to send SNMP alive traps to the NMS at a specified interval to inform the NMS that SNMP is operating correctly on the device.


# Enable SNMP alive traps and set the sending interval to 10 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap periodical-interval 10

# Disable SNMP alive traps.

<Sysname> system-view

[sysname] snmp-agent trap periodical-interval 0

Related commands

snmp-agent target-host

snmp-agent trap enable

snmp-agent trap queue-size

Use snmp-agent trap queue-size to set the SNMP notification queue size.

Use undo snmp-agent trap queue-size to restore the default queue size.


snmp-agent trap queue-size size

undo snmp-agent trap queue-size


The SNMP notification queue can store a maximum of 100 notifications.


System view

Predefined user roles



size: Specifies the maximum number of notifications that the SNMP notification queue can hold. The value range is 1 to 1000.

Usage guidelines

When congestion occurs, the SNMP agent buffers notifications in a queue. SNMP notification queue size sets the maximum number of notifications that this queue can hold.

When the queue size is reached, the system discards the new notification it receives.

If modification of the queue size causes the number of notifications in the queue to exceed the queue size, the oldest notifications are dropped for new notifications.


# Set the SNMP notification queue size to 200.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap queue-size 200

Related commands

snmp-agent target-host

snmp-agent trap enable

snmp-agent trap life

snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c }

Use snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } to create an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c user.

Use undo snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } to delete an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c user.


snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } user-name group-name [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } user-name


No SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c users exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



v1: Specifies SNMPv1.

v2c: Specifies SNMPv2c.

user-name: Specifies an SNMP username, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

group-name: Specifies an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c group name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. The group can be one that has been created or not. The user takes effect only after you create the group.

acl: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL for the user.

ipv4-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its number. The basic IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv4-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

acl ipv6: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL for the user.

ipv6-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its number. The basic IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv6-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

Usage guidelines

This command is not available in FIPS mode.

Only users with the network-admin or level-15 user role can execute this command. Users with other user roles cannot execute this command even if these roles are granted access to commands of the SNMP feature or this command.

On an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c network, NMSs and agents authenticate each other by using the community name. On an SNMPv3 network, NMSs and agents authenticate each other by using the username.

You can create an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community by using either of the following ways:

·     Execute the snmp-agent community command.

·     Execute the snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } and snmp-agent group { v1 | v2c } commands to create an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c user and assign the user to an SNMP group. The system then automatically creates an SNMP community by using the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c username as the community name.

The display snmp-agent community command displays information only about communities created and saved in plaintext form.

You can specify an ACL for the user and group, respectively, to filter illegitimate NMSs. Only the NMSs permitted by the ACLs for both the user and group can access the SNMP agent. The following rules apply to the ACLs for the user and group:

·     If you do not specify an ACL, the specified ACL does not exist, or the specified ACL does not have any rules, all NMSs that use the username can access the SNMP agent.

·     If you have specified an ACL and the ACL has rules, only the NMSs permitted by the ACL can access the agent.

For more information about ACL, see ACL and QoS Configuration Guide.


# Add the user userv2c to the SNMPv2c group readCom so an NMS can use the protocol SNMPv2c and the read-only community name userv2c to access the device.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v2c readCom

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v2c userv2c readCom

# Add the user userv2c in the SNMPv2c group readCom so only the NMS at can use the protocol SNMPv2c and read-only community name userv2c to access the device.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] acl basic 2001

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-2001] rule permit source

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-2001] rule deny source any

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-2001] quit

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v2c readCom

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v2c userv2c readCom acl 2001

# Add the user userv2c in the SNMPv2c group readCom so only the NMS at can use the protocol SNMPv2c and read-only community name userv2c to access the device.

[Sysname] acl basic name testacl

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-testacl] rule permit source

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-testacl] rule deny source any

[Sysname-acl-ipv4-basic-testacl] quit

[Sysname] snmp-agent sys-info version v2c

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v2c readCom

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v2c userv2c readCom acl name testacl

Related commands

display snmp-agent community

snmp-agent community

snmp-agent group

snmp-agent usm-user v3

Use snmp-agent usm-user v3 to create an SNMPv3 user.

Use undo snmp-agent usm-user v3 to delete an SNMPv3 user.


