07-MPLS Command Reference

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10-VPLS commands
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VPLS commands

address-family l2vpn

Use address-family l2vpn to create the BGP L2VPN address family and enter its view, or enter the view of the existing BGP L2VPN address family.

Use undo address-family l2vpn to delete the BGP L2VPN address family and all settings from BGP L2VPN address family view.


address-family l2vpn

undo address-family l2vpn


No BGP L2VPN address family exists.


BGP instance view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

To establish a BGP PW to a remote PE, you must execute the peer enable command in BGP L2VPN address family view to enable the remote PE.


# Create the BGP L2VPN address family and enter BGP L2VPN address family view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] bgp 100

[Sysname-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn


# Create the BGP L2VPN address family and enter BGP L2VPN address family view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] bgp 100 instance abc

[Sysname-bgp-abc] address-family l2vpn


Related commands

peer enable (Layer 3—IP Routing Command Reference)


Use auto-discovery to enable a VSI to automatically discover neighbors through BGP and enter auto-discovery VSI view.

Use undo auto-discovery to restore the default.


auto-discovery bgp

undo auto-discovery


A VSI does not use BGP to automatically discover neighbors.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



bgp: Enables the VSI to automatically discover neighbors through BGP.

Usage guidelines

After the remote PEs are discovered through BGP, you can use the signaling-protocol command to specify the signaling protocol (LDP or BGP) to establish PWs to the discovered remote PEs.


# Enable VSI aaa to automatically discover neighbors through BGP and enter auto-discovery VSI view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp


Related commands

display l2vpn pw

display l2vpn vsi


Use back-peer in VSI LDP PW view to configure a VSI LDP backup PW and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing VSI LDP backup PW.

Use back-peer in VSI static PW view to configure a VSI static backup PW and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing VSI static backup PW.

Use undo backup-peer to restore the default.


VSI LDP PW view:

backup-peer ip-address [ pw-id pw-id ] [ pw-class class-name | tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name ] *

undo backup-peer ip-address pw-id pw-id

VSI static PW view:

backup-peer ip-address [ pw-id pw-id ] in-label label-value out-label label-value [ pw-class class-name | tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name ] *

undo backup-peer ip-address pw-id pw-id


No backup PWs exist for VPLS.



VSI static PW view

Predefined user roles



ip-address: Specifies the LSR ID of the peer PE on the backup PW.

pw-id pw-id: Specifies a PW ID for the backup PW, in the range of 1 to 4294967295.

in-label label-value: Specifies the incoming label for the backup PW. The value range is 16 to 1023.

out-label label-value: Specifies the outgoing label for the backup PW. The value range is 16 to 1048575.

pw-class class-name: Specifies a PW class by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 19 characters. You can specify a PW class to configure the PW data encapsulation type for the backup PW. If you do not specify a PW class, the PW data encapsulation type of the backup PW is VLAN.

tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name: Specifies a tunnel policy by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 19 characters. If you do not specify a tunnel policy, the backup PW uses the default tunnel policy.

Usage guidelines

This command configures a backup PW for a PW to implement PW redundancy. The backup PW is used when the primary PW fails.

You must assign the backup PW a different peer LSR ID and PW ID than any existing VPLS PWs or cross-connect PWs.

A backup PW has the same no-split-horizon attributes as its primary PW.

If both the default PW ID in the default-pw-id command and a PW ID in the backup-peer command are configured, the PW ID in the backup-peer command is used. If only the default PW ID is configured, the default PW ID is used. If no default PW ID is configured, you must provide a PW ID in the backup-peer command.

When you add a static PW, you must make sure that static PW uses a different incoming label than an existing static LSP or static CRLSP. If the incoming label is duplicated, you cannot make the static PW take effect by changing the incoming label of the static LSP or CRLSP. Instead, you must delete the static PW and then reconfigure the static PW with an unused incoming label.


# Configure a primary and a backup LDP PW for VSI vpn1, and specify the peer PE address and PW ID of the primary PW as and 100, and those of the backup PW as and 200.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] pwsignaling ldp

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1-ldp] peer pw-id 100

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1-ldp-] backup-peer pw-id 200


Related commands


display l2vpn ldp

display l2vpn pw


bandwidth (service instance view)

Use bandwidth to set the maximum bandwidth for traffic on an AC.

Use undo bandwidth to restore the default.


bandwidth bandwidth

undo bandwidth


No limit is set for the traffic bandwidth of an AC.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



bandwidth: Specifies the maximum traffic bandwidth for an AC, in the range of 64 to 4194303 kbps.

Usage guidelines

This command takes effect only on the inbound traffic of an AC. When the bandwidth of the inbound traffic on the AC exceeds the specified maximum bandwidth, the AC drops the exceeding traffic.

You can configure the bandwidth command in both Ethernet service instance view for an AC and VSI view for a VSI. If the AC is bound to the VSI, the AC uses its own traffic bandwidth and does not occupy the traffic bandwidth specified for the VSI. For example, perform the following tasks:

·     Associate VSI vsi1 with AC 1, AC 2, AC 3, and PW 1.

·     Set the maximum traffic bandwidth for VSI vsi1 to 500 kbps and that for AC 1 to 120 kbps.

·     Do not limit the traffic bandwidths for AC 2 and AC 3.

Then, the maximum bandwidth is 120 kbps for traffic on AC 1 and 500 kbps for the total traffic on AC 2, AC 3, and PW 1.


# Set the maximum bandwidth to 10240 kbps for the traffic on Ethernet service instance 200.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] encapsulation s-vid 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] bandwidth 10240

Related commands

bandwidth (VSI view)

bandwidth (VSI view)

Use bandwidth to set the maximum bandwidth for traffic in a VSI.

Use undo bandwidth to restore the default.


bandwidth bandwidth

undo bandwidth


There is no limit on the traffic bandwidth in a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



bandwidth: Specifies the maximum traffic bandwidth for a VSI, in the range of 64 to 104857599 kbps.

Usage guidelines

This command takes effect only on the inbound traffic of ACs and PWs that are bound to the VSI. When the bandwidth of the total inbound traffic on the ACs and PWs exceeds the specified maximum bandwidth, the exceeding traffic will be discarded.

You can configure the bandwidth command in both Ethernet service instance view for an AC and VSI view for a VSI. If the AC is bound to the VSI, the AC uses its own traffic bandwidth and does not occupy the traffic bandwidth specified for the VSI. For example, perform the following tasks:

·     Associate VSI vsi1 with AC 1, AC 2, AC 3, and PW 1.

·     Set the maximum traffic bandwidth for VSI vsi1 to 500 kbps and that for AC 1 to 120 kbps.

·     Do not limit the traffic bandwidths for AC 2 and AC 3.

Then, the maximum bandwidth is 120 kbps for traffic on AC 1 and 500 kbps for the total traffic on AC 2, AC 3, and PW 1.

If you configure both the bandwidth and restrain commands in VSI view, the following rules apply:

·     Both the bandwidth and restrain commands take effect.

·     The bandwidth command takes effect only on traffic types (broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast) that are not specified by the restrain command.


# Set the maximum traffic bandwidth to 10240 kbps in VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] bandwidth 10240

Related commands

bandwidth (service instance view)

display l2vpn vsi


Use default-pw-id to set the default PW ID for a VSI.

Use undo default-pw-id to restore the default.


default-pw-id default-pw-id

undo default-pw-id


No default PW ID is set for a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



default-pw-id: Specifies the default PW ID for the VSI, in the range of 1 to 4294967295.

Usage guidelines

After you set the default PW ID for a VSI, you do not need to provide a PW ID in the backup-peer and peer commands.


# Set the default PW ID to 200 for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] default-pw-id 200

Related commands




Use description to configure a description for a VSI.

Use undo description to restore the default.


description text

undo description


No description is configured for a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



text: Specifies a description, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 80 characters.


# Configure a description of vsi for vpn1 for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] description vsi for vpn1

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi

display bgp l2vpn auto-discovery

Use display bgp l2vpn auto-discovery to display VPLS PE information discovered by BGP.


display bgp [ instance instance-name ] l2vpn auto-discovery [ peer ip-address { advertised | received } [ statistics ] | route-distinguisher route-distinguisher [ pe-address ip-address [ advertise-info ] ] | statistics ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




instance instance-name: Displays VPLS PE information in a BGP instance. The instance-name argument specifies the BGP instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a BGP instance, this command displays VPLS PE information in the default BGP instance.

peer ip-address: Displays VPLS PE information advertised to or received from a BGP peer specified by its IP address.

advertised: Displays VPLS PE information advertised to the BGP peer.

received: Displays VPLS PE information received from the BGP peer.

statistics: Displays BGP VPLS PE statistics.

route-distinguisher route-distinguisher: Displays BGP VPLS PE information for the route distinguisher (RD), which is a string of 3 to 21 characters. You can specify an RD in one of the following formats:

·     16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 101:3.

·     32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example,

·     32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number, where the AS number must be equal to or greater than 65536. For example, 65536:1.

pe-address ip-address: Displays BGP VPLS PE information for a PE. The ip-address argument specifies the PE address.

advertise-info: Displays BGP VPLS PE advertisement information.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays brief information about all VPLS PEs discovered by BGP.


# Display brief information about all VPLS PEs discovered by BGP in the default BGP instance.

<Sysname> display bgp l2vpn auto-discovery


 BGP local router ID is

 Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history,

               s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external

               Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete


 Total number of automatically discovered PEs: 3


 Route distinguisher: 2:2

 Total number of automatically discovered PEs: 3


     PE address      Nexthop         VPLS ID


* >         100:100

* >i         100:100

* >i         100:100

Table 1 Command output



Status codes

Status codes:

·     * – valid—Valid route.

