09-Security Command Reference

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17-IP source guard commands
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IP source guard commands

display ip source binding

Use display ip source binding to display IPv4SG bindings.


display ip source binding [ static | [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ arp-snooping | arp-suppression | dhcp-relay | dhcp-server | dhcp-snooping | dot1x ] ] [ ip-address ip-address ] [ mac-address mac-address ] [ vlan vlan-id ] [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ slot slot-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




static: Displays static IPv4SG bindings.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. To display dynamic IPv4SG bindings for the public network, do not specify a VPN instance.

arp-snooping: Specifies the ARP snooping module.

arp-suppression: Specifies the ARP flood suppression module.

dhcp-relay: Specifies the DHCP relay agent module.

dhcp-server: Specifies the DHCP server module.

dhcp-snooping: Specifies the DHCP snooping module.

dot1x: Specifies the 802.1X module. To display dynamic IPv4SG bindings generated based on the 802.1X module, you must also specify the slot through which 802.1X users access the network.

ip-address ip-address: Specifies an IPv4 address.

mac-address mac-address: Specifies a MAC address in H-H-H format.

vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094.

interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays IPv4SG bindings for the master device.


# Display all IPSG bindings on the public network.

<Sysname> display ip source binding

Total entries found: 5

IP Address      MAC Address    Interface                VLAN Type        040a-0000-4000 XGE1/0/1                 1    DHCP snooping        040a-0000-3000 XGE1/0/1                 1    DHCP snooping        040a-0000-2000 XGE1/0/1                 1    DHCP snooping        040a-0000-1000 XGE1/0/2                 N/A  DHCP relay        040a-0000-2000 XGE1/0/2                 N/A  Static

Table 1 Command output



Total entries found

Total number of IPv4SG bindings.

IP Address

IPv4 address in the IPv4SG binding. If no IP address is bound in the binding, this field displays N/A.

MAC Address

MAC address in the IPv4SG binding. If no MAC address is bound in the binding, this field displays N/A.


Interface of the binding. This field displays N/A for a global IPv4SG binding.


VLAN information in the IPv4SG binding. If the binding contains no VLAN information, this field displays N/A.


IPSG binding type:

·     Static—Manually configured by using the ip source binding command. Static bindings are for packet filtering in IPSG or used by other modules to provide security services.

·     ARP snooping—Dynamically generated based on ARP snooping. The binding is for packet filtering in IPSG.

·     ARP suppression—Dynamically generated based on ARP flood suppression. The binding is for packet filtering in IPSG.

·     802.1X—Dynamically generated based on 802.1X. The binding is for packet filtering in IPSG.

·     DHCP relay—Dynamically generated based on DHCP relay agent. The binding is for packet filtering in IPSG.

·     DHCP server—Dynamically generated based on DHCP server. The binding is used by other modules to provide security services.

·     DHCP snooping—Dynamically generated based on DHCP snooping. The binding is for packet filtering in IPSG.


Related commands

ip source binding

ip verify source

display ipv6 source binding

Use display ipv6 source binding to display IPv6SG address bindings.


display ipv6 source binding [ static | [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ dhcpv6-relay | dhcpv6-snooping | dot1x | nd-snooping ] ] [ ip-address ipv6-address ] [ mac-address mac-address ] [ vlan vlan-id ] [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ slot slot-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




static: Displays static IPv6SG address bindings.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. To display dynamic IPv6SG address bindings for the public network, do not specify a VPN instance.

dhcpv6-relay: Specifies the DHCPv6 relay agent module.

dhcpv6-snooping: Specifies the DHCPv6 snooping module.

dot1x: Specifies the 802.1X module. To display dynamic IPv6SG address bindings generated based on the 802.1X module, you must also specify the slot through which 802.1X users access the network.

nd-snooping: Specifies the ND snooping module.

ip-address ipv6-address: Specifies an IPv6 address.

mac-address mac-address: Specifies a MAC address in H-H-H format.

vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094.

interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays IPv6SG address bindings for the master device.


