04 Layer 3 - IP Services Command Reference

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13-Tunnel commands
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13-Tunnel commands 128.86 KB


Use bandwidth to configure the expected bandwidth of an interface.

Use undo bandwidth to restore the default.


bandwidth bandwidth-value

undo bandwidth


The expected bandwidth is 64 kbps.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



bandwidth-value: Specifies the expected bandwidth in the range of 1 to 400000000 kbps.

Usage guidelines

The expected bandwidth of an interface affects the link costs in OSPF, OSPFv3, and IS-IS. For more information, see Layer 3—IP Routing Configuration Guide.


# Set the expected bandwidth of Tunnel 1 to 100 kbps.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1

[Sysname-Tunnel1] bandwidth 100


Use default to restore the default settings for the tunnel interface.




Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

The default command might interrupt ongoing network services. Make sure you are fully aware of the impacts of this command when you use it on a live network.

This command might fail to restore the default settings for some commands for reasons such as command dependencies or system restrictions. Use the display this command in interface view to identify these commands. Use their undo forms or follow the command reference to restore their default settings. If your restoration attempt still fails, follow the error message instructions to resolve the problem.


# Restore the default settings of interface tunnel 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1

[Sysname-Tunnel1] default


Use description to configure a description for a tunnel interface.

Use undo description to restore the default.


description text

undo description


The description of a tunnel interface is Tunnelnumber Interface, for example, Tunnel1 Interface.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



text: Specifies a description for the interface, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 255 characters.

Usage guidelines

Configure descriptions for different interfaces for identification and management purposes.

This command configures an interface description and does not have any other function. You can use the display interface command to display the configured interface description.


# Configure the description for the interface Tunnel 1 as tunnel1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1

[Sysname-Tunnel1] description tunnel1

Related commands

display interface tunnel


Use destination to specify the destination address for a tunnel interface.

Use undo destination to remove the configured tunnel destination address.


destination { ip-address | ipv6-address }

undo destination


No tunnel destination address is configured.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



ip-address: Specifies the tunnel destination IPv4 address.

ipv6-address: Specifies the tunnel destination IPv6 address.

Usage guidelines

For a manual tunnel interface, you must configure the destination address. For an automatic tunnel interface, you do not need to configure the destination address.

The tunnel destination address must be the address of the receiving interface on the tunnel peer. It is used as the destination address of tunneled packets.

The destination address of the local tunnel interface must be the source address of the peer tunnel interface, and vice versa.


# VLAN-interface 100 of Sysname 1 uses the IP address and VLAN-interface 100 of Sysname 2 uses the IP address Configure the source address and destination address for the tunnel interface of Sysname 1.

<Sysname1> system-view

[Sysname1] interface tunnel 1 mode ipv6-ipv4

[Sysname1-Tunnel1] source

[Sysname1-Tunnel1] destination

# Configure the source address and destination address for the tunnel interface of Sysname 2.

<Sysname2> system-view

[Sysname2] interface tunnel 1 mode ipv6-ipv4

[Sysname2-Tunnel1] source

[Sysname2-Tunnel1] destination

Related commands

·     display interface tunnel

·     interface tunnel

·     source

display interface tunnel

Use display interface tunnel to display information about tunnel interfaces, including the source address, destination address, and tunnel mode.


display interface tunnel [ number [ brief [ description ] ] | brief [ description | down ] ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




number: Specifies the number of a tunnel interface.

brief: Displays brief interface information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays detailed interface information.

down: Displays information about interfaces in the physical state of DOWN and the causes. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays information about interfaces in all states.

description: Displays complete interface descriptions. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays only the first 27 characters of interface descriptions.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify the tunnel keyword, this command displays information about all interfaces on the device.

If you specify the tunnel keyword without the number argument, this command displays information about all existing tunnel interfaces.


# Display detailed information about interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel 1


Current state: DOWN

Line protocol state: DOWN

Description: Tunnel5 Interface

Bandwidth: 64kbps

Maximum Transmit Unit: 64000

Internet protocol processing: disabled

Tunnel source unknown, destination unknown

Tunnel encapsulation-limit is disabled

Tunnel TTL 255

Tunnel protocol/transport IPv6

Last clearing of counters: Never

Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec

Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec

Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 drops

Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 drops 

Table 1 Command output




Information about the tunnel interface Tunnel 1.