·     > – best—Best route.

·     d – damped—Dampened route.

·     h – history—History route.

·     s – suppressed—Suppressed route.

·     S – Stale—Stale route.

·     i – internal—Internal route.

·     e – external—External route.


Origin of the label block:

·     i – IGP—Originated in the AS.

·     e – EGP—Learned through EGP.

·     ? – incomplete—Unknown origin.


# Display detailed information about the VPLS PE that has RD 2:2 and IP address in the default BGP instance.

<Sysname> display bgp l2vpn auto-discovery route-distinguisher 2:2 pe-address


 BGP local router ID:

 Local AS number: 100


 Route distinguisher: 2:2

 Total number of automatically discovered PEs: 1

 Paths:   1 available, 1 best


 From            : (

 Original nexthop:

 Ext-Community   : <RT: 2:2>, <VPLS ID: 100:100>

 AS-path         : (null)

 Origin          : igp

 Attribute value : localpref 100, pref-val 0

 PE address      :

 State           : valid, internal, best

Table 2 Command output



Original nexthop

Original next hop. If the VPLS PE information was obtained from a BGP update, this field displays the next hop address in the received update.


Extended community attribute:

·     RTRoute Target.

·     VPLS ID—VPLS instance identifier.


AS path attribute, which records all ASs that the VPLS PE information passed to prevent routing loops.


Origin of the label block:

·     igp—Originated in the AS.

·     egp—Learned through EGP.

·     incomplete—Unknown origin.

Attribute value

Attribute of the VPLS PE information:

·     MED—Multi-Exit Discriminator attribute.

·     localpref—Local preference value.

·     pref-val—Preferred value.

·     pre—Preference value.


State of the VPLS PE information:

·     valid.

·     internal.

·     external.

·     local.

·     best.


# Display BGP advertisement information for the specified VPLS PE in the default BGP instance.

<Sysname> display bgp l2vpn auto-discovery route-distinguisher 2:2 pe-address advertise-info


 BGP local router ID:

 Local AS number: 100


 Route distinguisher: 2:2

 Total number of automatically discovered PEs: 1

 Paths:   1 best


 VPLS ID         : 100:100

 PE address      :

 Advertised to peers (2 in total):

display bgp l2vpn signaling

Use display bgp l2vpn signaling to display VPLS label block information maintained by BGP.


display bgp [ instance instance-name ] l2vpn signaling [ peer ip-address { advertised | received } [ statistics ] | route-distinguisher route-distinguisher [ site-id site-id [ label-offset label-offset [ advertise-info ] ] ] | statistics ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




instance instance-name: Displays VPLS label block information in a BGP instance. The instance-name argument specifies the BGP instance name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a BGP instance, this command displays VPLS label block information in the default BGP instance.

peer ip-address: Displays VPLS label block information advertised to or received from a BGP peer. The ip-address argument specifies the peer address.

advertised: Displays VPLS label block information advertised to the BGP peer.

received: Displays VPLS label block information received from the BGP peer.

statistics: Displays VPLS label block statistics.

route-distinguisher route-distinguisher: Displays BGP VPLS label block information for the route distinguisher (RD), which is a string of 3 to 21 characters. You can specify an RD in one of the following formats:

·     16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 101:3.

·     32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example,

·     32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number, where the AS number must be equal to or greater than 65536. For example, 65536:1.

site-id site-id: Displays BGP VPLS label block information for a site. The site-id argument specifies the site ID. The site ID range is 0 to 65535.

label-offset label-offset: Displays information about the BGP VPLS label block with an offset. The label-offset argument specifies the offset in the range of 0 to 65535.

advertise-info: Displays BGP VPLS label block advertisement information.

Usage guidelines

If you do not specify any parameters, this command displays brief information about all BGP VPLS label blocks.


# Display brief information about all BGP VPLS label blocks in the default BGP instance.

<Sysname> display bgp l2vpn signaling


 BGP local router ID is

 Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history,

               s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external

               Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete


 Total number of label blocks: 2


 Route distinguisher: 2:2

 Total number of label blocks: 2


     Site ID  LB offset  LB range  LB base    Nexthop


* >  1        0          10        1034

* >i 2        0          10        1162

Table 3 Command output



Status codes

Status codes:

·     * – valid—Valid route.

·     > – best—Best route.

·     d – damped—Dampened route.

·     h – history—History route.

·     s – suppressed—Suppressed route.

·     S – Stale—Stale route.

·     i – internal—Internal route.

·     e – external—External route.


Origin of the label block:

·     i – IGP—Originated in the AS.

·     e – EGP—Learned through EGP.

·     ? – incomplete—Unknown origin.

LB offset

Offset of the label block.

LB range

Size of the label block.

LB base

Initial value of the label block.


# Display detailed information about the BGP VPLS label block that has RD 1:1, site ID 2, and offset 0 in the default BGP instance.

<Sysname> display bgp l2vpn signaling route-distinguisher 1:1 site-id 2 label-offset 0


 BGP local router ID:

 Local AS number: 100


 Route distinguisher: 1:1

 Total number of label blocks: 1

 Paths:   1 available, 1 best


 From            : (

 Original nexthop:

 Ext-Community   : <RT: 1:1>, <L2VPN info: MTU 1500, Encap type BGP VPLS>

 AS-path         : (null)

 Origin          : igp

 Attribute value : localpref 100, pref-val 0

 Site ID         : 2

 LB offset       : 0

 LB base         : 1418

 LB range        : 10

 State           : valid, internal, best

Table 4 Command output



Original nexthop

Original next hop. If the label block was obtained from a BGP route update, this field displays the next hop address in that BGP route update.


Extended community attribute:

·     RT—Route target.

·     L2VPN info—L2VPN information, including the MTU and encapsulation type.


AS path attribute, which records all ASs that the label block passed to prevent routing loops.


Origin of the label block:

·     igp—Originated in the AS.

·     egp—Learned through EGP.

·     incomplete—Unknown origin.

Attribute value

Attribute of the label block:

·     MED—Multi-Exit Discriminator attribute.

·     localpref—Local preference value.

·     pref-val—Preferred value.

·     pre—Preference value.

LB offset

Offset of the label block.

LB base

Initial value of the label block.

LB range

Size of the label block.


State of the label block:

·     valid.

·     internal.

·     external.

·     local.

·     best.


# Display BGP advertisement information for the specified VPLS label block in the default BGP instance.

<Sysname> display bgp l2vpn signaling route-distinguisher 1:1 site-id 1 label-offset 0 advertise-info


 BGP local router ID:

 Local AS number: 100


 Route distinguisher: 1:1

 Total number of label blocks: 1

 Paths:   1 best


 Site ID         : 1

 LB offset       : 0

 LB base         : 1418

 LB range        : 10

 Advertised to peers (2 in total):

Table 5 Command output



LB offset

Offset of the label block.

LB base

Initial value of the label block.

LB range

Size of the label block.


display l2vpn auto-discovery

Use display l2vpn auto-discovery to display information about automatically discovered VPLS PEs.


display l2vpn auto-discovery [ peer ip-address ] [ vsi vsi-name ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




peer ip-address: Displays information about the specified VPLS PE. If you do not specify a PE, this command displays information about all automatically discovered VPLS PEs.

vsi vsi-name: Displays automatically discovered VPLS PEs for a VSI. The vsi-name argument specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays automatically discovered VPLS PEs for all VSIs.


# Display information about all automatically discovered VPLS PEs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn auto-discovery

Total number of automatically discovered peers: 2


VSI Name: bbb

RD                    PE_address      VPLS ID               Nexthop

2:2                  100:100     

2:2                  100:100     

Related commands



display l2vpn bgp

Use display l2vpn bgp to display VPLS label block information.


display l2vpn bgp [ local | peer ip-address ] [ vsi vsi-name ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




local: Displays local VPLS label block information.

peer ip-address: Displays VPLS label block information received from a remote peer. The ip-address argument specifies the peer address.

vsi vsi-name: Displays VPLS label block information for a VSI. The vsi-name argument specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays VPLS label block information for all VSIs.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information.

Usage guidelines

If you specify a peer, this command displays both the label block received from the peer and the local label block that matches the received label block.

If you do not specify a peer or local, this command displays label blocks received from all peers and local label blocks that match the received ones.

A local label block matches a received label block if the following condition is met: local label block LO ≤ remote site ID ≤ local label block LO + local label block LR – 1.


# Display brief information about label blocks received from all peers.

<Sysname> display l2vpn bgp

Total number of BGP PWs: 2, 2 up, 0 down


VSI Name: aaa

Rmt Site   Offset  RD                    Nexthop          In/Out Label     State

1          0       1:1                   1419/1420        Up

3          0       1:1                   1421/1282        Up

Table 6 Command output



Rmt Site

ID of the remote site.


Offset of the label block.


# Display detailed information about label blocks received from all peers.

<Sysname> display l2vpn bgp verbose

VSI Name: aaa

 Remote Site ID     : 1

 Offset             : 0

 RD                 : 1:1

 PW State           : Up

 Encapsulation      : BGP-VPLS

 MTU                : 1500

 Nexthop            :

 Local VC Label     : 1419

 Remote VC Label    : 1420

 Link ID            : 9

 Local Label Block  : 1418/10/0

 Remote Label Block : 1418/10/0

 Export Route Target: 1:1

Table 7 Command output



Local VC Label

Incoming label of the PW.

Remote VC Label

Outgoing label of the PW.

Link ID

Link ID of the PW.

Local Label Block

Local label block: label base/label range/label-block offset.

Remote Label Block

Remote label block: label base/label range/label-block offset.

Export Route Target

Route target of the remote label block.


