H3C CAS Virtualization Platform

H3C Cloud Automation System (CAS) is a virtualization and cloud computing management software independently developed by H3C for data centers. It uses a virtualization kernel that meets telecom-grade performance and availability requirements and supports integrated delivery of computing, storage, network, and security virtualization resources. CAS can minimize the number of data center servers, consolidate IT infrastructure resources within the data center, streamline IT operations, and enhance management efficiency, which ultimately increases physical resource usage and decreases total ownership costs considerably. Using this state-of-the-art virtualization and cloud operations management system, the IT department can build a secure, reliable data center environment that quickly responds to the demands of business departments and offers better services at lower costs.

H3C CAS architecture

H3C CAS consists of the Cloud Virtualization Kernel (CVK) and Cloud Virtualization Manager (CVM) components, providing powerful data center virtualization and management capabilities.

CVK runs between the underlying infrastructure and the upper-layer guest operating systems (OSs). It isolates the guest OSs from the underlying hardware. The guest OSs accesses the infrastructure through CVK without having to concern about the varieties and complexities in hardware. CVK is essential to the performance of CAS in hardware compatibility, high reliability, scalability, and performance optimization in a virtual environment.

CVM manages virtualization of computing, network, and storage resources within the data center and provides automated services for upper layer applications. It provides services including virtual computing, virtual networking, virtual storage, high availability (HA), dynamic resource scheduling (DRS), dynamic resource expansion (DRX), GPU resource pool, virtual machine backup and recovery, KVM virtualization management, vSwitch management, high reliability management, virtualization security management, and log audit interfaces. In addition, it offers open northbound REST interfaces and plugins compatible with OpenStack to integrate with third-party cloud management platforms and standard OpenStack cloud platforms (including versions such as Liberty, Mikata, Pike), respectively, shielding the complex and heterogeneous virtualization infrastructure beneath.