In non-FIPS mode:

·     In VACM mode:

snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name group-name [ remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] [ { cipher | simple } authentication-mode { md5 | sha } auth-password [ privacy-mode { 3des | aes128 | aes192 | aes256 | des56 } priv-password ] ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name { local | engineid engineid-string | remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] }

·     In RBAC mode:

snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name user-role role-name [ remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] [ { cipher | simple } authentication-mode { md5 | sha } auth-password [ privacy-mode { 3des | aes128 | aes192 | aes256 | des56 } priv-password ] ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name { local | engineid engineid-string | remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] }

In FIPS mode:

·     In VACM mode:

snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name group-name [ remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] { cipher | simple } authentication-mode sha auth-password [ privacy-mode { aes128 | aes192 | aes256 } priv-password ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name { local | engineid engineid-string | remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] }

·     In RBAC mode:

snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name user-role role-name [ remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] [ { cipher | simple } authentication-mode sha auth-password [ privacy-mode { aes128 | aes192 | aes256 } priv-password ] ] [ acl { ipv4-acl-number | name ipv4-acl-name } | acl ipv6 { ipv6-acl-number | name ipv6-acl-name } ] *

undo snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name { local | engineid engineid-string | remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] }


No SNMPv3 users exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



user-name: Specifies an SNMPv3 username, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

group-name: Specifies an SNMPv3 group name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. The group can be one that has been created or not. The user takes effect only after you create the group.

user-role role-name: Specifies a user role name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

remote { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address }: Specifies a target host by its IPv4 or IPv6 address, typically the NMS, to receive the notifications. To send SNMPv3 notifications to a target host, you need to specify this option and use the snmp-agent remote command to bind the IPv4 or IPv6 address to the remote engine ID.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS L3VPN instance to which the target host belongs to. The vpn-instance-name argument represents the VPN instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If the target host belongs to the public network, do not specify this option.

cipher: Specifies an authentication key and an encryption key in encrypted form. The keys will be converted to a digest in encrypted form and stored in the device.

simple: Specifies an authentication key and an encryption key in plaintext from. The keys will be converted to a digest in encrypted form and stored in the device.

authentication-mode: Specifies an authentication algorithm. If you do not specify the keyword, the system does not perform authentication. For more information about authentication algorithms, see IPSec configuration in Security Configuration Guide.

·     md5: Specifies the HMAC-MD5 authentication algorithm.

·     sha: Specifies the HMAC-SHA1 authentication algorithm.

auth-password: Specifies an authentication key. This argument is case sensitive.

·     The plaintext form of the key in non-FIPS mode is a string of 1 to 64 characters. The plaintext form of the key in FIPS mode is a string of 15 to 64 characters, which must contain numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters.

·     The encrypted form of the key can be calculated by using the snmp-agent calculate-password command.

privacy-mode: Specifies an encryption algorithm. If you do not specify this keyword, the system does not perform encryption.

·     3des: Specifies the 3DES encryption algorithm that uses a 168-bit key.

·     aes128: Specifies the AES encryption algorithm that uses a 128-bit key.

·     aes192: Specifies the AES encryption algorithm that uses a 192-bit key.

·     aes256: Specifies the AES encryption algorithm that uses a 256-bit key.

·     des56: Specifies the DES encryption algorithm that uses a 56-bit key.

priv-password: Specifies an encryption key. This argument is case sensitive.

·     The plaintext form of the key in non-FIPS mode is a string of 1 to 64 characters. The plaintext form of the key in FIPS mode is a string of 15 to 64 characters, which must contain numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters.

·     The encrypted form of the key can be calculated by using the snmp-agent calculate-password command.

acl: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL for the user.

ipv4-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its number. The basic IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv4 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv4-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv4 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

acl ipv6: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL for the user.

ipv6-acl-number: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its number. The basic IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 2000 to 2999. The advanced IPv6 ACL number is in the range of 3000 to 3999.

name ipv6-acl-name: Specifies a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

local: Specifies the local SNMP engine. By default, an SNMPv3 user is associated with the local SNMP engine.

engineid engineid-string: Specifies an SNMP engine ID. The engineid-string argument is an even number of hexadecimal characters. All-zero and all-F strings are invalid. The even number is in the range of 10 to 64. If you change the local engine ID, the existing SNMPv3 users and keys become invalid. To delete an invalid username, specify the engine ID associated with the username in the undo snmp-agent usm-user v3 command.

Usage guidelines

Only users with the network-admin or level-15 user role can execute this command. Users with other user roles cannot execute this command even if these roles are granted access to commands of the SNMP feature or this command.

You can use either of the following modes to control SNMPv3 user access to MIB objects.

·     VACM—Controls user access to MIB objects by assigning the user to an SNMP group. To make sure the user takes effect, make sure the group has been created. An SNMP group contains one or multiple users and specifies the MIB views and security model for the users. The authentication and encryption algorithms for each user are specified when they are created.