# Display brief information about all local label blocks.

<Sysname> display l2vpn bgp local

VSI Name: aaa

Site   Offset  Range  Label Base    RD

2      0       10     1418          1:1

Table 8 Command output




Offset of the label block.


Range of the label block.

Label Base

Initial value of the label block.


RD of the label block. If no RD is configured, this field displays a hyphen (-).


# Display detailed information about all local label blocks.

<Sysname> display l2vpn bgp local verbose

VSI Name: aaa

 Site ID            : 2

 Offset             : 0

 RD                 : 1:1

 Range              : 10

 Label Base         : 1418

 Link ID            : 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16

Table 9 Command output




Offset of the label block.


RD of the label block. If no RD is configured, this field displays a hyphen (-).


Range of the label block.

Label Base

Initial value of the label block.

Link ID

Link IDs of the PWs established using the label block.


Related commands

display l2vpn pw

display l2vpn forwarding

Use display l2vpn forwarding to display L2VPN forwarding information.


display l2vpn forwarding { ac | pw } [ vsi vsi-name ] [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




ac: Displays AC forwarding information.

pw: Displays PW forwarding information.

vsi vsi-name: Displays L2VPN forwarding information for a VSI. The vsi-name argument specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays L2VPN forwarding information for all VSIs.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays L2VPN forwarding information for the master device.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information.


# Display brief AC forwarding information for all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn forwarding ac

Total number of VSIs: 1

Total number of ACs: 3


AC                               VSI Name                        Link ID

HGE1/0/1 srv1                    test                            3

HGE1/0/1 srv2                    test                            4

Table 10 Command output



Total number of VSIs

Total number of VSIs, including VSIs that are not bound to any ACs.


AC type: Layer 2 interface and Ethernet service instance.

Link ID

Link ID of the AC in the VSI.


# Display detailed AC forwarding information for all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn forwarding ac verbose

VSI Name: vpls2

  Interface: HGE1/0/3  Service Instance: 4

    Link ID      : 1

    Access Mode  : VLAN

    Encapsulation: s-vid 10

    Bandwidth    : Unlimited

    Type         : Manual

Table 11 Command output



Service Instance

Ethernet service instance ID.

Link ID

Link ID of the AC in the VSI.

Access Mode

AC access mode:

·     VLAN.

·     Ethernet.


Match criterion of the Ethernet service instance.


Maximum bandwidth in kbps for traffic on the AC. If this field displays Unlimited, the traffic bandwidth of the AC is not limited.


Ethernet service instance type. This field can only be Manual, which indicates that the Ethernet service instance is manually created.


# Display brief PW forwarding information for all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn forwarding pw

Total number of VSIs: 1

Total number of PWs: 2, 2 up, 0 blocked, 0 down


VSI Name                        In/Out Label    NID        Link ID    State

aaa                             1272/1275       1034       8          Up

aaa                             1271/1273       1035       9          Up

Table 12 Command output



Total number of VSIs

Total number of VSIs, including VSIs that do not contain PWs.


NHLFE ID for the public tunnel that carries the PW.

If equal-cost tunnels are available, this field displays multiple NIDs.

If no tunnel is available, this field displays None.

Link ID

Link ID of the PW in the VSI.


PW state: Up, Down, or Blocked.

Blocked indicates that the PW is blocked.


# Display detailed PW forwarding information for all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn forwarding pw verbose

VSI Name: aaa

  Link ID: 8

    PW Type         : VLAN                  PW State : Up

    In Label        : 1272                  Out Label: 1275

    MTU             : 1500

    PW Attributes   : Main

    VCCV CC         : Router-Alert

    VCCV BFD        : Fault Detection with BFD

    Tunnel Group ID : 0x960000000

    Tunnel NHLFE IDs: 1034

Table 13 Command output



Link ID

Link ID of the PW in the VSI.

PW Type

Data encapsulation type of the PW.

PW State

PW state: Up, Down, or Blocked.

Blocked indicates that the PW is blocked.

PW Attributes

PW attribute:

·     Main—The PW is the primary PW.

·     Backup—The PW is the backup PW.

·     No-split-horizon—Split horizon forwarding is disabled.


VCCV CC type. The value of this field is Router-Alert, which indicates MPLS router alert label.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if no VCCV CC type is specified.


VCCV BFD type:

Fault Detection with BFD—BFD packets use IP/UDP encapsulation (with IP/UDP headers).

This field displays a hyphen (-) if BFD is not used to verify PW connectivity.

Tunnel Group ID

ID of the tunnel group for the PW.

Tunnel NHLFE IDs

NHLFE ID of the public tunnel that carries the PW.

If equal-cost tunnels are available, this field displays multiple NIDs.

If no tunnel is available, this field displays None.


display l2vpn ldp

Use display l2vpn ldp to display LDP PW label information.


display l2vpn ldp [ peer ip-address [ pw-id pw-id | vpls-id vpls-id ] | vsi vsi-name ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




peer ip-address: Displays information about PW labels advertised by a peer PE through LDP. The ip-address argument specifies the LSR ID of the peer PE. If you do not specify a peer PE, this command displays information about LDP PW labels advertised by all peer PEs.

pw-id pw-id: Displays FEC 128 LDP PW label information for a PW. The pw-id argument specifies the PW ID in the range of 1 to 4294967295. If you specify the peer ip-address option without the pw-id pw-id option, this command displays all LDP PW label information advertised by the specified peer PE.

vpls-id vpls-id: Displays FEC 129 LDP PW label information for a VPLS instance. The vpls-id argument specifies the VPLS instance ID, a string of 3 to 21 characters. You can specify a VPLS ID in one of the following formats:

·     16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 101:3.

·     32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example,

·     32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number, where the AS number must be equal to or greater than 65536. For example, 65536:1.

vsi vsi-name: Displays LDP PW label information for a VSI. The vsi-name argument specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays LDP PW label information for all VSIs.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information.

Usage guidelines

LDP advertises FEC-to-PW label bindings in the following ways:

·     After you specify a remote PE with the peer command, LDP advertises an FEC 128-to-PW label binding to the remote PE.

·     After BGP discovers a remote PE, LDP advertises an FEC 129-to-PW label binding to the remote PE.

This command can display PW labels as follows:

·     If you specify the pw-id pw-id option, this command displays PW labels for FEC 128.

·     If you specify the vpls-id vpls-id option, this command displays PW labels for FEC 129.

·     If you do not specify pw-id pw-id or vpls-id vpls-id, this command displays PW labels for both FEC 128 and FEC 129.


# Display brief information about all PW labels advertised by LDP.

<Sysname> display l2vpn ldp

Total number of LDP PWs: 2, 2 up, 0 down


Peer            PW ID/VPLS ID         In/Out Label    State Owner       1001                  775125/775126   Up    vpls1       1003                  775117/775122   Up    vpls3

Table 14 Command output




PW ID for FEC 128, or VPLS ID of the PE for FEC 129.


PW state: Up or Down.


Name of the VSI to which the PW belongs.


# Display detailed information about all PW labels advertised by LDP.

<Sysname> display l2vpn ldp verbose

Peer:          PW ID: 500

  VSI Name: ccc

  PW State: Up

  PW Status Communication: Notification method

  PW Preferential Forwarding Status Bit: Process

  PW ID FEC (Local/Remote):

    PW Type     : VLAN/VLAN

    Group ID    : 0/0

    Label       : 1552/1552

    Control Word: Disabled/Disabled

    VCCV CV Type: -/-

    VCCV CC Type: -/-

    MTU         : 1500/1500

    PW Status   : PW forwarding/PW forwarding


Peer:          VPLS ID: 100:100

  VSI Name: bbb

  PW State: Up

  PW Status Communication: Notification method

  PW Preferential Forwarding Status Bit: Ignore

  PW ID FEC (Local/Remote):

    Local AII   : (,

    Remote AII  : (,

    PW Type     : VLAN/VLAN

    Group ID    : 0/0

    Label       : 1553/1553

    Control Word: Disabled/Disabled

    VCCV CV Type: -/-

    VCCV CC Type: -/-

    MTU         : 1500/1500

    PW Status   : PW forwarding/PW forwarding

Table 15 Command output



PW Status Communication

PW status communication method:

·     Notification method—Notifies the PW status through Notification messages.

·     Label withdraw method—Assigns a PW label to the PW when the AC associated with PW comes up, and withdraws the PW label when the AC goes down.

PW Preferential Forwarding Status Bit

PW state processing mode:

·     Process—Process the received PW states.

·     Ignore—Ignore the received PW states.

PW ID FEC (Local/Remote)

PW ID FEC information advertised from the local PE to the peer PE/PW ID FEC information advertised from the peer PE to the local PE.


VCCV CV type:

·     LSP Ping—Uses MPLS LSP ping to verify PW connectivity.

·     BFD—Uses BFD to verify PW connectivity. BFD packets use IP/UDP encapsulation (with IP/UDP headers).

This field displays a hyphen (-) if VCCV is not performed on the PW.


VCCV CC type. The value of this field is Router-Alert, which indicates MPLS router alert label.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if no VCCV CC type is specified.

VCCV is an MPLS OAM technology. For more information about VCCV, see MPLS Configuration Guide.


Maximum transmission unit of the VSI.

PW Status

PW status:

·     PW forwarding—PW is ready for packet forwarding.

·     PW not forwarding—PW is not ready for packet forwarding.

·     AC receive fault—AC cannot receive packets.

·     AC transmit fault—AC cannot send packets.

·     PW receive fault—PW cannot receive packets.

·     PW transmit fault—PW cannot send packets.

·     PW standby—The PW is in standby state.

·     Unknown—Unknown protocol.


ID of the VPLS instance.