Current state

State of the tunnel interface:

·     Administratively DOWN—The interface has been shut down by using the shutdown command.

·     DOWN—The interface is administratively up but its physical state is down.

·     UP—Both the administrative and physical states of the interface are up.

Line protocol state

Link layer protocol state of the tunnel interface. The value is determined by the parameter negotiation on the link layer.

·     UP—The protocol state of the interface is up.

·     UP (spoofing)The link protocol state of the interface is up, but the link is temporarily set up on demand or does not exist. This attribute is available for null interfaces and loopback interfaces.

·     DOWN—The protocol state of the interface is down.


Description of the tunnel interface.


Intended bandwidth for the tunnel interface.

Maximum Transmit Unit

MTU of the tunnel interface.

Internet Address

IP address of the tunnel interface.

If no IP address is assigned to the interface, this field displays Internet protocol processing: disabled, and the tunnel interface cannot process packets.

Primary indicates it is the primary IP address of the interface.

Tunnel source

Source address of the tunnel. If a source interface is specified for the tunnel interface, this field also displays the source interface in parentheses.


Destination address of the tunnel.

Tunnel encapsulation-limit is disabled

Tunnel nested encapsulation is not supported.

Tunnel TTL

TTL of tunneled packets.

Tunnel protocol/transport

Tunnel mode and transport protocol:

·     GRE/IPGRE/IPv4 tunnel mode.

·     GRE/IPv6GRE/IPv6 tunnel mode.

·     IP/IPIPv4 over IPv4 tunnel mode.

·     IPv6IPv6 tunnel mode.

·     IPv6/IPIPv6 over IPv4 manual tunnel mode.

·     IPv6/IP 6to4—IPv6 over IPv4 6to4 tunnel mode.

·     IPv6/IP ISATAPIPv6 over IPv4 ISATAP tunnel mode.

·     UDP_VXLAN/IP—UDP-encapsulated IPv4 VXLAN tunnel mode.

·     NVE/IP—IPv4 NVE tunnel mode.

Last clearing of counters

Last time of clearing counters.

Last 300 seconds input:  0 bytes/sec, 0 packets/sec

Average input rate in the last 300 seconds.

Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec

Average output rate in the last 300 seconds.


# Display brief information about the interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel 1 brief

Brief information of interface(s) under route mode:

Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby

Protocol: (s) - spoofing

Interface            Link Protocol Main IP         Description

Tun1                 UP   UP          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

# Display brief information about interface Tunnel 1, including the complete interface description.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel 1 brief description

Brief information of interface(s) under route mode:

Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby

Protocol: (s) - spoofing

Interface            Link Protocol Main IP         Description

Tun1                 UP   UP          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


# Display information about interfaces in the physical state of DOWN and the causes.

<Sysname> display interface tunnel brief down

Brief information on interface(s) under route mode:

Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby

Interface            Link Cause

Tun0                  DOWN Not connected

Tun1                  DOWN Not connected

Table 2 Command output



Brief information of interface(s) under route mode

Brief information about Layer 3 interfaces.

Link: ADM - administratively down; Stby - standby

Link status:

·     ADMThe interface has been administratively shut down. To recover its physical state, use the undo shutdown command.

·     StbyThe interface is a backup interface.

Protocol: (s) - spoofing

(s) indicates that the data link layer protocol state is UP, but the link is temporarily set up on demand or does not exist. This attribute is available for null interfaces and loopback interfaces.


Abbreviated interface name.


Physical link state of the interface:

·     UP—The link is physically up.

·     DOWN—The link is physically down.

·     ADM—The link has been administratively shut down. To bring it up, use the undo shutdown command.

·     Stby—The interface is a backup interface.


Data link layer protocol state of the interface:

·     UPThe data link protocol state of the interface is up.

·     UP (spoofing)—The link protocol state of the interface is up, but the link is temporarily set up on demand or does not exist. This attribute is available for null interfaces and loopback interfaces.