·     RBAC—Controls user access to MIB objects by assigning user roles to the user. A user role specifies the MIB objects accessible to the user and the operations that the user can perform on the objects. After you create a user in RBAC mode, you can use the snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-role command to assign more user roles to the user. You can assign a maximum of 64 user roles to a user.

RBAC mode controls access on a per MIB object basis, and VACM mode controls access on a MIB view basis. As a best practice to enhance MIB security, use RBAC mode.

You can execute the snmp-agent usm-user v3 command multiple times to create different SNMPv3 users in VACM mode. If you do not change the username each time, the most recent configuration takes effect.

You can execute the snmp-agent usm-user v3 command in RBAC mode multiple times to assign different user roles to an SNMPv3 user. The following restrictions and guidelines apply:

·     If you specify only user roles but do not change any other settings each time, the snmp-agent usm-user v3 command assigns different user roles to the user. Other settings remain unchanged.

·     If you specify user roles and also change other settings each time, the snmp-agent usm-user v3 command assigns different user roles to the user. The most recent configuration for other settings takes effect.

You can specify an ACL for the user and group, respectively, to filter illegitimate NMSs from accessing the agent. Only the NMSs permitted by the ACLs for both the user and group can access the SNMP agent. The following rules apply to the ACLs for the user and group:

·     If you do not specify an ACL, the specified ACL does not exist, or the specified ACL does not have any rules, all NMSs that use the username can access the SNMP agent.

·     If you have specified an ACL and the ACL has rules, only the NMSs permitted by the ACL can access the agent.

For more information about ACL, see ACL and QoS Configuration Guide.


In VACM mode:

# Add user testUser to SNMPv3 group testGroup, and enable authentication for the group. Specify authentication algorithm HMAC-SHA1 and plaintext-form authentication key 123456TESTplat&! for the user.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3 testGroup authentication

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v3 testUser testGroup simple authentication-mode sha 123456TESTplat&!

# For an NMS to access the MIB objects in the default view ViewDefault, make sure the following configurations on the NMS are the same as the SNMP agent:

·     SNMPv3 username.

·     SNMP protocol version.

·     Authentication algorithm and key.

# Add user testUser to SNMPv3 group testGroup, and enable authentication and encryption for the group. Specify authentication algorithm HMAC-SHA1, encryption algorithm AES, plaintext-form authentication key 123456TESTauth&!, and plaintext-form encryption key 123456TESTencr&! for the user.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3 testGroup privacy

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v3 testUser testGroup simple authentication-mode sha 123456TESTauth&! privacy-mode aes128 123456TESTencr&!

# For an NMS to access the MIB objects in the default view ViewDefault, make sure the following configurations on the NMS are the same as the SNMP agent:

·     SNMPv3 username.

·     SNMP protocol version.

·     Authentication algorithm.

·     Privacy algorithm.

·     Plaintext authentication and encryption keys.

# Add user remoteUser for the SNMP remote engine at to SNMPv3 group testGroup, and enable authentication and encryption for the group. Specify authentication algorithm HMAC-SHA1, encryption algorithm AES, plaintext-form authentication key 123456TESTauth&!, and plaintext-form encryption key 123456TESTencr&! for the user.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent remote engineid 123456789A

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3 testGroup privacy

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v3 remoteUser testGroup remote simple authentication-mode sha 123456TESTauth&! privacy-mode aes128 123456TESTencr&!

In RBAC mode:

# Create SNMPv3 user testUser with user role network-operator and enable authentication for the user. Specify authentication algorithm HMAC-SHA1 and plaintext-form authentication key 123456TESTplat&! for the user.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v3 testUser user-role network-operator simple authentication-mode sha 123456TESTplat&!

For an NMS to have read-only access to all MIB objects, make sure the following configurations on the NMS are the same as the SNMP agent:

·     SNMPv3 username.

·     SNMP protocol version.

·     Authentication algorithm and key.

Related commands

display snmp-agent usm-user

snmp-agent calculate-password

snmp-agent group

snmp-agent remote

snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-role

snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-role

Use snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-role to assign a user role to an SNMPv3 user created in RBAC mode.

Use undo snmp-agent usm-user user-role to remove a user role.


snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name user-role role-name

undo snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name user-role role-name


An SNMPv3 user has the user role assigned to it at its creation.


System view

Predefined user roles



user-name: Specifies an SNMPv3 username, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.

user-role role-name: Specifies a user role name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can assign a maximum of 64 user roles to an SNMPv3 user.

An SNMPv3 user must have a minimum of one user role.


# Assign the user role network-admin to the SNMPv3 user testUser.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v3 testUser user-role network-admin

Related commands

snmp-agent usm-user v3

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