Local AII

Source Attachment Individual Identifier (SAII) and Target Attachment Individual Identifier (TAII) advertised to the remote PE.

Remote AII

SAII and TAII received from the remote PE.


display l2vpn mac-address

Use display l2vpn mac-address to display MAC address table information for VSIs.


display l2vpn mac-address [ vsi vsi-name ] [ dynamic ] [ count | verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




vsi vsi-name: Displays MAC address table information for a VSI. The vsi-name argument specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays MAC address table information for all VSIs.

dynamic: Displays dynamically generated MAC address entries. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays all types of MAC address entries. The device supports only dynamic MAC address entries in the current software version.

count: Displays the number of MAC address entries. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays information about MAC address entries.

verbose: Displays detailed information about MAC address entries. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information about MAC address entries.


# Display MAC address table information for all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn mac-address

MAC Address    State     VSI Name                        Link ID/Name   Aging

0000-0000-000a Dynamic   vpn1                            1              Aging

0000-0000-0009 Dynamic   vpn1                            2              Aging

--- 2 mac address(es) found  ---    

# Display the total number of MAC address entries of all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn mac-address count

2 mac address(es) found

Table 16 Command output




MAC address type. The MAC address type can only be Dynamic in the current software version, which indicates that the MAC address is dynamically learned.

Link ID/Name

For a local site's MAC address, this field displays the name of the interface on which the Ethernet service instance is created.

For a remote site's MAC address, this field displays the link ID of the PW from which the MAC address is learned.


Whether the MAC address entry will be aged.

XX mac address(es) found

Total number of MAC address entries of the VSI.


# Display detailed information about MAC address entries of all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn mac-address verbose

MAC Address : 0000-0000-000b

VSI Name    : vpn1

VXLAN ID    : -

Interface   : HGE1/0/1

Link ID     : 1

State       : Dynamic

Aging       : Aging

Table 17 Command output



VSI Name

Name of the VSI to which the MAC address belongs.


VPLS does not support this field.


For a local site's MAC address, this field displays the name of the interface on which the Ethernet service instance is created.

For a remote site's MAC address, this field displays a hyphen (-).

Link ID

Link ID of the AC or PW in the VSI.


MAC address type. The MAC address type can only be Dynamic in the current software version, which indicates that the MAC address is dynamically learned.


Whether the MAC address entry will be aged.


Related commands

reset l2vpn mac-address

display l2vpn pw

Use display l2vpn pw to display L2VPN PW information.


display l2vpn pw [ vsi vsi-name ] [ protocol { bgp | ldp | static } ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




vsi vsi-name: Displays L2VPN PW information for a VSI. The vsi-name argument specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays L2VPN PW information for all VSIs.

protocol: Displays PWs created by a signaling protocol. If you do not specify a protocol, this command displays PWs created by all protocols.

bgp: Displays BGP PW information.

ldp: Displays LDP PW information, including PWs for FEC 128 (LDP PWs) and FEC 129 (BGP auto-discovery LDP PWs).

static: Displays static PW information.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information.

Usage guidelines

After you enable PW statistics, you can use the display l2vpn pw verbose command to display PW statistics.


# Display brief information about all PWs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn pw

Flags: M - main, B - backup, BY - bypass, H - hub link, S - spoke link, N - no split horizon

Total number of PWs: 5

5 up, 0 blocked, 0 down, 0 defect, 0 idle, 0 duplicate


VSI Name: aaa

Peer            PW ID/Rmt Site    In/Out Label    Proto   Flag  Link ID  State         2                 1420/1419       BGP     M     9        Up         3                 1421/1281       BGP     M     10       Up


VSI Name: bbb

Peer            PW ID/Rmt Site    In/Out Label    Proto   Flag  Link ID  State         -                 1553/1553       LDP     M     8        Up         -                 1554/1416       LDP     M     9        Up


VSI Name: ccc

Peer            PW ID/Rmt Site    In/Out Label    Proto   Flag  Link ID  State         500               1552/1552       LDP     M     8        Up

Table 18 Command output



PW ID/Rmt Site

This field displays the following:

·     PW ID for an LDP PW (FEC 128) or a static PW.

·     A hyphen (-) for a BGP auto-discovery LDP PW (FEC 129).

·     Remote site ID for a BGP PW.


Protocol used to establish the PW: LDP, Static, or BGP.


PW attribute flag:

·     M—Primary PW.

·     B—Backup PW.

·     N—Split horizon forwarding is disabled.

Link ID

Link ID of the PW in the VSI.


PW state:

·     Up—The PW is available.

·     Down—The PW is not available.

·     Blocked—The PW is a backup PW.

·     Defect—BFD has detected a defect on the PW.

·     Idle—The incoming label of the PW is not available.

·     Dup—The incoming label of the static PW is occupied by a static LSP or a static CRLSP.


# Display detailed information about all L2VPN PWs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn pw verbose

VSI Name: aaa

  Peer:          Remote Site: 2

    Signaling Protocol  : BGP

    Link ID             : 9          PW State : Up

    In Label            : 1420       Out Label: 1419

    MTU                 : 1500

    PW Attributes       : Main

    VCCV CC             : -

    VCCV BFD            : -

    Tunnel Group ID     : 0x800000960000000

    Tunnel NHLFE IDs    : 1038


VSI Name: bbb

  Peer:          VPLS ID: 100:100

    Signaling Protocol  : LDP

    Link ID             : 8          PW State : Up

    In Label            : 1553       Out Label: 1553

    MTU                 : 1500

    PW Attributes       : Main

    VCCV CC             : -

    VCCV BFD            : -

    Tunnel Group ID     : 0x800000960000000

    Tunnel NHLFE IDs    : 1038


VSI Name: ccc

  Peer:          PW ID: 500

    Signaling Protocol  : LDP

    Link ID             : 8          PW State : Up

    In Label            : 1552       Out Label: 1552

    MTU                 : 1500

    PW Attributes       : Main

    VCCV CC             : -

    VCCV BFD            : -

    Tunnel Group ID     : 0x800000960000000

    Tunnel NHLFE IDs    : 1038

Table 19 Command output




IP address of the peer PE to which the PW is destined.

Signaling Protocol

Protocol used to establish the PW: LDP, Static, or BGP.

Link ID

Link ID of the PW in the VSI.

PW State

PW state:

·     Up—The PW is available.

·     Down—The PW is not available.

·     Blocked—The PW is a backup PW.

·     Defect—BFD has detected a defect on the PW.

·     Idle—The incoming label of the PW is not available.

·     Duplicate—The incoming label of the static PW is occupied by a static LSP or a static CRLSP.

Wait to Restore Time

Wait time to switch traffic from the backup PW to the primary PW when the primary PW recovers, in seconds. If the switchover is disabled, this field displays Infinite.

This field is available when both primary and backup PW exist, and is displayed only for the primary PW.

Remaining Time

Remaining wait time for traffic switchover, in seconds. This field is displayed after the switchover wait timer is started.


Negotiated MTU of the PW.

PW Attributes

PW attribute:

·     Main—The PW is the primary PW.

·     Backup—The PW is the backup PW.

·     No-split-horizon—Split horizon forwarding is disabled.


VCCV CC type. The value of this field is Router-Alert, which indicates MPLS router alert label.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if no VCCV CC type is specified.


VCCV BFD type:

Fault Detection with BFD—BFD packets use IP/UDP encapsulation (with IP/UDP headers).

This field displays a hyphen (-) if BFD is not used to verify PW connectivity.

Tunnel Group ID

ID of the tunnel group for the PW.

Tunnel NHLFE IDs

NHLFE ID of the public tunnel that carries the PW.

If equal-cost tunnels are available, this field displays multiple NIDs.

If no tunnel is available, this field displays None.


ID of the VPLS instance.

Remote Site

ID of the remote site.


display l2vpn pw-class

Use display l2vpn pw-class to display PW class information.


display l2vpn pw-class [ class-name ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




class-name: Displays information about the PW class specified by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 19 characters. If you do not specify a PW class, this command displays information about all PW classes.

verbose: Displays detailed PW class information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief PW class information.


# Display information about all PW classes.

<Sysname> display l2vpn pw-class

Total number of PW classes: 2


PW Class Name       PW Type              Control Word   VCCV CC        VCCV BFD

pw1                 Ethernet             Disabled       -              BFD

pw2                 VLAN                 Disabled       -              BFD

Table 20 Command output




VCCV CC type. The value of this field is Router-Alert, which indicates MPLS router alert label.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if no VCCV CC type is specified.


VCCV BFD type:

Fault Detection with BFD—BFD packets use IP/UDP encapsulation (with IP/UDP headers).

This field displays a hyphen (-) if BFD is not used to verify PW connectivity.


# Display detailed information about all PW classes.

<Sysname> display l2vpn pw-class verbose

PW Class Name : pw1

  PW Type     : Ethernet

  Control Word: Disabled

  VCCV CC     : Router-Alert



PW Class Name : pw2

  PW Type     : VLAN

  Control Word: Disabled

  VCCV CC     : Router-Alert


Table 21 Command output



PW Type

PW data encapsulation type: Ethernet or VLAN.


VCCV CC type. The value of this field is Router-Alert, which indicates MPLS router alert label.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if no VCCV CC type is specified.


VCCV BFD type:

BFD—BFD packets use IP/UDP encapsulation (with IP/UDP headers).

This field displays a hyphen (-) if BFD is not used to verify PW connectivity.