Main IP

Primary IP address of the interface.


Description of the interface.


Causes for the physical state of DOWN:

·     Administratively—The link has been shut down by using the shutdown command. To restore its physical state, use the undo shutdown command.

·     Not connected—The tunnel is not established.


Related commands

·     destination

·     interface tunnel

·     source

interface tunnel

Use interface tunnel to create a tunnel interface, specify the tunnel mode, and enter tunnel interface view.

Use undo interface tunnel to delete a tunnel interface.


interface tunnel number [ mode { gre [ ipv6 ] | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv6-ipv4 [ 6to4 | isatap ] | mpls-te | nve | vxlan } ]

undo interface tunnel number


No tunnel interface is created on the device.


System view

Predefined user roles



number: Specifies the number of the tunnel interface, in the range of 0 to 1023.

mode gre: Specifies GRE/IPv4 tunnel mode.

mode gre ipv6: Specifies GRE/IPv6 tunnel mode.

mode ipv4-ipv4: Specifies IPv4 over IPv4 tunnel mode.

mode ipv6: Specifies IPv6 tunnel mode. Set this mode for IPv4 over IPv6 manual and IPv6 over IPv6 tunnels.

mode ipv6-ipv4: Specifies IPv6 over IPv4 manual tunnel mode.

mode ipv6-ipv4 6to4: Specifies 6to4 tunnel mode.

mode ipv6-ipv4 isatap: Specifies ISATAP tunnel mode.

mode mpls-te: Specifies MPLS TE tunnel mode.

mode nve: Specifies NVE tunnel mode.

mode vxlan: Specifies VXLAN tunnel mode.

Usage guidelines

To create a new tunnel interface, you must specify the tunnel mode in this command. To enter the view of an existing tunnel interface, you do not need to specify the tunnel mode.

A tunnel interface number is locally significant. The tunnel interfaces on the two ends of a tunnel can use the same or different interface numbers.


# Create a GRE/IPv4 tunnel interface Tunnel 1 and enter tunnel interface view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1 mode gre


Related commands

·     destination

·     display interface tunnel

·     source


Use mtu to set the MTU on a tunnel interface.

Use undo mtu to restore the default.


mtu size

undo mtu


The MTU is 64000 bytes.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



size: Specifies the MTU in the range of 100 to 64000 bytes.

Usage guidelines

Set an appropriate MTU to avoid fragmentation. The MTU for the tunnel interface applies only to unicast packets.

An MTU set on any tunnel interface is effective on all existing tunnel interfaces.


# Set the MTU on interface Tunnel 1 to 10000 bytes.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1

[Sysname-Tunnel1] mtu 10000

Related commands

display interface tunnel

reset counters interface

Use reset counters interface to clear statistics for tunnel interfaces.


reset counters interface [ tunnel [ number ] ]


User view

Predefined user roles



number: Specifies the tunnel interface number.

Usage guidelines

Use this command to clear old statistics so you can observe new traffic statistics on a tunnel interface.

·     If you do not specify any parameters, this command clears statistics for all interfaces.

·     If you specify only the tunnel keyword, this command clears statistics for all tunnel interfaces.

·     If you specify both the tunnel keyword and the number argument, this command clears statistics for the specified tunnel interface.


# Clear statistics for interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> reset counters interface tunnel 1

Related commands

display interface tunnel


Use service to specify an IRF member device for forwarding the traffic on the tunnel interface.

Use undo service to restore the default.


service slot slot-number

undo service slot


No IRF member device is specified for the tunnel interface.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

Usage guidelines

If no IRF member device is specified for forwarding the traffic on the tunnel interface, the traffic is processed on the IRF member device that receives the traffic.

Some functions, such as IPsec anti-replay, require that traffic for the same tunnel interface be processed on the same IRF member device. If such a function is configured, you must use this command to specify an IRF member device for forwarding the traffic on a tunnel interface.

If the specified IRF member device is removed, traffic on the tunnel interface cannot be forwarded even if the tunnel interface is up. When the IRF member device is reinstalled, traffic forwarding resumes on the member device.