# Display all IPv6SG address bindings on the public network.

<Sysname> display ipv6 source binding

Total entries found: 2

IPv6 Address         MAC Address    Interface               VLAN Type

2012:1222:2012:1222: 000f-2202-0435 XGE1/0/1                1    DHCPv6 snooping


2012:1222:2012:1222: 000f-2202-0436 XGE1/0/1                N/A  Static


Table 2 Command output



Total entries found

Total number of IPv6SG address bindings.

IPv6 Address

IPv6 address in the IPv6SG address binding. If no IPv6 address is bound in the binding, this field displays N/A.

MAC Address

MAC address in the IPv6SG address binding. If no MAC address is bound in the binding, this field displays N/A.


Interface of the IPv6SG address binding. This field displays N/A for a global IPv6SG binding.


VLAN information in the IPv6SG address binding. If the binding contains no VLAN information, this field displays N/A.


Type of the IPv6SG address binding:

·     Static—Manually configured by using the ipv6 source binding command. Static bindings are for packet filtering in IPv6SG or used by other modules to provide security services.

·     DHCPv6 relay—Dynamically generated based on DHCPv6 relay agent. The binding is for packet filtering in IPv6SG.

·     DHCPv6 snooping—Dynamically generated based on DHCPv6 snooping. The binding is for packet filtering in IPv6SG.

·     802.1X—Dynamically generated based on 802.1X. The binding is for packet filtering in IPv6SG.

·     ND snooping—Dynamically generated based on ND snooping. The binding is for packet filtering in IPv6SG.


Related commands

ipv6 source binding

ipv6 verify source

display ipv6 source binding pd

Use display ipv6 source binding pd to display IPv6SG prefix bindings.


display ipv6 source binding pd [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ prefix prefix/prefix-length ] [ mac-address mac-address ] [ vlan vlan-id ] [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ slot slot-number ]


Any views

Predefined user roles




vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. To display IPv6SG prefix bindings for the public network, do not specify a VPN instance.

prefix prefix/prefix-length: Specifies an IPv6 prefix. The value range for the prefix-length argument is 1 to 128. If you do not specify an IPv6 prefix, this command displays all IPv6SG prefix bindings.

mac-address mac-address: Specifies a MAC address in H-H-H format. If you do not specify a MAC address, this command displays IPv6SG prefix bindings for all MAC addresses.

vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN ID in the range of 1 to 4094. If you do not specify a VLAN, this command displays IPv6SG prefix bindings for all VLANs.

interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number. If you do not specify an interface, this command displays IPv6SG prefix bindings for all interfaces.

slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays IPv6SG prefix bindings for the master device.

Usage guidelines

IPv6SG prefix bindings are dynamically obtained from the DHCPv6 snooping module.


# Display all IPv6SG prefix bindings.

<Sysname> display ipv6 source binding pd

Total entries found: 2

IPv6 prefix          MAC address    Interface               VLAN Type

2012:1111::/64       000f-2202-0435 XGE1/0/1                1    DHCPv6 snooping

2012:2222::/64       000f-2202-0436 XGE2/0/1                2    DHCPv6 snooping

Table 3 Command output



Total entries found

Total number of IPv6SG prefix bindings.

IPv6 prefix

IPv6 prefix and prefix length in the IPv6SG prefix binding.

MAC address

MAC address in the IPv6SG prefix binding.

This field displays N/A if no MAC address is bound with the IPv6 prefix.


Interface to which the IPv6SG prefix binding belongs.

This field displays N/A for a global IPv6SG binding.


VLAN information in the IPv6SG prefix binding.

This field displays N/A if the IPv6SG prefix binding does not contain the VLAN information.


Type of the IPv6SG prefix binding.

The value DHCPv6 snooping indicates that the IPv6SG prefix binding is generated based on a DHCPv6 snooping entry.

This field is available in R2612 and later.


Related commands

ipv6 source binding

ipv6 verify source

ip source binding (interface view)

Use ip source binding to configure a static IPv4SG binding on an interface.