Related commands


display l2vpn service-instance

Use display l2vpn service-instance to display Ethernet service instance information.


display l2vpn service-instance [ interface interface-type interface-number [ service-instance instance-id ] ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface interface-type interface-number: Displays Ethernet service instance information for the specified Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays Ethernet service instance information for all Layer 2 Ethernet interfaces and Layer 2 aggregate interfaces.

service-instance instance-id: Displays information about the Ethernet service instance specified by its ID. The instance ID is in the range of 1 to 4096. If you specify interface interface-type interface-number without this option, the command displays information about all Ethernet service instances on the specified Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information.


# Display brief information about all Ethernet service instances.

<Sysname> display l2vpn service-instance

Total number of service-instances: 8, 8 up, 0 down

Total number of ACs: 2, 2 up, 0 down


Interface                SrvID Owner                           LinkID State Type

HGE1/0/3                 1     vpls1                           1      Up    VSI

HGE1/0/3                 2     vpls2                           1      Up    VSI

Table 22 Command output




Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface.


Ethernet service instance ID.


Name of the VSI bound to the Ethernet service instance. This field is empty if no VSI is bound.


Link ID of the AC in the VSI.


Ethernet service instance state.


L2VPN type of the Ethernet service instance: VSI or VPWS.


# Display detailed information about all Ethernet service instances on Layer 2 Ethernet interface HundredGigE 1/0/3.

<Sysname> display l2vpn service-instance interface hundredgige 1/0/3 verbose

Interface: HGE1/0/3

  Service Instance: 1

    Type          : Manual

    Encapsulation : s-vid 16

    Bandwidth     : Unlimited

    VSI Name      : vpls1

    Link ID       : 1

    State         : Up

    Statistics    : Disabled

Table 23 Command output




Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface.

Service Instance

Ethernet service instance ID.


Ethernet service instance type. This field can only be Manual, which indicates that the Ethernet service instance is manually created.


Match criteria of the Ethernet service instance. If no match criteria are configured, the field is not displayed.


Maximum bandwidth in kbps for traffic of the AC. If this field displays a hyphen (-), the traffic bandwidth of the AC is not limited.

VSI Name

Name of the VSI bound to the Ethernet service instance.

Link ID

Link ID of the AC in the VSI.


Ethernet service instance state: Up and Down.


This field is not supported in the current software version.

Packet statistics state:

·     Enabled—Packet statistics is enabled for the Ethernet service instance.

·     Disabled—Packet statistics is disabled for the Ethernet service instance.


Related commands


display l2vpn vsi

Use display l2vpn vsi to display VSI information.


display l2vpn vsi [ name vsi-name ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




name vsi-name: Displays information about a VSI. The vsi-name argument specifies the VSI name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command displays information about all VSIs.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information.


# Display brief information about all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn vsi

Total number of VSIs: 2, 1 up, 1 down, 0 admin down


VSI Name                        VSI Index       MTU    State

vpls1                           0               1500   Up

vpls2                           1               1500   Down

Table 24 Command output




VSI state:

·     Up.

·     Down.

·     Admin down—The VSI is manually brought down by using the shutdown command.


# Display detailed information about all VSIs.

<Sysname> display l2vpn vsi verbose

VSI Name: vpls1

  VSI Index               : 0

  VSI Description         : vsi for vpls1

  VSI State               : Up

  MTU                     : 1500

  Bandwidth               : Unlimited

  Broadcast Restrain      : Unlimited

  Multicast Restrain      : Unlimited

  Unknown Unicast Restrain: Unlimited

  MAC Learning            : Enabled

  MAC Table Limit         : -

  MAC Learning rate       : -

  Drop Unknown            : -

  Flooding                : Enabled

  Statistics              : Disabled

  VXLAN ID                : -

  LDP PWs:

    Peer            PW ID            Link ID    State       1                8          Up       1001             8          Blocked

  BGP PWs:

    Peer            Remote Site      Link ID    State       1                9          Up


    AC                               Link ID    State       Type

    HGE1/0/3 srv1                    1          Up          Manual

Table 25 Command output



VSI Description

If no description is configured for the VSI, this field is not displayed.

VSI State

VSI state:

·     Up.

·     Down.

·     Admin down—The VSI is manually brought down by using the shutdown command.


Maximum bandwidth for traffic in the VSI, in kbps.

This field displays Unlimited if no limit is set on the traffic in the VSI.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if the VSI does not support setting the maximum bandwidth for traffic.

Broadcast Restrain

Broadcast suppression bandwidth for the VSI, in kbps.

This field displays Unlimited if no limit is set on the broadcast traffic in the VSI.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if the VSI does not support setting the maximum bandwidth for broadcast traffic.

Multicast Restrain

Multicast suppression bandwidth for the VSI, in kbps.

This field displays Unlimited if no limit is set on the multicast traffic in the VSI.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if the VSI does not support setting the maximum bandwidth for mulicast traffic.

Unknown Unicast Restrain

Unknown unicast suppression bandwidth for the VSI, in kbps.

This field displays Unlimited if no limit is set on the unknown unicast traffic in the VSI.

This field displays a hyphen (-) if the VSI does not support setting the maximum bandwidth for unknown unicast traffic.

MAC Table Limit

This field is not supported in the current software version.

Maximum number of MAC addresses that the VSI can learn.

MAC Learning Rate

This field is not supported in the current software version.

MAC address learning interval of the VSI.

Drop Unknown

This field is not supported in the current software version.

Whether the VSI drops packets with unknown source MAC addresses after it has leaned the maximum number of MAC addresses:

·     Enabled—Drops packets with unknown source MAC addresses.

·     Disabled—Forwards packets with unknown source MAC addresses.


VPLS does not support this field.


VSI statistics state, Enabled or Disabled.


VPLS does not support this field.


PW state: Up, Down, Blocked, or BFD Defect.


AC type: Layer 2 interface and Ethernet service instance.


Ethernet service instance type. This field can only be Manual, which indicates that the Ethernet service instance is manually created.


Related commands



Use encapsulation to configure a packet match criterion for an Ethernet service instance.

Use undo encapsulation to restore the default.


encapsulation s-vid vlan-id [ only-tagged ]

encapsulation s-vid vlan-id-list [ c-vid vlan-id-list ]

encapsulation { default | tagged | untagged }

undo encapsulation


No packet match criterion is configured for an Ethernet service instance.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



s-vid vlan-id: Matches packets with the specified outer VLAN IDs.

only-tagged: Matches tagged packets. If the outer VLAN is not the PVID, the matching result does not differ, whether or not you specify the only-tagged keyword. If the outer VLAN is the PVID, the matching result depends on whether or not the only-tagged keyword is specified.

·     To match only PVID-tagged packets, specify the only-tagged keyword.

·     To match both untagged packets and PVID-tagged packets, do not specify the only-tagged keyword.

vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094.

vlan-id-list: Specifies one inner VLAN ID or specifies a space-separated list of up to eight VLAN items. Each item specifies a VLAN ID or a range of VLAN IDs in the format of start-VLAN-ID to end-VLAN-ID. The value range for VLAN IDs is 1 to 4094.

default: Matches packets that do not match any other Ethernet service instances on the interface. On an interface, you can configure this criterion only in one Ethernet service instance. The Ethernet service instance matches all packets if it is the only instance on the interface.

tagged: Matches any packets that have a VLAN tag.

untagged: Matches any packets that do not have a VLAN tag.

Usage guidelines

The match criteria of different Ethernet service instances cannot overlap on an interface.

You cannot repeat the encapsulation command to modify the match criterion of an Ethernet service instance. To change the match criterion, first execute the undo encapsulation command to remove the original match criterion.

After you remove the packet match criterion of an Ethernet service instance, the mapping between the Ethernet service instance and the VSI is removed automatically.


# Configure Ethernet service instance 1 on Layer 2 Ethernet interface HundredGigE 1/0/1 to match packets that have an outer VLAN ID of 111.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv1] encapsulation s-vid 111

Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance

l2vpn enable

Use l2vpn enable to enable L2VPN.

Use undo l2vpn enable to disable L2VPN.


l2vpn enable

undo l2vpn enable


L2VPN is disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

You must enable L2VPN before configuring other L2VPN settings.


# Enable L2VPN.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] l2vpn enable

l2vpn switchover

Use l2vpn switchover to switch traffic from a PW to its backup or primary PW.


l2vpn switchover peer ip-address pw-id pw-id


User view

Predefined user roles



peer ip-address: Specifies the LSR ID of the peer PE.

pw-id pw-id: Specifies a PW by its ID in the range of 1 to 4294967295.

Usage guidelines

The specified LSR ID and PW ID uniquely identify a PW.

If a PW has a backup PW or primary PW, this command switches traffic from the PW to the backup or primary PW. If the PW does not have a backup or primary PW, this command does not perform the switchover.


# Switch traffic from PW 100 destined for to its backup PW.

<Sysname> l2vpn switchover peer pw-id 100

mac-learning enable

Use mac-learning enable to enable MAC address learning for a VSI.

Use undo mac-learning enable to disable MAC address learning for a VSI.


mac-learning enable

undo mac-learning enable


MAC address learning is enabled for a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

If MAC address learning is disabled for a VSI, the VSI does not learn the source MAC addresses of received packets.


# Disable MAC address learning for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] undo mac-learning enable

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi


Use mtu to set an MTU for a VSI.

Use undo mtu to restore the default.


mtu size

undo mtu


A VSI has an MTU of 1500 bytes.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



size: Specifies an MTU value. The value range is 300 to 65535.

Usage guidelines

The VSI MTU specifies the maximum length of a packet transmitted on a PW, including the PW label and network layer packet.

When LDP is used to create PWs, all PEs in a VPLS instance must have the same MTU configured for the VSI.


# Set the MTU to 1400 bytes for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] mtu 1400

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi


Use peer in VSI LDP signaling view to configure a VSI LDP PW and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing VSI LDP PW.