# Specify IRF member device 2 to forward traffic for interface Tunnel 200.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 200

[Sysname-Tunnel200] service slot 2


Use shutdown to shut down a tunnel interface.

Use undo shutdown to bring up a tunnel interface.



undo shutdown


The tunnel interface is enabled.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

This command disconnects all links set up on the interface. Make sure you fully understand the impact of the command on your network.


# Shut down interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1

[Sysname-Tunnel1] shutdown

Related commands

display interface tunnel


Use source to specify the source address or source interface for the tunnel interface.

Use undo source to restore the default.


source { ip-address | ipv6-address | interface-type interface-number }

undo source


No source address or source interface is specified for the tunnel interface.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



ip-address: Specifies the tunnel source IPv4 address.

ipv6-address: Specifies the tunnel source IPv6 address.

interface-type interface-number: Specifies the source interface. The interface must be up and must have an IP address.

Usage guidelines

The specified source address or the address of the specified source interface is used as the source address of tunneled packets. To view the configured tunnel source address, use the display interface tunnel command.

The source address of the local tunnel interface must be the destination address of the peer tunnel interface, and vice versa.

If you execute this command multiple times, the most recent configuration takes effect.


# Specify VLAN-interface 10 as the source interface of interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1 mode gre

[Sysname-Tunnel1] source vlan-interface 10

# Specify as the source address of interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1 mode gre

[Sysname-Tunnel1] source

Related commands

·     destination

·     display interface tunnel

·     interface tunnel

tunnel dfbit enable

Use tunnel dfbit enable to set the Don't Fragment (DF) bit for tunneled packets.

Use undo tunnel dfbit enable to restore the default.


tunnel dfbit enable

undo tunnel dfbit enable


The DF bit is not set for tunneled packets.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

To avoid fragmentation and delay, set the DF bit for tunneled packets. Make sure the path MTU is larger than tunneled packets. Otherwise, do not set the DF bit to avoid discarding tunneled packets larger than the path MTU.

This command is not supported on a GRE over IPv6 tunnel interface and an IPv6 tunnel interface.


# Set the DF bit for tunneled packets on interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1 mode gre

[Sysname-Tunnel1] tunnel dfbit enable

tunnel discard ipv4-compatible-packet

Use tunnel discard ipv4-compatible-packet to enable dropping of IPv6 packets using IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses.

Use undo tunnel discard ipv4-compatible-packet to restore the default.


tunnel discard ipv4-compatible-packet

undo tunnel discard ipv4-compatible-packet


IPv6 packets using IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses are not dropped.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

This command enables the device to check the source and destination IPv6 addresses of the de-encapsulated IPv6 packets from the tunnel. Then the command discards packets that use a source or destination IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.


# Enable dropping of IPv6 packets using IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] tunnel discard ipv4-compatible-packet

tunnel tos

Use tunnel tos to set the ToS of tunneled packets.

Use undo tunnel tos to restore the default.


tunnel tos tos-value

undo tunnel tos


The ToS of tunneled packets is the same as the ToS of the original packets.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



tos-value: Specifies the ToS of tunneled packets, in the range of 0 to 255.

Usage guidelines

After you configure this command, all the tunneled packets of different services sent on the tunnel interface will use the same configured ToS. For more information about ToS, see ACL and QoS Configuration Guide.


# Set the ToS of tunneled packets on the interface Tunnel 1 to 20.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1 mode gre

[Sysname-Tunnel1] tunnel tos 20

Related commands

display interface tunnel

tunnel ttl

Use tunnel ttl to set the Time to Live (TTL) of tunneled packets.

Use undo tunnel ttl to restore the default.


tunnel ttl ttl-value

undo tunnel ttl


The TTL of tunneled packets is 255.


Tunnel interface view

Predefined user roles



ttl-value: Specifies the TTL of tunneled packets, in the range of 1 to 255.

Usage guidelines

The TTL determines the maximum number of hops that the tunneled packets can pass. When the TTL expires, the tunneled packet is discarded to avoid loops.


# Set the TTL of tunneled packets to 100 on interface Tunnel 1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface tunnel 1 mode gre

[Sysname-Tunnel1] tunnel ttl 100

Related commands

display interface tunnel

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