Use undo ip source binding to delete the static IPv4SG bindings configured on an interface.


ip source binding { ip-address ip-address | ip-address ip-address mac-address mac-address | mac-address mac-address } [ vlan vlan-id ]

undo ip source binding { all | ip-address ip-address | ip-address ip-address mac-address mac-address | mac-address mac-address } [ vlan vlan-id ]


No static IPv4SG bindings exist on an interface.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface view

VLAN interface view

Predefined user roles



all: Removes all static IPv4SG bindings on the interface.

ip-address ip-address: Specifies an IPv4 address for the static binding. The IPv4 address must be a class A, B, or C address, and cannot be 127.x.x.x or

mac-address mac-address: Specifies a MAC address for the static binding. The MAC address must be in H-H-H format, and cannot be all 0s, all Fs (a broadcast MAC address), or a multicast MAC address.

vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN ID for the static binding. The value range is 1 to 4094. This option is supported only in Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

Usage guidelines

Static IPv4SG bindings on an interface implement the following functions:

·     Filter incoming IPv4 packets on the interface.

·     Check user validity by cooperating with the ARP attack detection feature.

You cannot configure static IPv4SG bindings on a service loopback interface.


# Configure a static IPv4SG binding on Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ip source binding ip-address mac-address 0001-0001-0001

Related commands

display ip source binding

ip source binding (system view)

ip source binding (system view)

Use ip source binding to configure a global static IPv4SG binding.

Use undo ip source binding to delete one or all global static IPv4SG bindings.


ip source binding ip-address ip-address mac-address mac-address

undo ip source binding { all | ip-address ip-address mac-address mac-address }


No global static IPv4SG bindings exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



ip-address ip-address: Specifies the IPv4 address for the static binding. The IPv4 address must be a class A, B, or C address, and cannot be 127.x.x.x or

mac-address mac-address: Specifies the MAC address for the static binding. The MAC address is in the format H-H-H but cannot be all 0s, all Fs (a broadcast MAC address), or a multicast MAC address.

all: Removes all global static IPv4SG bindings.

Usage guidelines

A global static IPv4SG binding takes effect on all interfaces.


# Configure a global static IPv4SG binding.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ip source binding ip-address mac-address 0001-0001-0001

Related commands

display ip source binding

ip source binding (interface view)

ip verify source

Use ip verify source to enable IPv4SG on an interface.

Use undo ip verify source to disable IPv4SG on an interface.


ip verify source { ip-address | ip-address mac-address | mac-address }

undo ip verify source


The IPv4SG feature is disabled on an interface.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface view

VLAN interface view

Predefined user roles



ip-address: Filters incoming packets by source IPv4 addresses.

ip-address mac-address: Filters incoming packets by source IPv4 addresses and source MAC addresses.

mac-address: Filters incoming packets by source MAC addresses.

Usage guidelines

After you enable IPv4SG on an interface, this feature uses static and dynamic IPv4SG bindings to match incoming packets on the interface. Packets that match an IPv4SG binding are forwarded and packets that do not match any IPv4SG binding are discarded.

The matching criterion specified by this command applies only to dynamic IPSG. Static IPv4SG uses static bindings configured by using the ip source binding command.

You cannot enable dynamic IPv4SG on a service loopback interface.


# Enable IPv4SG on Layer 2 Ethernet interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 and verify the source IPv4 address and MAC address for dynamic IPSG.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ip verify source ip-address mac-address

# Enable IPv4SG on VLAN-interface 100 and verify the source IPv4 address and MAC address for dynamic IPSG.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 100

[Sysname-Vlan-interface100] ip verify source ip-address mac-address

# Enable IPv4SG on Layer 3 Ethernet interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 and verify the source IPv4 address and MAC address for dynamic IPSG.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ip verify source ip-address mac-address

# Enable IPv4SG on Layer 3 Ethernet interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 and verify the source MAC address for dynamic IPSG.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ip verify source mac-address

Related commands

display ip source binding

ipv6 source binding (interface view)

Use ipv6 source binding to configure a static IPv6SG binding.