Use peer in VSI static configuration view to configure a VSI static PW and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing VSI static PW.

Use undo peer to delete a VPLS PW.


VSI LDP signaling view:

peer ip-address [ pw-id pw-id ] [ ignore-standby-state | no-split-horizon | pw-class class-name | tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name ] *

undo peer ip-address pw-id pw-id

VSI static configuration view:

peer ip-address [ pw-id pw-id ] [ in-label label-value out-label label-value [ no-split-horizon | pw-class class-name | tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name ] * ]

undo peer ip-address pw-id pw-id


No PWs exist for VPLS.


VSI LDP signaling view

VSI static configuration view

Predefined user roles



ip-address: Specifies the LSR ID of the peer PE.

pw-id pw-id: Specifies a PW ID for the PW, in the range of 1 to 4294967295.

in-label label-value: Specifies the incoming label of the PW. The value range is 16 to 1023.

out-label label-value: Specifies the outgoing label of the PW. The value range is 16 to 1048575.

ignore-standby-state: Ignores the PW active/standby status bit received from the remote PE. This keyword is applicable only to LDP PWs.

no-split-horizon: Disables split horizon forwarding for the PW. By default, a PW must use the split horizon forwarding scheme to forward packets.

pw-class class-name: Specifies a PW class by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 19 characters. You can specify a PW class to configure the PW data encapsulation type. If you do not specify a PW class, the PW data encapsulation type is VLAN.

tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name: Specifies a tunnel policy by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 19 characters. If you do not specify a tunnel policy, the PW uses the default tunnel policy.

Usage guidelines

A PE uses the PW Preferential Forwarding Status bit in LDP messages to advertise the local PWs' active/standby states. When the bit is set, it indicates that the local PW is in standby state. When the bit is cleared, it indicates that the local PW is in active state.

In master/slave mode of PW redundancy, the slave PE selects the forwarding PW among the set of redundant PWs based on the status bit received from the master PE. If you specify the ignore-standby-state keyword, the PE ignores the status bit received from the master PE and uses the primary PW to forward packets as long as the primary PW is up.

To create a static PW, you must specify the incoming and outgoing labels. To enter VSI static PW view of an existing static PW, you do not need to specify the incoming and outgoing labels.

The PW ID for a PW must be the same on the PEs at the ends of the PW.

On a PE, the LSR ID of the peer PE and the PW ID uniquely identify a PW. The peer LSR ID and PW ID combination of a PW must be unique among all VPLS PWs and cross-connect PWs.

If both the default PW ID in the default-pw-id command and a PW ID in the peer command are configured, the PW ID in the peer command is used. If only the default PW ID is configured, the default PW ID is used. If no default PW ID is configured, you must provide a PW ID in the peer command.

When you add a static PW, you must make sure that static PW uses a different incoming label than an existing static LSP or static CRLSP. If the incoming label is duplicated, you cannot make the static PW take effect by changing the incoming label of the static LSP or CRLSP. Instead, you must delete the static PW and then reconfigure the static PW with an unused incoming label.


# Configure an LDP PW for VSI vpn1 and enter VSI LDP PW view: specify the peer PE address as, set the PW ID to 200, and disable split horizon forwarding for the PW.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] pwsignaling ldp

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1-ldp] peer pw-id 200 no-split-horizon


# Configure a static PW for VSI vpn1 and enter VSI static PW view: specify the peer PE address as, set the PW ID to 200, incoming label to 100, and outgoing label to 200, and disable split horizon forwarding for the PW.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] pwsignaling static

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1-static] peer pw-id 200 in-label 100 out-label 200 no-split-horizon


Related commands


display l2vpn ldp

display l2vpn pw



peer auto-discovery

Use peer auto-discovery to enable BGP to exchange VPLS PE information with the specified peers.

Use undo peer auto-discovery to disable BGP from exchanging VPLS PE information with the specified peers.


peer { group-name | ip-address [ mask-length ] } auto-discovery [ non-standard ]

undo peer { group-name | ip-address [ mask-length ] } auto-discovery


BGP can exchange VPLS PE information with a BGP L2VPN peer or peer group through RFC 6074 MP_REACH_NLRI.


BGP L2VPN address family view

Predefined user roles



group-name: Specifies a peer group by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters. The specified peer group must have been created.

ip-address: Specifies a peer by its IP address. The specified peer must have been created.

mask-length: Specifies a mask length in the range of 0 to 32. You can use the ip-address and mask-length arguments together to specify a subnet. If you specify a subnet, this command enables BGP to exchange VPLS PE information with all dynamic peers in the subnet.

non-standard: Uses non-standard MP_REACH_NLRI to exchange VPLS PE information. If you do not specify this keyword, RFC 6074 MP_REACH_NLRI is used to exchange VPLS PE information.

Usage guidelines

L2VPN can use MP-BGP to exchange VPLS PE information and find remote PEs in the same VPLS instance.

To enable BGP to exchange VPLS PE information with the specified peers through RFC 6074 MP_REACH_NLRI, you can also use the peer enable command in BGP L2VPN address family view. To disable the capability, use the undo peer auto-discovery command.


# Enable BGP to exchange VPLS PE information with the peer through RFC 6074 MP_REACH_NLRI.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] bgp 100

[Sysname-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn

[Sysname-bgp-default-l2vpn] peer auto-discovery

Related commands

display bgp l2vpn auto-discovery

peer signaling

Use peer signaling to enable BGP to exchange label block information with the specified peers.

Use undo peer signaling to disable BGP to exchange label block information with the specified peers.


peer { group-name | ip-address [ mask-length ] } signaling

undo peer { group-name | ip-address [ mask-length ] } signaling


BGP can exchange label block information with a BGP L2VPN peer or peer group.


BGP L2VPN address family view

Predefined user roles



group-name: Specifies a peer group by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 47 characters. The specified peer group must have been created.

ip-address: Specifies a peer by its IP address. The specified peer must have been created.

mask-length: Specifies a mask length in the range of 0 to 32. You can use the ip-address and mask-length arguments together to specify a subnet. If you specify a subnet, this command enables BGP to exchange label block information with all dynamic peers in the subnet.

Usage guidelines

L2VPN uses MP-BGP to exchange label blocks when creating a BGP PW.

To enable BGP to exchange label block information with the specified peers, you can also use the peer enable command in BGP L2VPN address family view. To disable the capability, use the undo peer signaling command.


# Enable BGP to exchange label block information with peer

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] bgp 100

[Sysname-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn

[Sysname-bgp-default-l2vpn] peer signaling

Related commands

display bgp l2vpn signaling

policy vpn-target

Use policy vpn-target to enable route target-based filtering of incoming BGP L2VPN information.

Use undo policy vpn-target to disable route target-based filtering of incoming BGP L2VPN information.


policy vpn-target

undo policy vpn-target


Route target-based filtering of incoming BGP L2VPN information is enabled.


BGP L2VPN address family view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

If route target-based filtering is enabled, L2VPN accepts only the incoming BGP L2VPN information whose export route target attribute matches the local import route target attribute. If route target-based filtering is disabled, L2VPN accepts all incoming BGP L2VPN information.

To establish a BGP PW between two MP-IBGP peers that use a route reflector, you must disable route target-based filtering of incoming BGP L2VPN information on the route reflector.


# Disable route target-based filtering of incoming BGP L2VPN information.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] bgp 100

[Sysname-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn

[Sysname-bgp-default-l2vpn] undo policy vpn-target

pw-class (auto-discovery VSI view)

Use pw-class to specify a PW class for an auto-discovery VSI.

Use undo pw-class to restore the default.


pw-class class-name

undo pw-class


No PW class is specified.


Auto-discovery VSI view

Predefined user roles



class-name: Specifies a PW class by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 19 characters.

Usage guidelines

The specified PW class will be used to establish all PWs on the auto-discovery VSI.


# Specify a PW class named pw100 for auto-discovery VSI aaa.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] pw-class pw100

[Sysname-pw-pw100] quit

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] pw-class pw100

Related commands

display l2vpn pw-class


pw-class (system view)

Use pw-class to create a PW class and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing PW class.

Use undo pw-class to delete a PW class.


pw-class class-name

undo pw-class class-name


No PW classes exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



class-name: Specifies a name for the PW class, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 19 characters.

Usage guidelines

In PW class view, you can configure PW attributes such as the PW data encapsulation type. A PW class simplifies PW attribute configuration for PWs that have the same PW attributes. You can configure the PW attributes in a PW class, and specify the PW class for the PWs.


# Create a PW class named pw100 and enter PW class view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] pw-class pw100


Related commands

display l2vpn pw-class



Use pw-redundancy to specify the master/slave PW redundancy mode and configure the local PE as the master node.

Use undo pw-redundancy to restore the default.


pw-redundancy master

undo pw-redundancy


The PW redundancy mode is master/slave and the local PE operates as the slave node.


VSI LDP signaling view

Predefined user roles



master: Uses the master/slave PW redundancy mode and configures the local PE as the master node.

Usage guidelines

This command is applicable only to LDP PWs.

For LDP PWs, PEs use LDP to negotiate the active/standby states of the PWs. In master/slave mode, one endpoint PE of a PW operates as the master node and the other endpoint PE operates as the slave node. The master PE determines the active/standby state of the PW and uses LDP to advertise the PW state to the slave PE. The slave PE uses the same PW state as the master PE based on the information received from the master PE. In this way, the master and slave PEs for the set of redundant PWs can use the same active PW to forward user traffic.

The slave PE does not need to send the PW states to the master PE and the master PE ignores the PW states sent by the slave PE.

Do not configure this command on the local PE if the remote PE does not support the master/slave PW redundancy mode.


# Use the master/slave PW redundancy mode and configure the local PE as the master node.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] pwsignaling ldp

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1-ldp] pw-redundancy master

Related commands


display l2vpn ldp

display l2vpn pw



Use pwsignaling to specify a PW signaling protocol for a VSI, and enter the VSI signaling protocol view.

Use undo pwsignaling to remove the specified PW signaling protocol for a VSI.


pwsignaling { ldp | static }

undo pwsignaling { ldp | static }


No PW signaling protocol is specified for a VSI.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



ldp: Establishes PWs through LDP (FEC 128) and enters VSI LDP signaling view.

static: Establishes PWs statically and enters VSI static configuration view.


# Configure VSI vpn1 to use LDP to establish LDP PWs, and enter VSI LDP signaling view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] pwsignaling ldp


Related commands

display l2vpn pw


Use pw-type to specify a PW data encapsulation type for a PW class.

Use undo pw-type to restore the default.


pw-type { ethernet | vlan }

undo pw-type


The PW data encapsulation type for a PW class is VLAN.


PW class view

Predefined user roles



ethernet: Specifies the PW data encapsulation type as Ethernet.

vlan: Specifies the PW data encapsulation type as VLAN.

Usage guidelines

When the PW data encapsulation type is Ethernet, the PE encapsulates packets forwarded between the AC and PW as follows:

·     Traffic from the AC to the PW cannot carry the P-tag assigned by the service provider.

¡     If traffic from the AC has the P-tag, the PE removes the P-tag, and adds a PW label and an outer tag into the packet before forwarding it.

¡     If traffic from the AC does not have the P-tag, the PE adds a PW label and an outer tag into the packet before forwarding it.

·     For traffic received from the PW:

¡     If the AC access mode is VLAN, the PE adds the P-tag and forwards the traffic through the AC.

¡     If the AC access mode is Ethernet, the PE directly forwards the traffic through the AC. The PE cannot modify or delete the P-tag for the traffic from the PW.

When the PW data encapsulation type is VLAN, the PE encapsulates packets forwarded between the AC and PW as follows:

·     Traffic from the AC to the PW must carry the P-tag.

¡     If traffic from the AC has the P-tag, the PE performs one of the following operations:

-     Keeps the P-tag when the peer PE does not require the ingress to modify the P-tag.

-     Changes the P-tag to the expected value (which can be zero) when the peer PE requires the ingress to modify the P-tag. Then, the PE adds a PW label and an outer tag into the packet before forwarding it.

¡     If traffic from the AC does not have the P-tag, the PE performs one of the following operations:

-     Adds a P-tag of 0 when the peer PE does not require the ingress to modify the P-tag.

-     Adds the expected P-tag (which can be zero) when the peer PE requires the ingress to modify the P-tag. Then, the PE adds a PW label and an outer tag into the packet before forwarding it.

·     For traffic received from the PW:

¡     If the AC access mode is VLAN, the PE modifies or keeps the P-tag and forwards the traffic through the AC.

¡     If the AC access mode is Ethernet, the PE removes the P-tag and forwards the traffic through the AC.

To ensure successful negotiation of the encapsulation type during PW establishment, configure the same data encapsulation type on all devices in the same VPLS instance.


# Configure the PW data encapsulation type as Ethernet.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] pw-class pw100

[Sysname-pw-pw100] pw-type ethernet

Related commands

display l2vpn pw-class

reset l2vpn mac-address

Use reset l2vpn mac-address to clear MAC address entries for VSIs.


reset l2vpn mac-address [ vsi vsi-name ]


User view

Predefined user roles



vsi vsi-name: Specifies a VSI by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VSI, this command clears MAC address entries for all VSIs.

Usage guidelines

When a VSI learns wrong MAC addresses or has learned the maximum number of MAC addresses, use this command to clear MAC addresses for the VSI. Then, the VSI can learn MAC addresses again.


# Clear MAC address entries for VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> reset l2vpn mac-address vsi vpn1

Related commands

display l2vpn mac-address vsi


Use restrain to set broadcast, multicast, or unknown unicast suppression bandwidth for a VSI.

Use undo restrain to restore the default.


restrain { broadcast | multicast | unknown-unicast } bandwidth

undo restrain { broadcast | multicast | unknown-unicast }


A VSI's broadcast suppression bandwidth, multicast suppression bandwidth, and unknown unicast suppression bandwidth are all 5120 kbps.


VSI view

Predefined user roles



broadcast: Specifies the broadcast suppression bandwidth.

multicast: Specifies the multicast suppression bandwidth.

unknown-unicast: Specifies the unknown unicast suppression bandwidth. Unknown unicast packets refer to the unicast packets whose destination MAC addresses are not in the MAC address table of the VSI.

bandwidth: Specifies the broadcast, multicast, or unknown unicast suppression bandwidth in the range of 64 to 4194303 kbps. If you set the value of this argument to 0, broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast packets will not be forwarded.

Usage guidelines

When the bandwidth of broadcast, multicast, or unknown unicast traffic in a VSI exceeds the configured suppression bandwidth, the VSI drops the exceeding traffic.

If you configure both the bandwidth and restrain commands in VSI view, the following rules apply:

·     Both the bandwidth and restrain commands take effect.

·     The bandwidth command takes effect only on traffic types (broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast) that are not specified by the restrain command.


# Set the broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast suppression bandwidth all to 100 kbps for the VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] restrain broadcast 100

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] restrain multicast 100

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] restrain unknown-unicast 100

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi


Use revertive to specify the switchover mode and set the switchover wait time.

Use undo revertive to restore the default.


revertive { wtr wtr-time | never }

undo revertive { wtr | never }


The switchover mode is revertive and the switchover wait time is 0 seconds. When the primary PW recovers, traffic is immediately switched back from the backup PW to the primary PW.


VSI LDP signaling view

VSI static configuration view

Predefined user roles



wtr wtr-time: Specifies the switchover mode as revertive and specifies the wait time in the range of 0 to 3600 seconds. When the primary PW recovers, the PE waits for the specified time before switching traffic from the backup PW to the primary PW.

never: Specifies the switchover mode as non-revertive. After the primary PW recovers, traffic is not switched from the backup PW to the primary PW.


# Specify the revertive mode and set the switchover wait time to 120 seconds for static PWs in VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] pwsignaling static

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1-static] revertive wtr 120

Related commands

display l2vpn pw


Use route-distinguisher to configure a route distinguisher (RD) for an auto-discovery VSI.

Use undo route-distinguisher to restore the default.


route-distinguisher route-distinguisher

undo route-distinguisher


No RD is configured for an auto-discovery VSI.


Auto-discovery VSI view

Predefined user roles



route-distinguisher: Specifies an RD, a string of 3 to 21 characters. An RD can be in one of the following formats:

·     16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 101:3.

·     32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example,

·     32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number, where the AS number must be equal to or greater than 65536. For example, 65536:1.

Usage guidelines

VPLS uses RDs to differentiate the sites with the same site ID but in different VPNs.

BGP adds the configured RD before the site ID. The RD and the site ID uniquely identify a VPN site.

The configured RD applies to both BGP neighbor auto-discovery and VPLS label block advertisement.

You cannot configure the same RD for different BGP VSIs.

To modify an RD, execute the undo route-distinguisher command to remove the RD and then execute the route-distinguisher command.


# Configure RD 22:1 for BGP VSI aaa.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] route-distinguisher 22:1


Use rr-filter to create a route reflector (RR) reflection policy.

Use undo rr-filter to restore the default.


rr-filter ext-comm-list-number

undo rr-filter


An RR does not filter reflected L2VPN information.


BGP L2VPN address family view

Predefined user roles



ext-comm-list-number: Specifies an extended community list number in the range of 1 to 199.

Usage guidelines

After this command is executed, only the L2VPN information that is permitted by the specified extended community list is reflected.

By configuring different RR reflection policies on RRs in a cluster, you can implement load balancing among the RRs.

For more information about extended community lists, see Layer 3—IP Routing Configuration Guide.


# Configure the RR to reflect only the BGP L2VPN information that is permitted by extended community list 10.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] bgp 100

[Sysname-bgp-default] address-family l2vpn

[Sysname-bgp-default-l2vpn] rr-filter 10

Related commands

ip extcommunity-list (Layer 3—IP Routing Command Reference)


Use service-instance to create an Ethernet service instance on an interface and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing Ethernet service instance.

Use undo service-instance to delete an Ethernet service instance on an interface.


service-instance instance-id

undo service-instance instance-id


No Ethernet service instances exist.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Layer 2 aggregate interface view

Predefined user roles



instance-id: Specifies an ID for the Ethernet service instance, in the range of 1 to 4096.


# Create Ethernet service instance 1 on Layer 2 Ethernet interface HundredGigE 1/0/1, and enter Ethernet service instance 1 view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 1


Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance


Use shutdown to disable a VSI.

Use undo shutdown to enable a VSI.



undo shutdown


A VSI is enabled.


VSI view

Predefined user roles


Usage guidelines

After you disable a VSI, the VSI cannot provide VPLS services.

Use the shutdown command when you want to temporarily disable VPLS. When a VSI is disabled, you can still configure the VSI. After the configuration, use the undo shutdown command to enable the VSI. The VSI will provide VPLS services using the new settings.


# Disable VSI vpn1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] shutdown

Related commands

display l2vpn vsi


Use signaling-protocol to specify a signaling protocol and enter the specified signaling view. The specified signaling protocol is used to establish PWs to the automatically discovered remote PEs.

Use undo signaling-protocol to restore the default.


signaling-protocol { bgp | ldp }

undo signaling-protocol


No signaling protocol is specified.