Use undo ipv6 source binding to delete the static IPv6SG bindings configured on an interface.


ipv6 source binding { ip-address ipv6-address | ip-address ipv6-address mac-address mac-address | mac-address mac-address } [ vlan vlan-id ]

undo ipv6 source binding { all | ip-address ipv6-address | ip-address ipv6-address mac-address mac-address | mac-address mac-address } [ vlan vlan-id ]


No static IPv6SG bindings exist on an interface.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface view

VLAN interface view

Predefined user roles



all: Removes all the static IPv6SG bindings on the interface.

ip-address ipv6-address: Specifies an IPv6 address for the static binding. The IPv6 address cannot be an all-zero address, a multicast address, or a loopback address.

mac-address mac-address: Specifies a MAC address for the static binding. The MAC address must be in H-H-H format, and cannot be all 0s, all Fs (a broadcast MAC address), or a multicast MAC address.

vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN ID for the static binding. The value range is 1 to 4094. This option is supported only in Layer 2 Ethernet interface view.

Usage guidelines

Static IPv6SG bindings on an interface filter incoming IPv6 packets

You cannot configure static IPv6SG bindings on a service loopback interface.


# Configure a static IPv6SG binding on Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ipv6 source binding ip-address 2001::1 mac-address 0002-0002-0002

Related commands

display ipv6 source binding

display ipv6 source binding pd

ipv6 source binding (system view)

ipv6 source binding (system view)

Use ipv6 source binding to configure a global static IPv6SG binding.

Use undo ipv6 source binding to delete one or all global static IPv6SG bindings.


ipv6 source binding ip-address ipv6-address mac-address mac-address

undo ipv6 source binding { all | ip-address ipv6-address mac-address mac-address }


No global static IPv6SG bindings exist.


System view

Predefined user roles



ipv6-address ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address for the static binding. The IPv6 address cannot be an all-zero address, a multicast address, or a loopback address.

mac-address mac-address: Specifies the MAC address for the static binding. The MAC address must be in H-H-H format, and cannot be all 0s, all Fs (a broadcast MAC address), or a multicast MAC address.

all: Removes all global static IPv6SG bindings.

Usage guidelines

A global static IPv6SG binding takes effect on all interfaces.


# Configure a global static IPv6SG binding.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] ipv6 source binding ipv6-address 2001::1 mac-address 0002-0002-0002

Related commands

display ipv6 source binding

display ipv6 source binding pd

ipv6 source binding (interface view)

ipv6 verify source

Use ipv6 verify source to enable IPv6SG on an interface.

Use undo ipv6 verify source to disable IPv6SG on an interface.


ipv6 verify source { ip-address | ip-address mac-address | mac-address }

undo ipv6 verify source


The IPv6SG feature is disabled on an interface.


Layer 2 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet interface view

Layer 3 Ethernet subinterface view

VLAN interface view

Predefined user roles



ip-address: Filters incoming packets by source IPv6 addresses.

ip-address mac-address: Filters incoming packets by source IPv6 addresses and source MAC addresses.

mac-address: Filters incoming packets by source MAC addresses.

Usage guidelines

After you enable IPv6SG on an interface, this feature uses static and dynamic IPv6SG bindings to match incoming packets on the interface. Packets that match an IPv6SG binding are forwarded and packets that do not match any IPv6SG binding are discarded.

The matching criterion specified by this command applies only to dynamic IPv6SG. Static IPv6SG uses static bindings configured by using the ipv6 source binding command.

You cannot enable dynamic IPv6SG on a service loopback interface.


# Enable IPv6SG on Layer 2 Ethernet interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 and verify the source IPv6 address and MAC address for dynamic IPv6SG.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/1

[Sysname-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] ipv6 verify source ip-address mac-address

Related commands

display ipv6 source binding

display ipv6 source binding pd

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