Auto-discovery VSI view

Predefined user roles



bgp: Specifies the signaling protocol as BGP and enters auto-discovery VSI BGP signaling view.

ldp: Specifies the signaling protocol as LDP and enters auto-discovery VSI LDP signaling view.

Usage guidelines

You can specify only one signaling protocol in the same auto-discovery VSI view. To modify the signaling protocol, execute the undo signaling-protocol command to remove the signaling protocol and then execute the signaling-protocol command.


# Use LDP (FEC 129) to establish a PW to a remote PE discovered by BGP and enter auto-discovery VSI LDP signaling view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] signaling-protocol ldp


Related commands

display l2vpn pw

display l2vpn vsi


Use site to create a local site.

Use undo site to delete a local site.


site site-id [ range range-value ] [ default-offset default-offset ]

undo site site-id


No sites exist.


Auto-discovery VSI BGP signaling view

Predefined user roles



site-id: Specifies a local site ID. The value range is 0 to 256.

range range-value: Specifies the maximum number of sites in a VPLS instance, in the range of 2 to 1 + the maximum number of site-id. The default value is 10.

default-offset default-offset: Specifies the start site ID, 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

Usage guidelines

You can create multiple local sites for a VSI.

You can use the site command to increase the range value for an existing site. You cannot decrease the range value for an existing site with the site command. To decrease the range value, execute the undo site command to delete the site and then execute the site command.

You cannot modify the default-offset for a site with the site command. To modify it, execute the undo site command to delete the site and then execute the site command.


# Create site 1, configure the VPLS instance to contain a maximum of 30 sites, and set the start site ID to 0 for VSI aaa.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] signaling-protocol bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto-bgp] site 1 range 30 default-offset 0

Related commands

display l2vpn pw

display l2vpn vsi

snmp-agent trap enable l2vpn

Use snmp-agent trap enable l2vpn to enable SNMP notifications for L2VPN PW.

Use undo snmp-agent trap enable l2vpn to disable SNMP notifications for L2VPN PW.


snmp-agent trap enable l2vpn [ pw-delete | pw-switch | pw-up-down ] *

undo snmp-agent trap enable l2vpn [ pw-delete | pw-switch | pw-up-down ] *


SNMP notifications for L2VPN PW are disabled.


System view

Predefined user roles



pw-delete: Enables PW deletion notifications.

pw-switch: Enables PW primary/backup switchover notifications.

pw-up-down: Enables PW up-down notifications.

Usage guidelines

This feature enables L2VPN to generate SNMP notifications when PW deletions, PW status changes, or PW switchovers occur. For L2VPN event notifications to be sent correctly, you must also configure SNMP on the device. For more information about SNMP configuration, see the network management and monitoring configuration guide for the device.

If you do not specify a notification type, this command enables all types of notifications for L2VPN PW.


# Enable PW up-down SNMP notifications.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable l2vpn pw-up-down

Related commands

display snmp-agent trap-list (Network Management and Monitoring Command Reference)

tunnel-policy (auto-discovery VSI view)

Use tunnel-policy to specify a tunnel policy for an auto-discovery VSI.

Use undo tunnel-policy to restore the default.


tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name

undo tunnel-policy


No tunnel policy is specified.


Auto-discovery VSI view

Predefined user roles



tunnel-policy-name: Specifies a tunnel policy by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 19 characters.

Usage guidelines

The PWs on the auto-discovery VSI use the specified tunnel policy to select public tunnels.

If you do not specify a tunnel policy or specify a nonexistent tunnel policy, the default tunnel policy applies. The default tunnel policy selects only one public tunnel for a PW in this order: LSP tunnel, GRE tunnel, CRLSP tunnel.


# Specify tunnel policy policy1 for auto-discovery VSI aaa.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] tunnel-policy policy1

[Sysname-tunnel-policy-policy1] quit

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] tunnel-policy policy1

Related commands

tunnel-policy (system view)


Use vpls-id to set the VPLS ID for a VSI.

Use undo vpls-id to restore the default.


vpls-id vpls-id

undo vpls-id


No VPLS ID is specified for a VSI.


Auto-discovery VSI LDP signaling view

Predefined user roles



vpls-id: Specifies a VPLS ID, a string of 3 to 21 characters. You can specify a VPLS ID in one of the following formats:

·     16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 101:3.

·     32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example,

·     32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number, where the AS number must be equal to or greater than 65536. For example, 65536:1.

Usage guidelines

A VPLS ID uniquely identifies a VPLS instance. Two PEs must have the same VPLS ID to establish a PW.

VPLS IDs are used in the scenarios where BGP is used to find remote PEs and where FEC 129 LDP is used to establish PWs to the remote PEs.

The local PE advertises a BGP update that includes the configured VPLS ID as an extended community attribute to the remote PE. The remote PE compares the received VPLS ID with its own VPLS ID. If the two VPLS IDs are identical, the two PEs use FEC 129 LDP to establish a PW. If not, the PEs do not establish a PW.

To change a VPLS ID, execute the undo vpls-id command to remove the VPLS ID and then execute the vpls-id command.


# Configure the VPLS ID 100:1 for VSI aaa.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] signaling-protocol ldp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto-ldp] vpls-id 100:1

Related commands

display l2vpn pw

display l2vpn vsi


Use vpn-target to configure route targets for an auto-discovery VSI.

Use undo vpn-target to remove route targets for an auto-discovery VSI.


vpn-target vpn-target&<1-8> [ both | export-extcommunity | import-extcommunity ]

undo vpn-target { vpn-target&<1-8> | all } [ both | export-extcommunity | import-extcommunity ]


No route targets are configured for an auto-discovery VSI.


Auto-discovery VSI view

Predefined user roles



vpn-target&<1-8>: Specifies a space-separated list of a maximum of eight route targets.

A route target is a string of 3 to 21 characters in one of the following formats:

·     16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 101:3.

·     32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example,

·     32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number, where the AS number must be equal to or greater than 65536. For example, 65536:1.

both: Uses the specified route targets as both import targets and export targets. The both keyword is used when you do not specify any of both, export-extcommunity, and import-extcommunity.

export-extcommunity: Uses the specified route targets as export targets.

import-extcommunity: Uses the specified route targets as import targets.

all: Removes all route targets.

Usage guidelines

A local PE sets the route targets as export targets in BGP update messages when it advertises L2VPN information through the update messages to a remote peer. The peer uses its import targets to match the received export targets. If a match is found, the peer accepts the L2VPN information.

If you repeat this command, all the configured route targets take effect.


# Configure import route targets as 10:1 100:1 1000:1 and export route targets as 20:1 200:1 2000:1 for auto-discovery VSI aaa.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi aaa

[Sysname-vsi-aaa] auto-discovery bgp

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] vpn-target 10:1 100:1 1000:1 import-extcommunity

[Sysname-vsi-aaa-auto] vpn-target 20:1 200:1 2000:1 export-extcommunity


Use vsi to create a VSI and enter its view, or enter the view of an existing VSI.

Use undo vsi to delete a VSI.


vsi vsi-name

undo vsi vsi-name


No VSIs exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



vsi-name: Specifies a name for the VSI, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

Usage guidelines

You can create multiple PWs for a VSI manually, or by using LDP or BGP.


# Create a VSI named vpls1 and enter VSI view.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpls1


Related commands

display l2vpn vsi

xconnect vsi

Use xconnect vsi to bind an Ethernet service instance to a VSI.

Use undo xconnect vsi to restore the default.


xconnect vsi vsi-name [ access-mode { ethernet | vlan } ] [ track track-entry-number&<1-3> ]

undo xconnect vsi


An Ethernet service instance is not bound to any VSI.


Ethernet service instance view

Predefined user roles



vsi-name: Specifies the name of a VSI, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.

access-mode: Specifies the AC access mode. The default access mode is VLAN.

ethernet: Specifies the access mode as Ethernet.

vlan: Specifies the access mode as VLAN.

track track-entry-number&<1-3>: Specifies a space-separated list of up to three track entry numbers in the range of 1 to 1024. The AC is up only if a minimum of one associated track entry is in positive state.

Usage guidelines

After you bind an Ethernet service instance to a VSI, packets matching the service instance are forwarded according to the MAC address table of the VSI.

The following features are mutually exclusive with one another on a Layer 2 Ethernet interface or Layer 2 aggregate interface:

·     EVB.

·     VLAN mapping.

·     Binding an Ethernet service instance to a VSI or an MPLS L2VPN cross-connect.

Do not configure these features simultaneously on the same interface. Otherwise, the features cannot take effect.

The Ethernet service instance specified in this command must have a packet match criterion configured by the encapsulation command.

The AC access mode determines how the PE considers the VLAN tag in Ethernet frames received from the AC and how the PE forwards Ethernet frames to the AC.

·     VLAN access mode—Ethernet frames received from the AC must carry a VLAN tag in the Ethernet header. The PE considers the VLAN tag as a P-tag assigned by the service provider. Ethernet frames sent to the AC must also carry the P-tag.

·     Ethernet access mode—If Ethernet frames from the AC have a VLAN tag in the header, the PE considers it as a U-tag and ignores it. Ethernet frames sent to the AC do not carry the P-tag.


# Configure Ethernet service instance 200 on HundredGigE 1/0/1 to match packets with outer VLAN tag 200, and bind the Ethernet service instance to VSI vpn1. Associate the Ethernet service instance with track entries 1, 2, and 3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] vsi vpn1

[Sysname-vsi-vpn1] quit

[Sysname] interface hundredgige 1/0/1

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1] service-instance 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] encapsulation s-vid 200

[Sysname-HundredGigE1/0/1-srv200] xconnect vsi vpn1 track 1 2 3

Related commands

display l2vpn service-instance



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